MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 94 Spread out

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Although Zhang Qingyan is only a successor, it is not a pulse, but it is always the blood of Zhang. With the reputation of Zhang’s family among the readers, Zhang Qingyan has not yet entered the palace, and she has already written a poem for her, and she praised her marriage with Kailong.

It is a pity that the gorgeous rhetoric, and the wonderful praise, can not conceal the fact that the Emperor Kailong has been dying. A 16-year-old flower-like woman marries a man who is older than her father, and can get nothing but the noble phoenix.

However, Zhang Qingyan does not care. For her, what the emperor looks like and how old it is is not important. What is important is that she will soon become the queen of the annals of history. This is how many women in the world can’t get dreams. opportunity?

She listened to the poems that praised her, listened to the compliments to her, even she thought that she was the most outstanding woman in the world, what is the talent of the county, and the demure of the county, Wang Hao, What is the king of the world, what is it compared to her?

She is the queen, the most noble woman in the world. These ladies who have been complimented and praised for being tall are all squatting in front of her. How refreshing it is.

"Girl, Mrs. Zhang is coming, and the lady invited you to the front hall to meet the old lady." A sly came in from the flower hall and saw Zhang Qingyan reading a book, then whispered, "Mrs. said, the old lady has seen more people, let her Pointing you more and more, it will be good for your future days in the palace."

Zhang Qingyan heard the frowning, remembering the face of the old family, Mrs. Zhang’s dignified and almost proud, and said: “I went to the main house to ask her for peace. When is this time not high, I now see our family and I want to climb. It’s ridiculous to pull one or two."

It’s too much to say this, I can’t wait to see my ears, but I’m not the only one who can’t hear it, but she’s a queen of the future, she’s not even dare to show her disrespectful manners.

In the front hall, Mrs. Zhang looked calmly and put down the tea pot in her hand. She slowly wiped her lips and said: "It seems that your girl has no time to see my wife. But it is not early, I should return."

"Old lady!" Zhang Mu's face turned red, but her personality was dull, not good at talking, seeing the old lady of the main house was mad by her own daughter, busy getting up to help the old lady.

Mrs. Zhang experienced the pain of losing her son. Now her heart is very peaceful. She glanced at the panicked mother Zhang, patted her back and sighed and went out.

Outside, I thought that Zhang’s family would have grown up since then, but she felt that Zhang’s family was now caught in a quagmire that could not climb out. The emperor's age is already high, and there is no child under his knees. The emperor is young and born with ominousness. Zhang Qingyan, a girl who doesn't know the world, enters the palace where he eats people. How much skill can he give birth to the emperor?

In the palace, those deep-hearted things that we can't do, Zhang Qingyan has something to do with the sky?

What's more, nowadays, the temper of the mid-rise, Zhang Qingyan's temper, can save his life is to accumulate a few generations of virtue, but also want to have children?

Mrs. Zhang’s mouth showed a sneer, and she thought of her uncle who was unclear, and thought about the royal family. There was a trace of hatred in the eyes.

When the hand holding the **** was getting ready to get on the carriage, she suddenly saw the prince, Pu Yi, passing by the prince. She couldn’t help but look at it a few times and turned around and asked her side: "Where is the king Wang passed?"

I carefully looked at the two eyes: "It seems to be the driving of the king of the goddess."

Mrs. Zhang nodded. After entering the carriage, she sighed helplessly. Her son died early, and her eldest daughter was not a worry-free person. She was not convinced, but her eyes were short-sighted, if not because of her son-in-law and Yi’an Hou Nai. It’s a sibling, I’m afraid I’ve already offended the Yi’an family.

There is also her granddaughter who was sent to the Taoist temple. She did not know that she had provoked anything wrong with her. She forced her to make a move to the wealthy family who had been waiting for her life. It is not a trivial matter to think about it.

The only thing that made her happy was that the grandson knew that she was motivated and had a close relationship with the younger generation. I heard that even Wang Xian was very close to him. In the past few days, people also sent the answers of the scholars from previous years to the grandson. This can be seen that the Chinese family values ​​his grandson.

The children of the family can't get rid of the support of the family. If the whole family is not to be seen, unless the whole court changes the land, the life will be gone.

Nowadays, it’s harder to see the Holy Ghost. Although the King of Shengjun seems to be in full swing, it is actually worse than the famous King who is famous.

If it is a king...

Mrs. Zhang did not dare to think about it anymore, and began to close her eyes with the car wall.

I only want Zhang Qingyan’s family to know that the king is not aware of it. Otherwise, in the position of Fahrenheit in the heart of the king, after the centuries, I am afraid that even the Zhang family will be implicated.

This Hua Huaxi does not know that Zhang’s old lady is concentrating on her own heart. She is not going out for others today, or to see Hua Yiliu.

A few days ago, Hua Yiliu was clamoring to see her. She didn't pay attention to it. Who knows that she started to go crazy in the past two days, not only smashing things, but also hurting the Taoist priests in the audience, and smashing the shackles that she served around her. She had to come out and walk this way.

In her memory, although Hua Yiliu is dull, but not tyrannical, it is now like this, even if she is on the face of the second uncle, she has to go this way.

"Wang Hao, it is here."

Hua Xiyu helped Hung Hom’s hand to get off the carriage, and the Taoist real people who had been receiving her had a Taoist ritual. They laughed and said: “My sister’s body has been uncomfortable in the past and has been recuperating and harassing you.”

"There is no life and happiness, Sanqing compassion, and what troubles," said the woman's road, leading Huaxia into the Taoist temple, all the way to the west, after everyone came to a quiet and pleasant small courtyard, the women's road stopped the footsteps, "gongde Lord, the front is the yard where the Chinese layman lives, please."

"Thank you, Daochang," Hua Xizhen took a group of eunuchs and walked close to the courtyard. Before they entered the main house, they heard the sound of falling and beating in the house. The brows were slightly wrinkled.

When the red dragonfly saw it, he stepped forward and said: "The slave is red, and the lady is seen."

Suddenly, the main room suddenly quieted down. After a while, the main entrance slowly opened. The door was opened with a little shackled scorpion. It was wearing a half old and new scorpion. When she saw that the person was Hua Xi, it was like a plaque. It seems to shrink to the corner of the door.

The red dragonfly saw the appearance of Xiaoyan, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked up at the door and saw Huayiliu sitting on the edge of the yellow pear tree. Hua Yiliu wore a willow-colored succulent skirt, and the hair of the lily was inserted into the embroidered ruby ​​gold step, giving a sense of swaying.

"You are finally here," Hua Yiliu took a sip from the teacup on the table, then slowly put down the teacup and pulled out the embroidered pad gently to wipe the corner of his mouth. "My sister wants to see you, It’s really not easy."

The red-browed brow wrinkled more tightly. Miss Tang’s gesture was like a bit of a taste of Wang Hao. What did she want to do?

Hua Xi's gaze slowly swept over the wrist of Hua Yi Liu wearing a jade gold bracelet. He smiled lightly: "If you are hot today, wearing a gold bracelet is not so comfortable. There are two pairs of glass bracelets in the sister. If the sister is not If you dislike it, take it and play it." She will not see that Hua Yiliu’s attitude towards her is not right. She is not a person who complains with morality. Since others don’t give her face, she can’t make her face to others.

"Sister is now Wang Hao, what rare things are not, my sister is very thin, can not match these good things!" Hua Yiliu suddenly sneered and swept the teacup on the table, suddenly the fine porcelain was broken. The little cockroaches who had been hiding in the corner of the door were even more frightened. It seemed that they were extremely afraid of Hua Yiliu’s move.

Seeing Hua Yiliu’s moody appearance, Hua Xiyu was not angry. Instead, he sat down on a chair nearby and slowly shook his hand in the fan. He smiled and looked at Hua Yiliu: “Sister is called I am coming, I don't know why?"

"Let me go out!" Hua Yiliu looked at her with a burning look. "I know you can let me go!"

Hua Xi's hand shook his hand slightly, looked up at the elegant furnishings in the room, and sighed: "This condition of my sister, my sister can't promise."


"Why can you be my master?"

"Even if you are Wang Hao, is it only you who is the daughter of Huajia?!"

Hua Yi Liu will smash his eyes to Hua Xi, if there are not two vigorously stop him, I am afraid that she has already rushed to the front of Hua Xi.

Hua Xi saw the madness of Huayi Liuyan’s resentment, and his mind raised a kind of incomprehensible complex meaning: “I thought that my sister left the family and could live a peaceful life again. Go to this step."

Hua Yiliu, who was still mad, heard this, and the whole body was like a lightning strike. Half a slap in the face and cried: "What do you think is that you are now a prince, and you are envious of everyone in the capital." Woman, why did you think of my difficulties?"

Some red mouths that have always had a quick mouth can't help but say: "Miss Tang, your marriage is the master of the second lady, and it is unfortunate that we have nothing to do with us. When you were in a quagmire, Wang Hao was married to a woman. At the door of the house, I support you. We have a place where you can't live with you. Instead, you deliberately misled the Minghui County, and the royal family thought that Wang Hao was really a woman, if not you..."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to go to this step today," Hua Xi did not want to let Hung Hom talk too much. She looked at Hua Yiliu, who was full of resentment, and suddenly she was somewhat embarrassed. "I asked myself. I am not sorry for my sister’s place. Since my sister is full of grievances to me, I have nothing to say.”

"From small to big, you are better than me. My father is Hou Ye. The father and brother in the government love you and protect you. It is just a reward for the whole day, taste the food, and learn the martial arts. But I, the whole day to learn the woman's way, the matter of the family, even then, I am still not as good as you, you are not a face that looks better than me?" Hua Yi Liu smiled, "If you are not in the face, show Wang Daodao will also fall in love with you."

After listening to this speech, Hua Xiyi said with a smile: "What about it? Is it necessary to test my man's mind, I have to draw my own face?"

Hua Yiliu’s hate is Hua Xi’s indescribable appearance, as if she had opened her mouth and wanted something to be sent to her. But they are all daughters of Huajia. Why do people have a good life, and some people are unfortunate?

Lianhua Yiliu himself did not know when it was time to start smashing Huaxi, perhaps when the cold-hearted grandmother was particularly gentle to the three sisters, perhaps it was outside the rumor that the three sisters were salt-free but she was able to marry the king. Or, if she is unfortunate, but she has become the star of the crowd, or the person she likes is...

She used to hope that Hua Xiyu could live a good life, but when Hua Xiyi crossed the better, and she could only live like a dry life, she gradually had hate in her heart.

Unable to hate the parents, then the infinite Huaxia, became the vent of her emotions.

"My sister is so savage to me. I am relying only on my tolerance for my family." The smile on Hua Xi's face gradually converges. "Our cousins ​​have been for more than ten years. You naturally know that I will not be a man." It’s your life. But you haven’t thought about it. Will the man you remember remember more than you, will he want your life?”

Hua Xi was tired of Hua Yi Liu, and he simply said: "Huajia sent you to Taoism, but it is to keep you alive. If you really want to leave, I will not stop you. The Chinese can keep it. Can you keep your life for a while?"

When Hua Yiliu was stunned, she wanted to say that the king of the scenery could not be a cold-blooded person, but Zhang Kaizi could not tell.

Only half a squatting mouth, unable to rest on the chair.

Seeing her appearance, Hua Xiyu stood up and said in a plain tone: "If your sister calms down, think about the road in the future. The Taoist temple is the pure land of Tianzun. If you are so busy again, you will be disturbed by the retreat of the gods. That's not very good."

After saying this, she went outside the door. When she got to the door, she was stopped by Hua Yiliu. She looked back and Huayi Liu was sitting in a chair with a look of surprise.

"Is the sister's words really true?"

Hua Xi sighed: "Why do I need to lie to you on this kind of thing?"

"I understand." Hua Yiliu lowered his head and concealed his emotions. After a moment, he looked up and smiled at Hua Xi: "My sister is slow, my sister will not send you."

Hua Xiyu nodded and stepped out of the threshold.

"Be careful on the road."

Hua Xi菀 turned back and saw Hua Yiliu’s face hidden in the shadow of the light, but the corner of his mouth was tightly squatting.

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