MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 89 funeral

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The death knell sounded in the palace, and it stopped after seven sounds.

The emperor in the dungeon sat on the ground, and then he cried and smiled: "It’s over, it’s all over."

She and her later married to the emperor, and later became the queen of one person under the 10,000 people, and succeeded in giving birth to the emperor. She was destined to be the fate of Ronghua I. Why did she turn into a prisoner?

If the Queen Mother is still alive now, they still have a chance to live. Now that the Queen Mother is gone, all the people in the world think that it is the Queen Mother who is harming her.

Before the death of the Queen Mother, she did not forget to praise Wang Xianshun. So, in the history of the official, there was another record about Jin Jinqiu.

There are words before the Empress Dowager: Ziling, the filial son also, the mourners go without fear, only worry about this son, hope that the emperor is good.

In order to show his filial piety in the entire capital, the Emperor Kailong disregarded his own identity, and he was a filial piety for the Queen Mother. He was also a vegetarian in the daytime. Every time he mentioned the Queen Mother’s good for him, he would not help himself. Cry.

The behavior of Kailong Emperor finally saved some of his own name of filial piety, although there are still many people who think that he is doing the play, but the face is finally decent.

The various rumors about the Queen’s poisoning of the Queen have already been widely recognized. Perhaps people will have a respect for the deceased in nature, so most of these rumors are how vicious the Queen’s behavior is. A lonely old lady is in the harem. How sad the days are.

Others have heard that the Queen had deliberately given the ginseng of the ginseng to the Queen Mother, and was very scornful to the Queen Mother.

The Queen’s reputation has plummeted, and it’s no different from the sinister woman of the disaster. Even many of the storytellers described the Queen as a deceitful scam, and there was no such thing as a good demon. Otherwise, the Prince would not be so bad. The prince is good at teaching.

"The world is always accustomed to blaming the child's badness on the mother's lack of education. If the child is prosperous, the tiger's father has no dogs." Hua Xiyu played with his hand in the silver, slowly slowing his own hair. Wipe all the fat powder on the face. "The queen is not a good person, but it is not as bad as the rumors. She is just..."

Hua Xiyu suddenly stopped talking and looked at Jin Jinqiu, who was wearing a burqin robe. "The rumors outside..."

"It has nothing to do with me," Jin Jinqiu picked a silver bracelet from the box and put it on her hand. Then she looked at the three silver plaques that she used to fix the hairpins. "The queen has already fallen." In such a way, I can't do anything more to target her."

Hua Xi sighed and smiled. "I am not asking this rumor, but the rumors about the emperor."

"This is the warning of God," said Jin Jinqiu, who had a robes and a linen robes that were very rough, but it was not uncomfortable to wear a comfortable silk blouse inside. "The world only likes to believe what they think of. It doesn't matter much to me."

"Oh," Hua Xixiao smiled and took off the silver bracelet that Jin Jinqiu put on himself. "Hot filial period, wear this to do."

Looking at the vicissitudes of Hua Xi, the Jin Qiu sighed: "I can't bear to let you suffer a little bit of grievance."

Hua Xixiao smiled and reached out and squeezed his earlobe: "The mouth is smooth."

Backhand holding the hand of Hua Xijun, Jin Jinqiu stole a kiss on her side: "This is my true heart."

"Have you heard a word?"


Hua Xijun ate and laughed: "I believe that a man has a mouth, it is better to believe that the day can be a ghost."

"The nonsense," Jin Jinqiu smiled helplessly. He did not think that Hua Xizhen would dare to say such a shocking word, and reached out and took her into her arms. "This can't be heard by others."

"You are not someone else," Hua Xiyu threw a wink at the other side. After seeing Jin Qiu's eyes getting hotter and hotter, he pushed him back and got up and took care of his clothes. "Wang Ye is still preparing to enter the palace. This is hot filial piety."

Helpless smile, 晏 Jinqiu said: "I understand."

The two went to the palace to cry for the Queen Mother, because the weather was too hot, so after Qin Tianjian saw the day, he decided to let the Queen Mother stop for 14 days, which is the shortest time.

There are countless ice basins around the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. When the ice is half, it is necessary to replace it with new ice, so as to prevent the corpses of the Queen Mother from spoiling, but even then, when Hua Xi’s sin into the hall, he still feels sandalwood mixed. A variety of incense sticks made her very uncomfortable.

She kneels on the futon, listens to the crying cry of the crying people, throws the paper money into the basin one by one, and through the fire she glances at the Empress Dowager, and there is a kind of incomprehensible feeling in her heart. In the back palace, the Queen Mother is also the last person to laugh. Who can think that she will die in this way.

She did not believe that this was the Queen’s act. Perhaps the emperor’s heart did not believe it. However, this fact is too conclusive. If the emperor is willing to stand up and speak for the Queen, if there is no successful reversal, then the eyes of the world In the meantime, the emperor was bent on concealing the queen and deliberately delaying the time.

The emperor accompanied the emperor for many years, but now it is concealed, I am afraid that her man will not risk the destruction of his reputation, and come out to call her.

A white shadow squatted beside her. She turned her head and looked at the person. She sighed slightly: "Prince."

"It’s good to show the king," Prince Edward threw a few sheets of paper into the basin, rubbed his hand with a reddish but tear-free eye. "Wang Hao seems to have reduced it, please pay more attention to his body."

"It’s just that I haven’t slept well in recent days,” Hua Xi’s eyebrows sighed. “How can I come here soon after the Prince has just given birth to the emperor?” If she is not wrong, the Prince’s has not yet come out. Month?

"I just want to see her old man before the burial of the Queen Mother." After Lin finished speaking, he threw a stack of paper money and saw that the fire in the basin was getting bigger and bigger. She said with no expression. "Additional hearing Here, I want to see more."

Hua Xixi did not know the meaning of her words, so she did not speak.

"I heard that Wang Hao’s cousin was married to my brother?" Lin did not care that Hua Xizhen did not speak. He said, "My brother is a reliable man. Your Chinese girl is married to him. Don't worry." Wronged."

Hua Xijun then burned the paper, not letting the fire in the pot go out: "Before the hall, I don't think it is suitable to talk about these problems."

"You are right," Lin told the Empress Dowager about three heavy heads, and all the paper money in his hand was thrown into the flame. "This kind of festive thing is too out of place here."

Hua Xizhen noticed that Lin’s something was wrong, frowned, and hesitated for a moment and said: “Please also ask the Prince to take care of the body, and the Royal Highness still needs you.”

Lin smiled. This smile appeared on the mourning hall. It was really awkward, but Hua Xiyu saw the infinite sorrow and grief from this smile.

"I used to think that if I didn't marry into the royal family, I would be very happy to be close to a woman like you," Lin gently shook his hand. "It's a pity that there are not so many in the world, if so, if Wang Hao, may you be different from us."

After she finished speaking, she stood up from the futon and became deeply stunned by the Empress Dowager. She turned and strode away from the Hall.

"Prince," Hua Xijun faintly felt that something was wrong, and he looked back, but only saw Lin's determined and straight back.

She squatted for a while, and when she saw the fire in the basin, she was about to go out, and she threw a few chapters of paper money back, but her brows wrinkled unconsciously.

At this moment, another person was kneeling beside her. It was Xu Wangzi’s son. They both beheaded each other and then sat silent and monotonous and boring.

After half an hour, Ning Wang Shizi and Shengjun Wangfu replaced the position of the two of them. They only took the numb legs and walked out of the hall. The hall of the hall also guarded many royals. The face is mournful, as if the Queen Mother had the supreme status in their hearts.

When Jin Jinqi saw Hua Xiyu coming out, there was something wrong with the walking posture. She knew that she had been kneeling for a long time and couldn’t help but sit up and hold her down on the wooden chair next to her, but he was in the crowd. Not doing anything else, I had to pinch her palm.

Xu Wang Shizi sat down on the other side, and she looked at Hua Xiyu and once again beheaded each other.

Xu Wang Shizi thought, if it wasn't the Taiyuan's mourning hall, it would probably be obvious that Wang would not be able to resist the knees of the king. She originally thought that Wang Wang was a false impression, but now she feels that if this is not a real feeling, then the king is too terrible, because a person will play the show to such a degree, I do not know how much I am. ?

Every day after the royals of the royal family took turns to complete the spirit, they returned to their homes in a carriage with white lanterns, and then the next day.

On the day when the Queen Mother was buried, the weather was exceptionally sunny, and the morning sun hanging in the sky was enough to roast people.

Hua Xiyu and Jin Jinqiu are sitting in the carriage. When the team stops, they will go to the carriage and go to the ceremony. After the ceremony is said, the carriage can continue to move forward.

After so much tossing halfway, Hua Xizhen felt that he was about to roast the adult and sneaked a few mouthfuls of herbal tea in the carriage before he felt a little better.

The coffin was sent to the Imperial Tomb, and the Queen Mother was buried with the name of the Empress Dowager Cixi. When the Emperor’s Mausoleum was closed, all the spirits were sent to the three worships, and the emperor personally read a copy of himself. After the prayer, the people were ordered to get up.

Before getting on the carriage, Hua Xi couldn't help but look back at the Emperor Mausoleum behind him, and there was a kind of sorrowful feeling in his heart.

"Be careful under your feet," 晏 Jinqiu gently held her hand, softly, "Hot outside, go in."

Looking back at the man standing next to him, Hua Xi smiled and stepped into the carriage on the footstool.

Jin Jinqiu followed the carriage. After entering, he saw Hua Xi's sweaty look. He took out the brocade handkerchief hidden in his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his face carefully. "Go back and have a good night's sleep."

Hua Xiyu shook his back and smiled and said: "Okay."