MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 78 Queen Mother

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After the Shangyuan Festival, the people in the capital gradually came out from the shadows of the death of the Hummer and the Prince. For ordinary people, it is not important for ordinary people to sleep and die. What is important is that the days of peace should not be broken.

The emperor’s willingness to chase the Prince’s will eventually failed to be released, because the Prince’s private morality was too corrupt and ruthless, and he could not be defeated by the father of the Emperor Kailong, unless the unborn Queen’s grandson later The ability to argue, the ridiculous Prince may also be chased as an emperor.

The Prince was in the Suzaku Hall for 30 days, and the Taoist priests from all the avenues continued to give the princes a practice. Finally, the prince was buried with a seal, although the word "Chengcheng" was a waste for the Prince, but the people were already dead, and the emperor had already Concession, they do not want to argue with the emperor for a title.

Shortly after the prince’s burial, the emperor began to be interested in the harem, and even had the idea of ​​recruiting women into the palace. However, after only a few words, the next day he rested this thought and let some of the families in the DPRK have The daughter of the daughter was relieved in her heart.

Although some people wondered how the emperor changed his mind overnight, but it was not the pot that did not open the pot. The emperor did not mention it, and they all pretended not to hear.

The prince sat quietly by the window. She looked at her eyes and looked awkwardly. She looked bored with her expression: "You all go back, I want to be alone."

"Please ask the Prince to forgive sins, slaves and other people who are ordered to protect you personally, please understand," the leader's attitude is careful, the tone is respectful, but he has not stood back in the same place.

"The emperor asked you to protect the palace. I didn't say that you would monitor this palace." Prince Edward only felt that his heart was innocent, and he waved his sleeves and pushed the body soup in front of him to the ground. There was a kind of pleasure in her heart. "You give me a roll!"

A few glimpses of her heart is not stable, worried that she angered and injured the fetus in the abdomen, had to pick up the broken pieces of the ground, and then hurriedly exited the door.

The people who had filled the room finally retired, and the prince squinted and cried silently. She remembered the time when she was just married with the prince. She remembered how the prince was obsessed with the female color. She remembered that the prince came out of the dungeon a few days ago and learned that she was ecstatic when she was pregnant.

The prince is aware that his body is a little weak because of the good female color, which makes the woman pregnant with some difficulties, so she is so happy after learning that she is pregnant.

But only her heart knows that this child in her belly has nothing to do with the Prince. The hand gently caressed the already raised belly, and she couldn't forget how the queen looked at her eyes when she was buried.

She understands that the Queen must have known that the fetus in her abdomen is not a prince, but she is already involuntarily, the Prince or the Queen, and all she can do is to wait silently, waiting for the moment the child is born.

But how can her fate become like this, if she did not marry the royal family, why should she encounter such an embarrassing thing, why should she become a young widow at a young age?

Maybe she doesn't want anyone in the house to be a girl. Only in this way can she ensure that this child can grow up safely. Because there are too many pairs of this fetus in her belly, she has to be a little scared.

The more I wanted to be afraid, the more I felt that my palm was not noticed by the unconscious bleeding.

"Prince." The voice of the prince's close-knit maid sounded outside the door. She sat up and wiped her face and tears. "Now."

After the close-up maid came in, she noticed that the face of the prince was a little bit wrong, but she didn't ask much, but she pretended not to notice anything: "The slave has heard a message."

"What?" Although Prince did not like to calculate, but she is now standing in this position, only choose to start first.

"A few days ago, the Queen Mother chatted with several mistresses. In the words, she talked about Wang Hao. It seems that she was not satisfied with the news that she had been married for a year." The prostitute whispered, "I even gave some tonics yesterday." Wang Wang, this is suggesting that she had children earlier."

Although the position is different, but the prince is quite appreciative of Hua Xiyu, and her family and the Chinese family have decided to kiss, she does not want to make things too stiff. However, now that the Queen Mother is eager to let Hua Xisheng have children, I am afraid that I want to increase the bargaining power of the King. However, the Chinese Valentine’s Day is not up to expectations, and the Queen Mother’s anxious way is not a clever way.

Not to mention that Hua Xizhen is still young and young, he said that Hua Xizhen is now a double nine-year-old, and the Queen Mother should not be so obvious. What makes others look at the royal family? The young couple are very affectionate. This is the grandmother, but she is only anxious to make a child. It is a real heart and her posture is slightly ugly.

"The Queen Mother's move, isn't it that Wang Xianyi was wronged?" Prince Zi slightly raised his eyebrows, and Wang Wang liked to show Wang Hao. She was seen by her own eyes. The Queen Mother will definitely lead to Wang Hao’s unhappiness. In the middle of the Queen Mother and the Queen, it will be more or less separated from the Queen Mother. This is not a bad thing for her.

"The Queen Mother is concerned about the younger generation, we don't need to set it." The Prince said faintly, "We are going to keep an eye on our people at the Royal County." Her biggest enemy is not the king, but the person who looks like a correct person. Selfless King of the County.

The descendants of the Wangfu House have become extraordinarily cautious since yesterday, because they have heard that the Queen Mother seems to be dissatisfied with their family, Wang Hao, and Wang Hao is favored by the princes. If it is because of this bad mood, they are not guilty of them. Be the next person?

Some of the beautiful cockroaches are secretly happy in the heart. The elders are dissatisfied with Wang Hao, which means that the prince may decide to succumb to the feelings of the Queen Mother. Do they have a chance?

Hua Xiyu looked at the gift list of the Queen Mother, which is the remedy for ginseng Angelica and other yin and blood. She took a ginseng body tea and said to the orange autumn road: "The Queen Mother is very good to me." These are all fine medicines, and it is rare to have money."

I didn’t know how to answer the question at the end of the autumn. Although she was a close-knit maid, she was not brought by Hou Fu from Wang Fu. She was not as good as the other three sisters in front of Wang Hao, so she became more cautious when she waited. I am afraid that I will be dissatisfied with Wang Hao.

The sudden action of the Empress Dowager is not a good thing for Wang Hao. In the event of a nap in the king of Shengjun, the palace does not know how many bad things will happen.

Hua Xi sees the orange autumn carefully, and puts a hand in his hand: "Take everything up." Although the orange autumn is steady and steady, she still prefers to use white and other three people, probably these three people can better observe the color.

In the palace of the Queen Mother, Jin Jinqiu was in front of the back: "Grandma, please take back the decree, Fahrenheit has no children, it is not her problem, but the grandson does not want children now."

"You are so deeply rooted in the king of the king?" The Queen Mother did not think that the child she raised was actually a seed of infatuation. She did not have any dissatisfaction with Hua Xi, but she did not allow Jin Jinqiu to become a Infatuated seeds, "Moreover, you are now twenty years old, and there are no men and women in the knee. What is it like?"

"The current situation is not stable, and the grandchildren are afraid to take the children to take risks," said Jin Jinqiu with grief. "The grandchildren also want children very much, but now is not the best time for children."

The Queen Mother suddenly became stunned. Now the party in the DPRK is fiercely fighting. It is the one in the belly of the Prince. There is no protection from the emperor, and there is no guarantee that he will be born safely, let alone a fetus in the palace.

"Grandma, do you still remember when your grandson was six years old?" Jin Jinqiu looked up at the Queen Mother with some envy and nostalgia in his eyes.

The Queen Mother began to think back to the year.

"I don't know who is chewing on the back of the year, saying that grandson is not your grandson. You raise your grandson just to cope with the Queen's Empress. The grandson is angry and has those few people. Because the grandson knows, even Suner is not your grandson, but your grandchildren’s mind is better than your grandson.” 晏Jinqiu’s eyes are red, “The grandson was thinking that night, the father is your biological son, so No one will say behind the gossip."

"Fahrenheit and Suner are married couples. I want her children and grandchildren to be full. I think she has her own son and grandson. It doesn't have to be like my mother, because of the sorrow and depression." Put your head gently in front of the Queen’s knees. “The grandfather and the father made his woman suffer this crime. The grandson didn’t want to let his woman try it again. The grandson was incompetent and could only make up for the heart with Fahrenheit. Sorry." Speaking of this, Jin Jinqiu has been whispering.

The Empress Dowager for a long time, reaching out to touch the top of Jin Jinqiu, the tone trembled: "The House of Sorrow does not know that you have such a heart. The mourners must not love the Emperor first, and have no son under the knees to nurture your growth. It can be regarded as a regret in the heart of the mourner. You can understand the sufferings of the mourner and your mother. It is not the same as your mother used to protect you." The Queen Mother recalled the past and began to talk about the little things in the past. I feel that there is no such thing as white raising Jinqiu in these years.

Yan Jinqiu's shoulders shivered slightly, trying to make his tone sound normal: "It's a grandson who is incompetent and can't let you live as you wish."

"There is always a chance." The Queen’s very gentle pat on the top of Jinqiu’s head, some tired and squatting on the front line. “Your home is actually a good one. Since you don’t want to be jealous, the mourning is not forced. You. Don't take care of your child for a while, as long as you have a few in your heart."

Seeing the tiredness behind the back, Jin Jinqiu’s interest in the ceremony was retired. After the palace was taken back to the carriage of the palace, the envy of his face disappeared without a trace.

In order to ensure that his grandson was filial enough to her, the Queen Mother used a lot of means, even his mother died young, and there were also Queen Mother's hands and feet behind him. I thought that without my mother, my father would love him, would he be especially envious of her grandmother?

The Queen Mother wanted to use the power of him and the king's palace to curb the emperor to ensure her grandeur's honor. Nowadays, what the Queen Mother wants is the Empress Dowager, whom is truly respected by the emperor.

He wanted him, but he did not intend to grieve the only woman around him, to take a shortcut that did not know the result.

Some things can be obtained without sacrificing a woman.

The author has something to say: the hills and the emperor plus the sinister emperor...