MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 73 Mentality

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The assassination of Hua Xiyu quickly set off an uproar in the capital. The people in the Xi’an waiting room sent several waves to send things. Although the Chinese family knew clearly that the palace was not lacking, it could not resist. The Chinese family sent their steps.

Even Yao, who is somewhat stingy in Huasan’s family, sent people to send supplements. According to her words, it’s not pleasing to see Hua Xi’s dead girl, and she didn’t think she’s inexplicably sent her life. I am looking forward to her being a molder or not having a good life with her own daughter, but she is not willing to die.

The Chinese family sent things to the palace, and other royals followed them. Other families who had a relationship with the Wangfu, who had a close relationship with the Chinese, followed the steady stream of things to the king, regardless of whether they had a half. Really, but at least they expressed their deep regret for the assassination of Hua Xi.

After the incident came out, the atmosphere in the capital was much more tense. It was not that these people were afraid of being assassinated, but they speculated that the more terrible fact was that some people wanted to eradicate the king.

As everyone knows, because the king is very fond of re-emphasizing Wang Hao, he usually never wanders outside the palace. When he has spare time, he loves to go back to the government to accompany him. When he was assassinated, he was dragged by the officials at the gate of the palace. Wang’s people obviously did not expect that the people who returned to the government on time would not appear on the same day. In the end, they simply wanted to start with Wang Hao, so that they would affect the mood of the king and let him lose his sense in the future battle.

Wan Xingxian Wang Hao has two loyal guardians around him. The guards of the Wangfu Palace also happen to be patrolling nearby, but if these conditions are lacking, Wang Hao will die.

No one doubts that this is the result of Wang Hao’s self-directed performance, because I heard that many people in the palace heard the buzz from the direction of the main house, as well as screams, even including the eyeliner inserted by some people in the capital. heard it. Not to mention that Wang Hao’s arm was still injured, I heard that it was very serious, and I had to leave scars in my life.

It’s such a beautiful woman who can make his own arm an ugly scar? Besides, both Wang and Xian Wang are not very fond of people who specialize in such things. What do they play such a play?

There is too much blood on the picture, and a hole is flowing and playing.

More people tend to believe that when someone wants to take advantage of the emperor's bad mood, he will be shot relative to the king and get rid of his invisible competitor.

There is no simple matter when things involve taking the position. But when they think of the current chaos, they can't help but sigh. In the future, the city will not be too flat.

Since the effect of hemp boiling, Hua Xiyu has experienced the feeling of pain. She doesn’t even dare to lift her arms casually. She also has to avoid eating. This is the most painful thing for her. thing.

Taking up the most important food and sleep in life, she is doing the same thing. She doesn't dare to turn over at night. She has to eat some dishes that are good for healing wounds. How do I feel uncomfortable.

In the past two days, Jinqiu took a vacation and almost stayed at Hua Xiyu. She told her some interesting stories, or a funny incident of an official, in order to divert Hua Xijun’s attention and let her lower her The sensitivity of pain concerns.

This is also the method that Taiji gave to him. Although this view is somewhat empty, but seeing Hua Xi’s interest in listening to some of the officials in the capital, he is a prince who does not care about other people’s chaos, and makes the following people He has found a lot of more funny things, and strives to keep Hua Xiyu interested.

"What do you think of this quiet Pingbo?" Hua Xi sighed. "The son of the original father was raised and weak, and the son of the room was raised by him. I heard that he is still □, It’s really enough to die.”

"He just made a big gamble, and the gambling lost." Jin Jinqiu sighed. "Otherwise, how to make the original match and just die, can't wait to enter the door of the remarried succession."

"A lot of men are greedy and lascivious, and Jing Pingbo is doing this kind of thing, not the first one, nor the last one."

The Han Jingdi of the family can marry the Queen Mother who had married the child, and finally let the Queen Mother become the Prince for his son. Finally, this son inherits the throne and becomes the famous Hanwu Emperor in history. .

Jing Pingbo, a little prince, greets a woman who is married to a child. On the premise, he did not carry the original match with the stepmother, and did not rush to bring the newcomer into the palace until the original match, otherwise he would not have a good impression on the quiet Pingbo.

"I am different from other men," Yan Jinqiu leaned close to her ear and whispered in her ear: "I just want to see a woman in Jinqiu, then it is a lifetime thing."

Believing in a man's love words is like stupidizing himself. However, she will not be stupid in the face of a man, to dismantle his love words, but to listen to it as interesting words, as to believe it or not, is her own business.

However, Jin Jinqiu seems to only say to her. As for her belief or not, he is not too strong. Instead, she looks at her arm with concern and her brows are slightly wrinkled: "The Queen Mother of the palace in the morning has a reward. You are recovering from injury, so I didn't ask you to get up."

In fact, both of them knew in their hearts that Hua Xizhen was not seriously injured and could not get out of bed, but because she felt that the warm bed was too comfortable, she did not want to get up.

In the past two days, because of her injuries, Jin Jinqiu has made her more lazy. Even she only needs to open her mouth when she eats food. When others put it in her mouth, this time most of them are jealous. Jinqiu.

"Is the queen rewarding things down?" Hua Xizhen raised his eyebrows in amazement. The prince died, and the queen slowed up so quickly?

"Well, do you want to see the gift list, I let people bring you in?" Jin Jinqiu peeled off a complete orange and took a petal and handed it to her.

She immersed herself in biting the orange into her mouth and shook her head after eating: "No, I don't bother to look."

The things that are enjoyed in this palace, up to the pearl jade, down to the little things, take some auspicious names, what phoenix Qifei double flower brocade, what hundred folds skirt, or otherwise it is blessing like cloud jasper, these Looking at the name of a cigarette, it is simply to test people's eyesight and memory.

"If you don't want to see it, you won't see it." When Jin Jinqiu fed half of the oranges, he wouldn't let Hua Xiyu eat it again. Putting down the remaining half, he reached out and touched her hair that was scattered on the back. "I have something to go out today, remember to take medicine on time."

"Okay," Hua Xi's heart was clear, and Jin Jinqi stayed with him for two or three days in the palace. In the eyes of others, it was called infatuation, but staying for too long was not so appropriate.

"Then rest, don't worry me."

After Jin Jinqi left, Hua Xiyu did not have any sleepiness in bed, just let Orange Autumn take the book to her to see, it is to pass the time.

When Jin Jinqi rode out of the palace, it was not long before he encountered the same horse riding towards this side. The two men rode in the high head and immediately raised a common ceremony on the horse's back.

"I don't know how the younger brother is hurting?" Yan Boyi pulled out the whip hanging around his waist and played with the handle: "The younger brother and sister are weak, and they have suffered such a big crime. It is really abominable."

"This is not the case," said Jin Jinqiu, who was naturally smiling. "Thank you for your cousin's concern. My brother will definitely manage the palace and prevent this from happening again."

The two are four eyes, one person is expressionless, one smiles, but there is no temperature at the bottom of the eye.

The groom who took the two men almost shook a little and buried his head lower.

After returning to the palace, Jin Jinqi did not immediately enter the main courtyard, but went to the study room, through the dimly hidden aisle, his feet on the ground with water all year round, the official boots stepped on the dirty floor On it, stained with a dirty layer of sewage.

The author has something to say: In the illness, the state is not very good, first make do with it, I will have another chapter tomorrow, good night.

Read The Duke's Passion