MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 70 Prince Edward

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Although the state banquet has been canceled, but there is no emperor's will, no one dares to leave the Chaoyang Temple without permission. They have to sit in the hall and talk to each other. At this time, Hua Xizhen is not alone in the fight, because the people around her are showing a sense of fear that will fall.

"How could this be the case, I hope God bless, Prince Edward's Highness is in danger, and good luck."

"God bless, Prince Fuze is deep, there will be nothing."

Although these people have done more than sadness, Hua Xiyi can feel a heavy weight from the people present. It is not that they are distressed by the Prince, but that they are worried that the Prince will actually die and will cause the court to be turbulent. She glanced down at the first place, sitting there with the envoys of some of the dependent countries, and these ambassadors whispered, apparently shocked by this incident.

The Prince is the treasure of a country. The most sad thing is that the Kailong Emperor has only one son. If the Prince died, the entire Da Zhao will face a situation of no success. At that time, the Emperor Kailong can only choose from a bunch of children. One out, this will face a chaotic party struggle.

At this time, some people in the temple have begun to think, if the Prince is really gone, the fetus in the belly of the Prince is not a son or can not grow up safely. Who is better to support them?

Yi'an Houhua He and Lu and Lushi listened to the surrounding talks, and there was a kind of uneasiness in their hearts. The couple couldn't help but look up and stare at the first Hua Xi, who was sitting on the opposite side, only to see the Chinese horror. , Jin Jinqiu lowered her head to stabilize her.

If the Prince is gone, the Wangfu will be implicated in this dispute. It is not important to show the king whether or not this ambition is important. The important thing is that the status of the king is doomed to avoid the dispute.

"Hey, how can this be good, Prince can never have something to do," said Mrs. Jing Pingbo, who was really scared, not pretending to be out. After all, Jing Pingbo’s pulse has gradually declined. It was hard to get on the ship of the Prince. As a result, the Prince had actually made this thing, and it was too much back.

"The emperor swears, the prince is dying, and the nobles are temporarily not allowed to leave the palace and pray for the prince."

When the second pass came out, some smart people realized that something was wrong. The emperor’s move seemed to want to keep all of them in the palace. It’s hard that the prince suddenly became critically ill because it was used by someone behind it. What means?

Since the prince poisoning, the Suzaku Palace was surrounded by three layers of the Guards, and all the princes used to wear them were screened by the doctors before they were sent to the Prince. The food and drink were even more Some people try the dishes. In the case that even flies can't fly in, the people behind them can still poison their hands. The power of this black hand is too great. It is no wonder that the emperor is so jealous.

If the prince is violent, then the most beneficial is the most respected royal family in the capital, and it is no wonder that the emperor will make such a move.

After this slogan came down, the entire Zhaoyang Temple was a heart-wrenching, and some of the courageous little son-in-law even turned scared and even said nothing. No one can guarantee that the emperor will not be mad because of the loss of his only son, and they will be vented by these innocent people.

In the former dynasty, an emperor killed more than a dozen ancestral chambers after losing his son. As for the ministers of the princes and doctors, there are countless others. The former dynasty also went downhill because of the incident, only a few decades later. The Da Zhao Chao was replaced by it.

It’s not that their courage is too small, but there are examples of the former dynasty. They dare not make fun of their own lives.

The charcoal fire burning in the temple has been extinguished, and no palace waiter has added a new charcoal fire. The temple is gradually getting cold. Jin Jinqiu took her cloak from the white summer hand and put it on her ear, then in her ear. Whispered: "If you are cold, lean against me. No one will dare to come here at this time."

Hua Xi slammed the collar of the fox fur cloak, and the silent pilgrimage Jinqi relied on it. Although she was not particularly sensitive to politics, from the face of everyone on the scene, knowing that this is not simple, so there is no random. Opening.

The halls that had been discussed in the past have been lost with time, and gradually became quiet. When a group of garrisons dressed in cold armor surrounded the entire hall, everyone did not have to be ugly.

Suddenly, a white light flashed out of the temple, and everyone looked at the temple with horror. Only a thunderous thunder was heard. The thunder was like a bomb in the hearts of everyone. Many people began to tremble.

"It’s not a good omen in the winter."

I don't know who suddenly said this, and the temple is quiet.

The winter lunar month is rarely thundering, not to mention the fact that it is still snowing in the sky, and the inexplicable sound of this thunder is really a sign of the disaster.

Jin Jinqiu held Hua Xi's hand and attached it to her ear with a few unspeakable volume: "Don't be afraid." He looked at the expressionless guards outside the temple, his brows wrinkled and found Hua Xi’s palms were cold, and he simply took off his cloak and put it on Hua Xi’s body.

"You..." Hua Xiyu looked at Jin Qiu's body, not thick clothes, and reached out to take off this dark cloak, but the result was stopped by Jin Jinqiu.

"Don't move, you are cold when you are young, you can't be frozen again," 晏 Jinqiu calmly said, "obedient."

Hua Xi’s hand detached from the cloak, and immediately said: “This cloak is very big, we cover half of it.” Then untied the rope with the cloak, and then put this wide cloak on the backs of the two.

Others see it, and they follow the same pattern. Although some couples are too close to each other on weekdays, this time is not so particular.

Just then, there was another lightning, and then there was a thunder.

A slamming bell rang, and then it rang five more times.

The emperor collapsed, the death knell was nine; the latter, the death knell seven; the prince, the death knell six.


The people on the main hall squatted in the mourning bell. It seemed that some did not respond. The prince who had a beautiful name in the past few days was so inexplicably embarrassed.

After the death of the mourning bell, the hall began to cry. Although many people were elders in the field, the prince was the prince of the country. The status has already surpassed the seniority. Everyone present, no matter who they are, must cry out.

Even if you can't cry, you have to do what you feel so sad.

Hua Xiyu squinted at the corner of his eye with a handkerchief. After a moment, he cried and cried.

In her life, her crying skills in the camera have always been very good. Even when she was filming around a bunch of people, she could cry and cry, let alone a bunch of people crying.

In less than half an hour, her handkerchief was soaked, and the eyes and nose of her Jin Jinqiu were also red. Although not like other people doing it, anyone who saw him would feel that he was real. It’s sad, not a play.

When the Emperor Kailong appeared, the couples of Jin Jinqiu and Hua Xiyu cried in tears, forming a stark contrast with the few dry royals around them.

The Emperor Kailong, who appeared in front of everyone, seemed to be a few years old, and he was a little embarrassed. His eyes swept through the people who were kneeling under his feet. His eyes were lingering in Jin Jinqiu and Yan Boyi. The appearance of Jinqiu and Hua Xiyu were mutually dependent, and finally they fell on the body of Yan Boyi.

"Don't lose the only son, Zhongqing... Diane." Kailong's expression changed, and the killing in his eyes gradually hid.

When this sentence came out, everyone was relieved and finally got out of the palace gate tonight.

Because I was too long, when Hua Xi was up, I felt that my knees were cold and numb, and I almost lost consciousness. If it wasn’t for Jin Yuqiu’s eye, she would definitely sit on the ground.

After supporting Hua Xiyu, Jin Jinqiu also took a step, and it seems that there is a taste of a weak man. Fortunately, everyone is immersed in their own emotions, and there are not many people who notice this scene.

However, Kailong Emperor looked at the actions of the husband and wife, and he lowered his eyes slightly, and his eyes shifted to Yan Boyi again.

At this time, Meng Boyi was standing silently, his hands behind his back, his eyes were red, but he did not belong to his heroic posture.

The Emperor Kailong did not leave anyone. Everyone walked out of the Chaoyang Temple silently. They saw that the red lanterns on the corridors of Zhu Hong were taken down and replaced with plain white paper lanterns. Their eyes were a little dazed.

The prince is stunned, and what will the city look like in the future.

There is already a layer of snow on the bluestone road. Because there is no palace guard, everyone is extremely difficult.

When Hua Xiyu passed by Huahe and Lu and passed away, he only looked at the two people with a very concealed look. They did not say anything.

After leaving the temple door, Jin Jinqiu put the cloaks of both of them on Hua Xi's body, making her walking posture seem extraordinarily clumsy, embroidered gold silk pearl palace satin shoes stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound . Zhai Jinqi saw her go hard, and no matter what other people were before and after, she reached for her waist and let her go.

Min Huijun held the hand of the prostitute and walked with a deep foot. Just after a long walk, she began to pant. She looked at the king of the front, and almost half of her body was taken into the arms. The pace at the foot stopped.

Now that the Prince is stunned, the Queen will be heartbroken. How can she manage her things in the future, and where should she go in the future?

She looked around, only to see the cold palace, and the clan family who stepped forward.

"Counter?" The prostitute around her saw her look wrong, worried, "What happened to you?"

“Nothing,” Min Hui’s lord retracted his gaze. “Let’s go.”

From the Chaoyang Temple to the Gongmen Gate, Hua Xizhen found that almost all the things that represented the celebrations were collected, and even the palace eunuchs encountered on the road could not see a little joyful thing.

At the entrance to the palace, everyone did not care for the cold, hurriedly climbed their own carriage and left in a hurry.

When Hua Xia stepped on the footstool and looked at the carriage, he looked back at the parents not far from the eyes. After they nodded slightly, they entered the carriage.

Hua Hezhen looked at the carriage of the Wangfu House and gradually drifted away. He sighed slightly and said to Lu’s side: "Let's go."

Luke nodded, and the cool hand caught the palm of Huahe.

The author has something to say: Thanks for the following big overlord ticket support:

Purple Moon Magic Water throws a mine to throw time: 2014-10-2522:57:34

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Muchen Ziyu threw a mine to throw time: 2014-11-0711:03:43

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The traces throw a mine in September and throw time: 2014-11-1123:33:11

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