MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 44 accident

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Sitting in the car, Hua Xiyu heard the faint sound of playing in the distance. She picked up the corner of the curtain and found that there was a thin layer of fog on the street. She frowned, how is the weather now? Will it fog?

When she was in the palace, she saw the moon hanging in the sky. Now that most of the time has passed, the weather has become so fast.

She took a closer look. It turned out that it was not foggy outside, but a drizzle of drizzle, because the street was a little dim, and it made people look like they were foggy.

“It’s raining?” Jin Jinqiu, sitting next to her, looked at the curtain and looked at it with some regrets. “It’s impossible to appreciate the moon.”

Hua Xiyu put down the curtain and smiled at him: "When can you enjoy the moon, why should you stick to it?"

"Which is always so open-minded?" Yan Jinqiu looked at her, with a kind of seriousness in her eyes that she could not understand. "Nothing cares, anything can be seen?"

"Being open-minded will live a happier life, life is too short, why not go with yourself?" Hua Xi's smile does not change, but instead look at the jade gourd hanging on the rut, "too much care, what you want The more, if not, will it be lost?"

"But if you meet something you like, don't fight for it, how do you know that it doesn't belong to you?" Jin Jinqi looked at the rain outside and grew bigger and bigger. "At least I tried it, I won't regret it."

"Who knows that after the trial, will not regret it?" Hua Xiyu pinned the jade gourd in the palm of his hand. "There are many people in the world who regret for their obsession."

"Can also have regretted that I have never tried it," 晏 Jinqiu put down the curtain and smiled.

"But it's just a different position," Hua Xi sneered and smiled. "Not to mention the losers are regrettable. If you are happy, what time is there to think about what you have never got?"

Zhai Jinqiu was silent for a moment, then smiled without any permission.


A scream of screams came out of the alley, and it was particularly embarrassing in this quiet street. If there were not enough young and powerful guards in the palace, I was afraid that some of the accompanying prostitutes had already scared their legs.

Hua Xiyu frowned, here is not the performance of the previous TV series, men and women can go to the street in the night, after all, here at night, but also curfew, unrelated people go on the street, can be used as a thief or chaotic party of.

Now, at this time, some people will be so inexplicable, I wonder if it is a coincidence or something else?

Obviously, this scream can't affect the driving of the king's car, so the pedestrian still continues to move forward at the original speed. When the car is about to turn, the screams are screaming again. It is more infiltrating than the last one, and people are chilling from the bones.

At this time, a series of footsteps came from far away, and there was a sound of collision between the armor and the weapon. In a short while, Hua Xiyu heard a familiar voice.

"The defending temple Shaoqing Zhang Hou has seen His Royal Highness."

Zhang Hou looked at the car in front of him and stopped, and he was relieved. Even if he saw a curtain in front of him, he took a third of it. He just showed the appearance of the king. He blinked and accidentally saw it. A red cloak was exposed next to the king.

"Zhang Shaoqing, I don't know what's going on?" Yan Jinqiu's mouth with a smile, looked at the young defending temple Shaoqing, who can be mixed into this position, will not be a simple person, otherwise Wei It’s not enough for him to sit in this position.

"Hey, Grandpa, a small woman heard the scream of a woman nearby, so the special person came over to inspect." Zhang Hou’s face was covered with a mist of water, and the slimy one was somewhat uncomfortable, but in front of Qi Jinqiu. I dare not arbitrarily wipe it. "I didn't want to meet your car with the lord. It was the small ones who collided."

"Zhang Shaoqing said that he is serious. You are also thinking about our law and order in Beijing. It’s just that the night is inexplicably screaming at the woman. It’s a bit weird," said Jin Jinqiu’s mouth. "Please pay more attention to Zhang Shaoqing."

"Thank you, Wang Ye reminded," Zhang Hou looked up again and saw that the curtain of the carriage had been put down. After he made a slap in the carriage, he left with his subordinates and began to check one lane.

"Zhang Hou is a young man, but he has a set of methods. His position seems to be not high, but many things in Beijing are closely related to him. Most people in Beijing will sell him two points." Xi Xidao, "I heard that you shocked the horse last time, and he also took people to control it urgently?"

Hua Xi’s first words: “This Zhang Shaoqing is indeed very talented.”

The car has not arrived at the gate of Wangfu, and he heard people report. Zhang Shaoqing has found the screaming person, but the victim is bruised and unconscious, and has been sent to the hospital for treatment.

Hua Xi wrinkled her frown, and no one would like this kind of thing to happen. She couldn’t help but ask: "Can you identify the victim?"

After the people who reported outside hesitated, they said: "The two girls are Qingyizhai people."

“Qing Yi Zhai?” Hua Xi’s doubts, listening to the name is quite elegant, I do not know what to do.

"I still don't quit quickly. Who told you to say this in front of such unclean places?" Mutong screamed.

Hua Xiyu suddenly became stunned. The original person who was the place of fireworks took such a elegant name, which made her think that it was a chess club or a bookstore.

Seeing that the expression on her face has changed, she does not mention the fireworks. The woman’s heart is ridiculous, and Jin Jinqi unexpectedly said: “I don’t know what happened to the event?”

"I don't see much," Hua Xiyu shook his head. "I have a Dali temple. I don't even know the consequences. What can I think?"

"I mean... what do you think of the two women?"

"It was too inappropriate for you to ask this question." Hua Xi’s slang language was stern, and then it turned to moderate. "But our husband and wife said something private outside that can’t be said, it’s no big deal. She yawned and had a few drinks at the banquet. Now she suddenly feels a little sleepy. "There is no market without buying and selling. I think this."

Jin Jinqiu was a glimpse. After the reaction came over, he was helplessly laughing. He wanted to say that this was a ruling. But when you think about it, you found that the other person said that it is not the truth. If the man in the world can control himself, this time Is there a woman to do this leather/meat business?

The carriage went on for a while before stopping. Hua Xiyu heard the next person saying that the palace had arrived. When he saw the curtain, he saw two soft cars at the gate and several people holding the umbrella.

She and Jin Jinqiu just showed a foot from the carriage, and the next person came up to support them for the umbrella. Some people came to block the wind, waiting for her to sit in the sedan chair, and even a little rain did not blow to the face.

Zhang Hou waited for a night outside the medical hall, and the result was hard to stay until dawn. He heard the report of the genus, one of the injuries was too heavy, and no medicine was saved. After listening to it, his face was a bit unsightly. He said, "I know, let people report this matter to Dali Temple."

His defending temple is only responsible for patrolling. If a murder case occurs, it can only be transferred to Dali Temple or the Criminal Ministry. They have no right to intervene in this kind of thing.

"These things we found around the deceased were also handed over to Dali Temple?" A subordinate came over with a piece of cotton cloth with a blood-stained rag and an ink-colored gem.

"Don't pay what to do?" Zhang Hou looked across the **** rag. "Now Shengjun Wang is in charge of Dali Temple. There is a county prince. What case can't I find out?"

The people present were reminded of the case of Zhang Gongzi’s murder in charge of Shengjun Wang in the previous period. The mood suddenly became complicated. After all, the incident was related to the prince’s body, and the people of Beijing were guilty. So many people are still fighting, and they are afraid of inexplicable Was implicated.

After two hours, Dali Temple received a murder case handed over by the defending temple. They were unlucky. Another victim was not rescued half an hour ago, and he was seriously injured and died.

Both victims are dead. It is hard to find clues on the dead. But they can't check it. After all, this is a trouble, and some people who don't understand things even begin to rumor that this is a ghost. . If you don't find out, then the capital will not know what to do.

Dali Siqing’s current mood is more complicated than anyone else, because he found that the evidence handed over by the defending temple was a bit tricky. He looked at the king of Shengjun, who was sitting at the top, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Yan Boyi’s face is equally ugly. After all, when anyone investigates the case, he finds that some of the evidence found on the deceased is something on his body, and his mood will not be good.

"Since this matter involves me, I will not intervene in this matter," Yan Boyi stood up and no longer looked at the evidence related to the case. "I will tell the emperor about this matter, and I would like to ask the adults not to mind."

What Dali Siqing can say can only be laughed at by sweating.

Jin Jinqiu did not care about his face, and lifted his foot directly out of the door of Dali Temple, but he was thinking, who is using such a bad means to frame himself?


Hua Xixiao smiled and clap his hands: "I won this game."

Zhai Jinqiu looked at the game that was messed up by the two men, and smiled helplessly, let the next person take the board and then said, "There are people in the capital in these days, you pay attention not to be rumored outside. influences."

Hua Xiyi thought about it in disbelief. She screamed that night and she heard it. The rumors outside, she was strange if she was serious.

Anyway, no matter how much the matter develops to that point, it doesn't have much to do with her. She is not thinking about her illness. Why do she have to eat enough?

The author has something to say: thank you 嬴 _ like, 11994893, 贲 three local tyrants big mine = 3 =

Thanks to the local qw big grenade =3=

Read The Duke's Passion