MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 11 Rumors everywhere (corrected)

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Since seeing Hua Xiyu, Hua Yiliu has always been a little absent-minded. She looked at her mother who was looking at her eyes. After hesitating, she smiled and said: "In recent days, some things happened in the ancestral home. You have a good time, and finally there is something happy."

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiyu held the hand of the tea pot and immediately smiled. "I lived very well in the county palace. I don't have to worry about the big sister." After that, he took a sip of tea and his face. The smile has not changed.

"That's good," did not get the reaction of the other party's expectations. Huayi Liu smiled even more. He turned his head and saw Hua Chuyu's eyes falling on himself. Now he feels a bit hot on his face and is a complaint. Hua Xiyu is not interested, but also hates Hua Chuyu, who seems to know everything. He is annoyed for a long while, knowing that Zhang’s opening, she will slow down.

"County Wang Hao, this should not be said today, but I really can't do it." Zhang sees the suggestion that Hua Xizhen can't understand, and his daughter's skin is too thin, he can't help but speak directly. "I Parents have only got a child under the knees of their lives. They have been very fond of the younger brothers in these years, but they have not cultivated him into a temper, but they have been diligent and motivated. Who knows that the two days ago, the missing brothers are missing, and the parents are looking for the capital to find No, even the official government was alarmed, but there is no news so far. I heard that the king of the king of the county has a wide range of friends, please help us to say a few words in the royal king of the county, let him help us to open the family."

"Noisy!" The old lady categorically shouted. "The king of the county is not the person who knows the trick. Where can I help you find someone? Let me shut up!" This Zhang is really hateful, and he speaks too much. The king has a wide range of travels. Does this mean that the king of the county and some people in the capital are gangs?

Zhang also realized that his words were not right, but he was so embarrassed by the old lady, and some of them did not come to Taiwan. The face changed and changed. The dry-eyed eve of the night said: "The county king, the minister has lost his words. Please forgive me."

"Which is what this is, what our family has forgive me forgive me," Hua Xiyu put down the tea pot, looked at the sky outside and stood up. "It’s not too early, I should go back to the county." ""

Zhang’s seeing Hua Xi’s did not help, and immediately he said: “Three prostitutes...”

"What are the secrets of the two younger brothers and sisters? Let’s stay with a few of us. Now it’s not too early. If the county king is too late for us, it’s not good to go back to the palace.” Going to Zhang’s face, holding her wrist like a smile, said, “Do you say this is the reason, the second brother?”

Zhang's face was white, and Lv's pinch was painful at the wrist. Although she was unwilling, she did not dare to make trouble with Lv, but she closed her mouth in ugly face.

Seeing her ignorant no longer talking, Lushi looked back at Hua Xi's eyes and smiled and took care of her clothes: "Have a good life, don't grieve yourself."

"My daughter knows, don't worry," Hua Xiyu grasped Lu's hand and stepped back to Lushi's deep blessing. He turned around with Bai Xi and so on.

She knew that Lushi and other son-in-law must send her behind her, but she didn't want to look back, and she couldn't bear to see Lu's eyes full of reluctance.

Lushi’s group sent Hua Xiyu to the Huanhuamen, and then stopped, and the county king was standing outside the hanging flower door.

Hua Xizhen finally couldn't help but look back at Lu's, and smirked at the lips to smile at Lu's, and lifted the skirt to the hanging door.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the original Jinqiu, who had turned his back to the hanging flower door, turned around. When he saw that the man was Hua Xi, he walked a few steps forward and arched his hand in the hanging flower door. The sly hand, bowed: "If you want to be a family later, I will accompany you to see them."

“Thank you,” Hua Xiyu looked up and smiled at Jin Jinqiu, and then he helped him into the soft sedan. As the curtain fell, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

"Get up!"

With Mutong's command, the sedan chair was getting farther and farther away from the hanging door, until it could no longer be seen, and Lushi recovered his sight. She turned to look at Zhang, sneer: "If the second brother and sister have something to do at home, go back earlier, I will not leave you with the blind."

Zhang saw that Lushi did not give himself a face, and now he also angered: "The scorpion is the county prince and mother-in-law, the affairs are busy, and the small people like me don't bother!" Then they turned to Huayi Liudao, "also stand What to do here, is it ridiculous?" After finishing these two sentences, she turned and angered away.

The elders of Huayi Liu’s presence blessed one body and hurriedly followed up. This kind of behavior, falling into the eyes of Hua Chuyu, is a bit of a taste of fleeing.

On the way home, Yao’s mood is very good for Hua Chu Yu Road: “Chu Yu, you have to remember, women can not be beautiful, but they can’t be without corners. Then beautiful women, if they are nothing, no man, no man, no matter how long Will also get tired of her, and turn to find other women seeking excitement."

Hua Chuyu knew that the mother was talking about Hua Yiliu, and nodded silently. Picking up the corner of the carriage curtain, she was somewhat disappointed. If the woman's personality is only to attract the attention of men, then what is the personality?

Somehow, she suddenly remembered that she was a lazy-looking Hua Xiyi at any time, and her heart was a bit envious. If she could do the same with the evening, what is the relationship between men and pets?

Many people who watched the lively family, the unwilling family and the extravagant women paid special attention to the newly-received kings and couples in the newly-married couple. Therefore, after learning that the king of the county, Wang Xianjun, returned to the door to return to the county, the news was very good. It was spread all over the capital, but many people were surprised.

The king of the county, accompanied by the king of the county, returned to the door. It was called respect for kindness, but he had been accompanying the county king to the time of Shen Shi’s departure from the Yi’an waiting room. This is not just a kind of way to explain, it’s hard to be... Wang Jun and the county’s Wang Hao Love?

Don't say that the noble women in Beijing won't believe this statement. Even the family members don't believe that the king of the county will really look at a salt-free woman. They think about it, and finally come to a recognized conjecture, that is, The county king is a rare person who has a rare encounter in a hundred years. The Yi'an waiting room found a good son-in-law.

Fahrenheit must have done countless good deeds in his life, and he will be able to marry a good man like Xianjun Wang in this life.

In the rumors, Hua Xixi, who has done countless good things in his life, has no interest in the words outside. There is no side room in the county palace. The people are also very disciplined. In this county, Wang Hao usually has nothing to do but to read and sleep. Things can be done.

Fortunately, she is a lazy mover. She has read nearly 20 myths in half a month. She has tasted a lot of good cooking and cooking. The days are very pleasant, and there is no such thing as going out to play.

So when Mutong came to tell her that she would hold a palace feast in the palace two days later, she was too lazy to lift her eyelids. After Mutong said the importance of the palace feast, she shifted her attention away from the book: "Shang Shang Wanshou? ”

"Yes, the emperor got up and down, because it is not a whole life, so there is no need to do it. Just put a few family feasts in the Zhaoyang Temple to make the ancestral people live together and lively." Mutong sees the county Wang Hao face calm, seems to be on the palace feast Not very interested, so added, "The county prince also said that Wanshouli was prepared two months ago, so you don't have to prepare a copy of the county king."

Hua Xi’s words nodded, and the book in his hand was put down. He ate a piece of pear on the hand of Hung Hom and held his chin with one hand. “You tell Wang Ye, I already know.”

When the wood sees the king of the county and picks it up and throws it to the side, Ben looks up and then walks out and sighs out of the main courtyard. I don't know why, every time he spoke in front of the county king, he felt particularly cautious, probably because...had witnessed the sturdy heroic posture of the county king who kicked the wooden bench?

"Since these people are not willing to speak, they don't need to open their mouths," said Jin Jinqiu, who had a wrinkled confession in his hand and threw it on the ground. He wiped the hand with a scorpion. "The ones who want me are only those people, I I am not interested in knowing who is behind the scenes. Don’t be too happy when you send those people on the road, otherwise they won’t know what is better than death.”

"Yes," the man on the ground picked up the confession that was thrown aside, hesitated after a moment. "These people are related to Zhang. The righteous brothers of Yi'an are from Zhangjia, and they are worried about Yi'an. The waiting room is related to this matter."

"What do you think is Huahe?" Jin Jinqiu sneered, "The old fox will not be blended into this kind of thing, I am afraid that even Zhang’s family is still in the dark." The son of Zhang Gongzi is the Prince. A good dog, the owner still dare not move, his dog first came to bite.

The people who lie on the ground don't dare to scream, just bury their heads lower.

"County lord," Mutong's voice rang outside the door, and it took a moment to enter the door. He didn't look at the humanity on the ground. "The small thing about the palace banquet has told the county king."

“Oh?” 晏 Jinqiu threw the puddle on the table and raised his eyebrows and asked: “What did the county prince say?”

"The county king said that she knew it," Mutong said after the sentence, the neck was not very natural before and after the slight movement.

"Well," Jin Jinqiu looked at the sky outside. "The county king is watching the myth biography again?"

"Small don't know what the county king looked at, but when he went to the main court, the county king took a book in his hand." Mutong originally thought that after the county king married, he would take the stewardship in his hand, but For most of the past two months, it seems that I haven’t seen the county’s Wang Shuo’s heart on the house, and he did not deliberately stand in front of others. This behavior, but let Mutong some do not understand, how can the master of the family not interested in the backyard power?

"Since the king of the county likes to watch these things, you can collect some books that the county magpie likes to read in the outside of the study," said Jin Jinqiu. "Don't let the county king can't find a book that looks like an appetite."

"Small record," Mutong refused to retreat, and when he went out, he carefully covered the door.