MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 101 Sin slave

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After Jin Jinqi entered the inner room, he let the unrelated descendants in the house retreat. I don't know when I got into the habit of growing up. He found himself in the side of Hua Xia, and he didn't have to guard against too much. It seems that there is a chance to catch her breath.

Maybe the other person's lazy habit has infected him?

Seeing him enter the house, Hua Xi was too lazy to get up, just beckoning him and signaling him to sit next to him.

I noticed that Hua Xiyu had a different look, and Jin Jinqiu asked: "What happened?"

"Do you remember the Minhui County Lord?" Hua Xiyu looked straight into Jin Jinqiu and waited for his reaction.

Yan Jinqiu brows slightly wrinkled: "She is looking for you trouble?"

Hua Xiyu shook his head and said: "No, when I went to Shuri Niangniang Palace a few days ago, I accidentally heard about Shuri Niangniang mentioning her. I didn't take it seriously. But I only thought of something suspicious. Is the person of Minhui County really the one on the side of the princess?"

I didn’t expect Hua Xijun to have such an idea. Jin Jinqiu’s slight ambiguity, then an indifferent opening: “Which side of the party she is is not important, now the Prince’s pulse has already fallen, and her chess piece will be There is no place for the land. The person behind is willing to leave her a life, not necessarily more kind, just do not want to make the chaotic capital become more chaotic."

Hearing such a thin feeling, Hua Xiyu was a complicated smile. She believed that Min Hui County had some feelings for Jin Jinqiu, but this sentiment was not important to let her change her position. The wise man of Jin Jinqiu must also know the thoughts of Min Huijun’s master on him, but this love is not enough to make him feel guilty.

Living in this kind of environment, the royal family who was born high, do not know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate?

She has long been skeptical about the Min Hui County lord, and even a faint intuition, the prince poisoning and her may not be able to get rid of the relationship.

During the time when the Prince came out from the Tianzhu, the entire Suzaku Palace was surrounded by iron barrels. The people who waited for him were even more clearly acquainted with the ancestors, but those who were a little suspicious did not want to be near the Prince. body. But in the end, the prince is still violent. This can only be started, and it can only be a prince and a person trusted by the Queen.

At first, the object she suspected was the Prince, but the Prince was pregnant at the time. The former queen was very concerned about her and the emperor, and would she not be prepared for her?

Therefore, the most likely to start is the end of the Queen and the princess and the Minhui County. It’s impossible for the princess and the princess to kill the prince, unless she wants to become a generation of female emperors. Obviously, this princess who is only interested in luxury life and face-to-face is not so powerful, so the prince is enthroned, for her, Absolutely the first choice, how can a cousin compare to a brother and sister.

Then there is another possibility that is Min Hui County, she is capable and motivated.

The more you think about something, the more you feel that everyone around you is a deep-seated master. Hua Xizhen thinks he is a lazy person, so he doesn't want to intervene too much. What she guessed has already been told to Jin Jinqiu. As for what he intends to deal with later, it is his business.

Jin Jinqiu naturally understands that the temperament of Hua Xi Xi is extremely disliked to worry about these things. He personally poured a cup of tea to her and smiled and said: "The hard lady is so worried about her husband, she can’t do anything for her husband.

"You have already promised me, can you still make two?" Hua Xizhen took a teacup and sighed slightly, and lifted his chin slightly. "Don't you say that in your heart, you have nothing to do with me?"

In this sophistry, Zhai Jinqiu admits that he is not the opponent of Hua Xijun. Before he sneaked into the body, he took a person into his arms and kissed her at the toon: "Since your wife said this, I will do it for the husband." Repay you."

The cockroaches are light and cover the cockroaches of the room.

In the ear room of the side room, Bai Xia and the red dragonfly sit together to do the embroidery work. Hung Hom looked at the sky outside the eyes, whispered: "Wang Ye seems to have gone in for most of the time."

Bai Xia did not lift his head: "When the next king, Wang Hao, wants to serve, naturally, there are people who can wait, what are you doing?"

"I am not worried about this," Hung Hom sighed. "In the past few days, I heard that the sister of Min Hui said that the county owner of Min Hui seems to be seriously ill. Min Hui’s owner is also clear about Wang Ye’s thoughts on Bai Xia’s sister. I am afraid of Wang Ye. For her sympathy and pity, affecting the relationship between Wang Ye and Wang Hao."

"When it's smart, it's not smart. When you are stupid, you are not stupid enough." Bai Xia lowered his voice. "Shu Yu Niang slightly mentions that, it is reminding us that Wang Hao, we are doing gimmicks, only You need to learn to talk less and do more. Are these things you should worry about?"

On that day, in the Shu Shu Palace, the group of people first met Sheng Wang in the outside. When they were about to leave, Shu Shu Niang also mentioned the matter of Min Hui’s main lingering bed.

Most of the words spoken by the nobles in the palace cannot be heard from the surface. Min Hui County is sick and has something to do with Wang Hao. Why should Shu Shu specifically mention such a sentence? However, it is reminding Wang Hao to be careful about Min Hui County, in case the other party will do little tricks.

"This Min Hui county owner is also true. Why should a county magistrate remember a married woman, can't he still want to commit himself to the side of the palace?" Hung Hom’s dissatisfied scream, there is no title in the dynasty. The clan woman married to the prince to do the side room, that is really shameful.

Although the side squat is good, it occupies a slogan, and in fact it is just a servant. Unless the royal family has a great deal of merit, even the genealogy can't enter.

"What are you thinking about," Bai Xia helplessly sighed. "Min Hui County Lord is now no longer able to marry Wang Ye to do the side room, unless her family commits a crime, being defamed as a sinner, and being assigned as a slave. Go to the palace to be a man. Otherwise, even if she is self-willing, others will not agree."

The ritual law does not allow, the Yi family will not allow, even the prince himself will not agree.

Bai Xia was only like this to analyze with Hung Hom, who knows that a word has come true. On the seventh day after the emperor entered the palace, Yuan Jia was found to be selling officials, selling the people, killing the people, illegally enclosing the land, and swearing more than ten guilty sins, so that the Qilong Emperor spit out a blood in front of the officials. .

Two days later, Yuan Jiamanmen was defamed as a sinner, but on the face of the Shunyi princess who had died, the emperor was exempted from the punishment of their tattoos, but the distribution was still a match, and the army was filled with slaves. It is not soft to deal with.

In the heart of the emperor, the Yuan family who took the princess of Shunyi was a group with the former empress. The former empress did so many things. He was already dissatisfied with the Yuan family. Now he has been found to have committed so many things, where Will you still pay attention?

Over the course of the day, the family that was originally close to the post-abolition and the relationship between the family and the family is almost self-defeating. If they do not dare to go out easily at home, no one will come out to plead for Yuan.

Yuan Shuyi was originally the master of Minhui County, but now he has to take off his skirt and put on a coarse cloth. Like other Yuanjia women, he waits for the arrangement of the temple in the province to meet the future servant career.

She was sitting in a spartan house, watching her skin smeared with a coarse cloth, and her eyes were filled with remorse and unwillingness.

The emperor’s will stated that Yuan’s married woman is no longer a Yuan family, so the guilt related to Yuan’s family has nothing to do with them. If she married a year ago, how could it be the end of today?

If she marries, with her wrists and talents, she will be able to cling to her husband's heart and become a lady who is envied by others. What is it like today, the household registration is changed to crime, and it is still necessary to serve people?

After seeing the sweet-smelling cousin, she touched the gold bracelet that she secretly hid in her waist. The bottom of her eye shot and shone, like the person who fell into the water, grabbed the last piece of driftwood.

Because of the frequent events in the past year or two, the people in Beijing have become more and more calm. A Yuan Jiaman, who has been a princess, has been convicted of crimes. Compared with the previous incidents that caused the gossip storm, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Yuan Jiahao is also considered to be a pro-family, so the entire Yuan family's son-in-law was assigned to each ancestral servant by the province of Yasushi. There are basically some facial clan members who have been divided into one or two.

As a super-king prince, Wang Wangfu is of course divided into three “boutiques”. Unfortunately, the Wangfu general manager Mutong has some pain in his brain after seeing these three “fine products”.

How did the ensign of the ensign of the temple in the province of Zhongli, how to divide the Min Hui County master, is this not a mess? He looked down at Yuan Shuyi, who was low-eyed and pleasing to the eye. He said succinctly: "Some of the past are also a thousand talents, but today is different from time to time. Into the palace, you must guard the rules of the palace. Don't mention the past feelings, if you offend the nobles The family has to be fined."

Jingcheng knows that Yuan Shuyi has few people who have thoughts about Wang Ye, but this is not a secret that no one knows. It seems that someone deliberately brought Yuan Shuyi to the palace to help others. This method is cheesy, but if it is a general woman, I am afraid that I really have to make something with the lord.

But their family Wang Hao... She is really not a normal woman.

Thinking of this, Mutong looked at Yuan Shuyi with a pity: "Well, let's talk about this. You three will follow the rules of dropping out of school, and then wait for the rules to learn, then wait for the master."

This matter still has to be arrogant with Wang Ye and Wang Hao. I also hope that the Minhui County owner will be more interested. Otherwise, I am afraid that Wang Hao has not yet started, and Wang Ye will not spare her.

"What do you say, Minhui County really went to the palace?" Red eyes widened, realizing that his voice was a little louder, and he was busy pressing down the sound on the wooden passage. "Mu Gonggong, what is going on?"

Mutong smiled bitterly: "Red 缨 girl, this is also wondering at the bottom, so I specifically asked Wang Hao, I do not know how to arrange my Yuan girl is appropriate."

"This is unfortunate. Wang Ye and Wang Hao are reading in the house at this moment. Wang Ye let us go back and say, there is no big thing to go to harass, you see..." After listening to the incident, Bai Xia looked apologetic to see the wood. Pass, the eyes are full of embarrassment.

"The white summer girl is heavy, and Yuan Shuyi is just a sinner. It is worthwhile to make a special trip for her to disturb the purity of Wang Ye and Wang Hao." Mutong smiled. "There is nothing else under it, so this matter will be annoying." For the next pass."

“Mu Gonggong is polite,” Bai Xia returned with a gentle smile. “The slave will definitely tell the matter, and the wooden father will go slowly.”

"Thank you." Mutong turned around and walked away from Bai Xia, and did not insist on it.

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