MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 1 Washington has a lazy woman

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In the winter and spring, the first class of Yi'an Houfu replaced the heavy cotton jacket and put on a green tunic skirt, which made the entire Houfu look vibrant and full of spring.

In the blue yarn account, the brocade was raised high, and the people inside seemed to struggle for a long time before they reached out a white arm from the quilt. Waiting for a few slaps outside the gauze, thinking that the person on the bed would get out of bed, he saw the arm touched the edge of the bed and retracted into the quilt.

"Girl, it’s already three o'clock in the morning." Bai Xia determined that the person on the bed didn't get up. After a slight blessing, the voice was smiling. "Mrs. I told you early yesterday that you have to get up early and say that it is a snail." The tailor's tailor is coming to give you a tailored spring outfit."

"After half a month ago, did the people in the kitchen have not done a few things for me?" The man on the bed sat up with his quilt, and the blue silk fell down with her movements. Although it didn't have time to comb, it was still smooth. wire.

Standing in front of Bai Xia’s red dragonfly, she played a curtain for her, and explained with a smile: “Mrs. said, although the clothing of Xiangluoge is not the top, but the craft is exquisite, and the clothes are not tight. ""

Hua Xiyu got up from the bed, and a few crickets waited for the net face to sip. He sat in front of the mirror and his left hand covered his mouth and yawned. With his right hand, he slouched and said: "All said that the spring sleep is not clear, no Sleep is disappointing, white summer you are disturbing my dreams."

"White summer sinned the girl," Bai Xia put down the wooden comb in his hand and bent his knees toward the Hua Xi, but his smile did not retreat: "You can't be annoyed."

The four big beggars around me have been with them for several years. Hua Xiyu knows that they are not good at making opinions. I hope that there will be other things in the morning, and the mother will let them wake up early, so they hooked their fingers. After signing up for the summer and getting up, he continued to hold his hair and waited for a few dresses to dress himself.

A few of them know that their own girls are lazy, who can say less and count one sentence. After dressing up for her, they then put out a few boxes of enamel jewelry for Hua Xia.

Hua Xijun extended his finger and ordered a few. He got up and waited for the clothes to change. He took the eyebrows from the red dragonfly and painted the eyebrows. He was lazy and said: "Let's go."

Out of the small courtyard, Hua Xiyu took a few to the main courtyard. When he entered the door, he saw his mother Lu’s looking at the long list. It seems that there are not enough things on the list, and the people around him are constantly Write down what you want to add.

"Daughter gave her mother Daoan, can I sleep well last night?" Hua Xi smiled and approached Lushi, but he was not blessed/body, and he was helped by the most useful shackles around Lu.

Seeing that Hua Xiyu came in, Lushi put the list aside, got up and walked to Hua Xiyu, reached out and touched her palm, confirmed that it was warm and then let go of the heart: "Although it was spring, but the daughter The family still has to pay attention to not getting cold, and it is not good to fall down in the future."

Holding the mother to sit down, Hua Xi smiled and said: "Mother can rest assured, I will not let you worry."

Lushi sighed and then hated: "If it weren't for the three-bedroom people, how could you have such a big illness? When you think of them, my heart will be blocked." Lu's ancestors were from Wu Zhi. Home, although the two generations have a few civil servants, but the character of the girl in the family is still more pungent than the average woman. In the same year, Huahe, the son of the Xi’an waiting for the family, asked her to come back, and she had won the reputation of more than 20 years of fear.

Seeing her mother's anger, Hua Xi squatted a cup of tea and put it in front of Lushi: "Why do you have a general knowledge of your mother, isn't it your own identity?" Her father has two younger brothers and one younger sister, followed by a younger brother and sister. The lady is out, so their family is now closer to the second uncle, and the other two are just face-to-face.

"It’s also, the pair of jumper clowns made me feel blushing when I squatted,” Lu’s took the tea that her daughter had brought up, and she smothered more than half of it, and smirked. “They said something mess all day long. The rumors, thinking that this will show the ability of their room, knowing that people are doing, the sky is watching, who should have no one, God is clear in his heart."

The smile on Hua Xi’s face was slightly lighter, and then he changed into a slightly shy expression: “Mother, what are you talking about?”

"Well, we don't mention this," Lu said that his daughter was already upset, and smiled and took the list she was looking at. "The emperor's marriage intention came suddenly. Fortunately, I started to prepare for you a few years ago. If you are, then you will be wronged to me."

After glanced over the list, Hua Xijun suddenly understood what the mother had just watched. Instead of continuing to look at the list, he said, "Isn't the mother saying that someone is going to give me the size to make clothes?" I have never seen my mother before. Let the outside person come to her to measure the size. How can she let her see the people outside the dressing house this time?

"It’s just outside the dressing house. How can I get them to come close to you? I have told the next person to tell them the size. Waiting for me to take you to the old lady." As a mother, how can Lu’s not? I saw that my daughter didn't feel too happy about this marriage, but now that the sacred decree has been made, it is useless to say anything.

Although the king of the county is a valuable member of the royal family, and his talents are outstanding, he is the ideal choice for many of the noble women in Beijing. However, in the heart of Lushi, such a person is not suitable for being a husband of his own daughter. For the time being, I don’t say how many things that people can’t say behind them. They say that such a handsome man, such as King of the King, is too easy to hook up on the girl’s mind. The daughter marries such a man, too worried.

Today, she just used this reason to let her daughter get up early and go to the three rooms to ask the old lady for peace.

Their big house is not close to the old lady, it is not because Yi'an is not filial, but because the old lady is the continuation of the old Houye, the big house and the second room are the original match, after the old Houye passed away, three The brothers were separated. The big room and the second room are just the feelings on the face. It is said that there are many mothers and children, even if others believe them, they do not believe.

When Huahe and Lu were married, the old lady also did something unpleasant in the middle. Lushi was not the only master of the promise. After the old lady had no face, the old lady converges. Lushi also did not care about it. He has maintained his feelings for the past few years, but he is really close to it.

Hua Xia knows a lot of the grievances of the older generations, but given her mother's temperament, even if she marries, she does not have to worry that the old lady and the three-room person can deceive her mother. What's more, there are two older brothers on her, and the Yi'an waiting will not fall to the point where no one will follow.

The old lady lived with the three-bedroom people, so every time I went to the old lady, I asked the old lady to prepare the sedan chair. I walked east and west along the east street for two or three moments before going to the Sanfangfu.

Listening to the screaming of the outside traffickers across the sedan chair, Hua Xiyu slightly picked up the car window and saw that the sun had come out. The sun was a bit dazzling. Now the car curtains were put down and the eyes closed. When she was an actor in her life, she did not have a day or night of filming. She was tired and tired and did not mix into the status of a big line of coffee. In this life, she became a giant, and if she did not enjoy it, it would be a real life.

After the sedan chair of the Xi’an waiting room, someone on the side of the road began to talk about who this is, and the eight-treasure glazed sedan chair is really beautiful.

"How many of the women in the capital can use this kind of sedan?" A passer-by pointed to the two ends of the East Street, and then picked up the eyebrows, and the people who talked about it suddenly showed a stunned and complicated expression.

It is rumored that the wife of the Xi’an waiting room is quite embarrassed, but the reputation among the civilians in Beijing is not bad, because the wife of the Hou’s wife has done a lot of money for the poor people, and the family’s Lu’s family is kind, so despite The lady’s fame came out, but no one said how bad she was.

"It’s a pity..." The speaker shook his head and did not say the rest of the words. Unfortunately, the daughter of the wife was not as good as the three-room. The three-room Huaju people were not as good as the two brothers. However, a daughter who has got a picture is both versatile and does not know how much praise. Instead, the Miss Houfu never went out to play, and even the various parties in Beijing did not participate. Although the people in Houfu said that they were weak because of their girls, but no one had seen any famous doctors that Houfu had found.

So one after the other, everyone guessed that Houfu, the young lady, was too mediocre to look at, and she was afraid that others would not want to see people, but she was worried that others were suspicious and found a weak excuse.

However, although many people outside knew that the Miss Houfu had no salt, but could not stand the life of the family, she was given a marriage to the king of the county. I don’t know how many women have been married to this matter, so many people feel sorry for the king of the county. With the talented appearance of the king of the county, Wang Hao should be a virtueful woman with a unique character. How can she be a motherless woman?

However, no matter how the outsiders pass, the Ngee Ann Waiting has never taken care of these rumors, as if the protagonists of these rumors are not their own girls, but irrelevant outsiders. This kind of attitude has caused many people to stop ridiculing their minds, and at most they sigh for the Yi'an waiting.

Just as Hua Xiyu was about to fall asleep, he felt that the sedan chair had stopped, and then he heard the voice of Bai Xia asking her to get off the sedan chair.

The curtain of the car was hit by the red dragonfly. Hua Xiyu handed it to Bai Xia, and the sedan chair went behind the Lushi and walked toward the main house. Before I entered the gate, there was a sorrowful son who came up, played the curtain, held the tea, and someone came up to see the ceremony.

"The big bang came, please come in, the old lady is looking forward to it," said Mrs. Yao, the wife of Hua Sanye, who walked out of the house with a smile. He first blessed Lu’s body and then kissed Lu’s. The hand, looking at the side of Hua Xi Road, "Three girls are coming in quickly."

Lu’s hand with no traces was pulled out from Yao’s hand and smiled and said: “The younger brother and sister came to meet us personally. Our girl is weak, and it’s late, don’t mind.”

Yao smiled and said nothing, and led them into the house, but the smile brought a little imperceptible embarrassment, but after seeing Lu's seat, she still handed the tea to Lu's hand.

"Thank you brother and sister," Lushi's polite dagger, and then to the old lady sitting on the top: "Is the old lady physically good?"

"Okay, all right," the old lady smiled and nodded, then looked at the quietly sitting side of the Huaxi Road. "The three hoes have been longer and longer, so that this old woman is reluctant to marry her." ”

The old lady feels faint to Lu and Hua He, but she has no prejudice against Hua Xia, the granddaughter of her husband. Although the attitude of closeness is not comparable to the Hua Chuyu of his son's knees, but Huayi Liu from the second room is a lot of intimacy.

After all, the girl who has grown up like this, the old lady has never seen it before. Everyone has a heart for beauty. When she is old, she naturally has no guilty conscience for the young and beautiful girl. The rest is the appreciation.