MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 12 blurred shadow

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In the morning, a soft sun shines through the glass, reflecting the dark room.

When the room was getting more and more intense, the unconscious baixishan eyebrows shook a little, and then his closed eyes slowly opened.

"Grandpa, you woke up, you finally woke up."

The Bai Xia, who was guarding the side, saw that Bai Xishan, who had been sleeping for more than ten days, finally woke up in a coma. He could no longer control the tears in his eyes and threw himself at the bedside, shouting excitedly.

"Xiya, who saved me."

Looking at Bai Xiya, who was crying into tears, Bai Xishan gradually recovered consciousness and asked weakly. .

"Grandpa, Master Chen will save you." Bai Xiya wiped the tears in her eyes and said.

"Morning Master? Is there a surname in the Imperial City?" Bai Xishan asked doubtfully.

In his opinion, the person who can save himself from the ghost gate, the ten ** is the Imperial City doctor.

"Father, it is not the Imperial City doctor who saves you, but a young man with a strange face." Bai Jiangshui answered the words.

"What, young man? How old is he?" Bai Xishan browed, and his heart picked up a big wave.

"Hey, the morning master is estimated to be about twenty years old, and his medical skills are the highest I have ever seen. It took him more than an hour to save his father from the ghost gate." Because Ye Chenfeng took a human skin mask, and Bai Jiangshui could only vaguely guess, but he also felt ridiculous after talking about himself.

"Twenty or so years old, with medical skills beyond the royal doctor, is that the man from the illusory Zongmen." Bai Xishan snow white eyebrows gently twitched, muttered to himself.

And Zongmen is a surpassing the secular imperial power. The high-ranking sects of the fighting world can influence the prosperity and decline of a country.

"Zongmen! Right, only the genius of Zongmen, can this kind of fascinating medical skills." Baijiang water eyes brightened, echoed.

"Jiangshui, is that the doctor of the gods still in the house?" Bai Xishan sat up under the help of Bai Xiya and asked.

"He left the game last night and we didn't keep it." Bai Jiangshui said with some regret: "Fortunately, I have doubled my reward and how much goodness has been with him."

If Ye Chenfeng really comes from Zongmen, it is definitely worthwhile for Baijia to pay him at no cost.

"It’s good to be able to make a good relationship." Bai Xishan nodded and said: "Jiangshui, Shiya, when you are fine, you go to the city to turn around. If you meet the doctor again, you must be Please come back."

"Good!" Bai Jiangshui's father and daughter nodded.

When Bai’s father and daughter were hopeful, looking for the fall of Ye Chenfeng, they ate a big loss, and the Lian Sanjun who lost his face was also looking for his whereabouts.

It’s just that the white father and the daughter are looking for Ye Chenfeng in order to repay, and the Lian Sanjun is for revenge.

Mountain forest, deep pool, crane shadow, late autumn...

The next morning, Ye Chenfeng, who recovered his true body, spent nearly 180,000 yuan of silver and purchased 16 pieces of soul crystals. He entered the Baiyun Mountain.

Along the quiet and deep pool in the depths of the Baiyun Mountain Range, Ye Chenfeng holds two milky white soul crystals in his hands, and the high-speed operation of the Soul Eater devours cultivation.

I don't know how long it used to be. Suddenly, two broken spar sounds, and Ye Chenfeng's two lower-quality soul crystals lost their brilliance, turned into powder, and fell to the ground along the fingertips.

"The first level of the beast is the peak of the beast, and the physical strength has increased by 10%." I noticed the change of the body, and Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile, and took out two precious products of the soul, and continued to operate. Practice.

The pure spirits of the road, such as the tidal tide, poured into the body of Ye Chenfeng and were swallowed up by the blood of his soul.

As the soul of the **** egg devours more and more, there is a crack on the surface of the blood egg. When the crack is more clear, a powerful soul force spews out in the blood, and breaks through in one fell swoop. The bottleneck broke through to the realm of the second-class beast.

A moment of breakthrough in the realm, Ye Chenfeng opened his closed eyes and shot the light.

Breakthrough to the realm of the second-class spirit beast, Ye Chenfeng’s own soul power has increased by more than twice, and the physical strength has reached 1,500 kilograms.

And he broke through to the realm of the second-class beasts so quickly, it is completely the soul of the soul, the powerful devour of the soul-eater, beyond imagination.

"Hey, if I can't use the inexhaustible soul crystal, it would be fine."

With the improvement of strength, the consumption of the next product soul crystal will be more and more, Ye Chenfeng wants to increase the strength in a short time, must find ways to make money in exchange for the next product soul crystal or directly engulf the enemy soul beast.

When he was trying to consolidate his realm, suddenly, a terrified woman screamed in the silent forest and disturbed him.

"A familiar voice, who is this?"

Ye Chenfeng's brow slightly wrinkled, looked at the northeast of the mountain, hesitated, or rushed over.

"Little Beauty, I advise you not to do unnecessary struggles. No one can save you here. It is useless to shout your throat."

A middle-aged man in a black robes, of medium build and with a distinct scar on his eyes, licked his scarlet lips and said excitedly.

In front of him, standing in a black tight-fitting training suit, the body is exquisite, looks charming and moving, the mouth is hanging a **** young woman.

If Ye Chenfeng is here, I can recognize at a glance that this charming woman is not someone else. It was a good relationship with him. Today, Miss Qiao Jiada, who is stranger, is quiet.

"You, don't come over, if you dare to hurt me, I promise that my Joe's family will not let you go." Joe, who was not hurt, quietly, while retreating, warning in horror.

At this time, she regrets very much. She should not enter the Baiyun Mountain area alone to practice. If it is not her own rash behavior, she will not encounter the flower thief and put herself in danger.

"Little beauty, don't be afraid, I will be very gentle." Looking at Joe Jing's beautiful look, the black man is more excited.

"Soul Beast, Golden Winged Bird."

In a critical moment, the injured Joe Jing is not sitting still. She bit her teeth, and her soul is bursting. She summoned the soul-winged golden-winged bird that had just been smashed by the black man and made the last stroke.

Qiao Jingzhen is only a second-class beast, and the black man is a four-level spirit beast. Her soulful beast, the golden-winged bird, cannot pose a threat to the black man.

As the black man melted the soul beast black bear into his black-black stick, a white stick emerged with a long stick, which increased the attacking power of the long stick.


The man in black is like a broken stick. He directly smashes the soul of the beast, the golden beast, and the powerful counter-attack force has poured into the mind of Qiao Jing’s mind, which has damaged her soul. Blood ran down her seven holes.

There was a continuous rebellion of the soul, and the serious injury of the soul, Qiao Jingyu became extremely weak, his legs were soft and fell to the ground.

At this time, Qiao Jingzhen was really scared. She couldn't imagine her next fate. The hot tears flowed out of control and wet her flattering face.

"How, don't you struggle?" The black man looked at the desperate Qiao Jingyu, a smile on his lips, and walked up to her, took a yellow paper bag from his arms and said: "Come on Beauty, I will eat this, and then I will love you."

Speaking, the black man, despite the rebellion of Joe Jing, hardly poured the white powder from the yellow paper bag into her mouth.

"You, you are a beast, you won't have a good end." Qiao Jing guessed what medicine the black man had given her, the desperate big shout.

"Haha little beauty, it will be better to wait for the drug to work up." Qiao Jing's loud voice not only did not let him stop, but made him more excited.

Looking at the black man who is getting closer, Joe Jing’s expression shows a miserable, desperate expression.

When she wanted to bite her tongue, she found that a blurry shadow appeared strangely behind the black man, fluctuating with layers of air, and hit a powerful punch.

Read The Duke's Passion