MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1148 Amazing Earthquake

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"The son, everything is arranged, you come with me!"

Ye Chenfeng listened to the piano while drinking, waiting for about a musk time, the style woman swayed back with a **** waist, brought him to the luxurious decoration, the wall was inlaid with precious Lingshi, ancient A fragrant, snowy bedroom.

"The son, Xueyue may have to wait for a while, let me relax under the massage of the son first!"

The style of the woman's red lips is slightly open, and her eyes look softly at Ye Chenfeng, spitting a burst of aroma.

"No, I am waiting for the snowy month!"

Ye Chenfeng greeted the woman's eyes and said slowly.

Speaking and talking, the illusory light passed through Ye Chenfeng’s eyes and injected into the women’s eyes, instantly controlling her brain consciousness.

Ye Chenfeng is going to borrow her mouth and spread it out with the snowy spring night, thus angering Tuoba Wanjian and others, forcing them to take shots, and then bringing out the people of the city’s government, triggering the whole fascination. The city is in chaos.

Although this is a bit of a hassle, it is the safest, because Ye Chenfeng has been close to the main city of the fascinating city, and found that the ancestral home in the city’s capital is integrated with the huge map of the city that is covered with the gods. It is enough to threaten his life, so I want to get the most out of the people in the city government.

The style woman left, and Ye Chenfeng waited while drinking.

After more than an hour, the closed door was pushed open, wearing a white lotus cheongsam, the hot enchanting outline of the graceful figure, the light makeup on the face, charming and charming, walking, double The snowy moon that reveals the charming pink meat from time to time came to the snowy bedroom.

Looking at Ye Chenfeng, who is drinking alone, Xueyue put down the piano in his hand and smiled at Ye Chenfeng. The voice said with a charming voice: "Why is the son drinking alone, not looking for someone to accompany you?"

"I came here for you, naturally I want to love some!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the delicate face of Xueyue and said with a chuckle.

"The son said so, it is a privilege for the moon!" Snow Moon slowly sat in front of Ye Chenfeng, gently plucked the long hair hanging on his chest: "The son is tired, let the moon Let the water go, wait for the son to bathe and relax."

"No hurry!"

Ye Chenfeng said that he was not in a hurry, but he slammed the soft body of Xueyue into his arms, causing a sigh of relief and a red face.

When the snowy moon was in love with Ye Chenfeng, waiting for his next invasion, the prohibition outside the house was torn apart and he came in.

"Who are you? Why bother us Yaxing!"

Ye Chenfeng gently licked the soft body of Xueyue, and looked at the angry Tuoba Wanjian and others, knowingly asked.

"Mom, you are stinky*, you are not saying that today is not feeling well, but picking up here, Laozi killed you today!"

Looking at the feelings of the two relatives, angered Tuoba Wanjian, his angry roar, murderous.

"No, no, Wanjian, listen to me!"

Snow Moon did not expect that Tuoba Wanjian, who should have left, actually returned, scared to be eclipsed, and constantly thinking about words.

"Explain, why explain it to him!" Ye Chenfeng sneered aloud: "Men and women love, people's common sense, and I spent money, you are mine tonight."

"You are looking for death!"

Tuo Yu Wan Jian roared, and a sharp sword, the sword that reached the highest level of the ancients broke his body, and made a harsh sword, and screamed at Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, the best artifact, I want to hurt me!"

Ye Chenfeng snorted and gently extended a finger to the top, pointing at the tip of the sharp sword.


With the attack of Ye Chenfeng, the ancestral sword trembled fiercely, and the spirit in the ancestral sword was pointed by Ye Chenfeng, which greatly reduced the power of the best ancestral sword.

"Tuo Yu Gongzi, this person is not simple, you must be careful!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng pointing back to the best ancestral sword, the left hill scales changed slightly and whispered.

"What are you afraid of? In the city of fascination, my Tuoba family is the master!" Tuoba Wanjian said arrogantly, and summoned a sword of the best, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"Beauty, go to bed and wait for me, wait for me to solve them, we will spring again!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and threw the snow-capped snowy moon on the soft red bed. He smashed two punches and greeted the best swords that were stabbed twice.

Although Ye Chenfeng only uses a force of 10%, the power of this is not the ultimate sword.

After Ye Chenfeng’s two punches, the two ancestors’ swords were blasted out, and the clearly visible cracks spread on the surface of the blade.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng appeared in front of Tuoba Wanjian in the six-star ancestral context, slaps his hands and slams on his left cheek, slaps him off, and the whole body is heavy. On the far wall, the incomparably hard wall cracked the road.

A slap in the air, Tuoba Wanjian, Ye Chenfeng’s hands clasped the neck of Zuoqiu’s scales, and immediately banned him, and raised him high in the air.

"No, don't kill me, I am the young master of the Zuoqiu family, killing me, my father will not let you go!" Zuoqiu scale did not expect to be innocent, facing the enemy who could not be defeated, He was timid and immediately moved out of the Zuoqiu family to put pressure on Ye Chenfeng.

"Reassured, I will not kill you! Your life has been booked by others." Ye Chenfeng showed a cold smile, stunned the left hill scales, and took him into the Qiankun environment, stepping on The heavy pace, step by step to the Tuoba Wanjian.

"I killed you!"

Taiwan Wanjian instantly burned a powerful blood force, combined with two big cards, and raised his own combat power to the extreme. He summoned the six best swords that melted into the body and turned to Ye Chenfeng. .

The six best ancestral swords come, and the number of avenues spurts out the parking fee. It instantly turns into a big-handed hand, and grabs the six best artifacts.


The sound of a shrill sound shook.

Ye Chenfeng deduced the meaning of the Tao, the evolution of the big hand directly shattered the six best artifacts, and this scene completely scared Tuoba Wanjian.

"You, who are you?"

Seeing the power of Ye Chenfeng’s horror, Tuoba Wanjian has no arrogance, and he said in horror.

"I don't care who is important. What's important is that if you don't ask for help, you won't see the sun of tomorrow!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

"You, you...what do you want to do?" Takuya Wanjian is not a fool, seeing doubts.

"You have too much nonsense!"

Ye Chenfeng’s body flashed like lightning, appearing in front of Tuoba’s sword, releasing powerful physical strength and easily controlling Tuoba’s sword.


Ye Chenfeng stepped on his foot and directly smashed the ankle of Takuya Wanjian. The huge pain caused him to make a pig-like mourning, and alarmed the entire wind and snow.

"Stop, let the Tukko son quickly, or the old man will let you die without a place of burial!"

The singer of the wind and snow, the master of the moon, looked at the dangers of Tuoba Wanjian, suddenly nervous, and shouted loudly.


Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrank, and a powerful sound wave erupted in his mouth, forming a violent airflow, slamming on a famous guardian’s body, and directly blasting them. Go out.

And the news that Takuya Wanjian encountered danger, also passed through the wind and snow moon tower, the first time passed to the ears of the gods.

"You, you give me waiting, this hatred, my father will definitely report it to me!"

The pain of the death of the Tuoba Wanjian, crushed a messaging spar, staring at the **** red eyes looking at Ye Chenfeng, gnashing his teeth and said.

"Yes? I am waiting!"

Because there is no deep hatred with Tuoba Wanjian, Ye Chenfeng did not squat his killer, stunned him with one foot, carrying his hands and waiting for the big fish to hook.

Read The Duke's Passion