MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1119 Shenhuang shots

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"While, making life is terrible!"

Returned to the original place, Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief, and his heart whispered to himself.

If you don’t have this space transfer symbol, it’s hard to make a big difference with his strength.

Returning to the original place, Ye Chenfeng did not make any stop, immediately left, found a relatively safe place, converges the atmosphere, hides in the ground, and fully refines the body's power of creation.

The power of creation is extremely majestic, and it is not a day to go with the strength of Ye Chenfeng.

However, Ye Chenfeng has already thought of ways to accelerate the power of refining and refining. He has used his heart and mind to integrate the power of majestic creation into the chaotic law and the spirit of the virtual sword, and to qualitatively change them by the force of creation.

After the virtual swordsmanship, the chaotic law changes qualitatively, which will greatly enhance the strength of Ye Chenfeng.

After nearly a month or so refining, Ye Chenfeng basically refines the power of creation in the body, and his own strength has been greatly improved. The chaotic method and the virtual sword spirit have also undergone qualitative changes.

Feeling the benefits of the power of creation, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate any more, broke the ground, and once again went deep into the devastating virgin forest, hunting and killing the creatures.

With the last experience, Ye Chenfeng took a lot of care when he went deep into the virgin forest, and took advantage of the two mirrors to test the danger.

Soon, the two mirrors were smashed into a meteorite attack.

"Good opportunity!"

Looking at the three great creatures of the attacking image, Ye Chenfeng immediately raised his own combat power to the extreme. He held the fusion of Shen Tie, and the attacking power soared more than ten times.

"A sword is godless!"

A sword stabbed out, and the infinite swordsman shook the world. The power of the unparalleled kendo instantly tore the space. A sword stabbed the body of a creature, and more than a hundred million pounds of force poured into him. In the body, he directly smashed his body.

Next, Ye Chenfeng instantly merged into two major fields. With the strength of the two major fields, he first evolved three thousand Huashen fists, and one hand evolved Wanjian to return to the ancestor, attacking two other creatures.

Refining a large number of forces of creation, Ye Chenfeng’s combat power has soared several times, and the attack that broke out in two major areas has brought fatal damage to the two great creatures.


The two great creatures were bombarded by the supernatural powers that Ye Chenfeng used at the same time, and they were hit hard.

"Virtual Spirit Soul, Hey!"

Don't wait for the two great creatures to have a breather, Ye Chenfeng summoned the virtual swordsmanship, and launched a fatal blow to the two great creatures, such as lightning, opened their bodies and killed them.

In the thunder of lightning, the three great creatures were killed. Ye Chenfeng immediately incorporated a lot of creative power into his body.

Successfully killing the three great creatures, Ye Chenfeng immediately sighed and concealed, waiting for the opportunity to continue killing.

When Ye Chenfeng killed and cultivated the souls in the space of creation, Ye Wuji went deep into the Tianzu, and in the most tyrannical posture, he continuously took away the two sources of the heavens and the earth, which was suppressed by the Tianzu, completely angered the sky. The family is even more shocked by the whole virtual world.

Ye Wujiu successively shot the Tianzu, and a mysterious man also shot the Tianzu, forcibly extracting the origin of the Tianzu suppression and cooperating with the **** Tianzuo.

When Ye Wuji did not appear, Taishentian called the first person in the virtual world, but when he played against the mysterious man, he was cracked open by the mysterious man, and once again set off an uproar.

"The Promise, who are you talking about the mysterious person who suddenly shot the Tianzu?"

When wearing a big red dress, the skin is white, the **** of life with mature charm, personally poured a cup of Lingchao for Ye Wuji, looked at his angular face, and asked softly.

"If I expected to be good, that person should be the emperor!" Ye Chenfeng took a sip of Lingcha, said faintly.

"The Emperor! He is so hidden!" When he thought of the rumor that the mysterious man had broken a sword, God Yaotian said with concern: "The Promise, if you fight with the Emperor, you have a few Grasp and defeat him."

"If you don't use the power of the small six, I have 30% to defeat him, but if you use the small six, he will lose!" Ye Wuji overbearingly responded.

"That's good!" Hearing Ye Wuji's answer, Shen Yaotian let go of his heart: "Is the Promise, how is the morning wind now? He is not in danger of life."

"Don't worry about the morning breeze, he is far better than we think. If everything goes well, when he comes back, his strength will definitely make a qualitative leap!" Speaking of Ye Chenfeng, Ye Wuji's face could not help but reveal A faint smile.

When talking, Ye Wuji’s face suddenly changed.

The next moment, he disappeared in the bedroom in a strange way, appearing in the splendid mansion, watching the sky covered by the red blood cloud, the deep sea-like eyes reveal a very strong war.

"Shen Huang, you finally can't help but want to shoot?" Ye Wuji said with high morale.

"Ye Wuji, you are too deceiving, you really can't kill you!" An old and majestic voice rang in the red clouds, shaking the whole space with trepidation.

"Shen Huang, if you can kill the god, will you still be patient?" Ye Wuji smiled and said without fear: "Go out, let the **** see, you have been for so many years, how much strength has improved ""

"Ye Wuji, the gods vowed to destroy you!" Ye Wujii's words touched the wounds of the gods, let him go crazy and make him angry.

Speaking, the red cloud broke a hundred-foot-long, and the big hand that covered the sky like a mountain, evolved the vastness of the sea, and suppressed it to Ye Wuji.

The red-red hands were suppressed, and Ye Wuji’s hands twisted quickly, condensing into a large handprint containing life and death to welcome.


The two big handprints collided in midair, and they suddenly produced infinite destructive power, which caused the space of dozens of miles to be found to collapse.

"Shenhuang, your strength is nothing more than this!" A blow broke the attack of Shenhuang, and Ye Wuji sent a high shouting sound, breaking into the red cloud at a very fast speed, killing the gods. The mark left in the red clouds.

Although the red cloud is only the seal of the gods, but the power is terrible, with the power of Ye Wuji, it is only when the time of the battle is nearly a fragrant.

At the same time, over the holy land of Kunlun, there was also a red-red cloud, and the gods made a mark in the air, and shot the man in the depths of the Kunlun Holy Land.

Although Shenhuang’s shots were separated from the air, he couldn’t help him with the Promise and the Emperor. But his strength has shocked the whole virtual world and made the struggling Tianzu’s momentum more powerful.

"The Promise God, with your observation, how much has the healing of the gods recovered?"

Seeing the endless prominence of the leaves and the seal of the gods, the chasing the gods and other people revealed a thick and dignified color.

"If I feel right, the wounds of Shenhuang will be restored. He will give me a warning this time, so that he will not go to the heavens to make trouble, otherwise he will try his best to kill me!" Ye Wuji looked at the horizon in the distance, said lowly.

"Promise, what should we do next?" Shen Yao said with anxiety.

"Continue to search for the main medicine of alchemy, as long as I step into the virtual god, the gods will not be afraid!"

"But refining the gods, our resources are not enough!" said Shen Yaotian.

"I am going to go to the ancients, maybe the ancients should have what I need!" Ye Wuji took a deep breath: "I can't do it, I will enter the heavens again, there are small six-way body protection, Shenhuangzhen I can't kill me if I appear."

ps: Cloud tears WeChat public number: ylty83, welcome everyone to join!