MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 99 Brother-in-law, new home.

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   Chapter 99 Brother-in-law, new home.

   Drums and the troops withdraw.

   Liu Yang hugged the beauty and asked in a warm voice, "Don't you regret it?"

   Guan Ningxiu did not answer, but said to herself:

   "Little sister said you like me, and I like you too, so that's enough."

   Liu Yang was stunned for a moment and thought: I never said that!

   Of course, although I didn’t say it, it doesn’t mean I don’t have an idea in my heart.

   "Yes, as long as we like each other, that's enough."

   Then Liu Yang asked again:

   "I'm just curious, I don't know what attracted you to me."

   "Did you forget?" Guan Ningxiu raised her head, recalling:

   "Just in that temple, when you were fighting the invisible being, when you cut yourself to the point of blood dripping without frowning, I thought you were a man, and at the same time you were captured."

   "I can't feel where the man is at all, I just feel embarrassed"

   In the ensuing time, the two chatted a lot.

   Until very late, they embraced each other and slept.

   The next morning.

   Liu Yang and Guan Ningxiu both woke up.

  After washing up, the two went downstairs together.

   "Brother-in-law, second sister, congratulations."

   As soon as I got down to the first floor, I heard Guan Ningyan say so.

   immediately embarrassed the two of them.

   As if there is a feeling of being caught by j in c.

   "This is hahaha."

   Liu Yang spared Raotou, not knowing how to answer.

   "Okay, come and have breakfast."

   Just at this moment, Guan Ningshuang made a sound.

   Liu Yang looked at the other party and was about to express his thanks, but he was faced with a cold face.


   Well, after eating someone's sister, it's normal to not have a good face.

   Just how did they know?

   Is it?

   Liu Yang thought about it carefully and had an idea in his heart.

   "Isn't it possible? Can I still be like this? After that"

   After breakfast, Guan Ningshuang called Liu Yang aside.

   "Since the affair between you and Xiuxiu has already happened, I won't say much more."

   "With the current situation, no one can say what will happen in the future."

   "But one thing, no matter what the future holds, please don't hurt her."

   "Even if it's a lie, even if you let her live in a lie, I don't want her to be unhappy."

"it's OK?"

   Looking at Guan Ningshuang's pleading eyes, Liu Yang nodded heavily.

   "Don't worry, although I can't guarantee it 100%, I will do my best to make her happy."

   "Okay, I believe you."

   After Guan Ningshuang finished speaking, he left directly.

   After the tableware and chopsticks were cleaned up, several people sat together and chatted happily.

   As time went by, until the separation was imminent, a group of four people walked out of their homes.

   The breakthrough in the relationship with Guan Ningxiu was not hidden by Liu Yang.

   "Yesterday, the three-body peach tree spirit exploded a space crystal. At this point, the materials for my home upgrade have finally been collected."

   "Do you want to see what the upgrade of the space home looks like?"

   "Think." x3

   "Okay, then back away."

   Thinking of the last movement, Liu Yang asked the three sisters to leave for the sake of safety.

   Then, he called out his home and clicked upgrade nervously.

[Home upgrade program starts, iron block -1000, stone -1000, wood -2000, copper block -100, golden spirit stone -50, wood spirit stone -50, water spirit stone -50, fire spirit stone -50, earth spirit Stone -50, Ethereal Stone -10, Space Crystal -1. 】

   When the beep sounded, Liu Yang immediately retreated.

   The last encounter is still vivid and fresh in my memory.

   When he retreated to the side of the three sisters, a tornado rose up in the field.

   Countless materials were swallowed by the tornado, and then disappeared in the eye of the wind.

   The whole process lasts for a short time, and it will be calm in about a minute or so.


   "It seems a little too cautious."

   Seeing this, Liu Yang spread his hands and said with a smirk.

   "Be careful, hurry up and let's take a tour?"

   Guan Ningyan's face was full of excitement, looking forward to asking.

   "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up."

When    came to the scene, the round crystal ball had disappeared, and only a diamond-shaped crystal the size of a peanut was suspended in midair.

  [Simple cone-shaped world (+): The space crystal is used as the main body, and it is made of five-element spirit stones and many materials. Now it can no longer be called a home, and it already has a cone shape of the world. 】

[Lower upgrade conditions: iron block x10000, stone x10000, wood x10000, copper block x10000, golden spirit stone x1000, wood spirit stone x1000, water spirit stone x1000, fire spirit stone x1000, earth spirit stone x1000, wind spirit stone x1000, electric spirit Stone x1000, Thunder Spirit Stone x1000, Imperial Spirit Stone x1000, Ethereal Spirit Stone x100, Space Crystal x10, Spiritual God Wood x1. 】

   "I'm going, is this evolution? The names have changed."

   Liu Yang was shocked on the spot.

   "Hahaha, brother-in-law is amazing, I can't wait to see what changes in it."

   Thinking that the girls were about to leave, Liu Yang didn't delay too much.

With a wave of   , a vortex appeared.

   Liu Yang took Guan Ningxiu's hand and jumped into the vortex first.

   Guan Ningyan and Guan Ningshuang followed closely.

   "Wow!!" x3

   The four of them landed, and a few exclamations sounded.

   When several people saw clearly the environment inside the new home, they were shocked or shocked.

   Not to mention other things, the whole space is more than a hundred times larger than before.

   Low mountains, rivers, and grasslands.

   Of course, the main thing is residential buildings.

  The old three-story cottage is gone.

   What unfolded in front of the four of them at the moment was a majestic castle.

  This castle is tall and thin, and the huge stained glass windows are painted with all kinds of exquisite patterns.

  The overall style of pointed rib vaults, flying buttresses, and slender beam columns is similar to that of Gothic style buildings.

   "Really. So pretty."

   "Come on, let's take a look inside."

   Liu Yang said hello, and the four of them couldn't wait to run.

  The entrance square is not far from the castle, and it is less than 100 meters away.

   When a few people pushed the door and walked in, looking at the huge space inside, they didn't know where to go.

   "Don't look at me, I don't know."

   "It's not dangerous anyway, let's move freely."

   "Well, I'll go to the right."

   Guan Ningyan nodded and immediately ran to the right.

   "Then I'll go left."

   Compared with Guan Ningyan, Guan Ningshuang is much calmer.

"And you?"

   Looking at Guan Ningxiu next to him, Liu Yang asked with a smile.

   "I'm with you."

   "Well, let's go too."

   Liu Yang took Guan Ningxiu's hand, and the two walked towards the stairs.

   Corridor, lounge, living room, master suite, guest suite, garden room, indoor swimming pool, wine cellar, bathroom, kitchen, dining room.

  The layout of numerous facilities dazzled the two of them.

   Along the way, Guan Ningxiu smiled like a flower, and it could be seen that she liked it very much.

   However, for Liu Yang, there is only "grass grip" in his heart.

   "It's inconvenient for such a big place."

   "It takes a few minutes to walk from the master bedroom to the kitchen."

   "And living alone, won't you be haunted?"

   "Also, will there be dust in the house? How should I clean it if it is dirty?"

   All kinds of messy questions popped up in Liu Yang's mind from time to time.

   The corners of his mouth twitched at the thought of something bad.

   "Hey, since they've all been upgraded, they can only hold on to it."

   "I miss the old little villa!"

   (end of this chapter)