MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 159 Great change

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   Chapter 159 Great Change


   At this time, it was daytime, and the boundless dark clouds suddenly appeared, blocking the sunlight from the dome wall completely, and the sky was as black as ink.

   Not only that, in the clouds, thunder exploded, and electric snakes wandered away for a long time.

   At first glance, it looks like the end is coming.

   "What's the matter? Is it the end of the world?"

   "The world is not going to collapse, we are going to be sent back, right?"

   "You're not beautiful but you think you're pretty."

   "Do you think Liu Yang did it? Didn't he say the plan was about to succeed?"

   "Listening to you, it's really possible!"

  There is a lot of discussion on the human side, and the goblin side is also fried.

   And the most exaggerated is the fairy queen.

   The moment the beam of light lit up, she felt that her control over the goblins was weakening.

   At the same time, the hurried voice of the fairy goddess sounded in her mind, telling her what happened.

   "Impossible, all fairies are under my command, how can there be a second fairy queen?"

   In the face of her question, the fairy goddess did not answer her, but asked her to solve the other party quickly.

   Looking at the map coordinates in his mind, the fairy queen's eyes were red, and endless anger burned in her heart.

   "Damn, how dare you seize power with me, I will tear you to pieces."

  As the queen of fairies, the controller of the fairies, the existence that all fairies admire, and what he says is the golden rule.

  Now, there is a goblin trying to usurp the throne, wanting to seize her rights, the hatred in my heart is as deep as the sea.

   "All fairies obey the orders and immediately build a portal, target - Antofagas Cave."

   "My God, the outside world is more exaggerated than the home."

  As soon as Aphia came out, she couldn't help but marvel at the scene outside.

   "Yeah, it's like the end of the world."

   Ellen's mouth is open, his eyes are like light bulbs.

   "You two keep watching, I'll go back and tell the captain."

  Zong Zhengziyi's complexion changed and he immediately returned to normal, then he told Alan and Afiya and went back home.

   At this time, in the homeland, Mitra was rising higher and higher under the influence of mysterious power.

   When Zongzhengzi Yi returned to his homeland, Mitra was about to fly out of his homeland.

   Seeing Zong Zhengziyi coming in, before he could speak, Liu Yang hurriedly said, "Quick, just in case, let's go out and protect Mitra together."

  Zong Zhengzi Yi heard that since everyone went out, when they went out, the situation in the outside world would be clear at a glance, so he didn't need to say more.

   So, he just came in, and he followed Liu Yang and others out without saying a word.

   "Goblin, the goblin came to the gate of the base."

   "Quick, quick, don't let her escape, this should be the other party's spies."

   The place where Liu Yang returned to his homeland was not inside the cave, but outside the cave.

The sudden appearance and disappearance of the    beam of light has already made all the staff at the base on high alert.

   When Mitra appeared outside, he was immediately discovered by the guards.

   When Liu Yang came out, he saw dozens of paths heading straight for Mitra.

   Seeing this, Liu Yang was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Stop, my own."

   While shouting, the man jumped into the air, blocking Mitra behind him.

  Xia Mo saw this and jumped up without Liu Yang's instructions.

  It is overwhelming!

   Her defense is not as perverted as Liu Yang's, and she dare not let the attack fall on her body.

   In the face of several deadly attacks, she did not panic and used her skills accordingly.

   At this time, Allen and the others also reacted.

   Several protect Mitra, and others explain it to the people.

   I wanted to talk about it after the matter was settled.

   But there is no way to do it right now.

   None of them thought that Mitra would break through the home barrier and appear in the outside world.

   "You mean this fairy is the way to deal with the fairy queen? And the other party is now breaking through level 100?"

   Shen Yansheng's eyes widened when he heard the explanations from several people.

Aren't    fairies hostile? Why is there another one here?

   It's nothing to see fairies here, they can even be controlled by humans and get along well with humans.

   has even now become the means by which humans deal with the fairy queen.

   This situation was completely beyond his expectations.

   "Yes, this is a special fairy, which was controlled by our skills."

   Allen nodded affirmatively.

   "But you are only level 50 at the highest, aren't you afraid that the opponent will lose control after breaking through level 100?"

  According to the sayings in the previous novels, the pet that is subdued or accepted, when the strength exceeds the owner by a lot, will break away from the contract.

   Now, if this fairy wants to break through level 100, it has already doubled the level of the master.

   "Don't worry, this is not a novel. The contract we made cannot be broken, otherwise we would not dare to do it."

   Allen seemed to know what Shen Yansheng was thinking, and smiled.

  Shen Yansheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "That's good, that's good!"

After   , he began to order the surrounding people to be alert and join the ranks of protecting Mitra.

   At this time, the vision in the sky began to slowly fade away.

   "Looks like Mitra's evolution is almost complete."

   "Yes, as long as Mitra is upgraded, we humans will have hope."

   "Don't be careless, the more critical the moment, the easier it is to have problems."

   As if to prove that the other party was right.

   At this moment, a huge hexagram in the sky not far away appeared in the sky.

   Just as people were stunned, groups of fairies appeared from the way of the stars.

   "Attack, all attack, it's the goblin who killed it."

   The humans at the base responded very quickly. As soon as the goblins appeared, countless attacks were immediately released towards the opponent's position.

   However, at this moment, a huge coercion appeared from the star map and oscillated toward the Western Zhou Dynasty.

   "No, it's the fairy queen."

   Before the fairy queen showed up, Liu Yang knew that the other party was coming.

   Because this coercion is too familiar.

   After all, this should be the third time I collided with the Fairy Queen.

   At the same time, he was also muttering in his heart, why did the fairy queen appear at a critical moment.

  Unfortunately, he doesn't know, in his eyes, what is the meaning and function of a simple upgrade and evolution.

   "What? The Fairy Queen is here?"

   Shen Yansheng's face turned pale when he heard Liu Yang's words.

   Then thinking about the current situation, it is definitely impossible to escape.

  If Mitra's upgrade evolution fails, then there is no hope for humanity.

   So he shouted ruthlessly:

   "Everyone stops attacking and defends with all their strength. Never let the fairy queen hurt Mitra in the slightest, and even if she dies, she is not allowed to step back half a point."

   At the same time, it also uses special means to send news to the surrounding frontline teams, so that they can quickly return to defense.

   He didn't know if it would be too late, but what if?

   Shen Yansheng gave an order, and everyone in the base knew that the situation was in crisis.

   There are those who are worried, those who are afraid, those who are afraid, and those who regard death as home with their blood.

   Liu Yang acted first, sitting in a psionic vehicle to block Mitra behind him.

   At this moment, the fairy queen finally stepped out of the teleportation formation.

   (end of this chapter)