MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 126 assemble

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   Chapter 126 Assembly

  【Zhang Jie trades with you to get space crystal x1. 】

   "It's really not easy, I've only collected one until now."

   "Then, nine more"

  The space crystal was in hand, Liu Yang sighed in his heart, and was also very melancholy.

   Then he looked at other items, but there was nothing to look at.

   If you can buy it, you can buy it, and you can also hang up what you should sell. Liu Yang has nothing else to do.

   Then, he closed his eyes and began to rest.

   The next morning.

   A group of ten people cleaned themselves up, put on the best quality clothes, held the strongest weapons, and walked out of their homes with serious faces.

   Liu Yang looked at the refreshed people and nodded with satisfaction.

   As far as this team is concerned, they must have good looks and good looks, strength and strength, and they all value affection and justice. There is nothing to say.

   "Are you ready?"

   Liu Yang asked loudly in front of the team.


   The crowd responded in unison.

   "Then. Mass teleportation, start!"

   On a grassland, there is a stone mountain.

  The towering city wall surrounds the stone mountain one after another.

   And inside the wall, there are wooden houses of different heights.

   At this time, it was just dawn.

  The guards on the city wall are taking over.

   And the people in the city also began to walk together, preparing to carry out the task of the new day.

   When you meet someone you know, you will greet each other and chat a few times.

   "Lao Liu, what is your team's mission today? Remember to tell me if you need help!"

   "Sorry, today's task is a bit hard, we have to go and destroy the forest in the east, lest the forest goblins come over and use the trees there to summon the forest guards."

   "It's not a good job, the tree will respawn soon after it's gone, trouble."

   "Don't talk about me, what about your team?"

   "Let's go to guard the swamp in the northwest. Isn't the flame goblins coming out now, the legion commander is afraid that they will come from there."

"Wish you guys good luck."

   "Good luck to you too."

   Just as people walked out of the city gate, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky.

  Clang clang!

   There was a sound of rubbing gold, and the surrounding crowd drew their weapons around their waists to be on guard.

   And on the city wall, a car crossbow also turned its angle and aimed at the crack.

   The sharp-eyed guards immediately sounded the alarm.


   "What's the matter? There won't be another accident, right?"

   "You ask me, how would I know."

   "Don't let another goblin come from here, then we're all over."

  In a building on the highest point of the mountain, Shen Yansheng was discussing something with others.

  The alarm sounded, and everyone was startled.

   "What's the matter? The alarm bell rang early in the morning. Could it be the goblin calling?"

   "Don't panic, if it's a goblin calling, it's definitely not this movement."

   Contrary to everyone's suspicion, Shen Yansheng immediately took action.

   "No matter what it is, since the alarm bell is ringing, why don't you go and have a look?"

   After saying that, he walked straight out of the house.

  Other people saw this and quickly followed.

   Afterwards, under the leadership of Shen Yansheng, the group of people ran, jumped, flew, or drove vehicles, rushing towards the direction of the alarm at high speed.

   When Liu Yang clicked to confirm, a circle of light appeared at the feet of everyone.

  The aperture emits colorful light, which is gorgeous and colorful.

   Then, the crowd slowly sank.

   "This speed is a bit slow. Is it because there are many people and it is a bit heavy?"

   Compared with the previous transmission speed, Liu Yang couldn't help but complain.

   "Maybe it's possible."

   "It's like downloading something, the file is big and it takes a long time."

   Several people were talking, and they were engulfed by the aperture.

   When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves surrounded.

   "This is. Are you welcoming us?"

   Liu Yang blinked and asked uncertainly.

   "I'm going, it turned out to be a human, I was shocked."

   "Looking at the person in front, why does it feel a little familiar?"

   "Grass the grass, it's Liu Yang, and Liu Yang is also allied with us?"

   "Hahaha, this is good, we have added a few points to our human strength, and we will be more confident in dealing with goblins."

   "It looks a little handsome from the avatar, but even more handsome when I see the real person."

   "Look at his team, there are so many beauties!"

   "Look at the beauties, you look at the equipment on their bodies, the brilliance is flowing, and at first glance, they are treasures of extremely high quality.

  Different from the exclamations of others, Shen Yansheng saw Liu Yang with a smile on his face immediately.

  I saw him hurried forward and punched Liu Yang like an old friend.

   "You can count, you really look forward to the stars and the moon!"

   Liu Yang was not used to Shen Yansheng's familiar appearance.

   Even so, there was no stage fright, and he smiled slightly:

   "Last night was too late, I was afraid of disturbing everyone's rest. No, we came here at dawn, so we didn't want to make such a big noise."

   "I didn't expect this to happen to most of the people together. The other teams were sent separately, and people arrived in the blink of an eye."

There are many teams in the    alliance, but there are really not many who get together like Liu Yang, live together, and send them together.

   Even if they are together, they all choose individual teleportation instead of team teleportation.

   At this time, the leaders of other teams also came over.

   "Hello Captain Liu, Captain Sesshomaru Squad, Yui Xinheng, please give me more advice."

   "Hello Captain Liu, Deputy Captain of the Sesshomaru Squad, Koji Hojo, please give me more advice."

   "Hello Captain Liu, Captain of the Houyi Marksman Squad, Li Guang, please give me more advice."

   "Hello Captain Liu, Captain of the Necromancer Squad, Stefan, please give me more advice."

   Facing everyone's greetings, Liu Yang responded with a smile.

   Some of these people have heard of it, and some of them have not.

   Especially Hojo Koji, he took a few more glances.

   After all, this person made a deep impression on him.

   Liu Yang had no idea about the strength of this group of people.

   But judging from their respective equipment, it should be the same.

  Unfortunately, intermediate detectors can only detect monsters, not humans.

   "Okay, this is not the place to talk, let's talk inside."

  Shen Yansheng saw that the introductions were similar to each other, and said, then turned around and led Liu Yang and others up the mountain.

   "This is the first wall, with crossbows arranged"

   "This is the second wall, the main means of defense is."

   "This is the third wall, established there."

   Shen Yansheng was leading the way while introducing Liu Yang and others about the military strength and general situation here.

   Liu Yang nodded again and again.

   I have to say that people are different.

  What he wanted was to improve his strength as much as possible.

   On the other hand, Shen Yansheng has been developing towards the team from beginning to end.

   All kinds of craftsmen, all kinds of life skill books, all kinds of basic materials, are always being collected.

   And here is what he has achieved since he came to the fairy world.

   Not only them, but others were also surprised.

   Although they arrived last night, there was really nothing to see at night.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion