MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 119 Meet the Fairy Queen

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   Chapter 119 Meeting the Fairy Queen

   The fairy tree is the birthplace of the fairy queen.

   Whenever a fairy queen dies or dies unexpectedly, a new fairy queen will be born on the sacred tree.

   It’s just that with the passage of time, the abilities of the fairy queens of the past dynasties have been gradually reduced.

The    tree of gods is very large, like an open umbrella.

   Numerous branches spread out like umbrella skeletons.

   And at the meeting point of the branches, there is a huge light group.

   That light group is similar to the lantern where the goblins rested that Ellen had seen.

   It's just this light group on the entire divine tree.

at this time.

   in that huge light group.

   The eyes of the two beautiful girls were tightly closed, and they were suspended in the air, and from time to time, a group of colorful lights flew from one person into the body of the other person.

   These two.

  One of them has pointed ears and beautiful wings, her face is cold and her skin is rosy.

  The other is no different from a human being. Her face is pale and her brows are wrinkled from time to time. She seems to be experiencing some unbearable pain. She is Shi Yufei.

   One trick to eat fresh all over the sky.

   Allen confirmed the target and pinpointed the location of the fairy queen.

   He quietly released his teammates around the sacred tree according to the method he used to besiege the barrier during the day.

   Then he returned to the bottom of the divine tree and lurked again, and sent out dynamic messages in the group.

   On the outskirts of the Fairy Forest, Liu Yang is still confronting people.

   Whatever the goblin said, he stood still.

   "What to do? Why hasn't the queen ordered it yet?"

   The leading fairy was a little anxious.

   There was no order from above, she didn't know what to do, so she had to waste time.

   Liu Yang is very relaxed now.

   At this time, he was lighting a bonfire, holding the secret record in one hand and reaching to the fire, and eating food in the other to replenish his strength.

   His task now is to hold back these fairies while waiting for news from his companions.

   Seeing the nervous expressions of the fairies, he felt a little funny in his heart.

  This record of the secrets of the fairy world is not ordinary at first glance, is it still afraid of fire? Are you afraid of being cut off?

   I didn't expect that the unintentional actions of the day could actually scare the opponent, including now.

   This made him really can't figure it out.

   Of course, he didn't have the idea to test it.

  If it is really broken, it will be troublesome.

   In fact, he didn't know, and those fairies didn't know whether the secret scroll would be destroyed.

   They only know that this secret record is very important, but they don't know what it does.

   is boring.

   His expression changed in vain, and his heart tightened, because the most critical time was finally coming.

   This change was fleeting, and with the light of the fire, no goblin found it.

   But he didn't know that the person in front of him was already on the group chat.

   If you attack at this time, you will definitely have a great chance of success.

  Unfortunately, they don't know.

   "Huh? Why is it so foggy?"

Around the    Demon Spirit Tree, a heavy fog suddenly floated up, which surprised the members of the God Tree Guard.

   "I don't know, I haven't seen fog in a long time."

   "Maybe it's the weather change, rare doesn't mean no."

   "Well, indeed."

   "I don't know if the thieves in the daytime have been caught. How long has it been since they dared to come to our goblins to run wild!"

   "It's been hundreds of years. I remember that a thief came to steal something important, but the queen chased it out. Now that the queen came back, it must have been solved by the queen."

   "Hmph, those who dare to offend my goblins will be punished even if they are far away!"

   "Ah so sleepy!"

   "No, there is something wrong with this fog!"

   At this moment, the sound of killing began.



   Voices came from all directions.

   Various attacks followed.

   Knives, lights, swords, shadows, raging fires, and floods.

The   Sacred Tree Guard immediately fought back and sounded the alarm bell.

   "Hey, our goblins have been peaceful for hundreds of years, and we don't know where the enemy came from."

   At the barrier of the fairy clan, a fairy in the patrol team sighed.

   "Yeah, I don't know if the enemy has caught it."

   After the first goblin finished speaking, a goblin immediately agreed.

   "I heard that an enemy was surrounded by several elders, but he didn't wait for the Queen's order, so I don't know how to deal with it."

   "What an eventful time! The queen just came back from chasing the enemy, and she was seriously injured. Now that the injury is not healed, the enemy has come again."

   "Let's just do a good patrol. There are a lot of enemies this time, and I don't know where to hide."

   "I don't know, the team that arrived first saw the enemy, and it just flashed and suddenly disappeared."

   "Maybe it was hiding in a space treasure. In this case, if the queen doesn't show up, we can't handle it."

   Just as they were chatting, an alarm bell rang in the depths of the station.

   "Not good, the enemy has sneaked in, their target is the queen, go back and save the car."

  In an instant, the defensive teams in all parts of the barrier immediately returned to the defense, and not one was left.

Around the   Sacred Tree, Guan Ningxiu and others attacked frantically, fighting and retreating.

   At this time, their movements are as big as they are, for fear that others will not know the same.

   And at the moment they started, Liu Yang had been notified.

   He waved his hands to the fairies around him, and then returned to his homeland as soon as he returned to the city.

   Allen was still lurking underground, his palms full of sweat.

   Suddenly, a message in the chat group appeared.

   Seeing the news, he immediately got out of the ground, and then rushed towards the top of the **** tree at a very fast speed.

   There has been no enemy presence for hundreds of years. In a hurry, the guards of the divine tree have been in chaos. I never thought that there would be enemies lurking under the divine tree.

   is of course also related to their attributes.

  According to Mitra’s account, they are called forest fairies, their attribute is wood, and they don’t know much about other attributes.

   The only exception is the Fairy Queen, who can control all attribute skills.

   During the day, their abilities are enhanced.

   will weaken slightly at night.

   This is also the reason why Liu Yang and others chose to attack at night.

   In a few breaths, Allen came not far from the light group.

   Then the signal is sent out, and the condensation frost appears.

   The light group Liu Yang of the goblin clan and others don't know how the defense is.

  The chance is just once.

  For the sake of safety, the task of breaking the defense of the light group had to be handed over to Guan Ningshuang, who had the strongest single attack.

   When Guan Ningshuang appeared, the spear had already been thrown, heading straight for the light group.


   There was a loud noise, the light group shattered, and two figures fell from the light group.

   At this moment, the fairy queen opened her eyes.

   Seeing the scene in front of her, her face was covered in frost.

   "Court death!"

   A cold voice squeezed from the fairy queen's teeth.

   said, she waved her hand, and hundreds of ice arrows condensed in front of her, heading towards Guan Ningshuang.

   Guan Ningshuang's blow was already powerless.

   In the face of this overwhelming ice arrow, she had to use the return to the city to return to the home to avoid.

   At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Allen.

   is Liu Yang who has been waiting for a long time.

   As soon as Liu Yang appeared, he found Shi Yufei with a cursory scan.

   His figure flashed, and he went straight to Shi Yufei.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion