MTL - Dungeon Survival: Get a Spike Skill at the Beginning-Chapter 112 Disconnecting with Shi Yufei

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   Chapter 112 Disconnection with Shi Yufei

   "This skill."

   Looking at the attributes of the second exclusive skill, Liu Yang frowned.

   To be honest, he was a little disappointed with the attributes of this skill.

   Just increase the attack speed, how fast can it be?

   If it is not fast enough, the speed alone will not see much effect.

  Especially when he has the instant kill skill, he will die if he breaks the defense, and he will die in a big way.

   Therefore, he prefers a skill with super attack power.

   "Hey, considering the current attributes, it's useless. Let's see how the second attribute will look after the upgrade."

   Looking at the remaining pages, Liu Yang chose to upgrade.

  【Skill】: The Guardian's exclusive skill の Quick Fight lv6.

  【Effect 1】: Attack speed +70%, lower level effect, attack speed +80%.

  【Effect 2】: Ignore attack distance +200 meters, lower-level effects, ignore attack distance +400 meters.

  【Consumption】: Passive skills have no consumption.

  【Cooldown Time】: None.

  【Upgrade Condition】: Book page x320.

   ran out of pages, and the skill just rose to level 6.

   Looking at the second effect, Liu Yang was a little surprised.

  Back to the ground, he took out the flame bow and aimed at a boulder a hundred meters away.



   When the finger is released, the explosion sounds and the time is synchronized.

   "Sure enough, break through the space limit and hit the target."

   "The long-awaited property. It's finally here."

   "Although the distance is not very far now, the skill level is still low after all."

  Today's harvest exploded, Liu Yang decided to give himself a half-day leave.

   So he found a hidden corner and returned directly to his home.

   Liu Yang rubbed his hands beside the intermediate cultivation fertile fields.

   "Place high-quality cultivated fields."

  【The high-grade cultivated land is about to be placed, please confirm whether to place it here. Once placed, it cannot be changed. 】


  【The placement of high-grade cultivated fertile fields was successful. 】

  【Advanced cultivation of fertile fields has been activated. 】


  Looking at the large field that suddenly appeared next to the intermediate fertile field, Liu Yang jumped up with joy.

  I originally expected to have 2 or 3 acres of high-grade fertile fields, but I didn’t expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

  Ten acres, a full ten acres!

As soon as the    fields appeared, the scarecrows started to sow seeds in the newly emerged fertile fields.

   Looking at the slow-growing crops under normal conditions, Liu Yang directly added 50,000 psionic energy into it.

   When the growth accelerated and watched the crops grow, he turned away contentedly.

   stopped at the square, Liu Yang pondered for a moment.

   "Compared to the underground secret room of the castle, this square is suitable for placing the return stone."

   took out the teleportation stone for returning to the city, and Liu Yang began to place it.

   "Place the teleportation stone back to the city."

  【The teleportation stone for returning to the city is about to be placed, please confirm whether to place it here, once it is placed, it cannot be changed. 】


  【The city-returning teleportation stone has been placed successfully. 】

  【The teleportation stone for returning to the city has been activated. 】

  【Detected the active return teleportation stone, whether to bind it? 】


  【Binding is successful. 】

  【As the first bound person, you will have absolute control, you can turn on and off the teleportation stone, restrict others from binding, invite others to bind remotely, and delete other bound people.】

The    city-returning teleportation stone was installed and instantly turned into a huge crystal stone floating in the air.

   When Liu Yang was successfully bound, he immediately gained absolute control.

   At the same time, we also know what permissions are available.

   "Hey, in this way, I will put away my home and go directly back to the city, so I don't have to worry about being discovered?"

   "Then, if an ecology is formed in the home, can we not come out and live in it all the time?"

   "If the home continues to be upgraded, will it be the same as a normal world?"


  In an instant, countless thoughts emerged in Liu Yang's mind.

  Thinking about it, he couldn't help trembling all over.

   temporarily suppressed the amazing thoughts in his heart, and he began to invite team members to bind.

   Entered the team group chat, and Liu Yang issued an emergency notice.

   "The team meeting will be held in one hour. Please complete the work as soon as possible. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me."

  Emergency Announcement is a special function in the group chat, which can only be posted once a day.

  When the emergency announcement is issued, the information will be mandatory to appear in front of the group members.

The    announcement was issued, Liu Yang returned to the castle, came to the castle garden, sat on a rattan chair and waited quietly.

   After a while, people joined the chat group one after another.

   Guan Ningyan: "Wow, there's a meeting, there's a meeting, Captain, is there any other activity?"

  Aphia: "Oh, Captain, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are handsome again."

  Allen: "Hello Captain, long time no see."

  Zong Zhengziyi: "I'm here."

  Xia Mo: "I'm not late, right? Why hasn't Sister Feifei come yet?"

The    team members appeared one after another, but Shi Yufei kept disappearing, which made Liu Yang feel a little uneasy in his heart.

  Time passed by every minute and every second, and Liu Yang lived like a year.

   When the appointed time had come, Shi Yufei still did not appear in the end, casting a shadow on everyone's face.

   "Where's Sister Feifei? Why didn't Sister Feifei come? Could something have happened?"

   Xia Mo, who had the best relationship with Shi Yufei, immediately shouted.

   Everyone was speechless, and no one could answer her question.

   Liu Yang silently opened a private chat with Shi Yufei. The other party's id was still there, indicating that the person was still there.

   Try sending her a message, a prompt pops up.

  【The other party is in a special environment and temporarily unable to receive information. 】

   Liu Yang: "."

   "What kind of situation is this, I've never heard of it."

  Although we can't get in touch, at least we know that the other party is still alive.

   "Maybe she has another adventure!"

   Liu Yang thought so.

   Then he went back to the group chat channel.

   "Let's not talk about Feifei for now. She should be fine now, but she just can't receive our information."

   "Now, let me tell you what I'm calling everyone for this time."

   "I got a magic item not long ago"

   Liu Yang told the general situation of the teleportation stone back to the city, and asked everyone if they were willing to bind.

   Of course, it also includes the cost of binding.

   Liu Yang's request is only one point, that is, in terms of materials, everyone will give priority to supplying him unconditionally.

  Whether it is the materials for upgrading the home or the materials for making weapons and medicines, even in terms of book pages, the same is true.

   This condition can be harsh, or simple, it all depends on how you think.

   is bound to the Huicheng Stone, which is equivalent to sharing a home with Liu Yang.

   With the level of Liu Yangjiayuan, they are naturally incomparable.

   In this case, it doesn't matter if their home is up or not.

   In addition, you can return to the city at will by binding the return stone.

   This means that there is an extra means of escape, and it is a very inexplicable means.

   Compared to life and materials, is that a thing?

  If the life is gone, what's the use of keeping the materials?

   Question on the last page.

   Give priority to supply to Liu Yang, then Liu Yang can grow faster and become stronger.

  With Liu Yang as a person, holding such thighs is a good thing that you can't find even with a lantern.

   The benefits are many and the effort is small.

   After a little thought, everyone readily agreed.

   (end of this chapter)

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