MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 405 undead python

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After the field of vision was invaded, there was a dizziness that followed.

After a long while, Lin You regained his senses, and Li Zihan, who was not far from his side, was still confused.

Lin You, who didn't know when he fell, tried to stand up, but felt a violent shaking, and had to be attached to his feet by magic, so he barely grabbed the ground... No, it didn't look like the ground, the feeling from his feet was more Soft and a little slippery.

Could it be that……

Savoring this feeling, and then feeling the movement of the outside world, combined with everything he perceives at the moment, even if the field of vision in front of him is still black and red, some kind of amazing conjecture emerges in Lin You's mind.

And before he came to a conclusion, the fringes of the irregular zone.

Zhang Ze, who was standing in the air, had already sensed the movement of the forest of death, and said with a smile: "It seems that the young man in the human world is better than the man in the human world, and this touches the undead giant python. Now, Brother Ni, your people are going to work harder."

Doubts flashed in Nikolofia's eyes, and after a while, she snorted coldly: "You can imagine how strong the death energy is when you break into the forest of death so quickly, maybe you don't need people from my realm. If you take action, you will be buried in this forest of death."

"Not necessarily."

Zhang Ze laughed, and then joked: "Brother Ni, you are a little too frank, have you forgotten that entering the forest of death first, is there a benefit? You should really hope that your people will get this benefit, right? ?"

Nikolofia's face changed slightly, but she turned to a cold voice: "It is naturally a benefit for those who have the strength to get it, and it is also self-defeating for those who have no strength. Too stupid!"

"Oh, do you really think so?"

Zhang Ze smiled inexplicably, and that smile made Nikolofia feel extremely uncomfortable.

The figure flashed, turned into black smoke, and disappeared in vain.

"Is this escaping?"

Zhang Ze felt a little bored, but he stretched his body and fell into thought.

Successfully climbing the mountain so quickly... Is Xiaoye using the power of super source?

A little extravagant!


"This is how the same thing?"

Li Zihan, who had just woken up from the dizziness, turned his eyes around, but even if the magic power enchanted his eyes, he could still see only black and red.

The only thing that is certain is that Lin You is also in this environment, and he can feel his breath not far away.

"You're awake."

Sensing the movement, Lin You laughed and said: "Don't panic, it's just a small scene, we seem to be swallowed by something."

"Who panics..."

Li Zihan was a little displeased, but when the words came to his lips, he was stunned when he heard the last sentence.

Then, he said dully: "You are funny, how is this possible, we obviously..."

Halfway through, I sensed the movement of the outside world, and cold sweat dripped.

Why do I feel like I'm moving at high speed?

Could it be that?

Thinking of Lin You's words just now, Li Zihan sweated even more.

Soon, I couldn't sit still, and immediately said: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up to summon the monster, and disintegrate the guy who swallowed us inexplicably from the inside, the slippery thing here, is it stomach acid? Does this **** still want to digest it? Can't we make it?"

Some anger, but also some panic.

This is no joke!

"Don't worry."

Lin You said calmly, "Don't you feel something is wrong?"

Li Zihan has the urge to curse, when is it, and he still thinks about it?

But he calmed down somewhat. After all, seeing Lin You so calm, wouldn't it be embarrassing if he seemed too rushed?

After calming down a bit, Li Zihan also noticed something unusual.

The connection between oneself and the external soul... is still established!

In other words, the Qing Bing Bai Yelong has not been destroyed!

And based on the soul connection, he could sense that the green ice and white night dragon outside was launching an offensive, but the guy who swallowed them was still moving on his own.

What does this mean?

Seeing that Li Zihan was a little confused, Lin You explained with a chuckle: "You noticed it too? Our monster is attacking this guy, but this guy chose to ignore it, which means two points, one is that it is strong enough, It can maintain a high speed against the offensive of the outside world, and secondly, it has a high probability of not being hostile to us."

"No hostility?"

Li Zihan looked at Lin You in astonishment.

"Probably so."

Lin You nodded, "I don't quite believe it. As soon as we entered the forest of death, we really encountered such a powerful monster that swallowed us before we could react, and then started to move at a high speed. And this movement, in order to prevent falling behind, I also specially brought my gunner dragon, why do you think this is?"

"It's still moving with your gunner dragon?"

Li Zihan was amazed, his brain was running fast, and he vaguely understood something, "This is because you are afraid that you will disconnect your soul. If it is a pure undead monster, it will not have this mind, that is to say, it is this death battle, the two worlds A part of the placement?"

Lin Youxu pressed his index finger and said with a smile, "That's right, this show was staged as soon as we entered the Forest of Death. It seemed like he was going to take us somewhere, or in other words, forcefully control our position."

Li Zihan's face was cold, "The guy who gets in the way."

In the belly of the unknown creature, the two did not speak, but were constantly aware of the changes in the outside world.

After a while, the speed of this unknown creature gradually slowed down.

After a while, it stopped completely.

As soon as it stopped, Lin You and the two felt a surge in their stomachs, and a large amount of stomach acid pushed them to move higher.

After a burst of uncontrolled push, the vision of the two became widened in vain.

As if flying into the sky, the place where you enter your eyes is the gray sky.

The sound of breaking wind came, it was Qingbing Bai Yelong, who immediately caught the two people in the sky.

The dull footsteps also sounded, and Gunner Dragon was indeed nearby.

At this time, Lin You and the two could see clearly the monster that swallowed them.

It was a black-red giant python, nearly thirty meters long, even taller than many surrounding trees.

At this moment, the giant python is standing upright, overlooking the two of them condescendingly, with a strong and deadly attitude, which can be said to be full of oppression!

Suddenly, the giant python swept away, as if using its body as a whip, it slammed into a tree beside him.


The tree burst into powder in an instant, but at the moment when the tree burst, a smooth, round glass bead emerged.

The glass beads looked like the soul of some kind of monster.

What is interesting is that the glass beads are also constantly overflowing with black and red death.

As soon as the glass bead appeared, seeing the giant python blowing a sigh of relief, the bead flew towards Lin You and the two of them autonomously as if it had heard an order.

"Well, is there a windfall?"

Lin You stared at the flying glass beads with incomparable novelty, and Li Zihan also looked at it, and immediately noticed something, "The two black dots on top of them gathered together should have some special symbolic meaning, right?"

"Try it and you'll know, pay attention to the black dots on it."

Lin You thought of something, and suddenly jumped off Qingbing Bai Yelong.

When it was about to land, a lot of magic power attached its feet, and it landed steadily in a half-squatting posture.

As soon as he landed, Li Zihan immediately transmitted magic power, "How, can the black spots on it change?"

Li Zihan, who was still a little confused just now, said in surprise at the moment: "Move, this black spot can record our position? That said, most of them can also record other people's positions. With this thing, we can integrate our strength, but it is much more convenient. already."

"Yes, but, perhaps more than that..."

Lin You said with an intriguing smile.

This time, Li Zihan understood it in seconds, and then rarely smiled excitedly in front of Lin You, "If you can also record the positions of those secondary duelists, those guys will have a good time!"

The two were talking, and suddenly there was a loud noise.

It was the giant python that suddenly plunged into the ground, but the ground did not crack, but rippled with energy.

For a moment, the huge python disappeared in place.

The little guy can still capture its breath, but if he captures it again, it will be thousands of meters away!

Lin You whispered: "This giant python looks like it's here to give welfare, but this welfare is not necessarily only us."

Li Zihan also nodded slightly, "Indeed, only one person with this thing will help the progress of the fight. Otherwise, in such a large area, just looking for an opponent would take a long time, but who cares, there is this thing, those The second source duelists should wash their necks and wait, I will break them one by one!"

"But for the time being, it's probably impossible to find anyone. It's a little more difficult to get here faster than us."

As Lin You spoke, he observed the surrounding environment.

This place is already inside the forest of death, but the location where the giant python brought them is a relatively open location.

A large area in the rear is all open space, and many black and red traces can be seen on the ground, which is the performance of being infiltrated by dead energy.

After observing for a while, Lin You was a little disappointed and said, "Is there only death left in this place? I was expecting to make a fortune in the secret realm of Deathmatch."

But who would have thought that not to mention treasures here, even the most basic card soul does not exist.

Undead monsters are born based on death energy, and after they are destroyed, all they can see is death energy.

Li Zihan was stunned, why do you feel that you are more arrogant than me!

Do you know what the occasion is now?


If one is not careful, maybe his life will be buried here, so what else do you have in mind?

Still thinking about it, suddenly, the black-red glass bead trembled slightly.

This move immediately caught the eyes of the two of them.

Then, there were two more black dots on the glass bead.

The two newly added black dots are extremely far away from the black dots they incarnated.

It just appeared and disappeared immediately.

"What's the meaning?"

Li Zihan was stunned, Lin You thought for a while, then guessed: "Maybe the detection distance is limited, beyond the distance, it cannot be detected."

"Then why did it appear just now?"

"Two Possibilities"

In the face of Li Zihan's doubts, Lin You explained, "Either it is a special mechanism, when other people first appear in the forest of death, a reminder will appear on the 'detection beads', and then disappear, or it is related to the detection distance, The two people represented by the black dots were still within the detection distance when they first appeared, and then they suddenly went out of range, so they disappeared."

"That should be the former."

Li Zihan immediately insisted, but Lin You shook his head slightly, "Not necessarily, the latter is also possible, although it only flickered just now, but who can guarantee that they will not be able to appear further away? Don't forget us The encounter just now, that giant python, is extremely fast."

After finishing speaking, he added, "Of course, theoretically, the former is more likely, but it is also possible that the two conjectures are not in line with reality. It is meaningless for us to struggle with these now. Only this detection bead can exert its value, otherwise we will not have a conclusion about its basic function."

"Then what do we do now?"

Li Zihan just finished asking, his face stiffened, and he felt a little regretful.


How could Lao Tzu hand over the decision-making power to him like this!

It happened that the question was very natural, and I didn't think there was any problem at all.

He couldn't help scolding himself in his heart, but to Li Zihan's active inquiry, Lin You simply said: "Just wait here and see, in short, we still need to find a stable black spot first, otherwise it will not make much sense for us to leave, just For the purpose of ascertaining the environment, the harm outweighs the benefit, the place is too large, and it is difficult to gain a thorough insight, and on the way of exploration, there may be some troublesome undead monsters.”

Li Zihan was silent.

But there is no objection, and I also understand in my heart that this is the best choice.

It should be the safest to stay here first.

If nothing else, the giant python had a lot of deterrent power in the forest of death just now, and the position it led was difficult to be watched.

The fact is also the case, the two stayed where they were, and let Qingbing Bai Yelong also land. During the quiet waiting period, they did not hit any undead monsters.

Of course, this has something to do with the extremely weak death aura they are contaminated with.

That weak death energy was absorbed by Li Zihan when he activated cards and summoned monsters before, so it was nothing.

And after being in the forest of death, if you activate the card again, it will be fine.

Otherwise, Qing Bing Bai Yelong wouldn't be able to fly so freely.

Time gradually passed, and after another half an hour, on the detection beads, black dots appeared again, and there were still two.

But this time, the ending remains the same. As soon as it appears, it disappears again.

"It disappeared again..."

Lin You thought for a while, and said, "It seems that the black spots that are beyond the distance and just arrived, really only have a momentary mark."

Li Zihan frowned and said, "Maybe it has nothing to do with distance. You overestimated the role of this thing. Its role is limited to a one-time mark, and it may not be the Maybe so."

Lin You didn't refute either, Li Zihan frowned deeper, "Then what should we do? Will you continue to wait here?"

After he finished speaking, he slapped his forehead suddenly.

Some are tired, too lazy to call themselves stupid.

"Wait and see."

Lin You nodded, "Wait for two more black dots. If this is still the case, then we can try to take a look at it and focus on capturing the battle."


Li Zihan was a little irritable. Just as he was about to say something, the detection beads moved again.

Again two black dots appeared, but this time, it was different.

Both Lin You's eyes lit up, "Yes!"

Read The Duke's Passion