MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 392 Xu crazy challenge

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Among the demons.

Unconsciously, ten hours passed.

Lin You could gradually feel that his soul power was exhausted.

After perceiving the magic power removed from the magic shell, I made a rough calculation, and I was startled.

It's a thousand points, I'm afraid it is!

It's only been a day of crossing the devil, and there are thousands of points. Even if you continue to cross the devil, the effect will gradually decrease.

But looking at this situation, wouldn't it be possible to complete the demon crossing stage in just over a month?

"Easier than I thought..."

Lin You was a little surprised. He didn't know how long it would take for other people to cross the demons, but he knew that it would take five or six years to complete the entire spirit-demon combination stage, even if the newcomer existed at the king level.

Could it be that... the difficulty of combining spirits and demons lies in the combination of spirits and demons after crossing the demons?

Maybe so!

After all, it is called the combination of spirits and demons, and the combination of the second stage is naturally the top priority.

Thinking of this, Lin You, whose soul became more and more exhausted, also ended today's demon crossing.

It successfully carried thousands of magic power in one day, no matter what, it was also the top efficiency.

Even if Lin You doesn't know how much magic power other people can carry in a day, since it is related to the strength of his soul, he is confident that an ordinary genius can reach one-tenth of his level if he dies.

A rookie king like Xu Mang is only half of it.

What Lin You didn't know was that even such an estimate still greatly overestimated the ability of an ordinary genius to overcome magic.

Xu crazy's prediction may also match.

But Xu crazy, is not an ordinary newcomer king can compare.

Even in the imperial capital, he is a dazzling new star who has been hard to come by for many years!

"Have you finished training?"

Just after leaving the state of crossing the demon, a familiar voice came from his ear.

Lin You turned his head and saw Ye Qingyi.

The other party should have come during his training. At this moment, the training has probably just ended.


Lin You nodded slightly, and then asked: "You should have completed the demon crossing a long time ago. Now you are still training in the fog of crossing the demon, will there be an effect bonus?"

"Of course there is."

Ye Qingyi explained: "Although the effect may not be obvious, the magic power becomes easier here, and the energy of the combination of spirits and demons is easier to turn back to the magic shell, but compared to the effect of crossing the magic, it seems like a drop in the bucket."


Lin You immediately understood, even though the effect was a drop in the bucket, but since there was, it would be better than turning around.

Ye Qingyi and the others, during this period of time, wanted to maximize the use of the resources at hand.

Then after the resources are exhausted, it is also a matter of course to focus on the combination of spirits and demons.

"I feel that the magical aura on you is much stronger than before."

Ye Qingyi suddenly said: "No wonder you came to cross the fog of demons. I was curious before. It turns out that you are really combined with spirits and demons. The combination of spirits and demons under the age of's amazing."

In the cold eyes, there was a bit of admiration, and then he quickly said: "By the way, so, is it your first time to cross the devil today?"


"That...can you satisfy my curiosity?"

Ye Qingyi hesitated for a while, then looked at Lin You with burning eyes.

Lin You obviously knew what the other party was curious about, and he didn't hide it.

It just so happened that I could also learn about this situation from Ye Qingyi.

Ye Qingyi was stunned, but quickly reacted again, and said with some excitement: "It really deserves to be the duelist who summoned the red star monster from the non-Glory level, there really is such a shocking talent in this world, it's amazing, I When I was crossing the demons, I was half exhausted to carry more than 400 mana a day, less than half of yours."

"That's a lot."

Lin You smiled, but he was not surprised that Ye Qingyi could have this level.

After all, in his estimation, Xu crazy may be half of him.

And Ye Qingyi's talent, compared with Xu Crazy, may not be too much!

So it is not uncommon to have this carrying ability.

Ye Qingyi shook his head sternly, "It's far from being compared to you, let me tell you, just looking at the numbers really beautifies me a lot. Every 100 points is a step, so the real gap between me and you is not 600 magic points, but six thresholds!"

Speaking, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is what Grandpa said, there are people outside people, there are heaven outside the sky, this sky is bigger and farther than I imagined, but it is precisely because there are talents like you in this world that you can cultivate I feel more exciting every night, because I always have to remind myself that it is far from the time to slack off, and even if you can’t surpass that sky, at least don’t lose the chance to look up.”

Hearing Ye Qingyi's words, Lin You couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that you have an extraordinary opinion and firmness about how to walk on the road under your feet. No wonder you have such a talent at a young age."

"It's inappropriate for you to say that."

Ye Qingyi curled her lips in a rare manner, "In front of me, you are considered young, and it stands to reason that you have to call me Sister Qingyi."

Lin You patted his head and suddenly said: "I almost forgot, but I can't blame it all. You are so smooth and tender that you look at it. Anyone who looks at it will think it's a 17- or 8-year-old flower girl. Bar?"

Ye Qingyi shook his head and said, "I won't judge people by their appearance. It's easy to make misjudgments just by looking at them."

Just as Lin You was about to say something, he suddenly thought of his own teacher.

People in their 50s, sometimes wearing cool motorcycle clothes, instantly reduce their age by 20 years!

Not to mention some dueling powerhouses who are more concerned about this aspect. Maybe they are over eighty years old, but they have the face of a young man in his early twenties.

If you don't have magic power, you can't see through!

If you dare to spy with magic power, you may be beaten into a pig's head on the spot.

Thinking of this, Lin You gave up his rebuttal, "What you said makes sense."

Ye Qingyi didn't say this, and instead asked: "You are here to cross the demons, are you ready for the death fight? Do you want to go to Fang Ye or Senior Chen?"

"Sura Martial God"

"It's ready."

Lin You nodded first, then asked strangely, "Why are you looking for them?"

"That strange energy!"

Ye Qingyi immediately said: "When I was watching the battle that day, I found that your chestnut **** can absorb a lot of that energy. If the absorbed energy is not used to strengthen itself, most of it has the effect of storage. If it can be stored, you can find it. They help, that energy should be a powerful trump card for you, right?"

"You said this..."

Lin You smiled and said: "Actually, I have some ideas, but let's talk about it in a few days. These days, whether it's Brother Fang Ye or Senior Chen, they can't see anyone at all, they're probably busy."

"Senior Chen is in a high position in the Bird Capital Association, and I can understand that everything is busy. Fang Ye's words..."

Ye Qingyi thought about it and said, "I should be idle!"


Lin You was surprised, Ye Qingyi smiled and said, "Yes, in fact, I saw him a few days ago in the fog of crossing the devil, but now he has disappeared, maybe because he is afraid of breaking through the master level."

Lin You was slightly startled, but then he thought of something and smiled, "It seems that's really the case."

This deathmatch is limited to Glory-level participation, and it is a serious violation of the rules to be promoted to master on the way.

And Fang Ye is obviously only one step away from the master... No, it's just a thought away!

The reason for not being promoted is all because of this death battle.

In the entire Human World, there may not be a second Glory-level duelist whose strength is as strong as Fang Ye!

But... that was before Lin You appeared!

"At that time, if I can't see Senior Chen, I'll go to Brother Fang Ye for a consultation."

Lin You made a decision with a smile.


Time is like sand between your fingers, inadvertently, passing by.

In a blink of an eye, it was the 26th.

These days, Lin You still spends his time in cultivation.

Continuously carry the magic power in the magic shell!

While carrying it, he found something.

It seems that the power of his own soul has not gradually become fatigued due to the continuous transportation for many days, resulting in a decrease in efficiency.

It will be exhausting, but it will be on the same day.

On the second day, the previous tiredness disappeared!

Still full of energy!

Therefore, in the past ten short days, Lin You's cultivation achievements were particularly terrifying.


On average, the magic power carried every day is as high as 1248.6 points!

Lin You was extremely satisfied with this handling efficiency.

But today, he didn't cross the demon again.

It's not that I don't want to, but I received a challenge from Xu crazy!

Just yesterday, Xu Crazy finally entered the stage of combining spirits and demons.

He wasn't in a hurry to overcome the demons, and the first thing he did when he entered this stage was to find Yue Yongming Dou!

Obviously, Xu crazy did not forget his words.

Before fighting against Lin You, he would use the Yue Yongming Dou who defeated him in the World City Competition to start the The result of this operation... In the end, Xu Xian won!

Although Lin You didn't watch the battle with his own eyes, judging from Xu Fan's challenge to himself, it was obvious that he had successfully defeated Yue Yongmingdou.

Xu crazy is crazy enough, but such a person will practice every word he says!

Therefore, Lin You had no reason to refuse Xu Fan's long-lasting fighting will and fanaticism.

Since Xu crazy was publicly challenging Lin You in the fog of crossing the demons, this challenge also attracted the attention of others.

Everyone wants to see, after these days of cultivation, what kind of combat power these two can achieve!

Anyway, they are in the combination of spirits and demons, and they are not in a hurry to practice temporarily. For this showdown, everyone does not want to miss it.

But the main reason is because the challenged object... is Lin You!

Originally, everyone's impression of Lin You was only that he was not full of wings, but in the future he would become a great player.

An amazing talent with top talent!

But no matter how talented he is, he can't make much waves in the World Duel City Competition today.

However, Lin You not only came to the end, but in the final stage, in front of everyone, he set off a storm!

The scene of the little guy absorbing the power of super source is still deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

And in that battle, Lin You didn't really show his full combat power.

Therefore, everyone is very curious about his true strength.

Among the people who participated in the death battle, Li Zihan was the only one who had fought against Lin You in a real sense. After these days of training, he already believed that he had the strength to break through the swordsman of dragon destruction!

Hearing that Xu Fan planned to fight against Lin You, his heart also moved.

He had to wait for Xu Mang to be defeated, and then follow up with Lin You to fight.

Before the death battle, you must personally find the place you left behind!

Read The Duke's Passion