MTL - Dressed Like the Scum In the Ancient Bloody Text A-Chapter 32

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After dinner in the evening, a family of three was watching TV in the living room, Shen Xian looked at Lin Qinghan beside him, and said, "Qinghan, I have something to do tomorrow night, so I might have to come back later, you and Tiantian don't have to wait." I."

Lin Qinghan stopped eating the fruit, looked at Shen Xian suspiciously, thinking that it couldn't be such a coincidence, "I have something to go out tomorrow, why don't I send Tiantian to Mom tomorrow?"

Shen Xian nodded and said: "Okay, then I will tell Mom to pick up Tiantian tomorrow." Shen Xian was also a little curious about where Lin Qinghan was going, but it was because the relationship between the two of them was not yet familiar. Shen Xian didn't ask too much.

The next day, Shen Xian first called Fang Jinglan 50,000 yuan. It can be said that the original body has never given a penny to his parents other than cheating money. Now that he has money, he has to set aside some money for daily circulation. In addition to funds, Shen Xian sent some money to his mother first.

Sure enough, after a while, Fang Jinglan called Shen Xian back, "Shen Xian, where did the money come from? Did you get into trouble again?"

"No, mom, that's the money I earned recently. You and dad have been taking care of me all these years. Now it's my turn to take care of you. Don't worry, it's all serious money. Take it quickly." Shen Xian smiled laughed.

"Okay, then mom accepts it. When will you come back for dinner? Mom will prepare it for you." Fang Jinglan's joy could be heard on the phone.

"Wait a few days when Qinghan rests. By the way, Mom, I have something to do with Qinghan tonight. Can Mom pick up Tiantian?"

"Okay, you two hurry up and get busy, Tiantian, don't worry."

Shen Xian chatted with Fang Jinglan for a few more words, and then hung up the phone. Later in the day, Jiang Xi drove to pick up Shen Xian to try on clothes.

This high-definition clothing store itself belongs to Jiang Xi's family, and the clothes inside are of course selected by Ren Jiangxi. Shen Xian was not polite to Jiang Xi, and chose a black dress to try on. Shen Xian came out of the dressing room Jiang Xi was stunned for a moment, she thought that Shen Xian would choose a lady's suit, because she usually sees Shen Xian, and Shen Xian rarely wears skirts.

Shen Xian looked in the mirror and was quite satisfied with the dress. The waist fit tightly and the collarbone was exposed, making it look **** yet elegant.

Shen Xian glanced away and saw Jiang Xi in the mirror looking at her, and asked a little funny: "How is it? Is Mr. Jiang still satisfied?"

Jiang Xi nodded vigorously and said, "Sister, I thought you were accompanying me in a lady's suit, and you look good in a skirt!"

Shen Xian smiled and said: "It's okay, it will be more perfect if you put on some makeup, then those people who pester you will be embarrassed to come over."

"No problem, sister, enough cosmetics. I have no shortage of cosmetics at my place, and it's almost time. Let's go there after putting on makeup."

Jiang Xi picked out a white dress, and went back to put on makeup with Shen Xian.

Shen Xian picked out a deep red lip gloss, put on a simple makeup, and slightly curled the end of her long straight black hair, looking **** and full of aura. Shen Xian looked in the mirror and was very satisfied.

After eight o'clock in the evening, the dinner began to enter the venue. As soon as Shen Xian and Jiang Xi got out of the car, they attracted the attention of many people. On the one hand, it was because Jiang Xi's family background was eye-catching; Because of Xi, the waiters outside the door are very attentive.

Jiang Xi felt that she had found the right person when she found Shen Xian, and she always felt that Sister Shen's aura was comparable to her Sister Mu's.

However, many people still wanted to curry favor with Jiang Xi, so many people came over to say hello, and many people were inquiring about Shen Xian's details.

"Miss Jiang, who is this? I don't think I've seen it before. Is this an upstart who just came to Haishi?" An alpha who has a crush on Jiang Xi came over and asked.

Jiang Xi supported Shen Xian with one hand, looked at Li Yuan and said, "Her name is Shen Xian, and she is my partner now."

"Miss Shen, it's a pleasure to meet you. I don't know which well-known domestic company your family belongs to?"

Although Li Yuan's family background is not as good as that of Jiang Xi's, he is considered a respectable person in Linhai City. Shen Xian immediately understood Li Yuan's meaning. Isn't this just to keep her from stepping down.

"There is no well-known company in the family, isn't it more interesting to start from scratch?" Shen Xian replied with a chuckle, and then Shen Xian pretended to be considerate and asked Jiang Xi next to him: "Xiaoxi is going to take a rest?"

"Okay." Jiang Xi just didn't want to listen to Li Yuan's words for a long time, and every time he saw Li Yuan, he would stick it like a dog's skin plaster.

Shen Xian nodded to Li Yuan to say hello, and sat down with Jiang Xi on the empty sofa on one side.

"I can't tell, Mr. Jiang is really popular, how many people are looking at you." Shen Xian joked with a smile.

"Sister, don't laugh at me. I don't want this kind of luck. Isn't it just to cuddle up with my dad and brother? It's so boring." Jiang Xi curled her lips as she said.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, look at how many people are coming to your left front." Shen Xian looked up and said.

"It's so annoying, it's the daughter of Uncle Zhou's family again." Jiang Xi murmured to Shen Xian in a low voice.

Shen Xian chuckled lightly: "It's okay, just block them back."

When Shen Xian and Jiang Xi were talking, those girls had already come over.

The one at the head is exactly Zhou Manling that Jiang Xi mentioned.

"Yo, Xiao Xi, where did you find Alpha? She looks so pretty, why don't you introduce her to the sisters?"

Jiang Xi frowned and said, "This is my partner, keep your mouth clean."

"What's the matter? You're not happy about your little lover. If your father knows that you just found someone and dares to bring them here, he won't be so mad."

"You don't care about the beauty." Jiang Xi glared at her and stopped talking.

When Zhou Manling was talking to Jiang Xi, she kept looking at Shen Xian. She had never seen Shen Xian with such an A and Yu type, so she turned to talk to Shen Xian: "I don't know if I can get to know this young lady. It's called Zhou Manling, and you can come to me if you need anything in the future."

Shen Xian glanced at her lightly, covered her mouth and nose with her hands, "Young lady, please step aside, your perfume is too strong, I feel a little sick to my stomach."

"You, how dare you say that about me!" Zhou Manling was about to explode.

Jiang Xi was overjoyed, "That's right, sister, I also think the smell here is a bit unpleasant, let's go to another place."

Zhou Manling clenched her fists tightly. Alpha said that the taste of an Omega is not good, which is equivalent to calling her ugly. She thought she could hook up with Shen Xian before, but Shen Xian's words made her lose her mood.

The venue for the dinner party was very large. Jiang Xi and Shen Xian moved from the east side to the west side, planning to stay for a while before leaving. Just as they were about to find a sofa to sit down and rest, there was a small commotion in the distance. Many people looked over there.

Shen Xian didn't care at first, leaning on the sofa and chatting with Jiang Xi, Shen Xian's contented look blocked several people who wanted to strike up a conversation, but looked further away, Shen Xian looked there Why does the person standing there look a bit like Lin Qinghan? Thinking about the law that female protagonists are prone to accidents, Shen Xian immediately stood up.

Jiang Xi was taken aback by her sudden standing up, and asked, "Sister, what's wrong?"

Shen Xian glanced down at her, and quickly said, "It seems to be my ex-wife over there, I'll go over and have a look." He said and walked over quickly.

Lin Qinghan didn't want to come here at first, thinking that after helping Lu Jianbai this time, the two of them would no longer have any interaction. Who knew that not long after entering the door, Lu Jianbai introduced her to his mother, and then there was Now this scene.

Lu's mother has long known that Lu Jianbai likes an omega in the same hospital, and that omega's child is three and a half years old. Seeing Lin Qinghan, she doesn't have a good face, and she humiliates Lin Qinghan: "Lin Qinghan, right? Someone has checked you, I advise you to take it easy, don't try to seduce my son, our Lu family won't let you in, let alone your child is almost four years old, don't think I don't know .”

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? I am sincere to Qing Han. If you don't let me marry her, then I won't marry any other Omega."

Anyone with a bit of a brain knows that the most taboo is to make a fool of yourself at a dinner party. Even if there is something, it is said in private, but it is the first time for Lu Jianbai and his family to participate in this kind of head dinner party. Lu's mother is even more arrogant. Their family is really among the upper class, and their attitude is even more arrogant.

Lin Qinghan was speechless, she was just here to help, but it ended up like this, "I think both of you have misunderstood, Doctor Lu, when you came to me today, you just asked me to help you, I don't like you , let alone marry into your family, I think your mother is worrying too much."

Lin Qinghan's words did not comfort Lu Jianbai, but instead made Lu Jianbai feel that it was his mother's words that hurt Lin Qinghan, and Lin Qinghan said that he didn't like him, so he argued with his mother even more angrily: "Mom, what are you doing? Let Qinghan agree."

Shen Xian's time has passed, but standing behind Lin Qinghan, Lin Qinghan and Lu Jianbai didn't see her, so it's hard to get Qinghan to agree? So what did Lu Jianbai ask Qinghan to agree to? Shen Xian frowned slightly.

Lu's mother became even more angry, "You are stubborn with me because of a divorced Omega with a child!" She picked up the wine glass in her hand and was about to splash it on Lin Qinghan's face. Shen Xian, who was behind Lin Qinghan, had already Mother Lu quickly reacted in one step, reached out and grabbed the wine glass that Mother Lu threw at Lin Qinghan, pulled it over with her backhand, and splashed it on Mother Lu's face.

Lu's mother was stunned, and shouted: "Who are you, how dare you hit me." As she said that, she wanted to come over and do something to Shen Xian.

Shen Xian glared at Lu's mother coldly, and said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, the set of high-end suits I wear costs seven figures, which is not something a small workshop like yours can afford."

Shen Xian's red lips parted slightly, and the fierce temperament in his eyebrows and eyes was accumulated over the years. Mother Lu was frightened by Shen Xian's posture, and immediately dared not go forward.

Lin Qinghan didn't expect Shen Xian to appear here, and Shen Xian unconsciously drew her gaze away. It was the first time she saw Shen Xian like this, with exquisite makeup, the temperament between the eyebrows seemed innate, and the black skirt Outlining her already slim figure, Lin Qinghan couldn't move his eyes for a while.

It was Lu Jianbai's words that interrupted the brief peace, "Shen Xian, what are you bragging about here, a **** who borrows money every day? Hurry up and apologize to my mother. As for the clothes, you can't afford to pay them back. For Qing Han's sake, please forgive me." You this time."

Shen Xian was amused when he heard this, "Doctor Lu is really good at beating me up, it was your mother who wanted to attack my wife, I did it in self-defense, besides, Qing Han doesn't like you at all, please stop harassing me her."

"What are you, Qinghan likes me, Qinghan, say something." Lu Jianbai said and wanted to grab Lin Qinghan's wrist, but Shen Xian stretched out his hand first, and pulled Lin Qinghan into his arms.

"Speak as you speak, don't move." Shen Xian gave Lu Jianbai a cold look.

Seeing more and more people gathered, Lu Jianbai also became anxious, stretched out his hand and said to Lin Qinghan, "Lin Qinghan, follow me quickly."

Lin Qinghan didn't push Shen Xian away, his attitude was clear at a glance.

"Doctor Lu, I think you have misunderstood. I came here with you because you helped me before. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't like you. It's also very strange why you said that. We will It's better to keep a distance." Lin Qinghan said bluntly to Lu Jianbai.

Lu Jianbai was stared at by so many eyes. At this moment, he only felt the burning pain on his face. He pointed at Shen Xian with reddened eyes and said, "Shen Xian, it's all you, Qinghan, don't believe her, she is a liar, she is Liar, come with me quickly." As he said that, he wanted to pull Lin Qinghan.

At this time, Jiang Xi had brought security over. Of course, the organizer of the dinner knew who the guests were, and Jiang Xi's family background was not enough to offend. It's not easy for them to come in such a small workshop, and they even dare to poke a trick at a dinner party.

"These two ladies are my friends, please get these psychopaths out." Jiang Xi ordered the dinner foreman beside him.

"Okay, Miss Jiang is really sorry, we didn't check the list of people attending the dinner thoroughly, and let these people disturb your cleanliness." The foreman nodded apologetically at Jiang Xi, and ordered the security to invite Lu Jianbai's family out.

Lu Jianbai's father was licking his old face just now and fawning on the upper class, but he didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he came here, his face was almost green with anger!

He, the owner of a small company at the bottom, didn't know who Jiang Xi was, pointed at Jiang Xi and said, "What are you, dare to talk to my wife and son like that, and you security guards, let me go."

"I advise you little girls to apologize to my wife and son quickly, otherwise today's matter will not be over." Lu Jianbai's father saw three young girls opposite him and said that he should be easy to bully.

Jiang Xi was almost amused. Although she didn't go to the company very much, she did go to socialites' banquets. Everyone in the circle knew that she was the daughter of the Jiang I Group. Who could not give Jiang Xi face? It was the first time someone had openly stabbed her.

At this time, a lazy girl came from not far away: "What? I want to see who scolds Jiang I's group's daughter for nothing?"

As the voice gradually increased, Shen Xian saw clearly that the person who came was Mu Siyu, the president of the Mu Group.

Lu Jianbai's father didn't know Jiang Xike, but he knew Mu Siyu, a financial genius in Linhai City, the leader of Mu's Group, who led Mu's name in the international market at a young age.

"Mu, Mr. Mu? You mean she is Mr. Jiang's daughter?" Lu Jianbai's father turned pale.

Mu Siyu nodded with a chuckle, glared at the foreman and said, "Why are all cats and dogs put in? Don't take them out yet."

After Mu Siyu finished speaking, the six security guards held up the three members of the Lu family and dragged them out. After dragging them out for a while, they could still hear Lu Jianbai's father apologizing.

"Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really don't know."

However, no one would care about what he said. With today's incident, those smart companies will no longer cooperate with Lu Jianbai's company the next day, which is equivalent to his company being blocked by the circle.

There was no more noise, and those who wanted to watch the excitement couldn't afford to offend Mu Siyu, so they dispersed, leaving only Shen Xian and the others staring at each other.

Mu Siyu looked at Shen Xian particularly unkindly, "Miss Shen, we met again, I didn't expect you to come out with Xiaoxi even if you have a wife."

"It's his ex-wife, Sister Shen is already divorced." Jiang Xi explained for Shen Xian, but he didn't explain the right place at all, causing Mu Siyu to stare at Jiang Xi, and Lin Qinghan looked at Shen Xian thoughtfully.

Seeing that Lin Qinghan looked at him, Shen Xian felt a little bad, and hurriedly explained: "Ms. Mu misunderstood, Xiaoxi only found me when she knew you were busy abroad recently, and there was nothing, just to serve as a shield for Xiaoxi."

Shen Xian thought that Mu Siyu should be jealous because Jiang Xi didn't find her as a companion, but found himself. The two of them really have a deep sisterly relationship, and the jealousy of good sisters should be eaten.

"Hmph, is that right? That's really troublesome for Miss Shen." Mu Siyu didn't look at Jiang Xi after finishing speaking, turned her head and left.

"Sister Mu, wait for me." Jiang Xi hurried to chase Mu Siyu, then turned to Shen Xian and said, "Sister Shen, I'm leaving first."

Shen Xian nodded and said: "Okay, you go quickly." Your little sister will be jealous if you don't go there any longer.

Shen Xian smiled and said to Lin Qinghan beside him: "Then Qinghan, let's go home too."

Lin Qinghan snorted coldly at Shen Xian: "What's the matter? You don't need to accompany your Xiaoxi?"