MTL - Dressed Like the Scum In the Ancient Bloody Text A-Chapter 18

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Even though Shen Xian drank a little wine last night, the habit she developed is still unshakable. After she ran in the morning, she went back and made cheese sandwiches and milk for Zai Zai and the others. In addition, I didn't see Shen Xian last night, so when I woke up, I clamored to see Shen Xian.

"Mom, it's the rice made by Mommy! It smells so good, Tiantian wants to find Mommy." Shen Tian rubbed her eyes, pulled the little milk voice and said, because she didn't sleep well, there were still a few fried rice on the top of Shen Tian's head. Stupid hair.

Lin Qinghan didn't have any precautions when facing Zai Zai, and stroked Zai Zai's hair with slightly curved eyebrows, "Okay, let's wash up first, and then go to Mommy, shall we?"

"No, no, Tiantian hasn't seen Mommy for a long time, go to see Mommy before washing up." After finishing speaking, before Lin Qinghan could react, the little short legs got out of bed by themselves, put on slippers and jogged Go to the kitchen.

Shen Xian, who was busy in the kitchen, only felt a sinking on his thigh, and when he looked down, he had an extra leg pendant.

The little pendant was still shaking his little head and yelling: "Mum, why didn't you tell Tiantian when you came back yesterday, Tiantian misses Mommy, she wants to hug~"

Faced with Zai Zai's coquettishness, Shen Xian had no resistance at all, and immediately surrendered, hugged Zai Zai and coaxed: "Mommy came back yesterday, Tian Tian has already fallen asleep, I didn't mean not to talk to Tian Tian, ​​I won't do it next time Okay? Mommy must go home early to stay with Tiantian."

Shen Tian put her arms around Shen Xian's neck, pulled Nianyin'er like a little adult and said, "Ou, Mommy wants to be an obedient child, and she can't stay home so late, Tiantian and mom will be worried .”

"Okay, it won't happen next time, Mommy promises to Tiantian." Shen Xian hugged Zaizai in his arms, rua rua Zaizai's dumb hair and promised.

Not far away, Lin Qinghan was leaning against the wall and looking at one big and one small. Shen Xian's love for Tiantian didn't seem to be faking now, and Tiantian was also very sticky to Shen Xian, but Lin Qinghan didn't know that this was a good thing after all. It's still a bad thing, who knows how long Shen Xian's good will last? Gaining Mommy's love and then losing it may cause even greater harm to Tian Tian, ​​even she herself is almost used to the breakfast that Shen Xian makes every day.

Lin Qinghan forced himself not to think about it, and called out to Shen Tian: "Tiantian, come here to wash up first, or you'll really be a stinky baby."

Shen Tian opened her eyes wide and quickly denied: "Ah, Tiantian doesn't smell bad. Tiantian is a sweet baby. Tiantian is going to wash up. Mommy puts Tiantian down."

Shen Xian was amused by Zai Zai's appearance, "Okay, then Mommy smells sweet and sweet." Shen Xian raised Zai Zai higher as he spoke, and smelled Zai Zai's body.

Shen Tian opened her eyes and waited for Shen Xian to write, Shen Xian nodded with a smile and said: "It doesn't smell bad, sweet is the most fragrant."

Lin Qinghan watched the interaction between one big and one small, and his lips curled up unconsciously, "Okay, if you don't wash up, you'll be late, so stop making trouble."

Only then did Shen Xian put Shen Tian on the ground, Zai Zai ran over and hugged Lin Qinghan's thigh, Lin Qinghan pinched Shen Tian's face with a smile and said, "You know how to act like a baby."

Leading Shen Tian to the bathroom, Lin Qinghan moved Shen Tian her own small stool, and squeezed toothpaste for Shen Tian.

Shen Tian held a small toothbrush by herself and brushed her small white teeth up and down. Lin Qinghan supported Shen Tian to prevent her from falling off the small stool.

After the mother and daughter finished washing, the breakfast made by Shen Xian was also on the table. Shen Tian's eyes lit up when she saw the delicious food, she couldn't wait to take a sip, and her little face raised up happily, "Mummy ,this is delicious!"

Seeing that Zai Zai loves to eat, Shen Xian is also happy: "It's delicious, and Mommy will make it for you tomorrow."

Shen Tian nodded her head against the two little pinches on her head, "Okay!"

After sending off Shen Tian, ​​Shen Xian went back and continued to watch the quotations of the few stocks he bought.

On the other side, Lin Qinghan also went to the hospital as usual. She is in a private hospital, so she is usually very busy, and there are many patients in the hospital. She hardly has any free time to rest after filming. Han Rui from the department came over to talk to her.

"Qing Han, the new Director Zhao is treating guests to dinner tonight, let me tell you."

Lin Qinghan sighed, what she dislikes the most is having dinner after get off work, it is a waste of time, besides, she has to take care of Tiantian, Lin Qinghan usually does not participate in such activities, over time, a lot of rumors spread in the hospital, Some said that Lin Qinghan was reluctant, and some said that she was poor, especially after Lin Zhixin came to make a fuss, there were more rumors.

"I have to coax Tiantian at night, so I won't go." Lin Qinghan said while packing his things.

"Sister Lin, if you don't want to go, those people have something to say. They are the leaders anyway, so go to save face." Han Rui persuaded. There are already many people in the hospital. She can't understand those people who are provocative, but working in a unit means turning a blind eye.

Lin Qinghan also knows that there are many people in the hospital who don't like her, but she is just being herself. Does it mean that she has to hang out with those people who gossip behind their backs every day to be considered a group? That was too tiring.

Seeing that Lin Qinghan didn't reply, Han Rui persuaded: "It doesn't matter whether you go to other people's dinners or not, I'm afraid that the leader will hold grudges. Sister Lin, I don't like those people, so just treat them as my companions."

Lin Qinghan knew that Han Rui had good intentions, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's go together that night."

When getting off work, Lin Qinghan called Shen Xian.

"Shen Xian, take Tiantian home first in the afternoon. I have a dinner party at the hospital tonight, so I may have to go back later."

"Okay, then you can send me the address of the dinner later on Fetion, and I will pick you up at night." Shen Xian thought for a while and said.

"No, just have a meal with my colleagues, and you just need to take care of Tiantian."

"That's fine, come back at night slowly." Shen Xian reminded a few more words before hanging up the phone.

In view of Lin Qinghan's affection for him, Shen Xian also understood why Lin Qinghan didn't want to bother him, and knocked out the system in his mind.

"Qinghan is going to have a dinner party in a while, can you locate where to have the dinner?" Given the principle that accidents often happen around the heroine, Shen Xian is always worried, thinking that even if Lin Qinghan doesn't need him, he will still be there when the time comes. Good to see.

"Okay host, this function requires a payment of 1,000 yuan to the system, is it still possible to use this function?" The system's mechanical sound sounded.

Shen Xian directly clicked the "Yes" button in the void, and received a deduction notice in his Fetion payment, okay, the system was quite timely when asking for money.

"The system will notify the host of the hostess' dinner location within the corresponding time period, please pay attention to check the host."

After receiving the answer from the system, Shen Tian also came out of the kindergarten. Zai Zai was cute and cute holding hands with Li Mengmeng, chatting and laughing, and when she saw Shen Xian, she hurriedly said goodbye to her little friend, and rushed towards Shen Xian like a small cannonball Come over, hug Shen Xian's thigh precisely.

Shen Xian rubbed Zaizai's little crotch and said: "Tiantian, let's go back to grandma's house first, mom has a dinner party tonight, and mommy may have to pick up mom, if it's too late, let's sleep at grandma's house, okay?" it is good?"

Shen Tiandian nodded her head and said, "Okay, sweet and obedient, then Mommy must protect Mommy."

Seeing Shen Tian who was like a little adult, Shen Xian was amused, "Okay, Mommy will protect Mommy." He said and led Shen Tian to the supermarket.

Shen Xian first led Zai Zai to the fruit area, Shen Xian lowered his head and asked Zai Zai: "What kind of fruit does Tiantian want to eat?"

Shen Tian blushed, squeezed Shen Xian's palm and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Of course, anything is fine." Shen Xian said with a smile.

Shen Tian pressed against Shen Xian, rubbed her small face against Shen Xian's arm, pulled the little milk and said, "But, but, Tian Tian doesn't know what else to eat besides Little Crescent Moon~"

Shen Xian pinched Zai Zai's small face and said: "Okay, then Mommy will pick some for Tiantian."

"Yeah." Shen Tian replied vigorously while nodding the little tugging on top.

Shen Xian picked some and moved to the fresh food section. Knowing that Zai Zai was dazzled by the sight, Shen Xian decided to make his own decisions. He bought minced meat and shrimp, lotus root and snow peas. After buying these, Shen Xian held them in one hand With a big bag of things, he led Zai Zai to Fang Jinglan's residence with one hand.

As soon as Fang Jinglan opened the door, Shen Tian rushed forward: "Grandma, grandma, Tiantian misses grandma."

Fang Jinglan was so teased by Shen Tian's words that she couldn't close her mouth, "Hey, grandma wants Tiantian too, Tiantian is so good, let grandma hug her."

Holding Shen Tian upside down, Fang Jinglan did not forget to ask Shen Xian: "Shen Xian, why didn't you tell Tiantian that she was coming over earlier, I'll go buy delicious food for the child."

"Mom, don't bother, I've bought them all, lychee, mangosteen, mango and unicorn melon, you get some more and let's eat together, I'll cook for you." Shen Xian gave Fang Jinglan all the fruits, and Then he carried the vegetables and meat into the kitchen.

Although Shen Wenkang's legs and feet were not flexible, he heard Shen Tian's voice, and tremblingly pushed the walker out, and shouted a few times in a hoarse and indistinct voice: "Sweet... sweet, sweet... sweet .”

Because of the cerebral infarction, Shen Wenkang's speech is more laborious than normal people's, and his legs and feet have become inflexible. Who would have thought that the person who is pushing the walker now is a shrewd and capable hospital doctor?

Shen Tian raised a big smiling face, "Grandpa, Tiantian misses grandpa too~" Although she didn't know why grandpa would talk like this, or why grandpa was pushing a small cart, it was enough for her grandpa ah!

Fang Jinglan looked at the sensible Shen Tian, ​​her eyes were a little hot, and after helping Shen Wenkang to sit down, she found a cartoon for Shen Tian to watch, while handling the fruits for them.