MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1695 Many puzzles

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After coming out of the Qinghui Temple, the harvest of everyone is not small.

Especially the dragon.

In this trip, there is only one supernatural power, that is, the nine secluded hunter has become a magical power, but this is his sixth magical power, which is one of the high-level magical powers. After it became a magical power, Long Yu has not performed it. For the time being, I don’t know what kind of effect.

But he is not in a hurry to know.

When they were in the Temple of Qinghui, several other gods of the Nether Star River were slowly cultivated in the hidden space of the Temple of the Ancestral Temple, including Ye Ziwei, because there is no one to disturb at that place, you can practice without worry. Things outside.

Even if the entire ice fire family is destroyed, it will not affect them.

After all, they entered the Qinghui Temple, and it is very likely that they will enter for a few years. No one knows what will happen in these few years.

However, there is no need to worry about the Umbrella and the Optimus. Since the Qinghui Temple is open, the two races have already been prepared, and their respective strongest gods will be absent for at least a year.

It turns out that when Long Yu came out of the Qinghui Temple, time has passed two years.

During this time, it was not too long for the experience of the temple. It was not too short, but everyone seemed to have experienced it for a long time, and at the same time it seemed to pass by. The time lapse in the temple was really unpredictable.

Long Yu glanced at the four women around, including Zhi Tao, and found that their respective changes were not small.

Everyone's cultivation secrets have been improved!

Everyone has made other progress!

"My ancient god's pattern... The style of Fenghua, tested in the Qinghui Temple, seems to be able to attach a protective barrier to the spiritual soul. This layer of protection is very strong, unless it is ten times more than me. The strongest of the power density, the means of attacking the spiritual soul, can not be broken."

The moon song said to everyone.

However, her style of fashion is only useful to herself, and it is impossible to attach a protective barrier to the spiritual souls of others.

This alone is already very terrible, and its effect has surpassed the secret law of the pure world practiced by the Dragon Emperor. In particular, the Moon Song also cultivates the secret law of the martial art of the Pure World. If the two are combined, it can be said that the present Moon songs are basically not afraid of any mental attack.

The two forces of 虞妃 are more closely combined, and the scent and the magic are clearly distinct. Now they are beginning to merge together. As she cultivates the secrets, she increases her strength and she gradually grows up. The horror ability that combines fairy tales and magical powers exerts far beyond the power of the two.

The current embarrassment, although it is only 30 times the power density, but it can compete with 35 times or even stronger opponents, fighting more than a few other women.

Moreover, as her fairy magic is more integrated and the degree of integration is higher, her combat power will become stronger. This is a combination that transcends the density of power. It is her innate advantage. Others want to learn. Not coming.

Hung Hom’s trip to the Qinghui Temple, in addition to upgrading one of his other supernatural powers into a demonized magical power, is also derived from a stronger practice of secretive secrets, with the power of **** gods, blessing others. On the body, enhance the strength density of one tenth of everyone.

This is an extremely amazing means. For Long Yu, it can already match the effect of the eight-pole blood. What's more, this is no means of sequelae, or a group effect.

It can be seen that the level of the gods, or the ancient gods, the cultivation of the secret method and the like to strengthen the horizontal, with a powerful ancient gods, or a powerful practice of secrets, the help of the battle is obvious.

The harvest of the Holy Emperor is more special.

In addition to raising the secret of cultivation again, she and Long Yu are as if they have seen some ethereal messages from Qinghui. These messages seem to have something to do with her blood. Unfortunately, these messages are the same. It became extremely vague and was deliberately erased.

In addition, she also turned the other two congenital powers into a deified power. Now she has a total of five deifications, which is only one worse than the dragon.

It is necessary to know that Long Yu had three deified powers before stepping into the gods, and the Holy Emperor was a single miracle that he stepped into, and he broke through to become a kind of god. At that time, she did not have any magical powers. In the days, she received many rewards in various temples, mostly to promote her supernatural powers to be magical.

However, she did not expect that in the Qinghui Temple, she could find information about her own blood.

Although this message is rare or even ambiguous, it has caused her unprecedented mood swings, because she always wanted to know what the white feathers were like in the past. Why are the white feathers now only left? What about a small family?

She herself, why can she be awake from ancient times until now?

What did Jiuyoulong Emperor did at the end?

Everything is still a mystery.

To find out the answer to this puzzle, she still needs to do more.

Knowing that Taotao passed this trip to the Qinghui Temple, the body of the Jiulonglong Emperor was more purely controlled, and the strength of the body finally recovered to 55 times, and the fruits of the two innate powers were also more mature.

In addition to the understanding of ancient ghosts and gods, her combat effectiveness has also improved a lot.

In the Qinghui Temple, she is mainly matured by the two congenital powers. One of them has become a magical power. It is a great improvement for her. As an inherently flawed existence, now She is stepping towards the foot of the ordinary class.

If she can achieve the birth of seven congenital powers, then her strength will not be weaker than the dragon!

"After coming out, you should go back to the ice fire family. After a while, I will start to bring the Umbrella and the Optimus into control."

Long Yu said to the ladies, then raised his hand to build a bridge of Taikoo rain, then set foot on the bridge, took the girls on the bridge, and quickly returned to the ice fire territory.

Long Yu observed some of the entire ice fire family. It was found that two years later, there was a lot of chaos in the entire ice fire family, but it was all insignificant. It was nothing more than the fact that the strongest ice-fired gods were sitting in the town. The order in the ice fire domain has become somewhat confusing.

These chaos came from the restless elements of the Ice Fire. These guys wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to gain more benefits, so they encouraged a series of things, trying to extract more resources from other forces to accelerate their development.

Such a guy is there in any race. After all, life is selfish, and now the ice fire family is not facing life and death, so that these guys in the ice fire family have no sense of crisis.

If the ice fire family is facing life and death, many people who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of racism will emerge. These guys... even for Long Yu, it is also a headache.

Therefore, when he dealt with the Umbrella and the Optimus, he did not intend to kill the Umbrellas and other geniuses of the Optimus, but was prepared to use these geniuses to rule these two gods.

It’s a real process, it doesn’t take long, but I want to transfer the cultivation resources of both families to my own hands, but it takes some thoughts. Of course, this is not a difficult thing for Long Yu. Just use a few small means to do it.

Anyway, when he came forward, it was the strongest **** of the two races. As long as it was not too demanding, the other two ethnic groups must have only obeyed.

At the same time, Long Yu can only pretend to be an alien god. Therefore, when he appears, the other weak alien **** can only say that he has suffered an accidental death in the Qinghui Temple. This is a great race. Loss of clouds...


One year passed.

Long Yu has completely ruled the boundaries of the three major aliens of the Ice Fire, the Umbrella and the Qingtian, and has all the cultivation resources in it have been completed!

The resulting development results are gratifying.

Among the people in the Nether Star River brought by the Dragon King, almost everyone has reached the realm of the seven-segment mastership. Only one step can step into the existence of a kind of god. During this period, there is another miracle that opens. When they stepped into it, they also added three new gods in their ranks, namely, Xueluo, Qinya Cream, and Mozhai.

With more and more new gods in the Dragon Royal camp, Dragon Royal itself is getting stronger and stronger.

His own celestial ninth is the ninth weight of the fourth round, with a power density of forty-six times, plus the fifteen-level shadow attribute of the gods, he is equivalent to having a power density of fifty times. !

In combination with many means, as well as the bluish blessings of Hung Hom, the Dragon King can completely fight against the 70-fold power density of the alien gods.

On the other hand, Liao Lele refines a number of special medicinal herbs, which are specially used to give Long Yu to take the effect. The effect is to improve his fit with other attributes of the gods. He originally had a ten-level fit except for the shadow attribute god. But now, they have upgraded to two levels and become the top 12-level fit.

Of course, under the secret effect of the celestial solitude, his degree of conformity with other gods has been weakened by three levels, leaving only nine levels, but it is also much stronger than the first seven.

At least let Dragon King not appear too weak when facing certain enemy offensives. After all, the fit of the sacred attributes also affects the resistance of the attribute to the gods.

"In the Qinghui Temple, I and the Holy See have seen some messages, but these messages are too vague. If you want to understand these messages thoroughly, you must become stronger and try to step into more temples, and... The sacred objects of the foreign protoss are only waiting for me to fight against the alien gods of eighty times the strength of power. It is time to go back."

In the eyes of the dragon, there was a flash of fineness.