MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1649 First-line win

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In the Nether Star River, countless people are looking forward to it.

Beyond the enchantment of the gods on the edge of the Nether Star River, Long Yu and everyone are facing strong pressure from alien gods.

At this time, Long Yu knew that there could be no reinforcements from the outside world. I wanted to resist this alien attack and only rely on them!

Even if it is the Terran and the Yaozu, it is impossible to come here to help, not whether it will help, but whether there is a necessary problem.

The sword, the six-wing and the mechanical are the top interracial among the Qixing River. The overall strength is extremely horrible. Now the target is placed on the dragon, and even if the Terran and the Yao are so elite, it is difficult to withstand it. The offensive of the three aliens.

What's more, now the Terran and the Yaozu are fighting against the Protoss, and there is no chance to reinforce the situation of Long Yu.

"Since we can only rely on ourselves, we can only rely on our own efforts to win the first line of victory in the desperate for Long Yu!"

The girl's remnant of the peaches occupies the body of the nine secluded dragons. At this moment, it has thirty-five times the density of power. It is the only one that can face the confrontation with this group of alien gods.

Her goal, it is the 38-fold power density of the snow-white six-winged god!

Others are holding down the weaker alien gods. The leader of the six-winged family is dealt with by Zhitao. Although everyone can't stand it for too long, this is already the best help for Long Yu. It is.

As long as you give your hand to Long Yu, you may be able to cut off each other!

In the field, Long Yu condensed eight heads of magic dust, which was used to contain other alien gods besides the mechanical leader. It was almost his limit, and the eight heads of the dust were soon. There are signs that they can no longer support.

Just at this time, the ladies joined forces!

The Holy Emperor and the Dragon King communicated with each other and directly confronted a six-fold power-density six-winged god. On the offensive of the Dragon Royal Devil, the power density of this six-winged **** was weakened. By sixteen times, the Holy Emperor directly urged the integration of the soldiers.

"Dragon 骸 thousand feathers!"

The Holy Emperor’s mind was moved, and the dragon’s thousand feathers were blended around her, and then a thousand dragon feathers lingered around her, each containing a strong power, even though she was more than the six wings. The tribe of God is six times lower than the density of power. At this moment, it seems that it does not fall at all.

In addition, the dragon dust of the dragon is also pinned down, so that the Holy Emperor finally resisted the powerful offensive of the six-winged.

From the six-winged people, there is a constant flow of golden gods, forming a turbulent stream of space, and wanting to involve the Holy Emperor, but at this time, the dragons and thousands of feathers awakened to the realm of the first layer.

The special warrior of Long Yu Qian Yu is a strange existence that even the powerful swordsman of the past can't see through. It is a combination of two special early-inspired gods.

At the same time, Long Yu and the Holy Emperor joined forces to fight against the enemy, and merged the dragons and thousands of feathers together. After so many times, they finally got a chance to wake up at this time.

"Thousands of feathers!"

The Thousand Dragons awakened by the Holy Emperor is a defensive means that can push the screen of the Thousand Feathers. The thousand dragon feathers are flying around her, and the trajectory of the tyrannical power is condensed into a layer of layers of thousands of feathers. The defensive ability of the screen is not too strong, but the number of layers is many, there are thousands of layers!

There is a saying in the Terran that a chopstick can easily be broken, but if there is a bundle of chopsticks, it takes a lot of power to break.

This is the case with the screen of thousands of feathers.

A thousand dragons feathered into a screen of thousands of feathers, condensed around the four emperors, making her seem to be enveloped in a giant white eggshell, and the six-winged gods launched several waves toward her. The offensive, even all of them were resisted by the screen of the thousand feathers!

Although the attack of the six-winged family can break through the screen of hundreds of layers of thousands of feathers, it cannot penetrate it completely and hurt the Holy Emperor, which was protected in it. This situation has finally stabilized the situation.

If it is not the magic dust of Long Yu and the dragon 骸 thousand feathers just awakened the defense of the screen of thousands of feathers, then the Holy One wants to resist this kind of god, the difficulty is too big.

In the field, except for the Holy Emperor, the situation of other people is not very good.

The body of the nine secluded dragons occupied by the girl knows the peach, the body of the giant black dragon is moving in the void, and the force of space is motivated anytime and anywhere. The power of the ninth secluded gods is constantly radiating power ripples, bringing her In front of the snow-white hexagram god.

This kind of **** was originally besieged by the four magic dusts of the dragon, and it was about to completely suppress the four magic dusts, but this time the peach arrived.

Carrying the body of the nine secluded dragon emperors, the nine secluded gods blasted out, and the martial arts of the fascinating spirits instantly launched, as if the harvesting beam of the **** of death, instantly shattered the void and bombarded the snow-white hexagram!

But the six-winged **** is not so good.

This is the existence of thirty-eight times the density of power. Although the actual combat power of the power density is only 28 times under the suppression of the magic dust, the means are much more than the body of the nine secluded dragons that Zhitao occupies. .

"This phantom..."

Knowing the peach's gathering power, the gods and martial arts came to the fore, and the cohesive bombardment was behind the six-winged people, but behind it there was a giant snow-white six-winged virtual shadow. This virtual shadow is a phantom of defense. Then the six wings opened, and the beam of the Gathering Light was given to the six wings, and then completely digested!

This kind of means is a kind of **** martial art of the other side, which can make the snow-white six-winged illusion devour all energy offensives, and even absorb them for their own use.

The next moment, a burst of dark power beam broke out from the shadow of the six wings, which in turn bombarded the peach!

For a time, the terror power in the field was tumbling, and the body of Jiulong Longdi was directly bombarded with a big hole!

If you don't have the secret of the magical heart, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured.

Although under the suppression of the magic dust, the strength of the body of Jiulong Longdi has surpassed that of the six-winged gods, but the means of knowing peaches are too few, in the midst of this battle. The manifestation of it.

The other party's various means come together, even if it is the advantage of knowing the power density of the peach, it is also suppressed, and there is no power to fight back.

The other directions are similar.

The Holy One is against one of the six-winged gods, and the other four are dealing with the other three alien gods.

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Although the situation has temporarily stabilized, the overall situation is still at a complete disadvantage. No matter which aspect of the battlefield, there is no chance to win.

So the last and most crucial battlefield is still on the side of Long Yu!

Long Yu alone, facing the strongest of the thirty-nine times the strength of the mechanical family in the lineup, the battle has reached a critical stage!

To tell the truth, Long Yu did not expect this time, everyone in the Nether Star River would be all out, even if each of them can only resist a short time, but also sacrifice themselves to create opportunities for Long Yu, for him to win that line of victory machine.

If Long Yu can't get rid of this mechanical **** in a short time, then all other girls will fall into dangerous situations. Even if Long Yu needs to kill the mechanical family in a short time, it needs to be short. In the time, kill another 38-fold power density hexagram god.

This requires him to be wasted any time.


When other people rushed out of the Nether Star River and fought for the Dragon, he had already determined the killing in his heart, and turned into a four-phase killing, which spread from his space toward the surrounding area. Go on!

This tricks the ancient gods ban, at this moment in this emergency, he broke out all the power!

Although it is still unable to rise from the realm of Dacheng to the peak of the peak, but its power is completely erupted under the full intention of Long Yu, four kinds of gods carrying the breath of death, constantly eroding into the mechanical family.

Although the life form of the mechanical family is a metal form, it still contains the existence of the soul, and the most important way of harm in the four-phase killing is to target the soul of consciousness.

At the same time, Long Yu's cockroach cockroaches are constantly moving out, turning into an iron lock that is condensed by the dark flames, chasing the powerful **** of the mechanical family who wants to avoid it.

The mechanical family is not escaping, but in the case of avoiding their own injuries, through the extremely flexible way of action to find the opportunity to counterattack the dragon, for this mechanical family of God, it is not easy to deal with the dragon.

Originally, it was thought that when it broke the wing of the Prisoner of Heaven and rescued other kinds of gods from it, this Terran boy had only one dead end, but did not expect to jump out of the empty star river so many kinds of gods. .

Although they are all new-type gods, but with some of the strange ancient gods of this human race, they let the new gods contain their homosexuals and the six-winged gods...

Only one person left to deal with Long Yu, it became extremely cautious, not dare to take it easy, it always remembers that the thirty-eight times power density of the sword family died in the scene of the dragon!

Before the dragon's trick is not shot, it will never act easily.

Anyway, this mechanical family understands that the overall situation in the field is still very beneficial to it. In other battlefields, the gods of the six-winged and mechanical families have gradually mastered the dominance of the battle. It is only a matter of time to win. Just drag and drop this time, wait for the other to help, and join hands, you can easily solve this Terran kid.

In the case of constant attack and no fruit, Long Yu is also anxious.

At this time, he thought of a thing he had left before, and he had not used it. It was a **** Dan from the ancient moon.

The **** that is left by him to increase the density of power!