MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 293 The aggrieved Tang Hao

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  Chapter 293 The extremely aggrieved Tang Hao

  For Muge, Tang Hao hated him so much that he wished he could kill Muge immediately.

   But before that, he still wanted to find his daughter back first.

  As for A Yin, after he knew that A Yin had betrayed him, his love turned into hatred for A Yin.

   Only his daughter, Xiao Ai, is the person he misses most.

  He wants to tell Xiao Ai that he is her father, so don't continue to admit that a thief is her father!

   "Your daughter, Xiao Ai?"

  Hearing Tang Hao's words, Muge looked at Tang Hao inexplicably.

   So this guy always thought Xiao Ai was his daughter?

   Also, Tang Hao was blocked by Mu Ge's dream world a long time ago, so Tang Yuehua couldn't contact Tang Hao in the dream world, so naturally he never told Tang Hao about Xiao Ai.

   It is normal for Tang Hao to have such a misunderstanding.

   "I think you have misunderstood, Xiao Ai is my daughter, and the child of you and Ah Yin has already had a miscarriage!"

   Then Muge looked at Tang Hao and said directly.

   directly told the other party the cruel truth.


   "'s impossible..."

  Hearing Muge's words, Tang Hao's eyes suddenly widened, his eyes full of disbelief.

  He didn't expect that Xiao Ai, who he had been thinking about all the time, was not his daughter. The child of himself and Ah Yin had already had a miscarriage.

   "It was you... you did it, right?"

   Tang Hao then questioned the pastoral with red eyes.

  He doesn't believe that with Ah Yin's system, the child in her womb will be easily aborted unless there are external factors.

  Then there can be no other reasons besides the idyll that took Ah Yin away.

   Considering that Xiao Ai is the daughter of Mu Ge and A Yin, and considering Xiao Ai's age, it is not difficult to guess that A Yin was defiled by Mu Ge shortly after being taken away by Mu Ge.

  After thinking about this, Tang Hao's eyes turned redder.

  He had already guessed why Ah Yin had a miscarriage.

   Because of this, Tang Hao became more and more angry.

  After Ah Yin became pregnant, he himself was very cautious and dared not touch Ah Yin's body again, but he was treated like this by Mu Ge.

   "So what?"

   "It was you who threatened me first and almost killed me. If it weren't for the fact that you are Tang Yuehua's brother, you would have died long ago!"

   Muge heard Tang Hao's questioning, and there was nothing he dared to admit, so he replied disdainfully.

  Afterwards, Mu Ge looked at Tang Xiao: "Sovereign Tang, you are also Ke Ke's uncle, so Tang Hao will take care of it for you! If he continues to seek death, then I can't blame me!"

   "Of course, the premise is that you are willing to surrender!"

  After speaking to Tang Xiao, Mu Ge looked at Yu Yuanzhen and the others again: "There are you, you can make a decision now!"

   Facing Tang Hao's final announcement, everyone fell silent.

  They also know that it is time for them to make a decision.

"younger sister…"

  Only Tang Hao was a little confused at this moment, not understanding why Mu Ge mentioned his sister, and who the coco was in Mu Ge's mouth.

  That's right, Tang Yuehua has become Muge's daughter, and that Coco is his niece, Tang Hao still doesn't know about it.

   "Brother Hao, my little sister has been with Mu Ge a long time ago, but Ke Ke is our niece..."

   At this time, Tang Xiao also came to Tang Hao immediately and told Tang Hao the truth.

   Tang Xiao is now afraid that Tang Hao will continue to make trouble for Mu Ge, then he is really courting death.

  Muge had already warned him just now, so he came over to persuade Tang Hao immediately.

  Facing Muge who has become a god, he doesn't believe that Tang Hao can pose a threat to Muge, and continuing to trouble Muge is just asking for his own death.


   "How could my little girl be with this kind of person..."

  When Tang Hao heard what his elder brother said, he immediately had an unbelievable expression on his face, very angry, and felt unworthy for his sister.

   "Brother Hao, about Ah Yin, let him go!"

   "After all, you were the one who offended Pastoral first, and now that he has become a **** at level 100, you can't be his opponent, let him pass everything..."

   "The most important thing now is to survive!"

  Tang Xiao didn't comment on his sister Tang Yuehua's choice, but continued to persuade Tang Hao.

  The most important thing for him now is to persuade Tang Hao to let go of the past.

   As for the younger sister's choice?

   Instead, he thought that it was because his younger sister had good vision and was able to pick Muge. Muge had already proved his excellence in front of the world. Muge's ability to become a **** at 100 levels already explained everything.

  He just didn't want to refute Tang Hao and make Tang Hao uncomfortable.

  Hearing Tang Xiao's persuasion, Tang Hao clenched his fists and his expression changed again and again.

  He also knows that the pastoral has become a **** now, and it will be as difficult for him to continue to seek revenge from the pastoral.

  But let him give up hatred like this, how could he do it.

  Just thinking about what Pastoral did, he couldn't calm down.

   Pastoral not only robbed his woman, but also lost his children, and made him hide and hide like a mouse in the ground for so many years.

  He used to be so dazzling and happy.

  It started after Mu Ge snatched his wife away. These years, his life was worse than death, and he was as aggrieved as he wanted.

  So tell him to let go of the past, he can't.

  Even now that Muge has become his brother-in-law, he doesn't feel like he regards her as his brother-in-law at all.

   Pastoral is the enemy he wants to kill quickly.

   "Brother Hao..."

   Seeing Tang Hao's ferocious expression, Tang Xiao couldn't help calling Tang Hao again, hoping that Tang Hao could calm down.

  However, Tang Hao just looked at the pastoral in the air with ferocious eyes, and did not respond to Tang Xiao.

   "Your Majesty Vientiane, our Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect is willing to surrender!"

   At this time, Yu Yuanzhen finally stood up and was the first to say the words of surrender.

   Seeing that everyone was struggling, Yu Yuanzhen suddenly felt that it would be good to be the first to stand up and surrender, at least it could set an example.

   "We also surrender..."

"So are we…"

  With Yu Yuanzhen's example, the soul masters of other sects followed suit and surrendered.


   And those ordinary soldiers, seeing this, put down their weapons and chose to surrender.

   "We...will surrender..."

  Marshal Ge Long, seeing such a scene, knew that the situation was over, and finally had no choice but to surrender.

   "Our Haotian School is also willing to surrender!"

  Tang Xiao, who was next to Tang Hao in the end, could only say the words of surrender bitterly and remorsefully.

  Knowing this would be the result, he would definitely choose to compromise immediately when Tang Yuehua persuaded him.

   It is only now that they have compromised, but in exchange for the sacrifices of the four elders of the sect and hundreds of disciples.

   "It's so good, it saves unnecessary casualties!"

   Seeing this, Muge nodded in satisfaction, and then made a gesture to leave.


"I want you to die!"

  However, just after Muge turned around, Tang Hao, who was behind Muge, suddenly attacked Muge.


  (end of this chapter)