MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 278 goodbye master and apprentice

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  Chapter 278 Goodbye Master and Apprentice


"How did you come?"

  When Qian Renxue saw the pastoral song in her womb, she suddenly cried out in surprise.

  She didn't expect that Mu Ge came directly to the palace to find her.

   "Of course I came to find you!"

   "Hurry up and change back, your current appearance is ugly!"

   Muge looked at Qian Renxue at this time and smiled, and then let Qian Renxue change back to her original appearance.

   Qian Renxue's current appearance is Xue Qinghe's appearance, dressed in men's clothing, and Muge can't directly see through Qian Renxue's disguise without using piercing eyes.

"is teacher!"

  This is the Taiwomen, and no one else will come, Qian Renxue is not afraid, and soon shed the disguise in front of Muge.

   Appearing in front of Mu Ge again is a peerless girl who is beautiful and graceful.

  The 19-year-old Qian Renxue has become more and more beautiful, and she can't see the youthfulness at all.

  Because life is more satisfactory and not as depressing as the original book, Qian Renxue's spirit is brighter, and she looks even more beautiful.

  However, although Qian Renxue in front of him was unparalleled in beauty, Mu Ge was not surprised, because he had seen it many times in the dream world.

   What's more, the women in Muge are all peerless beauties. If you see too much, you will naturally have a certain degree of immunity.

  At least Qian Renxue's mother, Bibi Dong, is much more attractive than Qian Renxue in Muge's eyes.

   "Teacher, why did you come here?"

   "Didn't you just return to Wuhundian?"

  After Qian Renxue removed her disguise, she asked Mu Ge again about her intentions.

  Although she was very happy to see Mu Ge, she knew that Mu Ge would definitely not come here for no reason.

   "I'm here to take you back to Wuhundian!"

  Hearing what Qian Renxue said, Muge looked at her, and slowly said the purpose of this trip.

   "What? Back to Wuhundian?"

   "Is something wrong?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue was startled.

   But thinking about it, it shouldn’t be. If something happens to Wuhundian, just contact her directly in the dream world!

   "It's not that something happened to Wuhundian, it's your mother who asked me to bring you back to Wuhundian!"

   "Because Wuhundian is about to build an empire, there is no need for you to continue to be an undercover agent in the Heaven Dou Empire!"

  Muge shook his head, then looked at Qian Renxue and said.

   "Building an empire?"

   "How can it be so fast?"

   "Mom, she didn't tell me anything!"

   "And even if Wuhundian wants to build an empire, I shouldn't be allowed to go back. Only by continuing to be the prince here can I play the greatest role, right?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue was shocked. Bibi Dong didn't tell her about this in advance, so she really didn't know.

   "What can you do here?"

   "After the establishment of the Wuhundian empire, it will soon attack the two empires. You are just a prince!"

   Muge looked at Qian Renxue and asked.


  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue was slightly stunned.

  The question asked by Pastoral was obviously something that Qian Renxue hadn't thought of before.

  Because her plan of pretending to be Xue Qinghe was to wait for the death of Emperor Xue Ye, and then inherit the throne. By inheriting the throne, she stole the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

  But if the Spirit Hall establishes the Spirit Empire and directly wages war against the two great empires, the act of stealing the Heaven Dou Empire obviously doesn't make much sense.

  As the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, she is not very useful.

  Can only pass on some information, but even without her, the Spirit Hall has so many soul masters, and some soul masters with special spirits and soul skills can also obtain some information through the means of soul masters.

   "Why did it happen so suddenly? Why did you want to build an empire all of a sudden? And you want to attack two empires?"

   "Teacher, do you know why mom is doing this?"

  Qian Renxue questioned Muge in confusion, the sudden change made her a little hard to accept.

   "Because Wuhundian has this strength now!"

   "And your mother doesn't want you to continue to pretend here, wasting your own training time!"

   "With your talent, you shouldn't waste your best practice time on things like undercover!"

   Pastoral replied.

  Hearing Muge's words, although Qian Renxue still had some difficulty accepting it, her heart was warm. It turned out that her mother did this for her.

   "Xiaoxue, it's not just your mother who thinks so, I have the same opinion as hers!"

   "With your talent, you shouldn't waste your best practice time on unnecessary things!"

   "Wuhundian now has enough strength to conquer the two empires head-on, and unify the continent. You don't need to sacrifice at all!"

   Pastoral also expressed his thoughts immediately after, approving Bibi Dong's decision very much.

   "Does the teacher think so too?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue's heart warmed up again.


   Muge looked directly into Qian Renxue's eyes, and replied in the affirmative.


   Qian Renxue looked at Muge and opened her mouth.

  Knowing that Muge and Muge are thinking of her, Qian Renxue is very happy in her heart, but just letting her go back like this, Qian Renxue always feels a little unwilling.

   It has been almost ten years since she came to Tiandou Empire.

  Wasting so much time, throwing it away at once, Qian Renxue is really hard to accept.

   "Are you reluctant to part with the investment of these years, and don't want to give up the last task your father entrusted to you?"

   Muge looked at Qian Renxue's appearance, and said softly.


  Qian Renxue looked at Muge anxiously, obviously being hit by Muge.

   "Xiaoxue, do you know the history of your angel family?"

   Muge looked at Qian Renxue, and suddenly changed the subject.

   "Well, teacher, I know!"

   Although Qian Renxue didn't understand why Muge mentioned this, she still nodded.

   "Well, it's good that you know!"

   "The ancestors of your angel family saved the world from fire and water, and finally became angel gods!"

   "Your martial soul is actually not a god-given martial soul, but an inherited martial soul!"

   "I also know that in your angel family, there is still an inheritance of angel gods!"

   "Obtaining the inheritance of the angel **** is the greatest vision of the descendants of your angel family!"

   "And with Xiaoxue's talent, you can definitely get the inheritance of Angel God!"

   Muge looked at Qian Renxue and talked about their angel family.

   "And if you want to complete the assessment of Angel God's inheritance, then you shouldn't continue with the task of pretending to be the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

   "Because the Angel God is bright and righteous, the mission Chihiro Ji gave you is indeed a very genius idea, but it is not fair enough and will bring you stains!"

   "So even if it is to obtain the inheritance of the Angel God in the future, you should not continue to perform the task of disguising the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

   Seeing Qian Renxue's puzzled expression, Mu Ge continued.

   "The Angel God is bright and righteous..."

  After listening to Mu Ge's words, Qian Renxue was slightly stunned, and only then did she understand why Mu Ge suddenly talked about their angel family.

   Qian Renxue didn't think too much about why Mu Ge knew so much about their angel family. Mu Ge is her teacher, so it's normal to know a little more.

  Qian Renxue was completely immersed in the words of the pastoral song at this time, and her heart trembled.

  Because she thinks what Pastoral is right.

  Grandpa Qian Daoliu talked to her a lot about their angel clan when she was young, and he also mentioned many times that she wanted her to inherit the glory of angels.

   And her father also told her that.

   Obtaining the inheritance of the ancestor angel gods is indeed the greatest vision of their descendants of the angel family.

  Then her behavior is really not bright, nor is it just enough.

  Seeing Qian Renxue's shock, Mu Ge smiled inwardly.

  Actually, what Pastoral said was completely fooling Qian Renxue.

  What is so bright, just and unjust?

  The inheritance assessment of those gods seems to need to test these things, but it is not exactly.

  Because as long as those gods take a fancy to them, these things are not important, just deal with the procedures of the gods' inheritance assessment.

   Otherwise, according to Tang San's performance in the Sea God's Nine Tests in the original book, he should not have passed the Sea God's test.

  For example, the ninth test of Sea God, the test of seven emotions that Tang San was complained about by Pastoral.

  Tang San's test of seven emotions can be said to fail most of them.

   In the end, it was able to pass, either because of the reminder from the eight spider lances attached to the spirit bone, or from Da Ming, and finally from Xiao Wu's telepathic reminder.

  The test of the seven emotions in the ninth test of Sea God obviously tests the character of the inheritance examiner. When did it become a test of whether the inheritance examiner has foreign aid?

  According to Tang San's disposition shown in the test of seven emotions, he should not pass.

  But Tang San passed in the end, it can be seen that those so-called character tests are just a procedure.

  The same goes for Qian Renxue's performance in the Angel God assessment in the original book.

  According to Qian Renxue's assessment phenotype in the original work, she couldn't pass the test.

   But what about the end? Qian Renxue also passed the test easily.

  That's why the pastoral said that the heart and nature are not important, as long as you are favored by the gods and are willing to let you live, you can live.

   "Xiaoxue, the teacher will let you watch one more thing!"

   At this time, Pastoral spoke again.


  I saw that as soon as the voice of the pastoral song fell, he summoned his own soul ring around his body.

  Red red red red red red red red gold red gold!

  A total of ten soul rings appeared in the call of the pastoral song.

"This is…"

  Seeing the soul ring on Muge, Qian Renxue suddenly widened her eyes, looking at Muge in disbelief.

   It's really the soul ring configuration on Mu Ge's body, which is too exaggerated.

  She knew that Muge had twin martial souls before, and she had also seen that Muge had a hundred thousand year soul ring, but now she saw that Muge summoned ten soul rings with a minimum quality of one hundred thousand years, and she was still frightened.

   "Ten... ten soul rings..."

   "Teacher, you..."

  Qian Renxue also soon discovered that the number of soul rings summoned by Mu Ge was ten, and her eyes widened all of a sudden.

  Of course she knew what the ten spirit rings represented.

  Master just told her about Angel God!

   "That's right, the teacher has broken through level 100 and has become a god!"

  Muge nodded to Qian Renxue.

   "That's great... so amazing..."

   "Teacher, you are too powerful, aren't you?"

  Hearing Muge's confirmation, Qian Renxue covered her mouth with her hands, and looked at Muge with shock and admiration.

  She really didn't expect that Muge had already become a god.

  Is this too exaggerated?

   Their angel family, as an angel family with god-level Wuhun Temple, for so many years, no one has been able to inherit the position of the ancestor angel god, and the pastoral song did it so simply.

  Qian Renxue was stunned.

   "Teacher has obtained the Seagod's inheritance assessment many years ago, and now the teacher has also completed the Seagod's inheritance assessment, so he has successfully broken through level 100 and become a new generation of Seagod!"

   "It is precisely because of this that the teacher suggested that you give up the task of pretending to be the prince!"

   "With your talent, you can definitely pass the assessment of the Angel God inheritance of your angel family, so there is no need to waste time on this wrong task!"

   "Don't you want to be like the teacher, climb to the top of the soul master, stand on the top of the world, and become a god?"

  Looking at the stunned Qian Renxue, Mu Ge continued to speak.

   "Well, teacher, I will listen to you!"

   If there was any hesitation before, after witnessing the fact that Mu Ge had broken through to the **** level, Qian Renxue immediately made a decision.

  She wants to be like her teacher, climb to the pinnacle of soul master, and stand on the pinnacle of the world!

  Idyll's words, she naturally believed it.

  If continuing to pretend to be the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire will hinder her from obtaining the inheritance of the Angel God, then she must give up.

  Even if her father found out, and Izumi knew, he would definitely approve of her choice.

  Father just didn't know about these things, otherwise he wouldn't have let her come to Tiandou Empire as an undercover agent.

   "That's right!"

   "Your mother and grandpa will be very happy to know that you are willing to go back!"

   "I believe that now, they must be eager to see you with their own eyes!"

  Seeing that he finally convinced Qian Renxue, Muge suddenly laughed.

   "Well, I miss mom and grandpa too!"

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue's expression was also full of longing. Although she could see it in the dream world, she couldn't really see it.

   "Teacher, shall we just leave like this?"

   Then Qian Renxue asked about Mu Ge's plan, if she just left like this, would it be a waste of her current status as the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire?

   "Well, just give up, it's just a prince, it doesn't make much sense!"

   Pastoral nodded and said.

   "...Well, I listen to the teacher!"

  Although she was still a little bit reluctant, Qian Renxue still obeyed Muge.

   "Let's go, give the teacher your hand, the teacher will take you away!"

  Mu Ge stretched out her hand to Qian Renxue.


  Although Qian Renxue didn't know why, she stretched out her hand and put it on Muge's right hand.


  After Mu Ge grasped Qian Renxue's slender hand, the soul power on his body moved, and disappeared in place with Qian Renxue's figure.

  When the figures of Mu Ge and Qian Renxue reappeared, they were already outside the palace.

  On the top of an attic outside the palace.

"who is it?"

   Suddenly there was a roar in the attic.


  (end of this chapter)