MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 268 Goodbye Bossy

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  Chapter 268 Goodbye Bo Saixi

   "Why is the dream world closed again?"

   "When can we restart!"

   "Without the dream world, I feel so boring..."

   "There is a feeling that there is nothing to love..."


  In a certain sect, a group of disciples complained to each other.

  Not only them, but also the soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent.

  After the dream world was closed last time, although those soul masters felt a little uncomfortable, they didn't feel much.

  However, this time was different. After the dream world was closed this time, all soul masters felt very uncomfortable.

  This is because the dream world before the last closure did not have a system, and everyone was unable to chat with the whole world. They just regarded the dream world as an environment simulation training ground.

  However, this shutdown is different, because everyone is used to the communication function attached to the system in the dream world.

  Suddenly, I can no longer chat with other people remotely, nor can I know what is happening in various places on the world channel. Everyone is very uncomfortable.

  It was only then that they realized that the appearance of the dream world had made their world more exciting.

  Now that the dream world is closed, it feels like returning to the primitive era, feeling weak.

   But no matter how anxious they are, it's useless.

  If you want to restart the dream world, you can only wait for Muge to complete the Nine Trials of Sea God and inherit the position of God.



   "Godfather, look, that whale can actually fly in the sky..."

   "And those turtles..."

"so amazing…"

  Ning Rongrong followed the pastoral song to the outside of Sea God Island. After seeing the magic of Sea God Island, his eyes widened and he exclaimed again and again.

   It was normal for her to be shocked by the magic of Sea God Island when she saw Sea God Island for the first time.

  If you hadn’t seen Pastoral in the anime, you would be surprised to see the scenery of Sea God Island.

  Even now, Muge still doesn't understand why those sea creatures can swim above the Sea God Island, and he may have to wait until he inherits the Sea God position before he can figure it out.

   "Let's go, godfather will take you to the island!"

  Muge smiled slightly, and immediately landed on Sea God Island with Ning Rongrong.



  At the same time that Mu Ge landed on the island, a figure sprang out from the sea, quickly transformed into a human form, and landed in front of Mu Ge.

   "You're finally back! Xiaobai misses you so much!"

   After confirming that it was Muge, the excited Xiaobai immediately threw himself into Muge's arms, hugging Muge tightly!

   "Yeah, I miss you too!"

  Mu Ge smiled and touched Xiao Bai's head.

   "Look, what treasure I brought back for you!" Then Mu Ge flipped his right hand, and the brain of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, which had been turned into a treasure, was taken out by Mu Ge.

"This is…"

   "What a strong energy, is this..."

  Seeing what Muge took out and feeling the strong energy on it, Xiaobai was startled, raised his head and looked at Muge in disbelief.

   "That's right, I have completed the eighth test of the Sea God, which I got from the Deep Sea Demon Whale King!"

   "This thing should be useful to you, right?"

   Pastoral nodded and said with a smile.

   "Wow... Mu Ge, you are too powerful, aren't you? You actually killed the Deep Sea Demon Whale King so quickly!"

  Hearing Muge's confirmation, Xiaobai once again looked at Muge with glowing eyes, full of admiration and admiration.

   "Godfather godfather, who is she?"

  At this time, Ning Rongrong, who was left out in the cold, suddenly spoke out in dissatisfaction.

   "Her, you can just call her Auntie Xiaobai!"

   "Auntie Xiaobai is the king of the great white shark with a demon soul of 100,000 years!"

  Muge smiled and introduced to Ning Rongrong.

   "Xiaobai, this is my goddaughter, Ning Rongrong!"

  Afterwards, Muge did not forget to introduce Ning Rongrong to Xiaobai.

   "The king of the great white shark with a demon soul of 100,000 years?"

  Ning Rongrong looked at Xiaobai in surprise when he heard the words, and then looked at Muge suspiciously, not understanding how Muge was so close to a soul beast.

   Is it really okay to be so close to a soul beast?

  The relationship between the two is not simple at first glance!

   "Don't worry, Xiaobai is the island guardian beast of Sea God Island, a kind soul beast, and used to be Sea God's mount!"

  Mu Ge turned to pat Ning Rongrong's head, and said with a smile.

   "Well, hello, Auntie Xiaobai!"

  After hearing Muge's introduction, Ning Rongrong was completely relieved, and immediately greeted Xiaobai sweetly.

  As for why Xiaobai was able to transform into a human form, she already knew it.

   "Mmm, hello Rongrong!"

  After Xiaobai heard that Ning Rongrong was Muge's goddaughter, his gaze towards Ning Rongrong suddenly became kinder.

   "Muge, are you preparing to complete the Sea God's ninth test when you come back this time?"

   After a while, Xiaobai asked about the pastoral.

   His expression was somewhat strange.

   "Well, what's up?"

   Pastoral admitted.


  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Xiao Bai's expression darkened slightly.

   She should have been very happy that Mu Ge could inherit the Seagod position, but when she thought that Mu Ge could inherit the position of God, but the high priest Bo Saixi had to sacrifice herself, Xiao Bai couldn't be happy at all.

   And she can't say this kind of thing.

   Otherwise, it would be interference in the Sea God's inheritance assessment.

   "I know what you're worried about, don't worry, I won't let that happen!"

  But although Xiaobai didn't say anything, Mu Ge could tell what Xiaobai was thinking in an instant, and after pinching Xiaobai's tender and smooth face, he said comfortingly.


   "Idyll, you know about that?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Xiao Bai immediately looked up at Muge in surprise.

   "That's right, I won't let the high priest have anything to do, don't worry!"

   Pastoral said directly.

   "Yeah, I believe you!"

  Xiao Bai immediately became excited when she heard the words, and didn't ask Mu Ge how to do it. Anyway, as long as Mu Ge said it, she would believe it.

  Afterwards, Muge didn't go to the Sea God Temple immediately, but took Xiaobai and Ning Rongrong to the Sea Witch's place first.

   "Brother Mu..."

  After seeing Muge, the Sea Witch was also very happy. Like Xiaobai, she immediately threw herself into Muge's arms.

  Ning Rongrong looked at all this, and suddenly looked at Mu Ge with a strange gaze.

  It turns out that my godfather is a pervert just like my father!

   But Ning Rongrong didn't have anything against it. Her father, Ning Fengzhi, was similar. She had many older brothers in the sect. Besides her mother, Ning Fengzhi also had quite a few women.

   She also didn't think there was anything about pastoral taste.

  It's just soul beasts and mermaids. Among his father's women, there is also the kind of beast ear mother who mutates when the martial soul is awakened and has the characteristics of a soul beast.

  When the Sea Witch knew that Muge had passed the eighth test of the Sea God, she was also very happy for Muge.

   Then when she learned that Mu Ge was coming back to prepare for the Sea God's Ninth Trial, she also became slightly sad like Xiao Bai.

   "Don't worry, I won't let the high priest have anything to do!"

  The pastoral also appeases the Sea Witch.

  Afterwards, Mu Ge handed Ning Rongrong to Sea Witch, and asked Sea Witch to take Ning Rongrong for a while. He was going to complete the Sea God's Ninth Trial, so he couldn't take Ning Rongrong with him.

  After handing Ning Rongrong to Sea Witch and Xiaobai, Mu Ge went directly to Sea God Temple.


   "Master Muge, the high priest is already waiting for you inside, just go in after the high priest tells you to come!"

   "Master Pastoral, please!"

  After Mu Ge arrived at the Sea God Temple, Bo Saixi's secretary was already waiting at the door.

  After seeing Mu Ge, the secretary gave a respectful salute, and stepped aside, respectfully inviting Mu Ge to enter.

  The secretary with his head down, even if Mu Ge didn't see the other party's expression, he could still feel the other party's depression.

   Obviously, even if he is not the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars, but Bo Saixi's secretary, he also knows that if Mu Ge completes the ninth test of the Sea God, Bo Saixi will sacrifice and sacrifice.


  Mu Ge nodded lightly, Bo Saixi's secretary was not his woman, so he didn't say anything to comfort her, and walked directly into the Poseidon Temple.

   "The High Priest..."

  Looking up at Muge's back, the secretary had tears in his eyes.

  Finally, the secretary closed the door silently, and then quietly guarded the door.

   "Master Seagod, I know that the ninth trial of Seagod needs to sacrifice the high priest to start the ninth trial of Seagod!"

   "Is there an alternative?"

   After Mu Ge entered the Sea God Temple, while walking inside, he also asked Sea God from the bottom of his heart.

  At this time, Mu Ge believes that the Sea God must be paying attention to him, and he must be able to hear his heartfelt voice.

   To Mu Ge's surprise, Sea God didn't respond to him.


   No response!

  Muge was somewhat surprised, and then suddenly remembered the introduction of the divine test in the original book. Even Sea God himself can only distribute tasks, and cannot directly interfere with the divine test itself, and cannot help the examiner in any way.

  Although Tang San was helped by Sea God many times in the original book, it was only a ray of consciousness left by Sea God, and he never spoke to Mu Ge.

   Anyway, it is impossible to communicate directly with the pastoral.

"You are finally back!"

   At this time, Mu Ge has also come inside, which is the place where Mu Ge pulled out the Sea God Trident.

  Bo Saixi stood beside her, quietly watching the pastoral.

   "High Priest!"

   Muge nodded slightly when he saw Bo Saixi.

  Looking at the still unparalleled beauty of Bo Saixi, Muge felt that the Bo Saixi in front of him was not as strong and astonishing as before.

  At this time, Bo Saixi's appearance is still exquisite and peerless, with a graceful figure, white skin and long legs.

  But it feels like an idyll, but it’s a little bit worse.

  By the way, it's the eyes.

  It is Bo Saixi's eyes, not as agile as before, and his temperament is not as good as before.

   "Is it because you know that you will die because of the sacrifice?"

   Muge's heart moved slightly, and he immediately understood.

   "I already know that you have completed the eighth test of the Sea God, are you preparing for the ninth test of the Sea God?"

  Bo Saixi looked at the pastoral calmly, and asked lightly.

  She doesn't like Muge, but she can't stop Muge from taking the Sea God's Ninth Trial, so she has a completely business-like attitude.

  When Bo Saixi asked this sentence, he was somewhat looking forward to it.

  Looking forward to Pastoral did not choose to take the Seagod ninth test immediately, but to do it after a year of practice as before.

  In that case, she would have an extra year to wait for Tang Chen.

   "Well, I am here this time to prepare for the ninth test of the Sea God!"

  It was just the pastoral answer, and the only expectation in Bo Saixi's heart suddenly disappeared.

   "Okay, now that you're ready, let's get started!"

  Bo Saixi resisted the bitterness in his heart, and nodded indifferently to the pastoral.

   "Stand in the center of the formation, I will start the ninth test of the deep sea for you!"

  Bo Saixi summoned his martial soul, waved the scepter in his hand, and continued talking to the pastoral.

  The center of the formation is the place where Mu Ge pulled out the Sea God Trident before.

   "High Priest, are you going to sacrifice yourself to open the Sea God's Ninth Test for me, right?"

   He just listened to the idyll of Bo Saixi's words, but he didn't walk into the formation immediately, but looked at Bo Saixi and said.

  Since Poseidon has no way to respond to him, the pastoral can only try through Bo Saixi.

   "You actually know?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Bo Saixi glanced at Muge unexpectedly, his expression fluctuating slightly.

   "Well, I know!" Pastoral admitted.

   "That's right, then do you still want to take the ninth test of the Sea God?"

  Bo Saixi actually knew it when he heard the pastoral song. Surprised, he looked at the pastoral song with a slight sarcasm and said.

   Know so what?

   Can you still choose to give up the Sea God Ninth Exam?

  If Muge didn't know, she couldn't tell Muge, but now that Muge knows, it's okay for her to say so.

  And she also didn't believe that Muge would give up starting the ninth test of Sea God because of this kind of thing, complete the final inheritance of Sea God, and inherit the **** position.

   "If you have to sacrifice the high priest to open the Sea God's Ninth Trial, then I would rather not!"

  However, what Bo Saixi didn't expect was that Mu Ge actually watched her say the words of rejection.

"What did you say?"

  Bo Saixi looked at the pastoral in disbelief, his expression and tone were no longer the indifference and silence at the beginning.

   "If you have to sacrifice the high priest to open the Sea God's Ninth Trial, then I would rather not!"

   Muge looked at Bo Saixi and spoke again.


  Looking at Muge with a serious expression, Bo Saixi trembled in his heart, as if he knew Muge for the first time, and stared at Muge with big beautiful eyes.

  Bo Saixi really couldn't believe that Mu Ge would actually give up opening the ninth test of Sea God because of her.

   This guy is obviously a bastard, and a lecherous bastard.

   "...No, you can't give up. Lord Sea God has waited so many years for your appearance. You can't give up because of me, otherwise I will become a sinner of Sea God Island!"

  Bo Saixi was naturally very moved, but he did not agree with the pastoral choice.

  If she heard Muge give up before, she would be very happy, but at this moment she doesn't want Muge to give up just like that.

  She didn't want to cause Lord Seagod's years of waiting to be in vain because of her own reasons!


  (end of this chapter)

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