MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 261 Ning Rongrong: "Big villain!"

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  Chapter 261 Ning Rongrong: "Big villain!"

   I have to say that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is indeed one of the top three schools, and the hall is very grand.

   "Your Majesty in Vientiane is here to welcome you!"

  After seeing that it was Muge who followed Jian Douluo, Ning Fengzhi immediately went up to meet him.

   "I'm the one who suddenly interrupted you!"

   "Sect Master Ning, you are welcome!"

   Pastoral smiled.

   "No, no, it is an honor for His Majesty Wanxiang to visit Bizong!"

   "My lord, please come inside!"

  Ning Fengzhi is very polite.

  Joke, facing a strong man like Mu Ge, of course he dare not neglect.

   Besides, Mu Ge is still very young, and he might become the strongest Title Douluo in the entire continent in the future, so he should be more enthusiastic.

   "I don't know if His Majesty Wanxiang is here this time, is there anything we can do for you?"

  Ning Fengzhi knew that Mu Ge couldn't come to Qibao Glazed Tile Sect for no reason, after politely entertaining Mu Ge, he lowered his attitude and asked Mu Ge.

   "That's right, I really need Sect Master Ning's help when I come here this time!"

   Pastoral smiled and admitted directly.

   "If there is anything that my Majesty Wanxiang has ordered from experience, as long as we can help, we will not hesitate!"

  Hearing that Muge really came to ask for their help, Ning Fengzhi quickly agreed, and he agreed very happily.

   Being able to make a young and strong man like Muge owe a favor is definitely a good thing!

  But Ning Fengzhi didn't talk too much, he would only help if he could really help.

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo also looked at Muge curiously at this time, not knowing what could make Muge difficult, so they needed to ask for help.

   "Does Sect Master Ning know about the Deep Sea Demon Whale King?"

   Pastoral said.

   "Deep Sea Demon Whale King?"

   "Your Majesty Wanxiang is talking about the deep sea demon whale king in the ocean?"

   "I heard that it is the absolute overlord of the sea, even the Sea God Douluo of Sea God Island, and it can't be dealt with!"

   "Is Your Majesty Vientiane going to deal with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King?"

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Ning Fengzhi was startled.

  As the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, one of the upper three sects, he also knows many things that ordinary soul masters don't know.

   "That's right, I'm here to ask Sect Master Ning to help me hunt down the Deep Sea Demon Whale King!"

   Pastoral admitted.

   "Deep Sea Demon Whale King..."

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Ning Fengzhi suddenly hesitated.

  He knows the power of the deep sea demon whale king, he is the absolute overlord in the sea, and it is even more difficult to deal with the deep sea demon whale king in the sea.

   Sea God Douluo is above the sea, known as Invincible Douluo.

   There were rumors that Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, the previous patriarch of the Haotian School who had defeated Qian Daoliu, teamed up, and they were no match for Seagod Douluo on the sea.

   And Seagod Douluo couldn't do anything to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

   From this we can see how terrifying the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is.

  So Ning Fengzhi had to hesitate.

  He admits that Mu Ge is very powerful, but it is hard to say whether it is stronger than Qian Daoliu of Wuhundian.

   "Your Majesty Wanxiang, besides the three of us, has Your Majesty Wanxiang found any other helpers?"

   After pondering for a while, Ning Fengzhi asked Mu Ge.

   "No more, and I only need Sect Master Ning to assist me, and I don't need Senior Chen Xin and Senior Gu Rong to fight together!"

   "Also, I asked Sect Master Ning for help just in case. I will first try to hunt the Deep Sea Demon Whale King alone. If I can kill it myself, I don't need Sect Master Ning to take action!"

  Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Mu Ge shook his head and said confidently.


   "Is Your Majesty Wanxiang planning to single out the Deep Sea Demon Whale King?"

   "Does His Majesty know the power of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King?"

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Ning Fengzhi was startled, and looked at Mu Ge in amazement.

  He really didn't expect that Pastoral would have such a plan.

   "Of course! I must be confident that I can hunt and kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King alone to dare to say that!"

   Pastoral smiled proudly, and said confidently.


  Hearing Mu Ge's answer, Ning Fengzhi didn't ask any more questions.

  What he needs to consider now is whether to agree to help.

   "Okay, if His Majesty Wanxiang needs it, I am willing to assist His Majesty Wanxiang!"

  Finally, Ning Fengzhi gritted his teeth and made a decision.

  No matter what, he didn't need to make a move at first, and Muge would first try to single out the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

  He can also see Muge's strength from it. If Muge can really kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King alone, then naturally there will be nothing wrong with him.

  If Muge loses to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and his strength is similar, with his assistance, Muge will naturally be able to turn defeat into victory.

  If there is too much difference in strength, then Mu Ge may die first without waiting for his support.

  Then he just needs to run away.

   Although Pastoral said that he does not need the help of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

  But Ning Fengzhi definitely wanted to take them with him, if he didn't make a move, he had to support them.

   "Haha, good, Sect Master Ning is really handsome!"

   "I've never let my friends suffer. This fairy grass is my reward for Sect Master Ning!"

   Muge laughed when he heard Ning Fengzhi's decision.

  Afterwards, Muge took out the fairy grass Qiluo tulip that had been prepared a long time ago.

   "Your Majesty, this is?"

  Looking at the grass jelly that Muge brought out, Ning Fengzhi didn't know what to buy, so he asked quickly.

  However, he may feel that the powerful soul power contained in the Qiluo tulip that Muge took out must not be a simple thing.

   "Qi Luo Tujin, a treasure that can help the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda!"

   Pastoral makes the simplest introduction.


   "What Your Majesty Wanxiang said is true?"

  However, just such a one-sentence introduction instantly moved Ning Fengzhi and the three of them.

   "What Your Majesty Wanxiang said is true?"

   "Can this thing really make the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower martial soul evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower?"

"How can this be…"

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were also shocked, looking at Qiluo Tulip among the pastoral singers in disbelief.

   "Is it true, Sect Master Ning just needs to try it to know!"

   "But this Qiluo tulip, I only have this one!"

   "I suggest that if Sect Master Ning has an excellent junior, it is better to give it to the junior!"

   Pastoral said confidently.

  That determined look made it easy for people to believe that what the pastoral said was true.

   And when Muge said this, he naturally hoped that this fairy grass could be used on Ning Rongrong.

   There is no reason, but Mu Ge prefers Ning Rongrong to Ning Fengzhi.

   "This... I believe Your Majesty Vientiane..."

  Hearing Muge's words, Ning Fengzhi was naturally extremely excited and his voice trembled a little. If what Muge said was true, then this beautiful tulip in front of him would be too precious to their Qibao Glazed Tile School.

   "Your Majesty, such a treasure is too precious..."

   "But our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School really needs it very much. If it proves that this treasure is real, if you need anything after Wanxiang's crown, please tell the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School!"

  Ning Fengzhi originally wanted to be polite, saying that the grass jelly in front of him was too precious to take.

  But he really wanted it, so he stopped being polite, but solemnly promised Muge.

   "It's easy to say, is Sect Master Ning planning to take it himself or..."

   Pastoral smiled slightly, and then asked.

   "Of course I listen to Your Majesty Vientiane!"

  Ning Fengzhi said hastily.

   No need for pastoral explanation, he also knows why pastoral said that.

   Let the younger generation take it, and it will have more potential to be tapped.

  He is not young after all, and has already passed the golden stage of raising the level of soul power.

  He must understand this truth.

   "Uncle Jian, trouble Uncle Jian to bring Rong Rong!"

   Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi turned his head and said to Jian Douluo.

   "Well, wait!"

   Sword Douluo's eyes lit up slightly, and he left in a flash.

  For such a treasure to be absorbed by Ning Rongrong, he is also very happy and looking forward to it.

   Not long after, Sword Douluo returned with Ning Rongrong.

   "Grandpa Bone, Dad!"

   "Hey~ It's you, the big villain!"

  After Ning Rongrong came, he first called Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi, and after seeing Mu Ge, his eyes widened.

  She didn't forget that it was the big villain Mu Ge who defeated her Grandpa Bone and Grandpa Jian in the dream world.

   "Rongrong must not be rude, apologize to His Majesty Vientiane!"

  Hearing Ning Rongrong's address to Mu Ge, Ning Fengzhi's face suddenly turned aside, and he quickly reprimanded Ning Rongrong.


  Ning Rongrong was reprimanded so harshly by Ning Fengzhi for the first time since she was about this age, and she was immediately frightened.

   "Rongrong, be good, apologize to Wanxiang!"

   "My Majesty Wanxiang is not a villain!"

  At this time, Bone Douluo also began to persuade Ning Rongrong.

  Hearing Grandpa Gu say the same thing, Ning Rongrong seemed to realize something, and immediately looked at Muge with aggrieved look: "My Majesty Wanxiang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you a big villain!"

   "Your Majesty Wanxiang, the little girl didn't do it on purpose, please forgive me, Your Majesty Wanxiang!"

   "My little girl only said that because she saw Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone defeating her under the crown of Vientiane last time!"

  After Ning Rongrong apologized, Ning Fengzhi also quickly explained to Muge.

   "Okay, no need to explain!"

   "I also have a daughter, I can understand!"

   Pastoral smiled lightly, not paying attention at all.

  It's just the unintentional words of a little lolita, not to mention a delicate and cute little lolita, Muge thinks that Ning Rongrong is very cute.

  When I first watched anime, Muge liked Ning Rongrong more, who was a little dark-bellied in the early stage, and Ning Rongrong, who was well-behaved and sensible in the later stage, but Muge didn't like it so much.

   "Haha, I almost forgot, Xiao Ai is the daughter of Vientiane..."

   "To be honest, when I first got to know Xiao Ai, I wondered who was able to raise such an excellent daughter. Later, when I found out that Xiao Ai is the daughter of Vientiane Crown, I was relieved!"

  Hearing Mu Ge's words, Ning Fengzhi was relieved at first, and then remembered that Mu Ge did have a daughter, who was the same age as his daughter Ning Rongrong.

   Moreover, what Ning Fengzhi said was not flattery, he really admired Muge for raising such an excellent daughter.

   "Sect Master Ning's daughter is not bad, after she absorbs Qiluo Tulip, her soul power level should be able to catch up with Xiaoai!"

   Pastoral smiled back.


  Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, Mu Ge's words made him immediately understand how Xiao Ai's soul power level had increased so quickly.

   It seems that it has also absorbed a treasure similar to the Qiluo tulip in front of it.

   But it's normal to think about it. With such a good thing, Muge's daughter must be the first to enjoy it.

   "That's right, I call this treasure fairy grass, and each kind of fairy grass has different effects!"

   "However, it can basically increase the soul power level of the soul master. The lower the level, the more it will be improved!"

   "And after the absorption, the innate aptitude will be further improved!"

   "For example, if a soul master with level 9 innate soul power absorbs fairy grass, his innate aptitude will be raised to full innate soul power, and his cultivation speed will be the same as that of a soul master with innate full soul power!"

  Muge nodded, and then briefly introduced the efficacy of the grass jelly.


   "The grass jelly is so powerful!"

  After hearing Mu Ge's words, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were all stunned, they couldn't believe that there was such a treasure.

  While shocked, Ning Fengzhi became more and more excited. Ning Rongrong was really lucky to be able to obtain such a treasure.

   The more he understands the preciousness of the grass jelly, the more grateful Ning Fengzhi is to Muge.

   "Okay, seeing is believing, Sect Master Ning can make her obey now!"

   "This fairy grass melts in the mouth, and then it can be refined just like absorbing a soul ring!"

   Muge also knew that Sect Master Ning couldn't wait to let Ning Rongrong take the fairy grass, so he spoke.

   As the pastoral said, he threw the Qiluo tulip in his hand to the other party.

  Ning Fengzhi quickly and carefully caught it.

   "Okay, listen to Majesty Vientiane!"

  Ning Fengzhi nodded excitedly, and handed it to Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, come, take it!"


  Ning Rongrong looked at the very beautiful Qiluo Tulip in front of her with big eyes. She also heard what Muge said just now, so she knew that the Qiluo Tulip in front of her was a very precious treasure.

  Knowing that it is a rare treasure, Ning Rongrong is of course not polite, and also curious if this thing is really so powerful after eating it.

   Immediately after Ning Rongrong took the Qiluo tulip that Ning Fengzhi gave her, she put it in her mouth.


  As soon as she took it in her mouth, Ning Rongrong let out a miraculous exclamation, and found that Qiluo Tulip really melted in her mouth. Once she put it in her mouth, it melted and poured into her stomach.


  After that, Ning Rongrong noticed the surge of soul power in her body.

   "Hurry up, Rongrong meditate and refine!"

  Ning Fengzhi naturally sensed it, and hurriedly urged Ning Rongrong.


  Ning Rongrong was also very curious about what would happen next, and immediately sat on the ground to meditate and refine.

   And Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo stared nervously at the side.


  ps: It’s a chapter, let’s make a transition. The building next door is in the sun, and it was blocked. I don’t know what will happen to my side tomorrow, hey~

  (end of this chapter)

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