MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 247 trailing

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  Chapter 247 Trailing

   "So strong..."

  Feeling the powerful coercion from the Seagod Trident, the Ice Empress' heart skipped a beat.

   All of a sudden, Ice Empress became extremely cautious. He originally thought that the other party was just a small level 95 Title Douluo, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually the successor of Sea God.

  And what the other party is holding, I really think it is the artifact of the sea **** back then.

  Facing this kind of person, how could the Ice Empress not be afraid?

"what are you up to?"

  Bingdi knew that the other party could not find him for no reason, so he asked directly and coldly.

   Already at level 95, it couldn't be for hunting the spirit ring on her body.

  However, the possibility that the other party came to hunt her cannot be ruled out, because the spirit ring cannot be absorbed, but the spirit bone on her body can still be hunted.

   "I'm here to seek your cooperation, are you interested in ascending to the God Realm?"

  The pastoral songs also show the chariots and horses, and get straight to the point.

   "Looking for my cooperation? Ascension to God Realm? What do you mean?"

  Ice Emperor was taken aback when he heard the words, not quite understanding what the pastoral song meant.

   "Just cooperate with me. After I inherit the Seagod position, I will take you to the God Realm when I ascend to the God Realm, so that you don't have to worry about the soul beast catastrophe anymore!"

  The pastoral made it a little clearer.

   "Really? How to cooperate?"

  Hearing Muge's words, Bingdi was naturally moved.

   "It's very simple, take the initiative to sacrifice to me, and then I will keep your soul. After I ascend to the God Realm, I will help you resurrect!"

   "You don't have to worry about me lying to you, I can swear by the seat of the Sea God, and I will absolutely keep my promise!"

   "Before you, three hundred thousand year soul beasts have cooperated with me!"

   Pastoral said slowly.

  However, Ice Emperor didn't listen to what Muge said seriously at all. When he heard that Muge asked her to sacrifice, his expression turned cold.

   "Want to kill me and want me to take the initiative to sacrifice, dreaming!"

"go to hell!"


  The Ice Emperor roared angrily, and the scorpion's tail sneered through the air, and quickly attacked Muge.


  At the same time, there are also ice blocks spreading under the feet of the pastoral, quickly fixing the feet of the pastoral there, and not giving the pastoral a chance to dodge.

   It can be said that Ice Empress has very rich combat experience, even when Xindong asked Muge, she was already quietly preparing to fight.

  Because she doesn't believe in humans at all.

  Even if the other party is the inheritor of Sea God, he is still human.

   "Invincible Golden Body!"


   Facing the attack of the Ice Emperor, Muge's body flashed with a golden light, and as soon as the invincible golden body opened, it directly blocked the attack of the Ice Emperor.

   "It's actually an invincible golden body!"

  Bingdi saw Mu Ge's invincible golden body and knew that her attack was ineffective, so he drew back his tail immediately, and then slipped away with a flash.

  She can't trust Mu Ge, a human being, but the other party is the successor of the Sea God after all, and he still has the artifact Sea God Trident in his hand.

   "Why don't you believe my words!"

   Muge smiled slightly when he saw this, and then flew up into the air, chasing directly towards Bingdi.

   "Cunning human, I will not believe your words!"

   "You still want to lie to me, don't think about it!"

  Ice Emperor sensed Muge's pursuit and ran even faster!


  After discovering that he was missing and could not get rid of the pastoral pursuit, the Ice Emperor scratched the snow with his two front paws, and then quickly dived into the snow and fled directly from under the ice and snow.

   "It's quite smart, but my tracking ability is very strong!"

   Seeing this, Pastoral smiled faintly.

  He has already memorized the breath of the Ice Empress, and has firmly locked on the breath of the Ice Empress, so it is impossible for the opponent to escape.

  So even though Muge couldn't see the Ice Empress under the icy and snowy ground, she followed him precisely in the air.

  Muge was not in a hurry to catch Bingdi, and just chased him leisurely.

  Because Muge knows that Bingdi and Xuedi know each other, and they are still very good girlfriends and sisters. Muge just uses Bingdi to find Xuedi.

   It was luck that he was able to find Bingdi so quickly, and the other party just appeared outside.

  If the other party hides and cultivates, it will not be so easy for him to find it.

  The same goes for finding the Snow Emperor.

   Now it’s all right, Ice Emperor has been found, since the other party is unwilling to cooperate, then use Ice Emperor to find Xuedi, and see if Xuedi is willing to cooperate.

  If Snow Emperor is willing, Ice Emperor will basically have no problem. Muge knows that Ice Emperor will definitely listen to Snow Emperor.

  Mu Ge has been following Ice Empress in the air, but Ice Empress does not know.

   After fleeing directly under the snow for more than an hour, the figure of the Ice Emperor broke through the snow and looked around with his head exposed.

   "Huh... probably escaped..."

  Ice Emperor glanced around, but he didn't see the pastoral song, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

   It's just that Ice Empress forgot to look up at the sky directly above her.

   "It took me so long to show my head, so I'm very cautious!"

   Immediately, the voice of the idyll full of ridicule rang above her head.


   "You actually caught up!"

  Bingdi heard the voice of the pastoral song, and raised his head in shock, but he saw the figure of the pastoral song.

   This shocked her quite a lot, and she didn't know how Pastoral tracked her down.

   "You can't escape, what's wrong with cooperating with me!"

   "I'll give you another chance. If you choose to cooperate with me, I can swear in the name of Sea God that I will keep your soul and revive you after ascending to the God Realm!"

   "If you don't agree, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

   Muge looked at the shocked Bingdi, embraced her hands, and proudly announced.


  After the words of the pastoral song, the Killing God Domain was released on him, which greatly shocked the Bingdi.

   "Damn it!"

   "You human being can't absorb soul rings at level 95, why do you want me to sacrifice?"

   "Are you a human being with a brain disease?"

   Facing Muge's God-killing Domain, Ice Empress was only shocked for a moment, and didn't react too much. Instead, she expressed anger at Muge's words.

   To actually pursue her so hard, you must be sick!

   "I'm sorry, I have twin martial souls, and my second martial soul can still absorb soul rings!"

  Muge smiled lightly, and with the movement of the soul power on his body, Xiao Wu was summoned by him.


   Appearing with Xiao Wu, there are naturally four hundred thousand year red soul rings around Xiao Wu's body.


   "There is actually a second martial spirit, and it has absorbed four hundred thousand year spirit rings!"

   "Damn human, how many hundred thousand year soul beasts have you killed?"

  Seeing the second martial soul summoned by Muge, the Ice Emperor's expression completely changed.

  In addition to shock, there was also strong outrage.

  This is because they are both 100,000-year soul beasts. Under normal circumstances, all 100,000-year soul beasts will regard other 100,000-year soul beasts as their own kind.

   Seeing the four hundred thousand year spirit rings on Xiao Wu, she naturally thought that Muge had killed at least four hundred thousand year spirit beasts.

   "Master Muge, where is this?"

   "This little scorpion is actually a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and the soul pressure is so strong..."

   Xiao Wu, who was summoned by the pastoral song at this time, was also a little dazed. After seeing the Bingdi below, her expression changed immediately.

  Xiao Wu could tell that Bingdi was a 100,000-year-old soul beast, but the soul pressure on the opponent surprised her very much. She had never felt such a strong soul pressure from other 100,000-year-old soul beasts!

   This is definitely not an ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beast!

   "Xiao Wu, this is a 300,000-year-old Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion!"

   "I want to find her to cooperate, just like Daming Erming, you can persuade her!"

  Muge explained to Xiao Wu, and then tried to get Xiao Wu to persuade Bingdi.

"Little Scorpion, this is my second spirit. It used to be a 100,000-year-old spirit beast. She offered to sacrifice it to me at the beginning, but there was an accident in the middle, and she became my second spirit instead. !"

   "There are also Da Ming and Er Ming, who are also 100,000-year-old soul beasts. They also believed in me and chose to cooperate with me!"

  After Muge explained to Xiao Wu, she also introduced Xiao Wu to Bingdi.

  Of course, he was forcibly absorbing Xiao Wu's fact that she had turned her into his second martial soul, and Muge modified his words a bit.

  My old lady didn't take the initiative to sacrifice!

  My old lady was forced by you!

  After Xiao Wu heard Muge's words, she couldn't help despising Muge from the bottom of her heart.

   "Hello, little scorpion, my name is Xiao Wu, and I used to be a 100,000-year-old soft-boned rabbit. What Master Muge said is true!"

   "Both Da Ming and Er Ming are my younger brothers, and I was the one who persuaded them to take the initiative to offer sacrifices to Lord Muge!"

  However, Xiao Wu still cooperated with the pastoral song very much. After falling to the ground, she spoke to Bingdi.


   And the Bingdi at this time is completely in a state of bewilderment.

  First of all, she didn't expect that the second martial soul summoned by Muge could speak, as if it had its own consciousness.

  After hearing the introduction of Pastoral, I was even more unbelievable.

  When can a soul beast become a human's second martial soul?

is that a lie? She had never heard of such a possibility.

   "Frozen Realm!"

  That's why the Bing Empress didn't believe Xiao Wu's words at all. After seeing Xiao Wu walking towards her, she displayed her talent in an instant.


With the display of the Ice Emperor's talent domain, the surrounding air that was originally icy dropped by more than tens of degrees in an instant. With the Ice Empress as the center, ice blocks quickly formed on the ground, and quickly moved toward Xiao Wu. spread over.

  The entire world seemed to have suddenly become even colder and frozen, as if everything had been frozen.

   "The Pride of the Ice Emperor!"

   Immediately afterwards, the Ice Emperor spit out a breath of ice from his mouth.


   After the breath of ice spewed out of her mouth, it quickly turned into a tornado, which grew rapidly, rolled up countless ice, formed a tornado of ice, and swept towards Xiao Wu and Muge.


   After using his own domain and the strongest soul skills, the Ice Empress didn't care about the effect of the attack. Once his figure drilled in place, he followed the passage he broke through the ground and returned to the ground, slipping away again.

  In the beginning, she was very afraid of Muge, but now that she saw that Muge's second martial soul had four hundred thousand year soul rings attached to her body, she became more aware of Muge's strength, and if she dared to stay, of course she just ran away.

   "Damn humans!"

  While running away, Ice Emperor couldn't help cursing the pastoral song in his heart.

   But the pastoral song at this time really blocked the attack of the Ice Empress, and she couldn't catch up for the time being.

   But there is no rush for the pastoral, and it is the same for chasing after a while.

   "This little scorpion really doesn't believe me at all!"

  After teasing himself, Mu Ge first recalled Xiao Wu to his body, and then stood in the air directly, letting the ice emperor's ice tornado roll towards him.

   As expected of the strongest soul skill of the Ice Emperor, this ice tornado reaches straight into the sky, and the ice tornado rolled up is extremely violent, covering dozens of miles.

  That's why the pastoral is blocked, and you can't escape, you can only choose to resist.

   It's not that Mu Ge has no other options, it's just a waste of soul power, so Mu Ge simply chose the method that least consumes soul power.

  That is to let the Ice Empress' attack hit.

  Because pastoral is ice-free.

  The power of freezing can't hurt him, it can only freeze him.

  The extremely violent ice tornado swept past, and the figure of the pastoral was frozen in an instant when it was wrapped in it, and then crazily rolled along with the ice tornado.


  Idyll let it roll, and after the ice tornado gradually weakened, he found the right opportunity and escaped from the center of the ice tornado with a teleport.


   His whole body was shaken, and all the ice cubes on Mu Ge's body were also shattered by Mu Ge.

   Completely ate the Ice Emperor's move, Ice Emperor's Pride Idyll, without any injuries.

  If the Bingdi saw this scene, he would definitely be thankful that he ran fast. It doesn’t matter if he is so strong, but he is still Bingfang, so what a mess!

   But what Bingdi didn't know was that she could only escape for a while, not forever.


   After Muge escaped from the ice tornado, his figure flashed and he chased after the ice emperor.

   This time, Ice Empress walked directly under the snow for more than three hours before getting out of the snow to check.

  During the period, she turned around under the snow, changing directions at will, and she didn't believe that she could be caught up by Mu Ge.

  While running away, she also cleaned up her whole body, for fear that Muge might have cast some soul skills on her.

  Before being chased by Mu Ge, she suspected that Mu Ge had used some soul skills on her.

"How can it be?"

  After burrowing out of the snow this time, Bingdi raised his head and looked up into the sky, his eyes were shocked.

   "Little Scorpion, do you want to continue running away?"

   Muge looked down at Bingdi from a high position, and joked again.

   "Damn humans!"

   "I don't believe you can follow me all the time!"

  Bingdi scolded Mu Ge angrily, and got back into the snow with a swish.

   "Damn it, this human being must have used some kind of soul skill on me to lock me in!"

   "I can't escape!"

   "I can only go to Sister Xue!"

  Bingdi was angry and anxious. She thought she could run away, but now she found that she couldn't run away at all, so she had to go to her sister Xue for help.

  She alone may not be the opponent of Mu Ge, but if her sister Xue is added, then it is not necessarily the case.


  ps: Fanwai Group has a link to join the group in the introduction, only in the introduction of the starting point.

  (end of this chapter)

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