MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 243 Bibi Dong competes for the list

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  Chapter 243 Bibi Dong competes for the rankings

   "...I will try not to let the second brother conflict with him, even if I can't stop it, I will let the pastoral brother let the second brother go, and I won't hurt the second brother!"

  Hearing elder brother Tang Xiao's words, Tang Yuehua was silent for a moment before speaking slowly.

   " he really powerful?"

  After hearing his sister's reply, Tang Xiao was silent for a moment before asking.

  From Tang Yuehua's reply, it's not difficult for him to hear that his sister thinks that Tang Hao can't possibly be Muge's opponent.

   "Well, big brother, Mu Ge is very strong and will be even stronger in the future. Second brother can't be his opponent!"

   Tang Yuehua also directly admitted it.

   What Muge showed in the Tianbang challenge was not the true strength of Muge at all.

But she knows that Muge also has the divine weapon Sea God Trident in hand, she has seen that divine weapon, and also knows that Muge with the divine weapon will be stronger, and it is difficult for anyone below the **** level to be Muge's opponent, she The second brother Tang Hao is even more impossible.

  Her second brother Tang Hao is a genius, but now he is only a title Douluo.

   " that strong?" Tang Xiao's expression suddenly changed when he heard his sister say this with such determination. He originally wanted to ask, but thinking that his sister didn't take the initiative to ask, he stopped asking.

  It's hard to be a younger sister in the province, if you can tell him, the younger sister will definitely tell him.

   Now that his younger sister Tang Yuehua can tell him this, it is enough.

   This also made him horrified, and he didn't know how this pastoral practiced, and his strength was already so terrifying at a young age.

As shown in the challenge of the Muge Tianbang, he also knows that it is not the full strength of the Muge. The simulator Wuhun of the Muge, according to what the opponent's Wuhun is and then simulates the restrained Wuhun to deal with it, is the Muge simulator Wuhun. The strongest usage of the soul.

  But from his younger sister Tang Yuehua's tone, it's not difficult for him to hear that Muge's strength is not only because of this.

   There must be something he is not clear about.

  If this is the case, it may be the right choice to resolve the grievances with the pastoral.

  My younger sister probably thinks so, that's why she persuaded Mu Ge to be her second brother's enemy, right?


   Tang Yuehua just affirmed, but didn't say anything about the pastoral song in detail.

  The biggest secret of Mu Ge, apart from possessing an artifact trident on his body, is that he has passed the Sea God Examination, and is currently completing the Sea God Nine Examinations. Once Mu Ge is completed, Mu Ge will be a new generation of Sea God.

   This point, even if Tang Xiao was her eldest brother, Tang Yuehua would not say it easily.

   "Since this is the case, then you can figure it out, just don't let your second brother get into trouble!"

  After hearing what Tang Yuehua said, Tang Xiao sighed and didn't ask any more questions.

  Originally, he wanted to ask about Ah Yin's situation, but after thinking about it, Tang Xiao felt that he should forget it.

   Asked clearly, no matter what the result is, it will only add to his heart, so it's better to pretend that he doesn't know.


   After the restart of the dream world, after the first day of the Tianbang battle.

  The dream world is also completely heated up. In addition, Pastoral has configured a system for the great soul masters entering the dream world. Many soul masters are almost addicted to the dream world.

  Even if you can't get into those rankings, using the system's functions to chat with people from all over the world in the dream world is also a very happy thing.

  It's like the netizens who first came into contact with social software on the earth. Once they enter, they can never leave.

  If it weren't for the mental energy consumed to enter the dream world, they would like to be immersed in the dream world all day long.

  And these soul masters stay in the dream world as long as possible, and also continuously contribute energy to the dream world of the pastoral.

  The dream world of pastoral songs, the scope that can be covered is getting wider and wider.

   It has already spread to the sea, and I believe it will not take long before it can spread to Sea God Island.

  At that time, soul masters within the range of Sea God Island will also be able to communicate with soul masters on the mainland through the dream world.

  Dream world is becoming more and more popular, and the competition for the ranking list is also being staged every day.

  The Three Ranks of Heaven, Earth and People is no exception.

  Tang Xiao probably participated in the challenge of the celestial list, and gained a place in the celestial list, probably because he made a public announcement on the world channel, exposing the fact that he was already a titled Douluo.

  However, Tang Xiao also made it clear that the Clear Sky School is still closed to the mountain, and the disciples of the Clear Sky School may enter the dream world to practice, but the real world remains unchanged.

  Besides Tang Xiao, there were also some wild Titled Douluo, even the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai's father also participated in the challenge of the Tianbang, proving the strength of the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

   This point is beyond the reach of the Heaven Dou Empire. In the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, there is no Title Douluo.

  But the Star Luo Empire is not much better, there is only one emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

  The reason why the two great empires are strong is that they rely on a large number of troops and mid-level soul masters, and they are secretly supported by sect forces.

  For example, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School supported the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Haotian School once supported the Star Luo Empire.

  Although Haotianzong has closed the mountain now, if the Star Luo Empire needs it, there is no guarantee that Haotianzong will come out of the mountain directly.

  The emperors of the Star Luo Empire are so high-profile, and those titled Douluo in the Wuhun Temple naturally don't just look at them.

  Subduing Dragon Douluo, Flame Eagle Douluo...and almost all the titled Douluo appeared one by one. No one would not like to get the enlightenment time in the dream world.

   Even the Golden Crocodile Douluo, enshrined in Douluo Diandian 2, also appeared, directly relying on his strong strength to defeat Sword Douluo and take the second place on the list.

  Unfortunately, it was defeated by Muge in the end.

In this battle, Muge simulated the same martial spirit as Golden Crocodile Douluo, but he couldn't defeat Golden Crocodile Douluo. In the end, Muge used Haotianzong's profound meaning to explode the ring to defeat Golden Crocodile Douluo of.

  It was only now that the world knew that Muge was abnormal, and had actually mastered Haotianzong's mystery of exploding the ring.

  Watching this battle, Tang Xiao knew exactly why his younger sister Tang Yuehua thought her younger brother Tang Hao couldn't be Muge's opponent.

  With the explosive ring in his hands, he still has three 100,000-year soul rings on his body. Thinking about the fighting power erupted from this explosive ring, Tang Xiao felt shuddering.

  Anyway, he saw it, and Golden Crocodile Douluo was immediately stunned by Muge.

   Of course, all the audience were also deeply shocked.

  The scene after the explosion of the pastoral three hundred thousand year soul ring, they were all stunned across the screen.

   Just don't know why, Qian Daoliu, the great priest of Wuhun Hall, didn't show up.

  However, Qian Daoliu did not appear, but Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Temple did, showing his powerful side.

  Compared to other Title Douluo, Bibi Dong is the one who needs the space for enlightenment more, because she is a new Title Douluo.

  In addition, Bibi Dong still has twin martial souls, and she is not very familiar with the soul skills of the second martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

  The emergence of the Dao Enlightenment Space allows her to control her own abilities more quickly.

  So Bibi Dong must strive for a seat in the Tianbang.

  Finally, relying on her strong strength, Bibi Dong won the fourth place in the Heaven Ranking, and let the world know that the new Pope of Wuhundian is also so powerful.

   "Is Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhundian actually so strong?"

   "Yeah, I always thought that Pope Bibi Dong was just a Contra, but I didn't expect that the other party had already broken through the Title Douluo, and even became a Level 95 Super Douluo!"

   "It's understandable. Pope Bibi Dong has twin martial souls. She only needs one of the martial souls to cultivate to the title of Douluo, and she can use the second martial soul to absorb the soul ring to quickly increase her soul power level..."

   "It's still like this..."

   "The twin spirits are so powerful!"

   "Do you think that His Majesty Wanxiang also has twin martial souls? Otherwise, how could he have become a Super Douluo at such a young age?"


  Accompanied by the appearance of Bibi Dong, when the audience marveled at the power of Bibi Dong's twin martial souls, some people also suspected that Muge was also a twin martial soul.

  But they can only guess, what is the truth, if the pastoral does not say, they will never know.

  Because even if Muge uses the second martial soul, they don't know it. There are too many martial arts that Muge can use.


   "Grandpa, don't you want to challenge?"

  At this time, Qian Renxue asked Grandpa Qian Daoliu in the dream world after watching her mother Bibidong's Tianbang challenge.

   "No, Grandpa has passed the time of being competitive!"

  Qian Daoliu touched Qian Renxue's head and said with a smile.

  Of course, the most important thing is that after watching the battle between Muge and Golden Crocodile Douluo, Qian Daoliu realized that he might not be able to win Muge steadily.

   This is the reason why he didn't want to go up to challenge the Tianbang.

  If he can’t beat Mu Ge to get the first place in the list, he would rather not go up, because with his current strength, even if he enters the list and gets the reward of enlightenment time, it won’t be of much help to him.

  Because his soul power level has no way to go up.

  Of course, the powerful strength of the pastoral song really shocked him.

  He also never expected that the brat back then would be so powerful now.

  Like Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu also suspected that Mu Ge might have passed the inheritance assessment of a certain god.

  Even if not, he must have passed the test to become the spokesperson of the gods just like him or Bo Saixi from Sea God Island.

   "Xiaoxue, do you still contact your teacher?"

  Qian Daoliu suddenly asked Qian Renxue.


   Facing Grandpa's question, Qian Renxue still didn't want to hide it, so she nodded and admitted.

   "Well, since this is the case, then continue to keep in touch with your teacher. It may not be a good thing for you!"

  Hearing that Qian Renxue still had contact with Muge, Qian Daoliu nodded.

  In his opinion, it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of pastoral songs.

  Since Muge is still willing to admit that he is the teacher of Qian Renxue, it proves that Muge will not be an enemy of Wuhundian. This is a good thing for Qian Renxue and Wuhundian.

  Comprehensive of the abilities that Muge showed after his appearance this time, plus the fact that he met and chatted with Muge at the beginning, Qian Daoliu still believes that Muge is not a fallen person.

  As for the matter of snatching Tang Hao's 100,000-year-old soul beast wife, it can only be said that the other party just happened to have a fancy to the other party, and each of them relied on their own methods.

   Being able to **** it away from his son Chihiro Ji is also considered an idyll's skill.

  Anyway, based on the "Soul Master's Cultivation Manual" that Muge had contributed to Wuhundian, he didn't think Wuhundian was at a disadvantage.

  In these years, Wuhundian has earned a good reputation by relying on the training manual left by Muge.

   "Really? Grandpa doesn't object to my continued association with the teacher?"

  Hearing that Grandpa didn't object, Qian Renxue was immediately extremely happy.

   "Of course, if your teacher is willing to come back, grandpa is very welcome!"

   Qian Daoliu said with a smile.

   "But my mother disagrees. My mother said that the teacher is a traitor to the Wuhun Temple, and told me not to have any contact with the teacher, and not to continue to recognize the teacher!"

  Hearing Qian Daoliu's words, Qian Renxue was very happy, but she shook her head regretfully.

   “Your mother disagrees with…”

  Hearing what Qian Renxue said, Qian Daoliu was a little surprised.

  He knew that Mu Ge came out of the Slaughter City with Bibi Dong at the beginning, and it was Bibi Dong who invited Mu Ge to join the Spirit Hall.

   At this time, Muge has washed himself clean, Bibidong should want Muge to return to Wuhun Hall even more than him!

  However, after thinking about it for a while, it is understandable for Bibi Dong to resist so much.

   After all, Mu Ge's current strength has surpassed Bibi Dong's.

  Bibi Dong should have treated Muge as a subordinate before, but now her strength has been surpassed by the opponent, so it is normal not to want the opponent to come back.

  In addition, Tang Hao's 100,000-year-old soul beast transformation wife, who was taken away by Muge, was originally prepared by Qianxunji for Bibidong, and what Muge actually took away was Bibidong's.

  So it is not difficult to understand that Bibi Dong has such prejudices against pastoral songs.

   "Since your mother is unwilling, then don't let her find out!"

   Bibi Dong didn't want to, and he didn't want to force Bibi Dong, so Qian Daoliu said to Qian Renxue.

   He knew that Qian Renxue and Bibidong's mother and daughter had reconciled, and Qian Renxue told him.

   It's just that what Qian Renxue didn't tell Qian Daoliu was that she already knew what her father Qian Xunji did to her mother back then.

   Qian Renxue didn't dare to tell grandpa about this.

  So Qian Daoliu didn't know this, and didn't know that Qian Renxue learned the truth from Mu Ge.

   Otherwise, Qian Daoliu might suspect that the relationship between Mu Ge and Bibi Dong is not as simple as he thought.


  After hearing what Grandpa said, Qian Renxue naturally agreed.

  But she had already made up her mind to improve the relationship between Mu Ge and her mother.

   "Let's not talk about that, I haven't seen Xiaoxue for so long, let grandpa see Xiaoxue's growth over the years!"

  Qian Daoliu then spoke to Qian Renxue.

   Speaking of this, Qian Daoliu didn't say anything else, but the fact that he could see his granddaughter made him think that the existence of the dream world was very meaningful.

  Before, he could only go to Tiandou Empire to visit his granddaughter occasionally.

   There is no need now, in the dream world, he can contact Qian Renxue at any time.

   "Yes, Grandpa!"

  After hearing Qian Daoliu's words, Qian Renxue responded.


  (end of this chapter)

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