MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 241 Mahjong for four, let's go

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  Chapter 241 Mahjong for four, let’s go

   "It's the Pope of Wuhundian!"

   "The Pope of the Wuhun Temple has actually withdrawn the arrest of His Majesty Wanxiang!"

   "This time it will be completely complete, and no one will dare to say that Vientiane is a fallen person!"


  After seeing Bibi Dong also speak out, the audience was shocked again.

   All of a sudden, two more Titled Douluo appeared!

  Apart from being surprised, the audience began to look forward to whether Haotian Douluo Tang Xiao and Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Temple would participate in the challenge of the Tianbang.

  If they also participate, then we can continue to watch the show today.

  Unfortunately, their wishful thinking came to nothing, no matter whether it was Tang Xiao, Bibi Dong, or other titled Douluo in the dream world at this time, no one challenged the Tianbang.

  So since the dream world was restarted, the first Tianbang challenge came to an end.


   "Yuehua, did you ask your elder brother to come out and help me clarify?"

  After Muge left the void arena, he found Tang Yuehua and asked Tang Yuehua.

   "Hmm! It's me, I shouldn't have done anything wrong with good intentions?"

  Tang Yuehua naturally admitted it when she heard the words, but she was still a little apprehensive, wondering if her actions had ruined Muge's plan.

   "Of course not. You have done a great job. With Brother Ni's clarification, I have finally cleared my identity as a fallen person!"

   "You are so good, how can I reward you?"

  Muge immediately smiled when he heard the words, stepped forward and took He into his arms, and couldn't help touching Tang Yuehua's beautiful legs in stockings with both hands.

   "I... I just want to help you..."

  Hearing what Muge said, Tang Yuehua was also happy in his heart. It seemed that he had done nothing wrong, and quickly pressed down Muge's mischievous right hand with both hands, not letting Muge continue to touch it.

   "Ke Ke will awaken the martial soul tomorrow, do you think Ke Ke will awaken your simulator martial soul or awaken the same martial soul as mine?"

  After holding down Muge's mischievous hand, Tang Yuehua leaned submissively in Muge's arms, and then talked about their daughter Keke.

   It has been a few months since Xiao Ai awakened her martial soul, and Ke Ke will be six years old tomorrow.

   Then another week will pass, when Muge's youngest daughter, Guo'er, will be six years old.

   In the blink of an eye, Muge's three daughters were all six years old and able to practice.

During this period of time, Muge has worked **** Ah Yin and the others. It may really be related to the transformation of the nature of life after Muge broke through the Title Douluo. Seed, but no one can conceive again.

  So Muge felt that his previous guess should be true, the stronger the life form, the harder it is to reproduce.

   "Koke's awakened martial soul should be the same as yours!"

  After Tang Yuehua held down Mu Ge's right hand, he switched to his left hand while answering Tang Yuehua's question.

  Anyway, Mu Ge feels that it should be very difficult for his blood to awaken his simulator martial soul.

  He just felt that way.

  Whether it is true or not, it will be clear after the second daughter Ke Ke and the younger daughter Guoer are all awakened.

   "A martial soul like mine... that's fine, with Ke Ke's character, he is also suitable to be an auxiliary soul master!"

  Hearing Muge's judgment, Tang Yuehua said happily.

  Although Muge's martial soul is also very powerful, Tang Yuehua still hopes that someone can inherit her martial soul.

  The matter of daughter Keke awakening her martial spirit is tomorrow's matter.

  Muge did not forget what Liu Erlong promised him before.

   Soon, Muge approached A Yin with Tang Yuehua in his arms, and started playing three-person poker.

  On the way, Muge went to find Liu Erlong. After pulling Liu Erlong to gather enough people, they played mahjong for four.

   It was the first time playing four-player Mahjong. Liu Erlong was obviously very unfamiliar with it, and didn't know how to play it well.

  So Muge can only teach her how to do it, how to make a match, how to stack arhats and other tricks.

  In short, this time the four-player mahjong, Idyll had a lot of fun.


   "Sister Xiaoai, do you think I will awaken father's martial soul or mother's martial soul?"

  The next day, the three little ones woke up early. Keke was so excited that she couldn't sleep last night, and she fell asleep very late, but she still woke up early the next day, feeling extremely energetic.

  Thinking that he will soon awaken his martial soul, Ke Ke is very energetic and looking forward to it.

   "Ke Ke's martial soul should be the same as Aunt Yuehua, an auxiliary martial soul!"

   "In this way, Keke can help my sister and me!"

  Xiao Ai giggled, and then gave her guess.

   "Sister Xiaoai, what about me? What kind of martial spirit can I awaken? Is it also awakening the same martial spirit as my mother?"

  Guo'er heard Xiao Ai say this, and couldn't help but asked aloud.

   "Well, I think it is. Dad said that it is difficult for us to awaken the same martial soul as him. The only way is to awaken the same martial soul as our mother!"

  Xiao Ai nodded and said.

   "The same auxiliary martial soul as my mother? That's good too!"

   "I just hope that I can be like Sister Xiaoai, who is born full of soul power!"

   After Ke Ke heard Xiao Ai's words, Ke Ke was not unhappy, but was a little uneasy about her innate soul power.

   "Me too!"

  Guo'er heard what Ke Ke said, and said in agreement.

  The little girls also know that the martial soul is not the most important thing, but the level of innate soul power is the most important.

   "Why isn't Dad coming out yet?"

   After waiting for a while, she found that Mu Ge and her mother hadn't woken up yet. Xiao Ai couldn't help pouted, and then rolled her eyes: "How about...I'll wake up Dad and the others?"

  Usually, Pastoral does not let the daughters wake them up.

  Coco, who has always been quiet, couldn't wait, and agreed to Xiao Ai's proposal immediately: "Okay, sister Xiao Ai, go and wake up Dad and the others!"

   "Yes, let's wake up Mom and Dad!"

  Guo'er was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and immediately agreed with the words.

   "What's the matter? Can't wait long after you wake up?"

  But they don't need to call, playing four-player mahjong all night didn't make the pastoral tired, but appeared refreshed.

  The ones who came out with Muge, of course, were Ah Yin and the others who were exuding charming charm.

  They also want to witness the awakening of Coco's martial soul.




   "Aunt Yuehua..."

   "Aunt Erlong..."


   When Xiaoai and the others saw Muge and the others coming out, they immediately cried out with joy.

  Coco stepped forward and hugged Muge's legs, looking up at Muge with expectation.

   "Okay, okay, Dad will awaken your martial soul for you!"

   Mu Ge looked at Ke Ke's anxious appearance, rubbed Ke Ke's head angrily, and laughed.


  Coco then let go of the hands tightly holding onto Mu Ge's legs, and took a few steps back.

   "Are you ready?"

   Pastoral looked at Ke Ke who was already standing upright and asked.

   "Dad, I'm ready!"

  Coco's eyes were bright with a hint of excitement and anticipation.

   "Okay, Dad will awaken your martial soul right now!"


  Muge didn't make the anxious daughter wait any longer, a soft soul power descended on Coco with a wave of her hand, stimulating the martial spirit in Coco's body.


   Bathed in the soul power, Coco's martial spirit was quickly awakened. Coco stretched out her delicate right hand, and a Ruyi, exactly the same as Tang Yuehua's martial spirit, appeared on Coco's palm.

   "It's the same Ruyi as my mother!"

   Seeing that her martial spirit is really Ruyi, an auxiliary martial spirit just like her mother, Ke Ke uttered aloud with joy.

   "Well, yes, your mother is the only martial soul in this world, and her auxiliary ability is no weaker than that of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower. Let's test Coco's innate soul power again!"

   Mu Ge saw that it was Tang Yuehua's martial spirit that Coco had really awakened, and he was not disappointed. After praising with a smile, he took out a test crystal ball and handed it to Coco.

  Coco naturally knew how to do it, and soon put his hand on the test crystal ball with excitement and expectation.


   Soon, a dazzling white light burst out from the test crystal ball, which was as rich as it was when Xiao Ai woke up.

   "Innately full of soul power!"

   "Great, Coco's innate soul power is also level ten!"

   "Auxiliary martial souls, it seems that there has never been an innate full soul power, Keke is really amazing!"

   "Well, the innate soul power that has never been assisted by a soul master is at full level..."


  After seeing that Ke Ke was born full of soul power, Tang Yuehua and the others were all surprised.

  Auxiliary martial souls are innately full of soul power, which has never appeared in history.

  That's why Tang Yuehua and the others were so surprised when they saw that Keke was full of soul power. Of course, they were more surprised.

   Seeing everyone so happy, Mu Ge naturally wouldn't tell the truth that the soul master world now has auxiliary soul masters who are already full of soul power.

   That is Oscar, who is about ten years old, one of the Shrek Seven Monsters in the original book, the martial soul is a food-type auxiliary martial soul, full of soul power innately.

  In the original book, when Ning Rongrong learned that Oscar was born full of soul power, she looked in disbelief.

  At this moment, of course, Oscar had already awakened his martial soul, and he was born full of soul power.

   He should have also entered the dream world. If Mu Ge looks for it, he will definitely find it.

   It’s just that Muge is too lazy to find him. An auxiliary system is full of soul power, which is not very helpful to him, or he is still too young. Finding Oscar in a short time to train him will not be of great help to Muge.

   It is possible for Oscar to help Xiao Ai and the others, but Pastoral is still not happy.

  Because Oscar's martial spirit is too wonderful, especially those spells, Muge doesn't want his daughters to eat the sausage Oscar made.

  So even knowing that there is such a genius as Oscar, Pastoral just ignored it.

   Whether he still joined Shrek Academy, Muge didn't care.

  What will happen to the other party in the future depends on the other party's luck.

  But thinking about it, just because of Oscar's innate full soul power, the future will not be far behind.

  Although without the bonus of fairy grass, it should be possible to break through Title Douluo.



   With the help of Muge and Liu Erlong's youngest daughter, Guoer, Muge awakens her martial spirit.

  A red dragon burning with blue flames, obviously awakened the same martial spirit as Liu Erlong.

  When Liu Erlong awakened, he was a mutated martial soul. When he arrived at Guo'er's place, he was no longer a mutant, but he had sincerely inherited Liu Erlong's martial soul.

  It is called a mutation when it is different from the parent's martial soul.

   "Very good, it's the same martial spirit as my mother!"

  Liu Erlong was also very happy to see that Guoer's awakened martial soul was like hers.


   It's just that when Guo'er's innate soul power was tested, everyone was not so happy.

  Because of the innate soul power obtained from the test, it is only level eight.

   "My innate soul power is only level eight..."

   Originally expected to be like the two sisters, Guo'er was born full of soul power, but suddenly her mouth flattened, as if she was about to cry.

  Although the eighth level of innate soul power is already very powerful, I don’t know how many people are envious of it.

  But compared with the two older sisters, it’s not as good!

   Guo'er was so wronged that her eyes turned red.

   "Don't worry, Guoer, Dad has a baby that can improve your talent, and make you, like the two sisters, full of soul power!"

   Couldn't see the sad idyll of the little daughter, quickly picked up Guo'er, and said comfortingly.


  Guoer quickly opened her eyes wide and looked at Mu Ge pitifully, with tears in her eyes.

  With that appearance, if Mu Ge had lied to her, she would probably be crying in the next second.

   "Of course, when did Dad lie to you!"

   Pastoral said quickly.


   Then I saw Mu Ge took out a celestial grass, cockscomb phoenix sunflower.

   This fairy grass originally belonged to Ma Hongjun in the original book, among the fire-attribute fairy grasses, it is second only to the fiery apricot vegetable fairy grass swallowed by Muge.

  In the original book, Ma Hongjun also relied on it to solve the problem of the evil fire contained in the martial soul.

   Such a fairy grass is very suitable for Guo'er who has the Chilong Wuhun.

  As for Ma Hongjun?

   Who cares about him!

   I don’t know how many men envy him for having such a Phoenix evil fire. Having a Phoenix evil fire is not a bad thing, as long as he finds enough women.

   "Dad, what is this? It's so beautiful!"

   Seeing the cockscomb phoenix sunflower that Muge took out, Guo'er's attention was immediately attracted, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

  Liu Erlong and the others also looked curiously at the grass jelly that Muge brought out.

   "Is it another fairy grass?"

  Only Tang Yuehua knew of the existence of the fairy grass because he had taken it.

   It's just that she didn't expect that the fairy grass can not only solve the problem of martial soul defects, but also change the innate soul power level of the soul master?

   Tang Yuehua thought about her own situation, and it seemed that it really was!

  Her cultivation speed is no slower than a soul master who is born with full soul power talent.

   "This is fairy grass. After taking it, Guo'er will become as innately full of soul power as her sisters!"

  Muge scratched Shaguo'er's nose and said with a smile.

   "Come on, Guoer, you can just eat you, Dad will help you absorb it later!"

  Afterwards, Mu Ge directly handed the cockscomb phoenix sunflower to Guoer.


  (end of this chapter)

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