MTL - Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator-Chapter 221 shy Qian Renxue

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  Chapter 221 Shy Qian Renxue


   "Teacher, you bastard..."

  Being fooled by Muge, Qian Renxue suddenly felt ashamed.

  Qian Renxue's pretty face under the mask was also slightly hot. She saw Muge's attempt to pinch her face just now.

  In the past, when Mu Ge pinched her face, she just found it annoying, and every time she wanted to bite Mu Ge back.

   Seeing Mu Ge's behavior again at this time, she felt a little shy for no reason.

   "Who told you to question the teacher!"

   Pastoral has no guilt at all, it is only natural for the teacher to teach his disciples.

   "Of course I have improved, I am now level 53!"

   "Are you amazing?"

   Seeing that she couldn't speak to the teacher, Qian Renxue stopped being entangled with the pastoral song, and proudly stated her current soul power level.

   Obviously Qian Renxue thinks that her current level is very powerful.

   This is still the case that she has not been able to cultivate wholeheartedly, otherwise it will only be higher.

   "Is it level 53? It's okay..."

  Hearing Qian Renxue's soul power level, Mu Ge was not too surprised.

  Although he only reached the soul king level when he was 18 years old.

  However, knowing Qian Renxue's talent, he really felt that Qian Renxue's current level of soul power was not worthy of praise, and she could have improved faster.

   It was because of Qian Xunji's order to pretend to be the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire that Qian Renxue's cultivation speed was delayed.

   And this is the case when Qian Renxue took the fairy grass that Mu Ge traded to Emperor Xue Ye, otherwise it would only be slower.

  In the original book, Qian Renxue was only a soul sage until Tang San was 19 years old when the Heaven Dou Empire underwent a palace change.

  At that time, Qian Renxue was almost 30 years old.

  Compared with Tang San, don't lag behind too much!

   If Qian Renxue could really replace Tao and steal the imperial power of the Heaven Dou Empire, it would be worth it. The problem is that Qian Renxue failed, so the time Qian Renxue wasted on this practice is not worth it.

   It's no wonder that Qian Renxue burst into tears after her failure, and after 20 years of lurking, she was completely destroyed.

  But there is no way around this, after all, Tang San is the protagonist, and it is impossible for Qian Renxue to succeed.

   "It's just okay..."

  Hearing Mu Ge's comment, Qian Renxue couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes.

   Her current level, just okay?

  Teacher, what standard is this!

  In historical records, there is no soul king younger than her.

   "Teacher, what about you? What level are you now? The teacher was only a soul king before. Has the teacher broken through to the soul emperor now?"

  Of course Qian Renxue was not convinced, and then asked about the level of the pastoral.

  After asking, Qian Renxue was also startled suddenly, yes, Muge's current soul power level may not be much higher than hers!

  Where did Mu Ge get the confidence to help her perform a scene in front of her mother Bibi Dong?

   You know, her mother is now a Titled Douluo!


  Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's heart darkened slightly. She didn't think of this before, because the image of Muge in her mind has always been tall and strong.

  But now Qian Renxue has realized that it is only six or seven years before Muge left the Wuhun Hall, it would be considered good if Muge's soul power level can be raised to Soul Sage.

  However, at the level of Soul Sage, it is almost impossible to help her act in front of her mother Bibi Dong!

  Let's not talk about the soul saint level, even Contra is not enough!

   "Why, are you doubting my strength, teacher?"

   "It seems that I won't let you see it, you don't know how good I am, teacher!"

   Seeing Qian Renxue's sudden froze, Muge also guessed what Qian Renxue might be thinking, and immediately laughed.

   "Little girl, take care!"

   "The time to witness the miracle has come!"

   Immediately, Mu Ge directly in front of Qian Renxue, summoned the Wuhun Frostmourne that he hadn't used for a long time.


  Of course, the martial soul is not the point, the point is the nine soul rings that appear along with the pastoral martial soul.

  Yellow yellow purple purple black black red red red!


  When she saw the combination of soul rings on Muge, Qian Renxue was stunned for an instant. The small mouth under the mask opened wide, as if it could swallow a whole egg.

   "Ten...hundred thousand year soul ring..."

   "It's still three hundred thousand year spirit rings..."


  Looking at the three 100,000-year soul rings presented by Muge, Qian Renxue was completely stunned.

  She also knows that Pastoral is very powerful, her talents are also very good, and her image in her heart is also very tall.

  But no matter how much Qian Renxue dares to think, she dares to think that Muge may have broken through to Contra, but she absolutely dare not imagine that Muge has already reached Title Douluo.

   Besides the title Douluo, he actually absorbed three 100,000-year spirit rings into his body. This is the scary thing.

  Qian Renxue wondered if she was dreaming.

  Qian Renxue, who doubted her life, immediately took off her mask, rubbed her eyes vigorously with both hands, and then looked at the configuration of the pastoral soul ring again.

  Yellow yellow purple purple black black red red red!

   It is still the configuration of nine soul rings of Title Douluo, and it is still three hundred thousand year soul rings.

   "It's actually true..."

   Qian Renxue was extremely shocked, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

  Actually, you don’t need to close your eyes to look at Qian Renxue to know that it’s true. She can feel the soul pressure from a hundred thousand year soul beast.

   It's just that Qian Renxue couldn't believe it.

   Seeing Qian Renxue's stunned cute look, Mu Ge smiled in satisfaction, and then put away the martial soul and soul ring.

   "How is it? Teacher has the strength to help you?"

  Mu Ge proudly said to Qian Renxue.

   "When...of course..."

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue replied in a daze.

   "Teacher, how did you do it?"

   "In just a few years, teacher, you have improved so much, isn't this too exaggerated?"

   "Teacher, how did you do it?"

   "Three 100,000-year soul rings, my God, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it's real..."

  Afterwards, seeing Qian Renxue looking at Muge with bright eyes, she stretched out both hands to grab Muge's arm, and then asked excitedly and curiously.

  She is so curious!

  In only six or seven years, Qian Renxue has raised so many soul power levels, Qian Renxue really can't imagine how Muge did it.

  Because of her excitement, Qian Renxue didn't notice that she was holding Mu Ge's arm, she was getting a little close, and she was hitting someone with a ball!

  Feeling the softness from his arm, Muge broke free, but found that he couldn't, so he let Qian Renxue hold on to his arm.

  The disciple is too excited, and should be tolerated!


   "It's nothing, it's just an adventure, I won't tell you what it is for now!"

   "Anyway, you just need to know that Teacher has the ability to help you act in front of Bibi Dong!"

   Pastoral coughed dryly, and then explained.

   It's useless to explain the speed of increase of the pastoral, unless something about God's test is mentioned.

  So the pastoral can only not say, let Qian Renxue guess by herself.

   "Ah... Teacher, just tell me..."

  Hearing Muge's answer, Qian Renxue was naturally very disappointed, and immediately shook Muge's arm, acting like a baby to Muge.

  Feeling the softness from the arm, and Qian Renxue's coquettish appearance, Muge almost couldn't hold it anymore.

  He really didn't expect that Qian Renxue would act like a baby.

  When I was in Wuhundian, I never saw Qian Renxue act like a baby!

   And with Qian Renxue's character, how could she act like a baby?

   Can you believe it?

  If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Mu Ge would not have believed it.

   Pastoral can only say that the power of Qian Renxue's coquettish behavior is huge, and the lethality is huge, that is to say, he has a firm heart and will not be moved by beauty, otherwise he would have surrendered long ago.

   This is thanks to Qian Renxue's mother, Bibidong, and Ah Yin and the others, who have trained Muge's immunity to beauty.

   "No, I can't tell you for now, I'll tell you when I have a chance!"

  So Mu Ge resolutely rejected Qian Renxue's curiosity.


   "If you don't say it, don't say it!"

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue snorted shyly, and immediately let go of Muge's arm with both hands.

   "I haven't found out yet, so Xiaoxue can act like a baby. It seems that she knows how to use a weapon as a woman!"

   "Yeah, that's a big improvement!"

  Seeing Qian Renxue's appearance, Muge laughed and began to tease Qian Renxue.

   "I...I didn't..."

  Hearing Muge's words, Qian Renxue's pretty face blushed, only to realize that her previous behavior was too shameful.

   And the way I hugged Idyll's arm just now seems to be too intimate.

  The more she thought about it, the redder Qian Renxue's pretty face became, and she quickly took out the mask she had just taken off and put it on again.

   "Let's go, I won't be able to catch up with your mother later..."

  Seeing Qian Renxue's deception, Muge didn't continue to tease her, and walked forward first.

  Qian Renxue slowed down for a while before catching up.

   "It's too embarrassing, what happened to me just now?"

   "To do such a shameful move..."

   Chasing up all the way, Qian Renxue was still very ashamed in her heart, feeling embarrassed for her actions just now.

  Muge didn't expect, she didn't expect that she would act like a baby.

  In the past, she just acted like a baby in front of grandpa.

  But this time in front of Muge, Qian Renxue found that she naturally acted like a baby.

   "Maybe I regard the teacher as a relative!"

  Qian Renxue thought to herself, but then she didn't pay too much attention, and even had a smile on her face.

  Because it made her more aware of the status of a teacher in her mind.

   "But having said that, the teacher is really amazing..."

   "Even if there is an adventure, it is incredible to be promoted to Title Douluo in such a short period of time, and to have three hundred thousand year soul rings..."

   Silently following Muge, Qian Renxue couldn't help but see the picture of Muge just summoning the martial soul and soul ring again in Qian Renxue's mind.

  No way, it was so shocking that I would never forget it even if I wanted to.

  She used to admire the teacher Muge very much, and now she worships her even more.

   "This girl has grown up!"

   While walking to the previous idyll, my mind is full of imagination at this time.

  Especially the feeling and softness left on the arm, making Mu Ge unable to calm down.

   "Sin, sin, this can't be thought of!"

   "I want to awaken Bibi Dong's maternal love, not to make her want to kill me even more after awakening Bibi Dong's maternal love!"


   "It seems that after the dream world restarts, it will be lively again!"

   "Fortunately, I have won two championships before, and obtained the soul power training technique and the spiritual power training method. Otherwise, after the restart of the dream world, there will be nothing like our auxiliary system soul masters!"

  At the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi was very happy after learning about the news of the dream world.

  Because of the ranking list released after the restart of the dream world, it is simply too unfriendly to auxiliary system soul masters.

  How does an auxiliary system soul master compete with a battle soul master?

   It's simply impossible!

   It is basically impossible for all auxiliary system soul masters to be on the list.

  That's why Ning Fengzhi was lucky.

  Since he practiced the spiritual power cultivation method, Ning Fengzhi also knew its power.

  Although his current soul power level cannot be improved, the improvement of his spiritual power can make him stronger.

  Similarly, the cultivation of the soul power body training technique can also make him more resistant to beatings, and naturally become stronger.

   "It will indeed be more lively!"

   "Even if there is no reward, countless people want to participate just for ranking!"

   Sword Douluo said with a smile.

   Now he is not too optimistic about whether to participate again, because he has mastered all three cultivation methods.

  However, Sword Douluo was also very curious about the so-called enlightenment time, and didn't know what it was like.

   "I don't care about the ranking, anyway, I will definitely participate next time!"

   "Three kinds of cultivation techniques, I still haven't obtained the soul power training technique!"

   "I don't want to be too far behind someone!"

  After Sword Douluo opened his mouth, Bone Douluo immediately spoke, but he directly stated that he would participate in the leaderboard after the restart of the dream world.

   "Uncle Jian and Uncle Bone, let's join together!"

   "I don't think the reward for the enlightenment time will be easy!"

   "Now we can directly log in to the dream world in Zongmen, and we don't need to worry about anything!"

  Hearing what Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo said, Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and said his suggestion.

   "Alright, I'll meet with other Title Douluo later to see if there is anyone who can defeat the sword in my hand!"

   Sword Douluo smiled boldly when he heard this.

   Bone Douluo curled his lips sourly when he heard the words, but he didn't say anything.

  Who made him unable to defeat Sword Douluo? I could only silently watch Sword Douluo pretending to be aggressive.

   "I must participate!"

   "I must enter the land list. It doesn't matter whether I reward or not, the main thing is not to weaken the prestige of our sect!"

   "Must participate, I must be the one in the list!"


At the beginning, like Ning Fengzhi and the others, the major sect forces that did not immediately learn about the changes after the dream world was about to be closed and restarted in the dream world, after learning about the changes in the dream world, they were all gearing up and preparing to fight for the so-called list ranking.

  For a while, all soul masters were looking forward to the restart of the dream world.

  In previous soul master duels, there was only one champion.

  Now there are many people on the leaderboard, so there are more opportunities!


  ps: The update is a little late, it’s already the beginning of the month, so let’s ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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