MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 683 The perfect fusion of the resurrection

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The 680th chapter of the perfect fusion of the resurrection

Ning Rongrong and Oscar looked at each other and they all saw the resoluteness in the other's eyes. They did not tell all the people who were concerned about Tang San. In fact, they did not even grasp the half-point for the resurrection of Tang San.

Previously, when they were holding their hands and showing the strange brilliance, yes, they were prompted in their hearts. They also did not lie. The second skill of the ninth soul skill in 100,000 years is the light of the resurrection of the martial arts fusion technique.

The light of the resurrection of the martial arts fusion: the condition of resurrection, within one hour after death, the body is not broken. After the resurrection, the strength recovered by 50%. Ning Rongrong and Oscar lost their soul for a month at the same time.

Undoubtedly, this is an extremely powerful and even the most powerful auxiliary resurrection skill in history. I would like to ask, is the martial arts fusion technique used by the first food department in the world to match the world's first assistant department, Douro?

However, there is no doubt that the resurrection object referred to by this resurrection light is directed at human beings. However, at this time Ning Rongrong and Oscar are to resurrect the sea god, the sea **** Tang San.

Of course they know that resurrection of a person is completely different from resurrection of a god. Let us not say whether their resurrection light is useful to Tang San. Even if it is really useful, can the cost of resurrecting a person be the same as the cost of resurrecting a god?

Anyone who has changed these questions will hesitate, but at this moment, there is no time for Oscar and Ning Rongrong to think. At that moment, if they don't stand up, perhaps these people in front of them have already become corpses. This is the last hope. When Oscar and Ning Rongrong are looking at each other, they have made up their minds.

To resurrect a person, you need to lose one month of soul power. Then, resurrect a god? Even if they lose their soul forever, they will be willing and even paying their lives.

This is not only because of their relationship with Tang San, but also for this last hope, under the nest, there is no end. If the Tiandou Empire really surrendered, can they still live? There is no way to forget it. This last hope is in front of us, so how can they give up.

Looking at the dead body of Tang San, Ning Rongrong silently said in his heart: Third brother, all the time, you have been sheltering us from the wind and rain for us. It can be said that Rong Rong can have today's achievements, all thanks to you. Today, let me and Xiao Ao return this favor to you. Big deal, that is, we are companions on the road to hell.

Oscar took a deep breath, "Little dance, let's let it go."

The little dance looked up, and there was no tears in her eyes. In the desperate eyes, now only the last hope is filled. Looking at her eyes, Ning Rongrong and Oscar can’t help but cleverly fight. After a chill, they have no doubt that if Tang San is not resurrected, the little dance will go with him. Their lives seem to have merged into one.

"Please, please." The little dance bowed his head and kissed gently on Tang San's mouth. When she placed Tang San's body on the ground, the whole body kept shaking, and there seemed to be a special force in the body. In the left and right, trying to break out from the body. Especially at the moment she kissed Tang San, the little dance only felt that her body was cold. The whole person's skin began to reddish slightly.

Full of reluctance to look at Tang San, the little dance carefully placed his body flat on the ground, at this time everyone's attention is on Tang San, who did not notice the changes in her body.

Standing up, the little dance slowly retreated to the side. At this time, she was already clenched with fists, and the cold and extreme energy in the body seemed to become more intense. The only thing she can think of right now is to get mad. At the moment when the heart of Tang San was crushed by Bibidong, her heart seemed to be broken. The whole person has fallen into an indescribable state. It was also after that that the cold air flow gradually appeared and became more and more intense.

The little dance didn't make a sound. She didn't even think about anything about her. In her eyes, only Tang San, his teeth biting his lower lip, his hands were tightly gripped, his eyes completely condensed on Tang San. .

Oscar and Ning Rongrong almost looked up at each other at the same time. From the other's eyes, they saw the same answer. Resolutely decisive answer. No matter how much, no matter how difficult, even if they use their lives, they can only get a chance, and they will never give up.

Moved to the footsteps, they came to the side of Tang San body to stand, and raised their hands, ten fingers clenched, their arms, like the two bridges built above the body of Tang San.

Strong soul fluctuations rushed out, and the soul rings emerged one after another from their feet and hovered. When the last red soul ring appeared, everyone's heart mentioned the blind eye.

Although Oscar and Ning Rongrong said yes, but no one has seen such a resurrection. Resurrection of a person is unheard of for them, let alone resurrect a god. At the beginning, the resurrection of the little dance was based on the fact that there was no damage in her flesh. The soul was hidden in the soul ring of the Tang Dynasty and the soul bone. Through the re-entry of the soul ring and the soul bone, together with the **** medicine of Tiancai Dibao, Only make the little dance reborn. But in a sense, that is not a real resurrection.

At this moment, the huge wound on Tang’s body was so clear in the eyes of the people. There was no heart in the chest of Tang San. After he collided with the last soul of Bibidong, there was no sign of waking up. It is very likely The soul has been broken. In this case, he can have a few chances of resurrection and no one can tell. For everyone, this is incredible, but in their hearts they have to regard Ning Rongrong and Oscar's words as the last hope, they are even more reluctant to believe that Tang San is really dead.

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong and said: "Get started."

Ning Rongrong nodded, and the eyes of the two men lit up at the same time. Oscar’s hands were completely white, and Ning Rongrong’s hands were full of colorful halos. In the eyes of everyone, the other eight soul rings of Oscar and Ning Rongrong have become dim and even disappeared. Only the ninth soul ring suddenly has a large amount of brilliance, and the red circle of red circle expands rapidly. Each other's body is enveloped. When the two red halos are combined into one, when they are integrated. The white color on Oscar's hand turned pink, and the nine-colored light on Ning Rongrong's hand turned white. The white powder and two colors illuminate each other, and the ray of light suddenly bursts out. Suddenly, the entire conference hall is filled with incredible energy.

This energy breath gives people a feeling that is not aggressive and has no strong pressure, but it still makes people feel how much energy they contain. A golden mask with a diameter of ten meters and a height of three meters appeared quietly when the light spread, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong and Tang San's body were enveloped. The energy that was still fluctuating in the past moment suddenly converges at this moment, completely covered by the hood, and it feels like it disappeared out of thin air. However, the scene inside the mask has also begun to change.

The master brows slightly wrinkled and muttered to himself: "This is the energy that Xiaoao deliberately released, blocking the breath of their skills. These children are really grown up, and they can still remain calm at this time. ”

Everyone looked inward from the golden hood. It felt that the golden mask only had the effect of isolating energy, but it could not isolate other things. Everyone is focused on the situation inside the mask. At the same time, Tang Yan, Du Duo Luo, the gold iron triangle, and the small dance are all spirited and ready to respond. In case there is a possibility of Bibi East.

The golden mask is like another world, a strange world. With the wrapping of red light, there was no change in Tang San on the ground, but the body of Oscar and Ning Rongrong showed a strange transformation.

There was an illusory light and shadow behind each of them. What appeared behind the Oscar was a yellow figure. It was slender and seemed to be wearing a yellow robe, wearing a high crown and soft yellow energy fluctuations around the body. Behind Ning Rongrong, there is a colorful figure, surrounded by nine colorful dresses, and numerous ribbons flying, obviously a female figure.

After the two illusory light and shadow appeared, the two soul rings that originally radiated red light disappeared. Oscar and Ning Rongrong closed their eyes with each other's hands. The bodies of the two also released the same brilliance under the light and shadow behind them.

The light and shadow behind them gradually moved forward, and gradually merged with their bodies, the illusory figure became more and more real, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong disappeared into the light. It seems to be a fusion of the virtual shadow.

"Master, what is going on?" Tang Yan could not help but ask the master.

The master shook his head and said: "I don't know. This level of martial arts fusion is rare, let alone the fusion of skills and martial arts. We must firmly believe that they can create miracles. Let us together Pray for the little three. The third will not die, it will not."

Tang Yan nodded hard, and they all closed their eyes and prayed silently in their hearts.

The virtual shadow merges with the ontology, and it appears in the golden mask that a man wearing a yellow robe wearing a high crown and a stunning woman wearing a colorful dress, the strange thing is that their body Although the shape has changed, the costume has become this strange look, but the face is still Oscar and Ning Rongrong. At this moment, the sacred and inviolable light appeared on the faces of both of them, and their singular brilliance was rendered around their respective bodies. Although the energy fluctuations were isolated by the golden light, at this time, several outside seals could clearly feel the sacred atmosphere, and they even felt that if this breath emerged from the golden hood, it was They can't compete with each other.

The four hands that were held slowly loosened, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong took their hands back to their chests and made a heart-warming action. Among the yellow men’s hands of Oscar, a pink ball of light slowly emerged. And with the appearance of this light, the yellow color of Oscar is gradually becoming thinner.

Ning Rongrong's situation is similar to that of Oscar, except that what appears in her hand is a nine-color ball. These two **** of light shine in front of them, releasing soft but extremely strong energy fluctuations.

Among the people, the one who has received the most divine power is undoubtedly a little dance. She also knows exactly what happened when Oscar and Ning Rongrong first completed the absorption of the last soul ring. The little dance has completely forgotten the pain in her body. On her hands, the red magic lines are looming, but she is forced to suppress the cold energy in the body with willpower, and does not let herself show any painful expression and A voice.

Is this the **** of food and the colorful goddess? Brother has hope. Xiao Nong and Rong Rong’s ninth martial arts fusion technique seems to have brought in the coming of the two great gods. For the time being, they have taken advantage of their strength. No wonder they say that this skill can help the brothers to rise again. If it is a god, it will be true. It is possible. According to the attributes, these two gods should also be auxiliary, and the two assistants help God to resurrect, there must be opportunities, there must be opportunities. Brother, you must live.

The little dance screamed wildly in her heart. Her strong prayer belief made her whole person's spirits in a strange state, and in this state, the red that had already appeared on her skin. The magic pattern was actually suppressed by the hard life. Even the cold energy gradually disappeared into the meridians under the pressure of this persistent belief, which made the little dance out of pain. However, these are not important to her. If Tang San can't be resurrected, these simply don't make any sense.

The **** of food and the colorful goddess slowly rolled out their hands, and the energy ball in their palms gradually approached, and they could clearly see that a series of colored electro-optic lights ignited between the two **** of light, and they seemed to be mutually exclusive. The face of the **** of food and the face of the nine-colored goddess showed some painful color. But their hands are still steadily approaching each other.

Seeing that the two energy **** are getting closer and closer, the stirring electric light between them becomes more and more dense. The violent energy fluctuations even make the outer layer of the golden mask somewhat crumbling.

Tang Yan tightened his fists. Like everyone else, they all screamed in madness in their hearts and must succeed!

Finally, the two energy **** are just above the body of Tang San. To be precise, it is facing the huge wound at the heart of Tang San.

Suddenly, the incomparably shining light bursts between the **** of food and the colorful goddess. It is a strong white light. Between the light and the radiance, the bodies of the two descending gods become illusory and transparent. The light column slammed down, and the heavy bombardment was on the huge wound on the chest of Tang San.

Tang San’s body shook violently under the white light, and every muscle in his body was in abrupt shackles. A white snake electric power was scattered from the position where the white light fell, spreading in every corner of Tang San's body. Unbeatable huge energy condenses in the air, the golden light in the wound in front of Tang San's chest is looming, the originally sealed meridians seem to be unblocked, and the golden blood splashes out.

The blood just splashed for a moment and was swallowed up by white light. No one can see the situation at the wound anymore. Tang San’s whole body has spread a strange white brilliance.

The **** of food and the colorful goddess are frowning. Their hands have been completely rendered by white light. They can be clearly seen. On the side of the **** of food, a circle of yellow light rises from his feet and then condenses toward the upper body. Finally, Enter it into your hands. On the other side of the colorful goddess, only the light has turned into a nine-color, and it is also constantly making energy output.

Undoubtedly, this white light is the light of the resurrection that Oscar and Ning Rongrong said before. It is also the last chance of Tang San. The longer the resurrection light persists, the chance of the resurrection of Tang San will naturally The bigger.

Sure enough, under the white light, the muscles in the wound at the chest of Tang San began to shrink rapidly, first shrinking, not the fatal wound in the heart position, but another wound pierced by the Raksha Magic The wound was violently twisted and squirmed, and a trace of purple and black air was gradually forced out. When the purple-black air was in contact with the white light, everyone outside could seem to hear the screaming scream. It is disappearing bit by bit.

At this time, the coldness that had disappeared in the previous small dance suddenly rushed out without warning, even if it was the willpower of the little dance, and it almost fell into disarray in this sudden and severe pain. Her nerves have been tight, and she is wary of possible crises. This sudden extreme chill is filled with a strong killing atmosphere. In order not to let himself cry out, the little dance quickly stepped back and raised his right arm. The one had to be on his right arm. The whole person’s body was violently squatting, but she did not let her voice. issue. She will never be allowed to disturb the resurrection of Tang San because of herself.

Along with the appearance of the icy madness, no matter whether it is a small dance or other people, there is no first arrival. A layer of faint red light spreads quietly from the foot of the dance and is integrated into the ground floor of the hall of the Marshal’s house. .

Gradually, this red light spread, and the little dance has been suffering from the horrible cold, but there has been change outside the hall.

At this time, all the soldiers of the Tiandou Empire were silently praying in the direction of the Marshal House. They suddenly saw that a red light rose from the Marshal House. The red light was not very strong, but the hall of the Marshal’s House was completely covered.

"Look, what is that?" a soldier exclaimed.

"Do you still ask? It must be a harbinger of the resurrection of Poseidon. Hurry up and pray for Poseidon. Poseidon has paid so much for the empire, we must pray for him piously. This is also for ourselves and ours. Loved ones."

Just as the red light just shrouded the hall of deliberation, in the hall of the roman, the golden mask that had shrouded Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Tang San was shattered, and the swaying power of the gods was filled in the hall.

"Not good." Master and Tang Yan also changed at the same time. Everything around has become white at this time. They want to shoot, but they all find that their body can't move in the white light, even the people around them can't see it.

The little dance also gave birth to a warning sign, but the strange thing is that she found that her heart did not seem to worry, but the horrible killing chill was still madly impacting her heart. The teeth of the little dance have been deeply bitten into the flesh of their arms, saying that they are not willing to make a little sound, let the cold current raging in the body, but her own heart is still resurrected in Tang San. Praying.

The golden mask is broken, which can only mean one thing, that is, Oscar and Ning Rongrong have no extra force to control the mask to protect their atmosphere. Master and Tang Yan will naturally worry, worrying that the energy of this side will be exposed, will be more than Bidong.

In fact, although the building in the conference hall turned white in an instant, the whiteness of this one could not break through the red mask that had just formed outside, and it was completely suppressed, and there was no sign of passing. .

Wuhun Empire camp.

Sitting in the tent, Bibidong is slowly repairing her own soul. The injury she suffered was unimaginable to anyone. In fact, the energy that erupted in the air after her sinful killing of Tang San was almost controlled by the last thought. At that time, if the strong man on the side of the Tiandou Empire attacked, it might be possible to kill her. However, it is so good to cover up than Bidong. She returned to the camp with thousands of snow and Hullina on the grounds of giving the master a face. At that time, she already felt that her soul was going to collapse. The soul attack of Tang San’s death and anti-skin is too horrible. Bibidong’s spirit has already been defeated by him. Bibidong relied on his second martial soul, now the second soul, to reluctantly break his soul. Pulling back a part back to the body and temporarily controlling his body, it took back a life. The three days that she gave to the Heavenly Empire were not so much for the other side to consider, but rather for giving herself and the millennium. As long as she has three days, she and Qianxue’s injuries will recover. At that time, the Tiandou Empire was the thing in the bag.

At this time, Bibidong, who was in the state of repairing the spirit, suddenly opened his eyes, and a purple light flashed from the bottom of his eyes. Under her full repair, the soul has recovered.

"The breath has disappeared? The one that I left in Tang San’s body has disappeared completely. This means that the **** of the gods in the body of God has completely dissipated. Tang San, Tang San, your soul is really Powerful, after being completely crushed by me, the body has been killed for a long time in the case of being killed. Unfortunately, it is a pity."

The blue enamel face reveals a real sigh, Bibi Dong said to himself: "Tang San's talent is indeed above me, facing two gods at the same time, but almost killed us together. His wisdom and The strength is really incomparable to me. Just a little, let him succeed with me. Unfortunately, you still die in my hands."

Re-closing her eyes, Bibi’s mouth showed a smile that was relieved. In her consciousness, Tang San had completely died. The silky Rakshasa she left in Tang’s body did not bring a half-alarm, she thought You can completely repair the soul of the soul. Just wait three days to receive Jialingguan and even the entire Tiandou Empire.

Bibidong knows where, in order to marry her, in the hall of the Marshal House of Jialingguan, there are three gods, which not only dispels her sacred thoughts, but also forces all the breath of the gods. All isolated.

Tang San was slowly gathered by the wound pierced by the Raksha Moss, and it was clear that the muscles and bones inside were quickly recovering. When the Rakshasa konjac was brought into his body, the Rorak and the poison were completely purified, and the wound was completely integrated.

Next, it is the most crucial place. The heart of Tang San is smashed by Bibidong. It is necessary to reshape the heart and fit perfectly with the body. He has the possibility of resurrection.

At this time, the white light that broke out after the fusion of the **** of food and the hands of the nine-colored goddess has risen to a fixed point. Under the white light, the muscles around the huge wound are violently creeping. A root meridian is drilled from the muscles in the peristalsis and condenses into a channel at the wound.

The golden meridians look extremely strange, and the energy contained in them is extremely large. Almost every energy fluctuation, the meridians will extend a few points and gradually merge into one place.

The color of the yellow and nine-colored goddess on the **** of food is becoming more and more dim, and the halo rising from them is becoming thinner and thinner. Obviously, the energy of the fusion of Ning Rongrong and Oscar It will be exhausted.

The reason why the martial arts fusion technique can be launched is that, in addition to the instant comprehension, the martial arts of the two people fit together. When they got the last soul ring, they each got a **** clear. However, they do not know that the **** of food and the nine-color goddess are one of the few couples in the world. When they accepted the choice of two gods respectively, their two martial arts, which were originally incompatible with each other, naturally showed a god-level fit, which is the so-called 100% perfect fit. Otherwise, how can they use the martial arts fusion technique to lead the temporary arrival of the two gods?

In fact, when talking about the choice of the gods, Ning Rongrong is actually the light of the Oscar. It is inevitable that the **** of food chooses the Oscar, because he is the first food department in the Douro mainland. Nine-year-old goddess may not choose Ning Rongrong. Although Ning Rongrong’s talent is good, Wuhun is also strong, but it has not yet reached the point where he must be actively chosen by the gods, unless her martial arts can reach ninety-nine. Level, there is that possibility. The reason why the nine-color goddess chose her, more importantly, because the **** of food chooses Oscar, as a wife, she certainly cannot let her husband pass alone. Their husband and wife only pass the gods to a couple, and they can continue to be in the same class in the world.

Of course, there are other reasons why Oscar and Ning Rongrong can directly lead the two gods to come to launch this resurrection light. No matter what factors have ignited this god-level resurrection light, Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s own martial arts fusion skills will not change, that is, if their energy can not support this skill in the end, Tang San will still not be resurrected. Is it so easy to resurrect a god?

Poseidon Island.

The Seven Holy Pillars of the Doroco were gathered at the top of the sea **** at this time, sitting on a platform.

When Tang San was killed by Bibidong, the seven seals were already felt. Because the trace of the gods that Tang San left on the sea **** island disappeared completely. In addition to death, how can the traces left by God disappear? The Seven Holy Pillars guarded the fighting and gathered at the top of the sea. Before they started to discuss, they suddenly felt the microwave movement of the **** of the sea. It seems that there is a power to help the **** of the sea to recover.

In this case, the Seven Holy Columns guardian Doro immediately understood that Hailong Douro was sitting on the central platform where Tang San was carried out in the past, and the other six fighters sat on a platform. Each of the seven Sea Douros has a blue glow on each of them. This is not the energy that Tang San gave them, but the energy they already have when they became one of the seven gods of the Poseidon.

The blue rays flew in different directions. In an instant, on the entire Poseidon Island, seven different positions illuminate a strong golden light, and the golden light rises into the sky, and the seven rays condense in the air. Formed a huge ball of light like the sun.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Poseidon Island became golden at this moment, and special energy fluctuations suddenly released from the sea **** island and released to every corner of the ocean.

This is the call of Poseidon, the ultimate defensive skill of Poseidon on the island of Poseidon. Only in the case of a life crisis can the high priest lead the Poseidon Seven Holy Pillars to fight.

However, at this time, Hailong Dou Luo led everyone to launch the purpose of this ultimate defense, but not for defense, but for calling. Call every creature in the sea and pray for the sea god.

The original **** of the sea **** was born in the belief of the marine creatures, and their faith is undoubtedly the greatest complement to the **** of the sea god.

The first thing to join in this prayer is the white shark group headed by Xiao Bai. The stronger the strength of the marine life, the stronger the power of prayer. The pious prayer of the great white shark community will suddenly have a huge force of faith. Infused into the defensive golden light of Poseidon Island, it turned into the purest soul wave and came to the top of Poseidon Hill. The remnant of the silk gods left by Tang San was suddenly injected with the power of this faith.

This is only the beginning. Tang’s declaration of becoming a sea **** has already spread to every corner of the sea. What's more, even without this declaration, the life in the sea has finally gained faith after so many years. How can they not be faithful to Poseidon?

If there is a **** who can come to the top of the sea to observe, then he can find that in the sea, a circle of pale gold light is condensing toward the sea **** island at an unparalleled speed. These pale golden light is the voice of trillions of lives in the ocean.

They prayed for the sea god, and with their own beliefs, the gods of the sea gods were strengthened.

At this time, in Jialingguan, the resurrection of Tang San's body has reached the last moment.

The ontology of Oscar and Ning Rongrong has gradually emerged in the shadows of the descending gods, and the divine power of the **** of food and the goddess of the nine colors is gradually separating from their bodies. The energy of the martial arts fusion technology has finally reached the point where the oil is running out and it is about to disappear.

At this time, the huge wound in front of Tang San’s chest has healed a part. It can be seen in the vagueness that a golden heart is gradually forming, and each blood is connected with it, and the final docking is carried out...

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