MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 678 The city is full of green faint

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The 168th chapter is full of green and faint

The thunder and the bang - four sounds made the entire Jialinguan trembled and violently roared again, and then the Nether White Tiger suddenly rushed into the soul of the Wushen Empire to create chaos, the Tangmen broken city squad launched another charge. . This time, their preparations were more complete, and the distance of the running was farther. Because of the chaos in the city, the disciples of the Royal Court also vacated some people to help the disciples support the huge collision hammer to the city gate, so that fifty The weight of 10,000 pounds broke out more horrific.

A huge depression appeared on the gate. With this tyrannical impact, the Tiandou Empire million heroes followed the roar, and their voice became the biggest driving force of Litang and Yutang disciples, quickly retreating, the third time. The impact came one after another.

A huge crack began to appear on the walls connected to the city gate. Although the iron gates were thick enough and solid enough, they did not mean that the walls they connected were strong enough. The huge cast iron door has begun to deform in the impact, and even the surrounding walls are increasingly unable to support.

On the Jialing Guancheng, the golden crocodile Douro is red-eyed. Of course, he knows what the result of the city gate being broken. "Bastards, counterattack, stop them. Even if you die, give me a hold." He roared. The sound is undoubtedly sent to the Soul Division. At this time, after a series of riots, the Soul Guards’ tens of thousands of souls have also settled God.

Although the Nether White Tiger is powerful, but he is faced with tens of thousands of soul divisions. The soul of the soul division is far stronger than ordinary people. While killing hundreds of enemies, the Nether White Tiger also consumes a lot. The energy, the sorcerer of the Wuhun Empire in the panic constantly released a variety of soul skills on them, the attack is too much, resulting in the overall energy decline of the Nether White Tiger even more than the previous four or five It is even faster when it comes to offering.

In the face of the siege of many soul teachers, although every attack of the Nether White Tiger can take away the lives of dozens of soul teachers, but from the light released by itself, his attack has been impossible to maintain for too long, Wu The soul empire of the Soul Empire was also reluctantly awake. Most of the sorcerer's attacks were still pouring toward the secluded white tiger. A small number of them had already freed their hands, and launched an attack against the Tangmen broken city squad under the city. They also know that if Jialing is broken, they will definitely be fine.

"Dai boss, withdraw." Ma Hongjun, who is entangled with the six offerings, constantly squirmed from the air, because he was in the air, he saw the situation on the field most clearly. No one in the Wuhun Empire noticed the soft shackles. He was stunned by the phoenix on the ground, but he saw it clearly. In particular, the soul spirits of the martial arts empires on the side of Dai Mubai have been adjusted. A large number of soul teachers are gathering forces to attack the Nether White Tiger. In this way, the strength of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing is strong and must be consumed. died. After all, half of their diamond intestines have already been eaten, and it is impossible to have the possibility of completely recovering the soul. The so-called ant is more than a bite, it is a soul-level division.

Dai Mubai also knows that he can't go on like this anymore. Hearing Ma Hongjun's reminder, the Nether White Tiger once again screamed the explosive power of horror. The huge white energy swept out in an instant. This time, hundreds of soul teachers were bombarded and flew up. , blocking a lot of soul skills attacking the Nether White Tiger, the Nether White Tiger also took the opportunity to jump out, did not enter the battlefield of the strong side here, but jumped directly down the city, their mission has been completed There is not much left in the soul, and it is necessary to restore the soul to a safe place. The body is still in the air, and the white tiger has collapsed and re-introduced for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. Although their looks are very tired, the excitement on their faces is obvious. From the beginning of the siege war to the present, there is no doubt that they have achieved the most brilliant record in the battle.

At this time, in the battle of Jialingguan City, the battle between the two powerful players, the Tiandou Empire has already occupied a certain advantage, with the support of the city, Ning Fengzhi, Ning Rongrong's father and daughter, plus has been hit hard Some of the enemies, now the martial arts empire side need those more than 80 levels of soul teachers to go all out, in order to reluctantly cooperate with several offerings and the title of Douro to resist this side of the attack. But the number of these Contra is rapidly decreasing. The little dance, like a ghostly figure, took advantage of her tyrannical softness in the constant momentary shift, taking their lives one by one. Every time you reduce an enemy, the resistance they encounter will naturally decrease by a few points. It can be expected that this battle, the strong players on the Tiandou Empire side will at least not fail. After all, more than half of the diamonds of Xiao Dance, Ma Hongjun and Oscar have not been used. They can always send out the strongest strength to join the battle. Ning Rongrong, who also has more than half of the diamond intestines, is also capable of sustaining the end of the battle.

With the Nether White Tiger down the city, the golden crocodile Doro, who is in charge of the command, is temporarily relieved, even though the Nether White Tiger killed nearly a thousand soul divisions in this short time, but after all, the soul of the city There are a large number of divisions. As long as the positions are stabilized, the Tiandou Empire will have the upper hand in this battle. With such a large number of soul teachers, they can still hold Jialingguan for a long time. At this time, under his command, the archers in the city had already boarded the city under the cover of the shield soldiers. They were in place and began to pour arrows down the city. The giant clams were also mobilized and started to launch. That is the tyrannical weapon that the tower shield in the hands of the heavy armored infantry is also completely unstoppable.

But when the golden crocodile was not breathing, he suddenly saw that a pale old man slowly stood up from the city. A dark green robes, as well as the iconic dark green hair, caused the golden crocodile to suddenly sink.

This person of course he knows that when he went to the martial arts hall Douro's hall for the seal of the seal, he was also presided over by the golden crocodile. If you change it before, the Golden Alligator will certainly not look at him, but this person, if placed on the battlefield, is the most terrifying existence. It is the solitary.

Du Gubo seems to feel the golden crocodile Doro is watching him, twisting his head to this side, grinning, revealing the white teeth of his face, his face looks very ugly, pale as paper, obviously out of force Look, but the golden crocodile Doroo remembers very clearly. In the previous battle, he did not see the appearance of this poisonous scorpion. A cold chill suddenly caused the golden crocodile to chill, and the whole body Can not help but tremble. There is already a blank in my mind.

Just like to verify his words, Duobo’s eyes suddenly turned green, with a face full of evil enjoyment, and both hands made an upward movement.

There was no roaring or an astonishing explosion. With the action of Du Gubo, the pale green gas began to rise from the city wall. Except for the wall of the strong rivals, the pale green gas spread almost in Jialingguan. Every corner of the rest of the city. It looks full of surprises.

At the beginning, the fog was still very weak, and did not attract the attention of the soldiers of the Wuhun Empire. However, when the first screams sounded, more intense turmoil occurred than the previous Nether White Tiger rushed into the Soul Legion. It is.

The first scream was an archer. When he was arching his arrow, he suddenly found out that his hand did not know when it turned green. The cold feeling came from the heart, his The screams broke out in extreme horror. The next moment, his whole person became a dark green, a blood of the same color spurted out, and the whole person had quietly fallen down.

I have to say that although the phoenix of the phoenix snake poison is so horrible, the pain brought by people is not strong. When the cold feeling is transmitted to the brain, the poison is already attacking the heart, no more than three times of breathing, Will be a life call.

Of course, this is for ordinary people, the physical resistance of the soul teacher is much stronger than the average person, and the time of support is naturally more. But this is calculated in seconds. For soul masters under the 70th level, each level of soul power is only a matter of one second. In the process of the green light shining into the whole body, all they can feel is more fear.

Almost 80% of the souls of the Wuhun Empire in the entire Jialing Pass were in the city. When the green mist of the whole city spread over the city walls, they found that their bodies had begun to turn green. Some who have been injured in the previous battles are immediately poisoned and killed. Even if they have higher soul power, they can clearly feel that the cold breath is spreading all over the body.

That is not what the soul can block. The more it motivates the soul, the faster the blood runs, and the faster it dies. The entire Jialing Guancheng head is covered with a layer of green luster.

Not to mention the souls of the Wuhun Empire who are in it, even the soldiers on the side of the Tiandou Empire are also in vain. The voice of shouting has been reduced a lot.

The avalanche looked at Marshal Goron, and the two felt the same deep horror. The avalanche and the uncle Snow Star Prince are very close to the poison. However, with the avalanche of the throne, more and more strong people have come into contact, especially the top-ranking strongmen like Tang Sanzi and his son, so that they have already ignored the existence of poisonous fighting. After all, the solitary fighting ability of Du Gubo is really nothing in the title. Even the gold dragon of the current gold triangle can steadily defeat him.

However, when they really got to the battlefield, they suddenly realized that among all the soul teachers, what really can be used as a battlefield killer is not the title of the fighters who have more than 95 levels of soul power, not even the other. The god-level powerhouse decisively fights against the blue dragon king Tang San in the high altitude, but this is the poisonous fighting that is not hidden in the mountains in the previous battles, and is not hidden in the battlefield.

At this critical moment, the poisonous lord will play his true ability, and the martial arts empire is absolutely a nightmare level of fear.

In fact, it is not that Duobo does not want to play his own ability in the previous battles. It is really because the Wuhun Empire deliberately targeted him, so that his ability could not be fully exerted. In the Wuhun Empire, a total of two seals were able to restrain him steadily. One was the one who had played against him and suppressed him. The other one was even more powerful. It is the current empress of the Wuhun Empire, Bibidong. Bibidong’s Shuangwu Soul also has the ability to be poisonous. The unique Phosphorus King’s Poison is not the opponent of her two spiders, especially the field of Bibidong, who is able to die alone. dead.

But at this time on the battlefield, the Dolphin Doro has no choice but to deal with him. It has never appeared more than Bidong. Duobo knows that his chance has come, and he is still so cautious. The snake itself is the representative of the haze, and if it does not move, it must go all out. It is one of the best killers to hide. At this moment, when the poisonous snake king poison spread over the entire Jialing Guancheng head, the turning point of this battle has already appeared.

The screams sounded like a tidal wave on the head of Jialing Guancheng. Those archers who had just entered the city had not even had time to shoot three rounds, and they lost their lives without any suspense under this poison. The firepower of the city’s head suddenly disappeared, and the giant scorpions were the same ending. The Soul Empire Imperial Soul Legion has also been in chaos. As long as it is contaminated with a little green mist, their bodies will be eroded by poison, and there is no chance at all. In the panic, the soul is motivated, and the spread of poison is spread faster. In a scream, more and more soul teachers fell in the green mist.

Some soul teachers ran down the city immediately after they found out that they were not good. How did you run away? Their movements are even faster, not as fast as the poisonous mist that was previously hidden in the rock. As long as it is half-stained, it will immediately become a poisonous body. When they ran down the city, they were often poisoned and attacked. They themselves would become a source of poison, and the fog emanating from them spread more quickly in the city.

In the face of this scene, even if he is alone, he can't help but feel shocked. Although he has such ability, this is the first time he has used such a wide range of enemies. He has seen a life that was previously alive. He died in his own poison, and he could not help but tremble. This poison continues to spread, I am afraid that there is no need for the Tiandou empire to attack the city, Jialingguan will become a dead field, the most powerful place for him is to see blood, every body is a New sources of poison will make more and more poisonous.

When Du Gubo was shooting, he only thought of killing the enemy as much as possible, so he tried his best to release his poison to a larger extent. However, when tens of thousands of people died in this poison, they died. When more and more people rushed down the city, these poisons are no longer under his control. Even if he is himself, it is impossible to recover so many poisons.

This is the battlefield. The war is still going on. No one can notice these problems. There is no threat of attack on the city. The violent impacts of the times have slammed the four gates of Jialingguan. Seeing that the huge five-meter-thick gates have been plunged backwards, and every impact has made it a wrong distance. It is only a matter of time before the gates are broken.

The golden crocodile crocodile screamed and squirted a blood. When it was over, everything was finished. When he saw the poisonous rushing into his own laugh, he knew that the war was over, and even if the millennial snow could be brought back, it would not be possible to make up for such a huge loss. So many martial arts empire add up and kill the martial arts empires soul sorcerer is not as much as one of the ones, even though those relatively high-level soul singers are still struggling in the poison, but they die in Bi Phosphorus snake poison is only a matter of time. With the increase of the body, the poison on the head of the city has become more and more intense, this is a dead zone! Even the strongest of the two sides have already begun to be affected by this poison, and they have to release the soul force out of the body to stop these poisonous attacks.

Seeing that piece of green oil, Tang Yan can not help but frown, but Du Gubo is also for the victory of the war, he also does not say much, but the faintness is still in his heart. Even if the Wuhun Empire is an enemy, even the soldiers in this city carry a heavy army, the total number is more than 500,000. If it really died under this poison, it is really hurtful. However, who else can stop this scene from happening now?

Boom--the four gates of Jialingguan were finally knocked open, but the avalanche did not order an attack. At this time, he could not give such an order. When the gate was knocked open, he could already see the city. The green mist has already floated, and he can't let his soldiers risk the poisoning.

Marshal Goron is worthy of being a generation of famous marshals. When he made a decision, he immediately issued an order. "The commander of the Archers, the Soul Legion, and the Tang Jiajun. The concentrated attack power is at the opening gate. Once an enemy rushes out of the gate, he will shoot directly. You must not let one go." What he can do now is to prevent the poison of Du Gubo from spreading to the army of the Tiandou Empire. Otherwise, there will be no winner in this battle. It will also be the most deadly war in history.

Just because the war was suddenly caught in a strange atmosphere, the battle between Tang San and Qian Qi Xue has already reached a feverish level.

Boom - the fiery flames burst out like magma, and thousands of flame arrows flew in the air toward the blue figure. The body of the Millennium Snow has completely turned red. In order to fight against Tang San, she is absorbing the energy from the sun at the risk of being overwhelmed by the sun.

Compared with the almost crazy expression of Qianxue Xue, Tang San is still so calm, and the trident of the sea **** in the hands brings a circle of blue aura, constantly resisting the waves of waves of attacks.

Tang San is not in a hurry. He knows very well that the current millennium snow is just drinking and quenching thirst. It seems that her offensive is extremely fierce, and even the forced Tang San Festival retreats. In fact, her fierce offensive has always been It may be terminated because she can't bear the impact of the sun's real fire, and even her god's life cannot be guaranteed.

Since this time, what Tang San has done is to keep steady. With the power of the ocean he absorbs, the defense is impregnable. Once Qianxue Snow tries to succumb to him, Tang San will immediately rely on himself to be stronger than the millennium. God read the prophetic foresight, and retreats one step earlier, that is, it does not touch the millennium snow, and does not give her the opportunity to burn. It is only subtle and consumes her power.

The feeling of powerlessness has already begun to appear in the heart of the thousand-year-old snow. Looking at the opposite of the gods of Tang San, the feeling in her heart is more bitter. In front of this man, he never really has the upper hand. He is too smart and too embarrassed. I don’t even give myself the opportunity to go with it. Millenium Snow certainly understands what Tang’s plan is now. He wants to constantly consume himself, and consumes himself when he has no chance to go with him.

Although the two men fought on the height of 10,000 meters, but with their gods, the situation on the battlefield below was clear. Qianxue originally thought that if he dragged Tang San, he would rely on the number of souls. The Wuhun Empire should be able to repel the attack of the Tiandou Empire. There should be no problem. However, in her perception, she clearly sees that it is her own side that is retreating. It seems that the Wuhun Empire will not be able to withstand it.

The more this is the case, the more urgent the heart of the Millennium, and the more stable Tang Three.

The red light converges, and the attack of Qianxue suddenly stops. Looking at Tang San coldly, she gasps with a big mouth. It seems that she has some support. She has always been the main attacker, and her skills are not much worse than Tang. Can lose and lose in the overall strength. With her strong mind, Tang San can always make early judgments, so that her attack can not exert its maximum effect. Unpredictable storms can always appear on the battlefield at the most appropriate moment, and resolve her attacks. .

Moreover, Tang San’s ability to recover and continue to fight is stronger than her, and even her defense is higher than her. There is no way for Qianxun Snow.

Seeing that the thousand miles of snow was there to breathe, Tang San did not mean to attack. Instead, he calmly floated in the air and rhythmically breathed. The sea **** behind the wings flapped gently, absorbing the energy from the sea to restore itself. Consumption.

"Millennium snow, you don't have to. This way, you should understand that it is impossible for me to show weakness to you. I am not going to be fooled. You still have enough strength to launch an attack, isn't it?" Tang San said faintly. The kind of Zhizhu in the grip is almost like a bite to bite a silver tooth.

"Tang San, do you not feel the poisonous attack launched by the poisonous Luo? There are more than 500,000 people in Jialingguan City. It doesn't take long for the city to be charred. As the initiator, you are not afraid of being condemned? ”

Tang San sneered, "You don't have to tell me this. When you sneaked into the blue electric Tyrannosaurus family and smashed it, did you think about it? When you attacked my parents, I thought about it." What is the death of the Wuhun Empire, what is the relationship with me, it is the urgency that you are right."

Millennial snow anger said: "Tang San, I really misread you. Come! Come here, have the ability, you will kill me now."

Tang San frowned: "I still want to irritate me until now? Well, I will give you this opportunity. Do you think that I am really afraid that your game of doing the same will not be done?"

As he said, every armor of Tang San’s body lit up, and the blue light around the body poured into the body in an instant. The goddess of Poseidon became completely transparent, including the trident of the sea **** in his hand. With a flash of figure and a series of afterimages, Tang San has already rushed toward the millennium.

Although he said that he does not care about the hundreds of thousands of lives in Jialingguan, how can he really not care? He is not afraid of heaven and confession, but Tang San is kind and kind. Although this is a war, hundreds of thousands of people have died in acute poisoning and may spread. This is what he absolutely can't stand. The outcome of this war has actually been decided, and he will never want to see the scene of life.

A thousand glimpses of snow look awkward. When she sees the appearance of Tang San, she understands that Tang San is concentrating all the gods of the sea **** on her own. Although she does not use any skills, the god-level power in this state is The most terrible, his body is an absolutely deadly weapon, which is not hurt by any remote attack.

The red light is also quickly condensed on the millennium snow. The angelic costume has become a ruby-like color. The angel's holy sword is on the side of the body, and the light and shadow flashes. The six wings flapped and greeted directly toward Tang San. Melee, this is your last chance.

The faint light flashed, and a chilly light appeared on the face of Tang San. The trident of the sea **** in his hand was like a sacred place, and he headed straight toward the millennium. There is no fancy in melee. They have to rely on the most powerful power to fight.

In the hands of the Millennium Snow, the Angel Sword is picked up and the body is lightning-crossed. The moment the Jianfeng touches the Trident of the Poseidon, the whole person sways and laps, her left shoulder has slammed into the chest of Tang San. At the same time, Tang San’s Poseidon trident was also picked up by her and could not reach her.

The Poseidon Trident is a long weapon, and her Angel Sword is a short weapon. Of course, she should be as close as possible to Tang San, and her own short attack.

In the face of the shoulder collision of the thousand-year-old snow, Tang San did not hide. The trident of the sea **** in his hand suddenly fell down. He held the right hand of the trident and swung it to the center of the trident. The sword was used, and the main blade was directly tangential. The neck of the millennium snow.

Qian Qianxue’s attack was in front, of course, she had to go faster. Her left shoulder directly hit Tang’s chest. Although she did not expect that she would succeed in this, she was an angel of angels, and her reaction was very fast. In an instant, I will raise my strength to the extreme. As long as this shoulder hits the real thing, the trident of Tang San is not a threat, and he himself will be hit by himself. What can the trident do?

However, just as the shoulders of the millennial snow hit the chest of Tang San, she suddenly felt that it was wrong. It seemed that she had already hit Tang San. However, the armor of Tang’s chest suddenly collapsed, and the whole person sucked the chest. The abdomen, the power of this collision was resolved by at least 50%. The next moment, the diamond-shaped gemstone on the chest of Tang San suddenly glared, and his whole person was like a curved big bow and then suddenly bounced, chest. Against the attack, this is the impact of the shoulders of the millennium.

The experience of Tang Sanliang is really richer than the thousand miles of snow. After all, Qianxue Xue is a girl. She never thought that the pectoral muscles of human beings can still be used as weapons of attack, and the bodies of the two are in full swing. At the same time, there was a sharp red glow on Tang San, and a blue vortex on the millennium snow. Their respective divine powers attacked the opponent at the same time, and no one could take advantage of it.

If it is just a hard touch, this shot is at best a tie. Although Qianshou’s shoulder is a powerful blow, but under the clever solution of Tang San, he failed to exert his full strength, and Tang’s chest can burst out. The power is also limited, and the difference between attack and defense is naturally similar, but don't forget that Tang San also has the trident that is thrown.

Tang San’s chest counterattack is naturally in his own plan. Although Qian Xuexue also sang the Angel Sword, but only to pursue Tang San, who should be hit by himself, there is no heart under the heart, a thousand snow I took a big loss from the face.

The reaction of Qianxue Snow has been very fast. Once it is not good, the body immediately rotates. The three wings behind it are like a sharp blade. They are pumping toward the Trident of Tang San, and want to use the power of the Angel Wing to give themselves The chance to get back. However, although the wing of angels has a defensive role, the greater use is condensed in divine power. Moreover, Tang San came from Tangmen, and the power application on his fingers and wrists was too strong.

Under the singular movements of the fingers of Tang San, the trident of Poseidon swayed, and the main blade swept the six wings of the sea **** from the gap, picking it from below and piercing the root of the wing of the angel. Despite the rapid movement of the millennium snow, it is this time, the power of a pure sea **** has also been madly pierced into the body of the millennium snow, at the same time, the sea **** trident pulls back, the barb on the blade There was a long trace of the waist of the millennium. When it passed, the red Mars collapsed, and the waist armor of the angelic costume was suddenly opened with a big hole.

Whether it is an angelic costume or a sea **** costume, the defensive power is insurmountable for ordinary soul teachers. For Tang San and Qian Qi Xue themselves, they are all attacks stronger than defense, and their respective artifacts are true. The role of the opponents, their gods can only play a certain blocking role, and can not really block the attack.

In the tragic sound, the rapid rotation of the body of the millennium snow has already receded, and the blood of a golden red is sprayed from the roots of her wings, and it is turned into fog in the air.

The lower two wings of the six wings behind the Millennium Snow became obviously dull. The power of the sea **** inside and outside her body was also significantly stronger than that of Tang San. The feeling of pain spread throughout the body, and the whole person was a strong embarrassment.

Since Tang San decided to take the shot, it is to go all out. He must solve the millennium snow as soon as possible, in order to control the situation before the full-bodied poison of the Phosphorus snakes.

哼 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Although Qian Qianxue is doing the same thing, he has to take a slower shot than him.

The sea **** Trident waved, and a huge blue light wheel appeared around the body of Tang San. It was not the attack of the **** of the sea god, but the body of the trident of the sea god, under the wave of Tang San, the light emitted from the main blade. This style, ranked tenth in the thirteen gold, named: Haizhiyang.

Thousands of snow burst into a burst, fierce bite on the tip of the tongue, a blood spurting on the sword of his own angel, the whole person's body seems to have skyrocketed, and in a loud bang, at this moment, she The angelic costumes on the body were completely broken and turned into a huge flame. The power of the sun, which was formed by the broken angels, was condensed into a huge angel image in the air. The horrible energy The surrounding space turned out to be black, that is the scene where the space was broken!

This is the long-awaited blow of the Millennium Snow, and it is also her desperate blow. All the angelic powers have been completely condensed in the broken angel costume at this moment.