MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 675 Super version fusion technology, Nether White Tiger

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The 657th chapter super version fusion technology, Nether White Tiger

Thousands of snows began to absorb the power of the sun, regardless of the cost. Tang San did not dare to neglect and began to absorb the energy of the sea in the height of 10,000 meters.

Ten thousand meters high, it should have had an impact on Tang San, but because he should not appear in the goddess of the sea god, the existence of the external soul bone eight spider spears of the existence of the sea **** eight wings, leading him to help The power of the sea is much easier. Although it is in such a high altitude, it still cannot affect his ability to absorb the sea.

The look of Tang San also became calm, and I saw that Qianxue Snow did not open again. He could see that Qianxue Snow was really desperate. The **** of the sea **** on her body no longer has gold, but it has completely turned into a red of flame, and even the patterns on the top have been somewhat unclear. It can be seen how huge the sun is now absorbed by her. We must know that this kind of energy that absorbs the sun at any cost is not well controlled. She may ignite and burn herself. Under normal circumstances, how can she do this?

In the air, the twin gods confronted each other, and the war on the ground has already begun.

Tang San and the Millennium Snow were lifted off at the same time, and the two soldiers naturally lost the cover of the god-level field at the same time. On the side of the Tiandou Empire, the high momentum was only slightly stagnation, and the defenders on the Wushu Empire seemed to be lost. The main heart of the heart, after all, their momentum was oppressed too much, the time of the angel field is not enough to reverse the momentum of the two sides. This is also why Tang San has to rely on his own Poseidon field to push hard and force Qian Qianxue to advance with himself. He is not willing to let his own momentum advantage be changed by Qianxue Snow. In the helplessness of the Millennium Snow, it can only enter the battle state with Tang San.

Sitting in the avalanche in the army, it can be said that this is the most exciting one among the million empire of the Tiandou Empire. He did not think that his own good lie turned into a fact at this most important moment. This change also forced his heart to be forcibly pulled back from the dead. Of course, he also saw that Tang San had an advantage in facing the Millennium Snow. Moreover, the return of Tang San also brought back the other six monsters that have evolved to the level of the Douro. Originally prepared to fight desperately, it suddenly became a perfect time to completely destroy the opponent. How can an avalanche give up on this opportunity?

When the avalanche pulled out its own sword, and held it high in the sky, almost using the strength of its own milk to scream, the name Tang San has risen to an unparalleled position in his heart. The emergence of Tang San today not only reverses this war, but also saves the entire Tiandou Empire! Although the long-awaited cry of the avalanche has been smashed, he does not regret it at all, because in his heart, Tang San is definitely worthy of such a name.

"The Tiandou Empire belongs, our great Blue Dragon King has been cultivated into a god. Today's World War I, Jialingguan is in front of us. We will not give the enemy any chance. We must use the enemy's blood and the ownership of Jialinguan. Our imperial patron, the Blue Dragon King, celebrated. The whole army charged."

The command of a full-scale offensive was issued, and the **** ones were avalanches. All the soldiers of the Tiandui Empire, at this time, the only remaining in the heart, only the belief that must win, Tang San has repeatedly shown in front of them. What is the myth of undefeated, the five words of the imperial patron saint are spoken from the avalanche, and they are talking about the hearts of these soldiers.

Millions of heroes, launched a charge, from the army's top commander Marshal Goron, to the lowest rank army will be the official Wu Chang, everyone's mood at this time has become extremely exciting. The Legion maintains a complete formation and slowly spreads over the plains of Nuo Da, step by step and pushes directly to Jialing Pass.

Shrek's six strange rushes to the forefront, Dai Mubai is the first to bear the brunt, becoming the arrow of a million males, the other five follow him, at this time, they all ate the Oscar's enhanced version of the flying mushroom intestines, behind the illusory The beating of the bird is getting closer and closer to Jialingguan.

Tang Yan and Tang Xiao brothers looked at each other and their minds were connected. The two men stood up at the same time. Several ups and downs have come to the front of the army. The dark scorpio hammers appear in their right hand, and Shrek Six stranges stand side by side.

How can we avoid a large number of casualties on our battlefield? There is no doubt that it is most important to decide the outcome between the strong. Both Tang Yin and Tang Xiao know this.

On the Jialing Guancheng, there is no doubt that there are a large number of defenses composed by the soul division. It is impossible to break through such defenses. It is not difficult to achieve a certain level of soul teacher, not to mention the fact that there is a strong Jialinguan. Therefore, the collision between the strong is the most important. Only by killing the most powerful soul teacher of the other side, under the leadership of the strong side of the party, it is possible to break through the Jialing Pass as soon as possible.

It is not only the Tang Yi brothers who know this, the poisonous Luo Luo Duobo, the sword fighting Luo Chenxin, the bones Luo Guyu, the Qibao Liuzong Zongzong main wind Fengzhi, and the Tangmen Four Church owners, have already rushed out. Plus Shrek six strange, more than ten strong people made a line, while accelerating, took the lead in the direction of Jialinguan.

It is said that the art high people are daring, and there are tens of thousands of Wu soul empires in Jialing. They dare to launch such attacks, showing how confident they are.

Jialing closed, watching the enemy's army under pressure, the 100-year-old group of golden crocodile Douro's eyes were a little red, and shouted, "The soul masters below the age of eight are scattered, others have killed these ignorant children with me. "The soul master with more than 80 spirits is not as simple as the number can handle." In the war between the Wuhun Empire and the Tiandou Empire, the number of soul divisions was heavy. It should be known that the cultivation of the soul teacher is not so easy. The golden crocodile Doroe does not want the soul sorcerer to be affected by the aftermath of the war between the two sides, resulting in heavy damage.

As the saying goes, the soldiers will face the soldiers. If Tang San and Qian Qi Xue are king to the king, then the two sides are about to start, that is, the battle will be against.

Jialingguan is getting closer and closer, Dai Mubai shouted: "The six offerings are handed over to us. The others are handed over to the seniors." As he said, Dai Mubai sent a crazy roar to his body. The seventh soul ring suddenly flashed. I saw his body suddenly skyrocketing. The golden fur came out. In the blink of an eye, it has become a giant tiger with a length of more than ten meters. The roots of the whole body are erected like a golden needle. A soul ring erupted from the body, especially the last red 100,000-year-old soul ring, which is a thrilling feeling. The evil spirits were full of wild breath, and the hind limbs were forced by force. In an instant, they crossed the moat, and they were the first to rush toward the city.

Along with the launch of Dai Mubai, a bright phoenix sounded, and the glaring red light rose to the sky, and the huge body saved by Dai Mubai sang, the nine phoenix heads shouted in the air, huge wing belt There is a hot wave. It is the martial arts of the Phoenix Red Romans, and the nine phoenixes.

This is just the beginning, even more dazzling is still behind, accompanied by Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's first to save, a black streamer, quietly followed the body of Dai Mubai in the illusion, that illusory figure, fundamentally Can't see clearly, it feels like the shadow of Dai Mubai. At the same time, she started Oscar, Oscar ate a copy of the image of the intestines, the whole person swayed, turned into the same appearance as Dai Mubai, even the momentum is not weak, just behind the real white tiger , pounced on the city.

The pink light bursts out with them. In the pink illusion, the body of the little dance rises in the storm. Her martial art is not turned into a rabbit, but is by her side, and she has six more than her. The figure is only made up of pink light, and the guard is on the side of the little dance. Among the light and shadow, seven figures fluttered toward the city wall at the same time.

The Wuwu real body of the little dance is different from Tang San and Dai Mubai. She is cultivated by the soul of the 100,000 years. After the breakthrough of strength, she has been completely transformed by the beast, although her soul is still soft. Bone rabbit, but when the real body of the martial arts is displayed, the animal shape is completely refining and turning into a human form, which leads to the fact that her martial arts can no longer become a form of martial arts. And these six avatars, each of them have the strength of 70% of her own, but can only launch attacks according to instinct, to protect the small dance itself. We must know that the current small dance, the strength is as high as 96, even if only 70% of her strength can only be instinctively attacked, these six avatars are extremely horrible.

At the same time as the five monsters rushed at the same time, as the last person, Ning Rongrong did not cross the moat, but stood by the moat, and she was forced to zoom in on the injured Jiubao glass tower. The blink of an eye has changed. It became a real pagoda with a height of 13 meters. Ning Rongrong himself quietly disappeared into this pagoda.

The previous Jiubao glass tower was left in her hands. There were not many people who could see at least. At this time, the magnification of hundreds of times suddenly became the focus of the battlefield.

The size of the soul ring is also enlarged with the Jiubao glass tower. Each of the nine dazzling soul rings has a diameter of ten meters, which is a dazzling scene. Especially the last **** soul ring, but the soul teachers of the Wuhun Empire like the city head show the tyrannical 100,000 years.

Seeing the beautiful Jiubao glazed tower, the seven treasures of glazed sects, the main wind of Ningfeng, caused a radiance in the eyes, and the heart was secret, and finally it was time to retire. Rongrong’s Jiubao Glass Tower finally completed the final level. Nine rings! The dream of all the tribes of Qibao Liulizong, nowadays, is finally realized on her daughter's body.

Without hesitation, Ning Feng caused a sway, and another pagoda appeared. Although there were only seven floors and only seven soul rings, the light was much more dimmed, but the shock on the battlefield was not small.

Everyone knows that Qibao Liuzong is the first auxiliary sect of the world, and there are only seven soul rings at most. At this time, a top seven treasure glazed martial arts appeared, and there is another nine-layer Jiubao glazed tower. Existence, this subversive manifestation gave the city's martial arts empire strong people a strong shock.

In fact, the Qibao Glass Tower, which was made by Ning Feng, is nothing but illusory. It is only a certain enhancement to the auxiliary when it is assisted, and Ning Rongrong’s Jiubao Glass Tower is not only her seventh soul and soul. At the same time, she is also her eighth soul skill, Jiubao Shenguang body. With this defense, unless it is a god-level powerhouse like Tang San and Qian Qi Xue, no one wants to break it. As a support system, you can have such a strong defense. On the battlefield, you will be able to fully exert your strength.

When Ning Rongrong's Jiubao Shenguang body was completed, she immediately showed what the singer was the first door to the sorcerer, and what was the first soul of the assistant.

A total of thirty dazzling colorful lights suddenly burst out from Nine Rongrong's nine-treasure glass tower. The first six soul rings on the Jiubao Glass Tower shine at the same time. This dazzling scene even allows the two soldiers to temporarily forget the two gods who entered the high-altitude battle.

Thirty lights, every six roads fell on one person, just for the perfect increase of Shrek five monsters rushing to Jialingguan. You must know that after reaching the 90th level, Ning Rongrong’s growth has reached 100%. That is to say, by her six rays of light, Shrek’s five monsters are in strength, agility, soul power, defense, attack, and attributes. These six aspects will increase by more than doubled.

Even if it is a soul teacher of the 95th level or above, from the 95th to the 96th level, only the soul power is doubled, and there are not so many other aspects. Under the growth of Ning Rongrong, the overall strength of Shrek's five blame has already exceeded 95. The radiance of each person has an unparalleled secondary bloom.

Dai Mubai, the first rushing up, is still at the forefront. When Ning Rongrong’s six auxiliary lights shrouded him, Dai Mubai suddenly broke out as the strongest attacker in Shrek’s seven monsters. The powerful strength of the War Soulmaster. A layer of crazy red light suddenly emerged from his right leg, instantly spread throughout the body, and finally solidified on his evil spirits, Dai Mubai's breath suddenly became crazy, has been up to ten meters The body has skyrocketed again under the influence of the six major increases and the red light. The length of the body has not increased, but all the muscles have exaggerated bulges. The horrible atmosphere at the moment of the oppressive city is those below the 90th level. The soul empire is out of breath, and even the soul skills that block his release are weaker by more than 30%.

The red light is the bloodthirsty of the right leg of the blood-thirsty hurricane that Dai Mubai has. It instantly boosts his combat power to the maximum. Dai Mubai is very clear. This is the most important moment. Only by storming the city, can the real front face the front of the powerful souls of the Wuhun Empire. And that is, in the process of rushing to the city, the most attacks are faced. Therefore, when they first launched the assault, each of them ate an Oscar’s seventh soul and strengthened the golden flies, even Ning Rongrong was no exception, so Ning Rongrong increased their Not only 100% simple, but the sudden release of the auxiliary light is as many as thirty, but with the support of her powerful strength and control after reaching the 90th level, it has achieved simultaneous release, making these thirty rays shine though It did not reach a single increase and then strengthened by the impact of the golden flies, which is 100%, which is also a full increase of 20%, reaching a strength of 120%. Coupled with the increase in the use of strong gold flies by Dai Mubai himself, his martial art is displayed in a real body. The strength achieved in an instant is absolutely horrible, no less than the strongest gold crocodile on the head of Jialing Guancheng. Luo.

Other people's bodies have also changed under this increase. The illusory figure that follows Dai Mubai is the phantom Zhu Zhuqing. Her body has become more illusory, like a black cloud of smoke. Mu Bai is next to him. Oscar is a soaring body. He also temporarily acts as a soul attacker. He is the only one who hasn’t eaten gold flies. Because he can’t eat, he can’t make a copy of the image. Fifty's next Soul attack power can only increase the ability to make sausages. However, this guy has unceremoniously released all the auxiliary skills of Dai Mubai. The white tiger Jin Gang, the white tiger devil, the white tiger body shield and the martial arts real body, used a brain. With the support behind Ning Rongrong, although he is a cloned version of the white tiger Doro, but the strength displayed at this time is enough to be equivalent to the strength released by a 95-level powerhouse Contra. Keeping up with Mu Mu from the side, help him with some pressure.

In the midair, Ma Hongjun has turned the Jialing Guancheng head into a fire red. He just showed his fifth soul skill, the Phoenix meteor shower, countless huge fireballs descending from the sky, and there is no difference in the head of Jialing Guancheng. I am going down.

Don't underestimate this fifth soul skill. Ma Hongjun has become a Phoenix Doro. The blazing flame of his phoenix flame has reached a rather horrible level. The most important thing is that his Phoenix meteor shower not only has a strong golden fly. The increase of one hundred and five, as well as the increase from Ning Rongrong. Ning Rongrong's six major growth effects are most obvious to him. The reason is very simple. The increase in the property has the greatest effect on Ma Hongjun, and his phoenix flame has doubled in both hot and burning capacity! This kind of large-scale attack is to fully demonstrate its power. Of course, Ma Hongjun did not expect his decisive role in this soul skill, but only to harass the opponent as much as possible, to bring opportunities to the partners to board the city.

The most surprising thing is that there is a small dance on the side of the little dance. The six figures that she had previously made in her body have turned into nine. It is obviously the role of the golden fly. At the same time, these nine figures are small. After the body of the dance got the increase of Ning Rongrong, each figure changed from red to red. When the doubled increase, their strength at each time was not weaker than the small dance before the increase. Only one shot slower than Dai Mubai, it covered the little dance and rushed to the city.

Seeing that Shrek’s six monsters broke out in an all-out way, Tang Yan and Tang Xiao’s brothers, as well as Jiandou and Ghost Dou, were also shocked. Although they also got an increase from Ning Feng, it is clear that the increase will be much worse than Ning Rongrong's increase in Shrek's six monsters. Although they have already seen Shrek's six monsters reach the title of Douro, they can really see that they show their strengths. These older generations of Douros really realize how powerful these young people are. .

For a long time, Shrek six blame was covered up because of the glare of Tang San. At this moment, on the battlefield against the Wuhun Empire, they told everyone with their own performance and their own strength. Shrek's seven strangers are not just the stage of Tang San's one person. Each of them is a monster from Shrek College, a real tyrannical monster, and each one is a genius of the soul teacher world.

Of course, the Wushou Empire is not idle. They certainly won't make it easy for opponents to rush to the city. The six major offerings, led by the Golden Crocodile, plus these days, are drawn from other places and originally in Jialingguan. A total of eight titles, Dou Luo, fourteen strong, with the help of hundreds of 80-level Contra, launched a crazy attack on Dai Mubai and others who rushed up. There is only one purpose, that is, they are not allowed to board the Jialing Pass.

Boom--Phoenix meteor shower became the first wave of attacks. When Ma Hongjun plunged into the air, it has already attracted the attention of the powerful members of the Wushen Empire on the city. Among the 14 strong fighters of the Douro level, immediately The division of a water attribute Wuhun's title, released a range of defensive skills.

A huge blue mask was propped up on the city's head, trying to stop Ma Hongjun's attack. This title is also considered to be the strongest after the enshrined, the soul power is up to 94, which is higher than Ma Hongjun's repair, and his defensive spirit is the eighth soul skill. In the view of the strong people of the Wuhun Empire, it is enough to withstand the fifth soul skill of Ma Hongjun.

However, it turns out that people who look down on Shrek’s seven strangers have to suffer. This time is no exception.

Boom--When the first phoenix meteor slammed on the blue reticle, the face of the slogan changed, and shouted, "Not good, be careful in the air."

Just a phoenix meteor, there was a strong glow on his blue mask, and a crack appeared. His reminder is not unpleasant, but unfortunately, all the martial arts empire's eyes are now concentrated on Dai Mubai and others who are shocking the city. I did not expect that the eighth soul skill could not stop the attack from the air. Therefore, their attack skills are poured down the city. Even if the reaction came, it was too late to launch an attack on the top of the head.

A series of roaring sounds like a rolling thunder in the head of Jialing Guancheng. The name of the 94th-level water attribute, Douro, became pale and instantly released his own soul, and turned into a huge turtle. , constantly injecting the soul into your rain cover. Unfortunately, he is too small to see Ma Hongjun.

From the point of view of property, water and fire are restrained by each other, and whose attributes are stronger, who can prevail. Although his martial arts is also good, but compared with the top fire system Wuhun Phoenix, it is still a lot worse. What's more, all the attributes of Ma Hongjun are doubled now, and the role of the strong golden fly.

Three seconds, just three seconds. The blue reticle in the air crashed into a myriad of blue light spots, and the phoenix meteor shower it blocked was only one-third. More flame meteors slammed down and slammed into the crowd.

"What happened?" The golden crocodile Doroo screamed, and the millennium was not there. He had to control the overall situation. Therefore, when other people took the shot, he was the last one to prepare. At this time, he showed that he was a martial. The tyrannical power of the second empire of the soul empire. Seeing that the flame meteor descended from the sky, he suddenly jumped into the air, and the body swayed, and the body of the martial art was displayed, turning into a huge crocodile. At the same time, it did not even make people see which soul ring bloomed on him. Out of the light, countless shining scales of metal luster have emerged from him, greeted the Phoenix meteor shower in the air.

Booming, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging Most of the phoenix meteors have been blocked by the Golden Alligator, and only a small number of them have been blown into the martial arts empire, and some of the 80-level Contra have suffered some damage, but they are insufficient. To affect their combat effectiveness.

In the mid-air, Ma Hongjun's nine fire phoenix eyes are all cold murderous eyes, his eyes locked on the golden crocodile, and the nine heads are raised at the same time, giving a loud phoenix, suddenly falling from the sky, the whole body phoenix flame is blazing, Straight to the golden crocodile, his breath is completely locked in the golden crocodile.

Although Ma Hongjun’s phoenix meteor shower did not really affect most of the martial arts empires in the city, his attack also undoubtedly disrupted the rhythm of the soul of the martial arts empire, especially his own The force attracted the enemy's strongest two to dedicate the golden crocodile, so that he could not join the strong one who blocked the Tiandou Empire, so that the pressure on Dai Mubai and others would be much smaller.

The golden crocodile Doroo was even more shocked. At this time, he clearly felt that strong pressure was coming from the face. He did not expect that it was such a flying soul teacher with an apparent strength of less than 95, which would actually make himself This kind of oppressive feeling made him have to face it seriously. The huge crocodile headed up and stared at Ma Hongjun.

Yes, Ma Hongjun’s strength is certainly not as good as the Golden Crocodile. Even if he is in the growth of Ning Rongrong, the strength is at most between the 95th and the 96th. The comprehensive strength will never exceed 96. There is still a big gap between the golden crocodile and the soul of the 90-level gold crocodile. The reason why he can bring such strong pressure to the Golden Crocodile is mainly because of the martial arts. The phoenix can be said to restrain most of the reptile martial arts. The martial arts of the golden crocodile Doroo belongs to this category. Even if he is strong, he can't fly. In the face of the phoenix falling from the sky, the kind comes from the origin of the Wuhun. The pressure is the key to his passiveness at this time.

Shrek's six monsters are too familiar. Together for so many years, they don't even need their eyes, they can understand each other's ability to perform in battle. Ma Hongjun in the air attracted the attention of the golden crocodile. The following Dai Mubai and others have also collided with the attack of the powerful Wushu Empire.

Dai Mubai is fully like everyone who shows what is called tyrannical, he turned into a martial art, especially after the second expansion of the body under the influence of Ning Rongrong and bloodthirsty skills, it is undoubtedly the most eye-catching Therefore, at least six attacks with the title of Douro were concentrated on him, including three strong men of the level. The purpose of these martial arts empires is very clear, that is, to kill Dai Mubai in one fell swoop. He looks strong and his strength is limited. Not to mention him, even if you change the Golden Crocodile, you will never dare to bear so many attacks at the same time.

In fact, Dai Mubai has withstood the attack of these six titles from the front, and also directly rushed to the city. Of course, that is not the power of him alone.

Black and gold, illusory and true, the two rays of light complete the process of fusion in the middle of the air. The already very large white tiger is once again inflated at this moment. The splendid golden light disappeared, and the hair on Dai Mubai turned white again, but it was white like milky white crystal. A back wing, the whole body is like a crystal carving, the length of the foot is more than 30 meters, the huge horror white tiger suddenly appears, between the wings, its upward momentum is once again enhanced, a strong white aura It suddenly broke out from him.

This white tiger has black lines, especially the huge king on the forehead is so obvious, the two tigers have a diameter of 100 meters, faint red light, although several of the martial arts empire can not help but see It is chilling.

Dai Mubai is not a fool. Of course he knows what kind of attack he is going to take to the city. Zhu Zhuqing naturally knows. In the first time of this storm, they also launched the most powerful skills in the Slark seven monsters except the sea **** Tang San, the Nether White Tiger.

Behind the crystal white tiger, there was an illusory light and shadow. The six powerful squadrons collided with the white aura that he released, and they all flew out.

Tang San once said that after the high degree of match between Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing reached the title of Douro, their Nether White Tiger is likely to reach the level of God in a short time. The white tiger is also a feline, and it has a confluence of 70% with Zhu Zhuqing's nymphs. It is second only to the masters, Flemish and Liu Erlong in the soul of the Tiandou Empire. Golden holy dragon. However, the three have only two Contras. They are two titles, and Dai Mubai's strength has reached 95. There is the full support behind Ning Rongrong and the strong gold fly of Oscar. The explosive power of this moment is terrible.

At this time, even if Tang San and Qian Qixue appear here, they will certainly be shocked by the super version of the Nether White Tiger. They must hesitate to face such attacks. The frontal collision may not be able to The secluded white tiger slammed down the city!

Boom--the Nether White Tiger is incomparably tyrannical, hitting the city with a hard life, and the body that is 30 meters long is just a glimpse. At least five of the captains are flying out.

The wild tigers screamed in the sky, and the huge body of the Nether White Tiger did not attack the martial arts empire. No one expected that he would just ascend to the city and the next moment he rushed to the golden crocodile. . At this time, it is also that Ma Hongjun descended from the sky, and will soon hit the top of the top of the golden crocodile.

This is the cooperation, the perfect match, from the beginning, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, they are calculating this golden crocodile. Once they have handed over, they certainly know the importance of this two offerings, not just in terms of strength. Millennials have Tang three to deal with, and it is impossible to come back to preside over the overall situation. This golden crocodile is definitely the most important commander of the other side, if He will be hit hard, and the importance of this battle can be imagined. Therefore, Dai Mu Bai Ning can increase the attack of this strong golden fly only to him alone.

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