MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 647 Tenth Soul Ring, God Soul Ring

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Six hundred and forty-seventh chapter tenth soul ring, **** level soul ring

Because of the scan of the gods of the millennium, Tang San had to stop at the edge of the Star Forest. Lying flat on the ground, Tang San brows wrinkled and fell into meditation.

With his current strength, it is not a problem to maintain the blue-silver field and the Bohai body shield for a long time. If it is normal, Tang San can completely spend so much with the millennium, who is more patient than the competition. However, Tang San knows that to continue this way, the first thing that is not patient is definitely yourself.

In frontline wars, Qianxue Snow can not worry, but can you not worry? My parents and teachers are there, and if anything happens, it will make you regret your life.

Leading Shrek's seven strangers to leave the Tiandou Imperial Army Camp, Tang San is already adventurous. The Wuhun Empire army in Jialingguan has six No. 95-level fighters, and five or six ordinary seals. This force alone has been difficult to deal with. Once the fighting power of Bibidong is restored, it can be said that the main force of the Tiandou Empire has the danger of being destroyed at any time. Under this circumstance, Tang San can only achieve the sea **** as soon as possible and rush back to the front line in order to stabilize the frontline situation and win the battle.

On the other hand, there is no such worry at all, and even if she continues to wait, she does not need to worry about anything. It is felt that the scan of her gods has not weakened because of the passage of time, but has become stronger and stronger. From this, we can guess that she should have just achieved the level of God-level strength, but have not yet fully grasped the various skills of God level, otherwise they may not be able to use the opportunity to attack success. In this case, she did not have the power to fight with her. Even the trident of Poseidon fell into her hands. For yourself, it is not easy to escape from here, but also to get back to the sea **** Trident, in order to go to Poseidon Island to achieve the sea god. However, if you want to take away one thing from a god-level powerhouse, it is more difficult than it was before the sea **** seven test. The most painful thing is that this time is not a year, but the shorter the better.

Calm, be sure to be calm at this time. In the face of such a crisis, Tang San calmly lies in the soft blue silver grass on the ground, try to tell himself that he must be calm, he has not encountered such a comprehensive disadvantage for a long time. The more it is, the more it inspires the fighting spirit in Tang San. He is convinced that even God is not a panacea. Although the opponent is strong, but he must have the opportunity to find flaws.

The heart gradually calmed down, and Tang San reorganized his ideas. The appearance of the Millennium Snow has brought him a great shock. What surprised Tang San is not that the Millennium has reached the level of God, but why she is not in the state of extreme danger when she absorbs the soul ring. Kill yourself, or at least take hold of yourself. At that time, she was facing God-level, and she could almost say that she did not have any resistance. However, she not only did not do that, but also said that she wanted to help herself. Just because she has absolute confidence in her god-level strength? No, it should not be so simple. I have always been from the opposite side of the Wuhun Temple. As the daughter of the Pope, the father of the goddess died in her father’s hands. She should kill herself with all her strength. ! Does Wu Hun Temple not always be unscrupulous?

In addition, it is incredible that the Millennium Snow suddenly reaches the level of God. She saw her last time, but she was only over 70 levels. In just six years, I broke through to God. It can be said that her luck and experience are still on her own. Then, there is only one possibility. After leaving Tiandou, she began to complete the process of inheritance of the angel **** just like she entered the sea **** island. Judging from this, the **** of this angel **** should always be in the Wuhun Temple.

Reminiscent of the angel suit that the master once mentioned, it is likely that it is an artifact, an artifact similar to his own Poseidon trident.

Through conversations with Qianxue Xue, Tang San also found another problem, that is, her relationship with Bibidong is very tense, because Bibidong inherited the position of the pope, not by the sorcerer of her six-winged angel Does the inheritor inherit? It is said that it is difficult to support the granddaughter to take the position of the Pope with the strength of the Wushen Hall. But why didn't he do that? It can be seen that there must be some problems between Qianxue Snow and Bibi East. Now the Millennium Snow has become the **** of angels, and she and Bibi will certainly fight because of the power of the Wuhun Empire.

In any case, the first question still makes Tang San most unreasonable. He does not understand why Qian Xiaoxue is not hostile to himself. It is important to know that her efforts to lurk for more than a decade in the Emperor of Heaven are also destroyed by myself. What exactly does this woman want to do?

All kinds of mysteries caused Tang San to fall into a short period of confusion, but this time did not last long. For him, the most important thing now is how to get out of here safely, but also to find a way to get back to his own Poseidon Trident.

He did not regret the previous use of the attack, but if not, then he did not have the opportunity to leave. Although Tang San now has seventeen soul rings, the soul skills produced by the seventeen soul rings are not enough to help him stop the snow, unless he can truly become a **** and make every soul skill. They all have the breath of God, otherwise, using those soul skills will not have any effect.

Under tremendous pressure, Tang San’s brain began to run at high speed, so be sure to leave here as soon as possible to meet with friends and pass on the **** of the sea god. Thousands of snows become gods, making him more eager for the inheritance of the gods. Not only because of the desire for strength, but more importantly, he needs to have the ability to protect loved ones and friends. Need to have the strength to balance the Wuhun Empire.

The time of day passed quickly.

Thousands of snows are still releasing a wave of their own thoughts. She found that this uninterrupted detection has no small benefit to herself. Just becoming a god, through this constant release of the gods, she has become more and more profound in understanding her own power. The feeling of being able to control everything is growing.

The golden light flashed, and the millennial snow opened his eyes, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He said to himself: "Why, can't help but come out? This time I see where you are going."

In the light and shadow, her body has disappeared into the air out of thin air, and at the same time took the Poseidon trident inserted on the ground.

A thousand kilometers, what God knows and what he wants. Thousands of snows are not flying at all. Accurately speaking, they should be transferred in a constant moment. The speed is even faster than the **** she released. In her mind, there is no obstacle at all. In this day, her gods have always been shrouded in the Star Forest. No matter what level of soul beasts, all crouched in the tremors, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, naturally no one would dare Bother her.

Soon, she saw her goal, but what made her strange was that Tang San was standing in the same place waiting for her arrival. It seems that she had expected this and there was no escape. Even the face with a hint of smile, elegant and calm.

Jinguang flashed, and Qianxue snow stopped ten meters in front of Tang San, watching Tang San, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. "Can you tell me what gives you confidence? Look, you are not like It is the look of a dog that is mourning."

"Do you think I am a dog of a family?" Tang asked.

Millenium Snow smiled a little. "Of course not. You are the man I have met, except for Grandpa. Perhaps, one day you will exceed my grandfather. Maybe I am wondering why you don't continue to hide." As long as you don't leave this forest, I want to find out that you are also very difficult. You can hide it without being able to find a god. I thought it would be our game of cat and mouse. It’s been a long time. In my impression, you are not an unsettled person.”

Tang San smiled lightly. "Miss Qian Xue is praised. I am coming out, just want to make a bet with the lady."

Thousands of snow raised the trident in the hands of the sea god, "Your artifact is really heavy." Her ridiculous eyes seem to say that you can only fall in my hands with the only artifact that can snuggle. What are the qualifications for me to talk about conditions?

Tang San looked at the dark sea **** Trident, and his heart sighed, old man, let you be wronged.

"Yes, you can take me now, I am not your opponent at all. You are right, there is an insurmountable gap between man and God. But what you can only get is my person or mine. The body is not my heart. Don't you want me to surrender to you?"

A thousand miles of snow, "Life, but also what I want, righteousness, and what I want, the two can not be both, and the students who live and take the righteousness. I still remember very clearly about this sentence. How? "You changed your mind so quickly?" In her eyes, there was a faint disappointment.

Tang San calmly said: "Death is as light as a feather, as heavy as Taishan. Even if you want to die, I will die if it is worthwhile, isn't it? You can choose to catch me, kill me, or gamble with me. If you win, then I will swear to surrender to you. If you lose, I only need to leave for three days. After three days, you can continue to pursue me. As long as you can take me by force, I can still surrender. you."

"Oh? If this is the case, then I am interested in hearing what your gambling agreement is." Millennial Snow certainly understands that Tang San is not an untargeted person, but the sentence that Tang San said earlier touched her. The heart, now holding him, can only get his people, not his heart. Such a simple sentence may not be useful to others, but for the **** of the angel who is the biggest flaw in the heart, it is the soft underbelly.

Although Tang San did not know why Qian Qianxue had done everything before, but after a serious analysis of the day, he stood up. Naturally, he had a great grasp that Qianxue Snow would promise his own bet.

Tang Sandao: "My bet is very simple. You and I don't use the artifact to fight the last one. The time limit is a musk. If you can take me, you win, if you can't. Then, I got a three-day buffer time and can leave here. At the same time, please return my Poseidon Trident."

"A fragrant incense? Tang three, are you really confident? Even if it is not practical artifacts, I am still a god." Qian Qixue originally thought that Tang San would definitely gamble with himself with a bet that was extremely beneficial to him. I didn't expect him to have a gambling look that didn't seem to be wrong. Even very beneficial to yourself. Isn't his own god-level strength afraid of him as a human?

In fact, Tang San is also grasping the mentality of the Millennium Snow, which is to use the inertial thinking that she believes is impossible to lose to herself in the battle to gamble on this. Does he not gamble at the expense of his own life?

"You just need to answer whether I am gambling or not gambling." Tang San’s voice suddenly turned cold.

Thousands of snow and snow in the hands of the sea **** Trident, "gamble can. However, this sea **** trident I can not return to you. In case you win, three days later I was caught, you refused to admit what to do I don't want to get your body. So, this Poseidon Trident is better to stay in my hands. When you swear allegiance to me, I will return it to you."

Tang San’s judgments are all correct, and things are developing in the direction he hopes. However, Qian Xuexue is not a fool. She is also extremely intelligent. She has felt that Tang San must have something in this bet. Yangshao, this sea **** Trident is not willing to return it to him easily.

After a deep glance at his own Poseidon trident, Tang San categorically said: "Okay. One day, I will personally take back my Poseidon trident from your hands."

Boom, the blue-gold light burst out from Tang San like a flame. At the same time, he took a scent from his own arms and pinched it in his hand.

Thousands of snows naturally put the Poseidon trident on the ground. This time, she was not as careless as the last time. In the golden light, she released her own six-winged angel martial arts.

The splendid golden six wings are unfolding behind the scenes, and the overwhelming pressure has made it difficult for Tang San to breathe. The more terrifying and comprehensive suppression is full of unbearable feelings.

The rise of Tang San is naturally the nine soul rings of the Blue Silver Emperor. These nine soul rings are not dazzling, black, black, black, black, red, black, red, red, red, five 50,000. More than a year of soul ring, four hundred thousand years of soul ring. I am afraid that in today's title, there is no one who can have a stronger soul-matching ratio than Tang.

However, to say dazzling, the soul ring of Tang San is far from being able to compare with Qianxue Snow. On the millennium snow, the soul ring also appears, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red. , red, nine soul rings are neatly arranged. The first seven soul rings are completely different from the situation when Tang San saw her. Obviously, she could not inject the power of her own soul ring into others like Tang San, and then fortunately get the soul of two hundred thousand years of soul beasts. The ring replenishes itself to regain the soul ring. The change in the color of the soul ring on her body should come from the benefits of inheriting the gods. Even if the millennial snow of the gods' inheritance is completed, in the comparison of the soul loops of the nine pairs of nine, it is still a line worse than Tang San. Her 100,000-year soul ring is one less than Tang San. This shows that Tang San is a genius, comparing God with the human body, there is still a slightly better place.

It is a pity that the nine soul rings on the millennium snow are not the ordinary nine soul rings. The nine rings are all covered with a layer of golden brilliance, like a layer of gold foil. Although I can see the original color, it is much more than the original dazzling. Tang San understands that this is the characteristic of the deification of the soul. After being contaminated by the power of God, every soul skill of the Millennium Snow will have the breath and partial power of God. Although the level of the soul ring itself will have an impact, it is by no means comparable to the soul skills of ordinary soul teachers.

However, the nine golden rings on the Millennium Snow are not the most shocking to Tang San. Previously, when he first played against the Millennium Snow, Qian Xiaoxue did not completely release his own military. The soul of the six-winged angel, this soul ring did not show up in front of him. At this point, I really saw that the shocking feeling made Tang San’s heart a bit bitter.

The tenacity of Tang San is affected, and it is amazing how he saw things. He saw very simple. After the nine soul rings, he also saw the tenth soul ring from the millennium snow. Yes, it is the tenth soul ring.

It is a completely golden soul ring, like a piece of golden angel feather weaving, not juxtaposed with the nine soul rings. This tenth soul ring is very large, and the diameter is three meters away. The position that appears is behind the millennial snow, which is the aura of the background that encloses her body and the six wings. However, Tang San still saw at a glance that it was a soul ring, like the soul ring of the soul teacher, but it was completely different.

The soul teacher practice, the tenth level is a stage. Every tenth level, you need to gain a soul ring to enhance your strength, let yourself raise to a new level, and move on to the next stage, that is, the process of quantitative change to qualitative change. . The ninety-level, ninth soul ring has always been considered the highest realm of the soul teacher. Breaking through the 100th level, obviously it is a level 10, and then a tenth soul ring is naturally reasonable. But this is the reasonably reasonable tenth soul ring that makes Tang San shocked. If the first nine soul rings belong to the human level, then the tenth soul ring is completely god-level. The golden soul ring of the **** level can no longer be described by the age of repair, which is not comparable to the soul ring of 100,000 years.

"Tang San, when I saw you release the blue silver grass Wuhun yesterday, I was very surprised, why do you have so many high-level soul rings. You are not a god, I don't understand how you did it. If you say Your second martial art has a way to raise the soul ring to a high level. Then, your blue and silver grass is clearly the first martial art, and it is also the martial arts that you have been using. How can it be achieved?"

Tang San’s right hand glimpsed on the incense head. With the power of the real fire generated by the internal force, the incense was ignited and swayed. In the blink of an eye, the incense had already flown dozens of meters and was inserted on a trunk.

"You are not afraid that I will delay your time for your troubles?" Tang San looked at the thousand miles of snow, and the blue-gold ray of one layer after another continued to rise from the body, even though under the tremendous pressure of God, he did not Half a step back, the light of the eyes gradually became wild, and the whole person seemed to have entered a special state.

"The time of a fragrant incense, said that the length is not long, said short is not short, what is a moment of delay. Are you willing to confuse me?" Millenniel smiled lightly, did not see the musk.

Tang Sandao: "Tell you nothing. To save the little dance, I will return the soul ring and soul bone that she sacrificed to me to her, and inject most of her soul into her body to help her resurrect. I naturally want to come back to the soul ring. Of course, I will not add the same as the original, and try to find a high-level soul ring that suits me. It has the effect."

"The soul beast that sacrificed can still be resurrected?" Millennial snow was shocked and looked at Tang San incredibly. "You are a man who is good at making miracles."

"It's not that I am good at creating miracles. These are the things that make you Wushu Temple. It is your Wuhun Temple that makes the little dance sacrifice for saving me. The little dance is my lover, plus the parents' hatred, the teacher's Enmity, I have already been inconsistent with your Wuhun Temple."

Millenium Snow sighed, "Maybe it is to make people, let us be in the opposite. If you are born in Wuhun Temple, I am afraid it is another idea. The incense has been ignited, let me see, what do you have? With it, I can stick to a fragrant time under my attack."

Tang Sanhaha smiled. "I never wanted to stick to a scent under your attack, but to keep my attack scented. Be careful."

Boom--the blue-gold light flame instantly rose, and the nine soul rings on Tang San’s body turned out to be all in a flash. The original black and red moments disappeared completely, and the rest was only the blue gold of the skull. The nine soul rings of his blue silver emperor turned into a blue gold color, and his body became the same color.

"Oh? What is this skill? Is it your own soul skill?" Millennial Snow is not eager to attack. She is very strange when she looks at the changes in Tang San. At least she has never seen a soul teacher. The color of his own soul ring is changed according to Wu Hun, even if she is before God. I never thought about it.

Boom--the violent blue-gold flame renders the body of Tang San, without using any soul skills. Tang San is so rushing toward the millennium as the arrow, as he said before, he wants to use The purest attack to face the god-level millennium.

The thousand-year-old snow will naturally not have a half-back, and the six wings will be lightly moved. The next moment she has already come to Tang San. Her **** can clearly feel the most vulnerable place in Tang San. Her sudden advance is just right. It is the speed of the Tang three that has not yet rushed, and the power has not accumulated to the peak.

Tang San’s movements and reactions were extremely fast, and the right fist was almost instantly thrown out. The blue-gold flame of the whole body wrapped his fist into a jade-colored fist, and the chest slammed toward the thousand-year-old snow.

This seemingly simple and direct punch gives the feeling of a thousand snows is not at all simple. At the moment when Tang San’s fist was punched, she clearly felt that all the blue silver grass in the entire Star Forest was integrated with his fist at this moment. It is like the power of blue and silver grass that condenses the entire starry forest.

Thousands of snow-golden palms and Tang San that shine with blue-gold flames, the fists full of life breath suddenly collide. The bang banged, the blue-gold flame rose to the sky, and Tang’s body also slammed. However, the god-level millennial snow body was still in the air for a while, and the huge life scent that actually suppressed her gods appeared a little flaw.

how is this possible? Millennials have widened their eyes. She doesn't understand how Tang San did it. I know that Tang San did not release the blue and silver fields, but it mobilized the power of blue and silver grass in the entire Star Forest. This is simply the ability that God can achieve, and it is the kind of power that favors the **** of nature.

However, the Millennium Snow also quickly discovered that although the body of Tang Sanfei did not suffer any harm, and even resisted the power of his own release, the nine soul rings around him were already broken. Turned into a little blue-gold light disappeared into the air.

What is this? Millennial Snow stared at Tang San in surprise, but Tang San’s body just stopped flying after a dozen meters. His eyes had completely turned into blue gold at this moment, shining the wild flame. Like the king of a beast, with an unparalleled domineering, rushed up again with a sly blue-gold flame, this time, even more rapid and more violent than before. Obviously, the power he released at this time has reached a stronger level.

Thousands of snow brows are slightly wrinkled. This time she did not take the lead to grab it. The golden light of her body erupted instantly and turned into a golden flame. The sacred breath of the cockroach broke out. The huge golden flame made the air twist and sip. In the sound, the hands are the same, one hand frame to Tang Sanchong's punch, the other hand directly grabs Tang San's shoulder, the speed is lightning fast, the golden light is almost all over the Tang Dynasty. The entire body, including the blue-gold flame that was released from him.

After being resisted by Tang San several times, Millennium Snow finally released her god-level power. Although she did not use the artifact as an angel of God, she was God after all, and this force was shot. Suddenly suppressed Tang San.

However, Tang San’s body, which was incomparably wild, suddenly stopped in midair, and stopped hard. His hands crossed a strange arc in front of his chest, and the traction of a circle was instantaneous. All the blue-gold flames around his body, and even his own, instantly condensed on the palms of his hands, turning into a blue-gold flame swirl filled in his chest.

Under the feet, the illusory movements, the Millennium Snow only felt that Tang San suddenly became unreal. It seems that there are several phantoms appearing in front of him at the same time. With the detection of God, she can accurately find out. One is the real Tang San, but she still found that the virtual shadow produced by the swaying of Tang San left part of her own attack power.

"Give me a break." Tang San burst into a voice, full of deterrent roar, the blue-gold vortex in his hand accompanied the second soul ring on his body almost burst at the same time. The unparalleled explosive power made the blue-gold light turn into a golden moment in an instant. The huge energy fluctuations skyrocketed and turned into a huge golden light column. It was hard to break through the golden light shrouded in the snow.

And Tang San’s hands also encountered the hands handed up by Qian Xiaoxue at this time. Tang’s left hand produced a huge suction force, and the right hand produced a huge thrust. Under the millennium, the snow only felt that his body was biased, and most of the attacking power was unloaded. Only a small part of it collided with Tang San’s body. Between the two bodies staggered, suddenly changed a position. The bodies are staggered, and each of them flies beyond tens of meters to stabilize the body.

The power of God. The face of Qianxue Snow has become dignified at this time. Through two collisions, she has clearly grasped that Tang San at this time is stimulating her ability in a special way. He did not use the soul skill. But his physical strength has reached the level of God. Qian Qiu Xue did not know how Tang San could do it, but from Tang San, she also felt a threat. Do you want to take the lead in using the soul skills? I asked myself in the heart of the millennium.

No, never. Thousands of snow eyes are condensed, and the inner pride makes her never do that. Although she knows that Tang San does not use Soul now, it is probably because he can't do it at all, but she still has not used her own soul skills. She wants to be upright and beat Tang San in the most direct way to conquer Tang San.

Tang San moved again. This time, his body became more illusory. It was like a ghost, with countless afterimages, just like coming together from all directions, rushing toward the thousand miles of snow.

The millennium snow snorted, "The pearl of the grain, also the light of China?" Boom, the six wings behind it flapped at the same time, the unparalleled golden flame instantly enveloped her body completely, the whole person is like a golden meteor Generally, regardless of all the virtual shadows that Tang San’s body has made, the right hand becomes a fist, and goes straight to the body to detect the body of the Tang Dynasty.

One gold, one blue gold, two figures like a meteor to catch the moon, Tang San did not mean any dodge at this time, both hands clenched at the same time, the blue-gold flame completely condensed on his own double fist, the eight spider spear behind him already because of him The full force broke out and all the energy was condensed on top of this.


The two figures collided in an instant, and the huge golden light column rushed into the sky for hundreds of meters, eclipsing the entire starry forest. A large expanse of blue silver grass released a strong blue-gold brilliance under the guise of this radiance, but it withered in the next moment, turned into a fly ash and disappeared. With the help of power to Tang San, they have already Many have been destroyed by the power of angels. That's it, the blue silver grass in the Star Forest is still full of exciting war. Being able to die for the emperor, in their simple heart, that is absolute glory.

The body of the Millennium Snow stagnated in the collision position, and the body of Tang San was flying far away this kilometer, his solid body did not know how many trees were broken. The blood of the pale gold in the mouth is mad, and when the blood is ejected, it immediately turns into a blue-gold blaze.

In this hit, Millennium Snow fully demonstrated the unstoppable power of God. Under the real anger, it smashed Tang San and injured him. At the same time, the third soul ring of Tang San was also broken. However, Qianxue Snow still felt that although Tang San was injured, the injury was not too serious. On the contrary, he is using the body to fly backwards, as much as possible to resolve the angelic power that he has placed on him.

With a sigh of praise, Qian Xuexue knows himself. If he uses the power of exertion and unloading, he may not be as good as Tang San. If he also has the same strength as himself, I am afraid that he is still not his opponent. It is precisely because of this, there is a murderous flash in the eyes of the millennium, if such a man can not control, even if he is the biggest flaw in his heart, he must also kill him, otherwise, in the future, he will achieve The position of the gods must be the greatest threat to the Wuhun Empire, and may even bring the crisis of destruction to the Wuhun Empire.

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