MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 645 Rather Stick to your guns

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The 645th chapter is rather a jade, not a tile

In the tyrannical tyrannical state, Tang San has completely forgotten the pain. Only by constantly concentrating all his energy in domineering, at this time, whether it is the energy of the sea god, the spiritual power, the mysterious power, The breath of the eight spider spears and the breath of the hammers of the heavens have all been separated into one another. Tang San clearly felt that all his strength was a hammer in the body, or a hammer that used a big hammer.

The energy of the three-headed ants are finally reunited from the state of being smashed, but they have no previous impact. They just condensed there, as if they were timid and timid. Dare to launch the impact again.

You are not coming? Ok, I am coming.

The fierce energy rushed over with the momentum of Tang San under the control of the spirit of Tang San. The huge hammer of energy directly smashed toward the energy of the group.

Booming and banging, the loud noise that the outside world could not hear constantly blasted in the body of Tang San, and each hit, the energy of the soul of the group of the three ants, the emperor, and the three brothers would be slammed and compressed. A few points, the smashed energy was directly swallowed up by the scorpion hammer of the Tang Dynasty, and forced to assimilate. I didn’t even give it a chance to struggle.

Even Tang San did not know how many hammers were bombarded. In the end, the remaining soul ring energy of the regiment actually ushered in and directly integrated himself into the horrible energy of Tang San. And Tang San still has a feeling of inexhaustible.

In this way to absorb the soul ring, Tang San does not know whether his father has tried, but the feeling of so much dripping is even more fun than the martial arts increase the soul ring itself.

Without the target of the attack, the state of the mad tyrant gradually faded. Until then, Tang Sancai noticed that the meridians in his body had become scattered, broken and broken, and the severe pain came, but he still supported his teeth. Did not let myself stun. At this time, what happened to his mind was his father's words. Always straighten your waist, even if you die.

At this time, Tang San’s body was full of pale gold around him. It was the blood that he had sprayed when he was under the impact of the body. When he opened his eyes, he felt that his eyes were blurred and he wanted to see the surrounding scenery. Difficult to do, with his own body as the battlefield, caused great damage to him. If it is not his body that has reached the realm of demigod, I am afraid that it has already been screamed at this time.

Vaguely seeing the Poseidon trident inserted in his side, in the previous mad attack, accompanied by the vibration of the body, he grabbed the hands of Poseidon trident and long ago loosened.

Tang San slowly raised his right arm, and his arm seemed to be extremely heavy, but he still supported his teeth and stretched a little toward the trident of Poseidon. His willpower leaped again in the previous battle. It can be said that this war in the body is more dangerous than when he really faces the three-headed ants, even if it is not inferior to the face of the dark evil spirits. But he supported it, as if he had crossed a gap.

The right arm finally reached the trident of Poseidon, and the pale right hand grabbed the heavy mast of the Trident of the Poseidon. The feeling of coldness spread throughout the body through the palm of the hand, and the breath of the water and the milk made the spirit of Tang San vibrate. The severe pain seems to have torn all over the body, but Tang San used his right arm to force his body to be pulled.

When he pulled himself to the trident of Poseidon, the first action he made was to stop his back. It was such a simple movement that he was squirting a few bloods. But the body is much more comfortable. Sitting cross-legged, clenching his teeth, and enduring the pain of ubiquity, he insisted on keeping the Lingtai a bit clear and began to practice.

Tang San did not hesitate to inject all the residual energy into his right leg to trigger the repairing ability of the right arm of the Blue Silver Emperor. At this time, he found that the six soul bones in his body became extremely hot. The feeling of hotness helped him relieve some pain.

A trace of blue-gold brilliance climbed up from the right leg and quickly spread to the top of the body of Tang, as if his body was covered by a blue-golden net, and the powerful repairing ability began to function. Tang The meridians of the three internal organs, the broken meridians, are recovering at an alarming rate.

On the forehead, the trident of the Poseidon shines on the forehead, and the trident of the Poseidon, which is clenched in the hands of Tang San, gradually lights up. The dazzling golden lines echo the blue-gold light of Tang San, and the energy belonging to Poseidon is also introduced. In the body of Tang San, the ability to repair the right leg of the Blue Silver Emperor was combined, which further increased the speed of Tang San’s physical recovery.

When the extreme pain fades away, it is actually a kind of refreshing. Tang San feels this pleasure at this time. In particular, his mental power and internal vision, seeing a disordered meridian began to return to the original place, the broken meridians quickly grow up. Even some displaced internal organs are re-homing, and that feeling is like getting a new life. Every meridian is unblocked, and it will immediately cause the energy in his body to flow through it. It will be enhanced several times in an instant, and it will run in the smooth meridians. The power that was originally quite powerful is evenly aggregated.

Along with the slight improvement of skill, between the three breaths of Tang, the fog of Xuan Tiangong began to appear again, but this time, the fog has changed color, from the original white to the golden color, which of course has his body surface. The blue-gold ray and the reason why the sea **** Trident shines. However, the mist released by Tang San is not a simple white, but a little bit of pale gold. At the same time, Tang San also found that while his own meridians recovered, the soul strength grew rapidly, and the golden color of the meridians, bones, and guilts deepened a lot.

This is not only the role of Tang San in absorbing three soul rings, but also because he finally got the full recognition of Hao Tian hammer, and his own connection with Wu Hun made his body evolve. Although he has not yet accepted the inheritance of Poseidon, the twin martial arts and six soul bones have made him more and more close to the **** level, at least the physical strength has been developing in this direction.

But Bibidong, who also has the twin martial arts, did not have this situation. This is related to the role of the two grasses and the ice-fired gold body that Tang San had eaten in the past. The foundation of the year was fully realized until now, and Tang San got the artifact of the Trident of the Sea God, and Tang San and Bibidong, who are also twin martial arts, have a big gap at the physical level. Otherwise, how could Tang San compete with Bibidong?

The pale gold from the inside to the outside gradually becomes pure gold, but it is only hidden, between the pale gold and the gold. After all, the Tang San body does not really enter the realm of the gods, want to complete the body completely. It is impossible to cultivate to the **** level. If it is true, it will be troublesome for him. Because the realm and cultivation are not yet reached, the body first reaches the level of God, but it will hinder the promotion of the two.

Time passed by, and Tang’s own breath was released more and more, and the breath of God’s closeness made a special feeling in everything around it. Here is the center of the Star Forest, all the souls. The beast knows that there is the most powerful soul beast living here, no one dares to come here easily. At this time, the breath released by Tang San was even more so that the soul beasts within a hundred miles felt the shudder from the inside out and unconsciously moved outward.

This is not the result of the previous Tang three and the three-headed ants, but from the energy of the three soul loops that he began to attack in the body.

Even Tang San did not know that when he tried his best to attack the three soul ring fusion energies in the body, every time a violent collision, there would be a golden wave of waves spreading from him, and the golden waves themselves There is no attack ability, just the release of breath, but that is the release of the absolute strong. I ask, with the strength of Tang San, plus his mad state at that time, how many soul beasts can not fear it? ? It is a horrible wave of the true artifact of the gods and the trident of the sea **** Trident. This is also why Tang San began to absorb the soul ring to the present, there is no important reason why any soul beast can come here to disturb him.

The absorption of the three soul rings may be unprecedented in the entire soul division, not to mention the simultaneous absorption. What Tang San is doing now can be said to be the first of its kind in the soul teacher world. With the help of various conditions, he really succeeded. Two martial arts, seventeen soul rings on the body, so that his strength evolved again.

When his body was gradually repaired under the influence of the blue-and-white emperor's right-legged bones, the spring breeze and the raw skills, Tang San's surprise found that his soul has improved a lot, although he has not broken through nine. Sixteen. However, after the devour of the face of the demon spider energy, and later devour the three 90,000-year-old ants and their soul ring, his soul has also made a qualitative leap, the distance from the ninety-five to the ninety-six Level, only one line left.

This is also the benefit brought by the twin martial arts. The general title of Douro, after the 90th level, can only rely on his own hard work, how can you enhance yourself by absorbing the soul of the soul of the soul like Tang San? What about the soul? The opportunity of the second powerful soul ring of this second martial arts scorpion hammer has become a powerful support to help Tang San enhance the soul. The advantages of the twin martial arts will only be realized at this time. Bibi can be cultivated to the 99th level at such a age and has a great relationship with this.

The energy in vitro gradually merges and merges with itself. The burning sensation that comes from the six soul bones is gradually lost. The whole body brings a feeling of complete access to Tang San. His mental power can precisely control every soul in the body. The trend.

Taking a deep breath, Tang San slowly opened his eyes, the thoughts moved, the whole person had floated from the ground, he did not use any soul power, but the idea prompted the body to change, it seems that he can now It is completely obstructed by the gravitational pull of the ground.

Standing on the ground with his feet steady, at this moment, Tang San couldn't help but hold up the trident of the sea **** in his hand and screamed in the sky. The whistling sound of Qing Yue accompanied by the rise of energy in his body became more and more exciting, and the domineering of whoever gave me shocked the entire starry forest.

It is about to be level 96. In the face of the deep sea whale king, it will certainly be more sure. Feel the sea **** energy fluctuations that the sea **** Trident is more in line with. The excitement on Tang San’s face is difficult to conceal. Since the cultivation of the big whisker, his character has undergone subtle changes, and the past has been a little bit more wild and indecent. If he used to be more like his mother, A-Yin, then, now, his character is changing towards his father. Calm and domineering.

"Is it all absorbed?" Just as the Tang Xiaoxiao gradually stopped, the whole person was immersed in the joy of excitement, without any omen, a faint voice like a scoop of ice water, and sounded from the side.

The spirit of the machine hit a cold war. The first reaction of Tang San was that the body collapsed. The trident of Poseidon was drawn horizontally, and a golden aura was drawn in the direction of the sound.

The sudden sound brought him a shock is too big, you know, even when he fights with the three energies in the body, he has always released his spiritual strength, feeling everything around him, even if he is insane In the realm of hegemony, it is impossible to not care about the movements around. He won't let himself be in danger. However, from the beginning to the end, he did not feel any strong life except himself and the three-headed ants. However, this sound is so sudden.

Undoubtedly, the master spirit of this voice should be above Tang III, and the gap will never be small. Otherwise, how can he hide himself in the comprehensive exploration of Tang San’s spiritual power without being discovered? Among the strong people I know in Tang, even Bibidong does not have such ability! His strength has reached the current level, even if the sea **** Doro Posayi or his grandfather is here, Tang San is also sure that he can find the clues of their existence through spiritual detection.

In the face of crisis, Tang San’s brain is often the most awake time. He calms himself from excitement and joy in an instant, and quickly analyzes the source of this sound. Almost in the next moment, I listed three possibilities in my mind that might not be detected by my own mental power.

The first possibility is that the owner of the voice has a stealth skill similar to that of his own sea body shield, and this stealth skill has the ability to detect the spirit. The second possibility is that I met a purely sensitive version of the Douro, which is equivalent to the white-scented Swift-tailed Swift Wuhun cultivating to the 90th level. With unparalleled speed, I also escaped my own spiritual detection. chance. If it is the first two, it is not terrible for Tang San. But what he fears most is the third possibility. The master of this voice can completely suppress himself in spirit, so that he can naturally appear on his side without being discovered by himself. And such an enemy, it is absolutely fatal.

"Don't be nervous, if I want to kill you, you have been dead a few hundred times before." The calm voice sounded again, this time Tang San identified, this is a woman's voice, accompanied by the sound, just in After Tang San was only a big tree ten meters away, he walked out of a person.

She is wearing a golden palace dress, the long skirt is a piece of body, it seems to be woven with gold silk, there is no excessive pattern decoration, the style is simple and elegant, the golden stand collar protects her snow white and slender The neck, a long blond hair, was scattered casually behind him and was not carefully combed. In stark contrast to her neat palace dress.

The golden eyes are as calm as water, and there is no half-energy fluctuation. It looks like an ordinary person. However, in her golden eyes, Tang San can capture a kind of trait, and he can’t describe it. The traits. And between this person's eyebrows, there is a golden six-winged angel brand. Although the brand is small, it can be clearly seen with Tang San’s eyesight. The skin is better than snow, and she looks like she is only 18 or 9 years old.

Her appearance is very natural, not as awkward as she was when she heard it. As if she was there, it should appear at this time. The feeling of harmony made Tang San feel very uncomfortable and weird. What surprised Tang San most was that she seemed too ordinary. There is no fluctuation in the soul of the whole body, just like an ordinary person. However, Tang San observed carefully and immediately found that the woman’s feet were not walking on the ground, but walking in the air, three inches from the ground, like walking on the blue silver grass on the ground. .

If these are not enough to make Tang San feel the deadly threat, then when he sees this person and condenses his vast spiritual power and wants to lock the other side, he really feels the fear in his heart. Because he found that his mental strength could not even lock the other party, or even did not feel her presence.

Even if she is only a soul, there should be energy fluctuations in the soul, but nothing. Really nothing.

This person, Tang San, once knew that he had had a battle with her to determine the fate of the Tiandou Empire. In that battle, Tang San was the last winner. However, Tang San knows that in the war, in fact, this woman has the opportunity to kill herself. If at the time she would be willing to join hands with the title of Doro. The outcome of that war may change. However, she did not do that. She preserved the dignity she should have as a soul teacher. Therefore, despite being an enemy, Tang San’s bad feelings towards this person are not strong. Although she became a lot younger, but looking at her eyes, Tang San can still be sure that he did not admit the wrong person, but he could not think of it. This once impersonated the empire of the empire, Xueqing River, for more than ten years, almost How can a woman who has subverted the entire Tiandou Empire suddenly appear here. He still remembers her name, called: Millennium Snow.

In the astonishment and a trace of fear, Tang San quickly calmed down. Panic can never be a solution to the problem. Only by calmly analyzing the problem and using its own advantages to face the problem as much as possible can it be solved.

"Have you been here for a long time?" Tang San smiled and asked indifferently.

Thousands of snows have calmed down for Tang San to be so fast, and there is a hint of appreciation in the beauty. Elegantly nodded, "Yes, I have already arrived when you have just faced the three ants and released the field."

After listening to this sentence, Tang San’s mouth couldn’t help but touch it slightly. When he released the blue and silver field, he came. What this means means that even if she is in her own field, she still does not find her existence.

The last time I faced it, the thousands of snows were more than 70 levels, and the Tang three and sixty levels. At that time, Tang San knew that Qian Qi Xue was also a genius, not inferior to his own genius. She also has a powerful sorcerer's six-winged angel, and is also the granddaughter of the thousand priests, the daughter of the pope's generation of the Pope. However, why can't I see her now?

"It’s been a long time since I saw it. It seems that you have changed a lot." The smile on Tang’s face is not reduced, just like chatting with an ordinary friend.

Millenium Snow sighed, "Yeah, it’s really not long gone, this is the six years that have passed. There are not many years in the life of ordinary people. I have changed a lot, you are not Is it the same? Just now, I have witnessed the most amazing scene in the history of the soul division. I am afraid that those who have cultivated to the **** level have never had the experience you just had."

"At the same time, facing the three souls that have reached the level of 90,000 years, and they are almost pure attributes, they won by war. This is not a big deal. The most amazing thing is that you dare to absorb their three soul rings at the same time. And it has been successful. I really want to congratulate you."

Tang San smiled and said: "What can be congratulated, can't you see that it was just an accident? Did you think that I would like to absorb the soul ring of three thousand ants? You should say that I am one. It’s right to find a dead act."

Qian Xiaoxue smiled softly, her smile seemed to have something special magical power, and Tang San could not help but stay a bit. On all the trees around, the leaves sway gently and make a rustling sound.

Since the sound of the thousand-year-old snow, Tang San’s mental power has been fully released. At this moment, he is surprised that all the trees have done the same movement within the range that their spiritual power can feel. Shaking his own leaves seems to be fascinated by the smile of the millennium snow. Not only trees, but in addition to being able to feel their own breath, just outside the blue silver grass near their side, all plants are expressing their own pleasure in various forms.

"I heard a smile in the city, and then laughed at the country. I did not expect to see it today. Just, it is this starry forest for you." Tang San said with a sigh.

Millenium snow smiles a little more, "I can understand, are you praising me?"

Tang San’s elegant caressing of the sea **** Trident, “Of course. I just explained a fact.”

Qian Xiaoxue smiled and said: "But you have just been arrogant. Isn't it? It may be an accident when you ingest three soul rings at the same time. But at that time, you have the ability to choose not to absorb them. You still do it, still get them into the body, and integrate them thoroughly with yourself in a way I have never heard of. However, what you just did is really scary, I have to bear it several times. Live and want to help you. Just, if I do that, I am afraid it will affect your absorption of the soul ring, but not beautiful. And you really created a miracle in front of my eyes, while ingesting three souls The ring, to dominate the world to surrender. This makes me have to say the word admire. If I am you, I ask myself the courage to do so."

I looked deeply at the woman in front of me, but Tang San still found that no matter how she looked, she still couldn't see her. There was a bitter smile on his face. "Miss Qian Xue, if I remember correctly, we should be enemies."

Millennial snow sighs sighly. "In this world, there are no friends forever, no eternal enemies. Moreover, even if you and I are enemies, I also hope to face you in a complete state, instead of taking the opportunity to attack. Some enemies can be respected as well, aren't they?"

Tang nodded three times. "You are a true soul teacher. If it is not a different position, I really don't want to be hostile to you. Unfortunately, I have to do that."

This time, the person who showed the bitter smile turned into a thousand years of snow. "Why do we have to be an enemy? Tang San, you are the most talented soul teacher I have ever seen. I have seen it now, now You are already a title, and even the soul will break through the 96th level. But how old are you this year? Twenty-five years old? Twenty-six years old? Or twenty-seven years old? You are already a soul teacher. The world has created too much history. It can be said that if you are in our Wuhun Temple and have the full support of the Wu Hun Temple, your achievements may be even greater. Your future is beyond anyone's imagination. I can almost Certainly, in the near future, you will be able to break through the limits of humanity with your own efforts and truly set foot in the realm of the 100th level."

Tang San smiled a little. "Do you want to convince me? I have to admit that your voice is very infectious."

Millenium Snow is a bit lonely: "This should be my second attempt to convince you. Last time, you refused me without hesitation and defeated me. Although I don't understand how you did it, How to beat me who already has the soul of Wushen with more than 60 levels of strength. But I did lose, and I was defeated and convinced. But now, you are not my opponent. Do you really want me? Defeat you, will you listen to me well?"

Tang San smiled, his smile was very casual, the elegance of the nobility plus a bit of wildness, although his smile can not be like the Millennium Snow, so that the Star Forest is dumped. But it made the Qianxue snow look a little bit. I haven't seen it for six years, and the man in front of her has become more attractive.

"Miss Qian Xue, I am not listening to you seriously?"

The eyes of the millennium snow gradually became dignified, and the former feeling of relaxation was gradually disappearing. Tang San suddenly felt that as the air between the heavens and the earth changed with her expression, all the plants that had previously shaken immediately entered a relatively static state.

"Tang San, join the Wuhun Empire. The Tiandou Empire can give you, the Wuhun Empire can do the same."

Tang San did not seem to be affected by the dignified atmosphere around him. He smiled and said: "The Tiandou Empire New Emperor Avalanche worshipped me as a teacher and worshipped me as the emperor. He was on an equal footing with him, and the blue dragon king was booked. I am afraid you still don't know. ""

What Tang did not expect was that after listening to his words, Qian Qixue did not hesitate to say: "Besides you can't recognize you as an emperor, I can give you the same as others."

Tang Sanyi stayed, although he knew that Qianxue Xue valued himself, but he did not expect this weight to be so advanced, and he couldn’t help but say: "Miss Qian Xue, the Empress of the Wushen Empire is now Bibidong, it seems It’s not you. Bibi Dong hates me, even if you are the daughter of the pope, I’m afraid she won’t listen to you.”

Hearing the words of Bibidong, the face of Qianxue Xue suddenly sinks down, and there is a layer of coldness on his face. "That was before. When I came out from the elders, the future Wuhun Empire, I can only listen to the orders of one person."

Tang nodded three times. "Yes, you do have this strength. Although Bibidong is very strong, she is not a god."

The chill on the face of the millennium snow receded and smiled. "You have already seen it?"

Tang San helplessly said: "You have all appeared in this way. If I still can't see anything, how can I forbid your previous compliments? Although my soul is not very high, my spiritual strength But it is not under Bibi. Even I can't detect the breath of your existence, then the answer has been revealed. I can detect the power of the soul, but the power of God is beyond my detection. I am right. What? Miss Angel of the Angels, Miss Snow."

Qianxue Xue looked at Tang San, and she did not speak for a long time. Although her eyes were calm and soft, she still brought a special pressure to Tang San, directly from the pressure of the soul.

Half a mile, thousands of snow sighed and sighed: "It seems that I know too little about you. I did not expect that you can see so many things. It seems that you should have a certain understanding of the realm of God. ""

Tang San smiled. "It’s amazing to say that I am right. I can’t think of it. In just a few years, you have already completed all the dreams of the title, and it should be the grandfather of your grandfather. Dreams, 100 levels into God. I originally thought that the Wushen Empire is most promising to do this, it should be Bibidong."

"She? Is she also a god?" Millennial snow sneered, "A woman who is dark inside is also worthy of being a god? Tang San, I can see that you are also moving towards this road, in your hands. This is a weapon that I can't see through. This should be a real artifact. My foundation is better than the one behind you, and with my grandfather's full help in the past six years. But you can break through. I have been very admired for the title of Douro's realm, and I have been so admired. Since you already know that I have become the **** of angels, then we don't have to circle any more. The Heavenly Empire can give you only the blue of the Heavenly Empire. You are the king of the world.

Tang San looked at the thousand miles of snow and said quietly: "I don't understand why you value me so much. Just look at my potential? You are not afraid, when one day I become a god, I will judge the Wuhun. empire?"

Qian Xiaoxue smiled and said: "Are you a person who will break the promise? If you are, then you can only prove that I have misread the person. As for why I am so fancy you, only after you choose to join the Wuhun Empire. I will tell you. Now, let me know the answer. I believe that with the strength of your cooperation, no one in the mainland can compete."

"Then fight," Tang said faintly.

After a thousand snows, I watched Tang Sandao incredulously: "You know that I have become a god, but also choose to fight with me?"

"How about people? What about God? Don't you know that there are things in this world that cannot be changed? There is a sentence you may not have heard, I will teach you now."

"What is it?" The face of Millennium Snow has begun to become ugly.

Tang Sanqi’s sarcasm, one word and one word said: “Ning – for – jade – broken – not – for – watt – full –.”

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