MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 641 Rejuvenation battle, the fourth soul ring

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The 641th chapter of the rejuvenation battle, the fourth soul ring of the hammer

When Tang San saw the miniature version of the dark magic evil tiger, he still felt very funny. However, when he saw his body, he did not feel funny at all. Because, at this time, the whole person has been reduced a lot, the height is only a meter or two, it seems that the whole body has shrunk. Even the clothes on the body have shrunk, and how they look is also the way they look when they are six or seven years old.

What scares Tang San most is that the change is not just the body. His golden trident falls to the ground, and his soul power has dropped to the time when he was six or seven years old and has not broken through the first realm. . The two martial arts of Lianyungtian and Lanyincao did not wake up. Only the shallow Xuan Tiangong internal force only.

Rejuvenation? Tang San swallowed a bite of saliva. What kind of soul skills did the Dark Devils use? How do you and your body become so small? Can you change back?

The body can't move, it seems to be locked by a strange energy. All the soul skills, including the soul bone skills, can't be used. Now, it is Tang San who was not awakened by the Wuhun when he was six years old.

The strange sounds sounded from all sides.

"Welcome to the life and death arena. One party is dead before it can end this battle of life and death. Get out of this space. Countdown, five, four, three, two, one, start."

In the process of the sudden countdown of the sound, Tang Sanxin read the electricity, and his only possibility of being in the state of the present is only thought. Although he does not know how the Dark Devils and the Tigers did it, it is an indisputable fact that all their abilities have returned to the age of six. The dark magic evil tiger itself has also shrunk. This proves that the restrictions that appear on him also appear in it. Well, this battle is not without opportunities.

From the simple explanation of the strange sound, Tang San heard that this is a battle of life and death, and it is the battle between life and death after returning to the old and the evil spirits. After the battle, you should be able to return to the previous place and your body will recover. And here to die, then, in reality, naturally die.

The dark demon evil tiger brought himself and it to such a place, it is estimated that because the childhood of the soul beast is much stronger than the human soul teacher, this soul skill is too strange. It is no wonder that Daming and Erming have not been able to clean up this guy before. It is really difficult to deal with such a soul. However, fortunately, Daming and Erming are also soul beasts. Returning to this young age should not be a loss.

I don’t want to think more about it. The body suddenly disappears and the restrictions have disappeared. The feeling of stagnation has just ended, and the dark demon evil tiger has turned into a black shadow, and instantly rushed toward Tang San. A pair of red eyes revealing the light of the light, it seems that Tang San has been seen as a dead person.

For adult Tang San, it is certainly not a threat to narrow down to one meter and five long dark evil spirits, but for him who is only six years old, any attack by the dark evil spirits tiger may cause him Fatal damage. When he was six years old, he was still too weak. However, it is impossible for the Dark Devil to destroy him so easily.

For other soul teachers, I am afraid that even the dark magic evil tigers can not hide for the first time. When they were not awakened at the age of six, the martial arts were just ordinary children. It is also considered to be a bad evil, and it is Tang San. Tang San, who is a human being. Although he was still far from being strong when he was six years old, he had already practiced Tangmen’s school for a certain period of time when he was six years old.

The footsteps of ghosts and traces, Tang San body swiftly flashed to the side, suddenly let the impact of the dark magic evil spirits tiger, and at the same time, the strangeness of the foot took another step, the whole person close to the position of the dark magic evil tiger tiger waist, shoulder With a light touch, the body of the Dark Devil and the Tigers suddenly hit the ground, balance the damage, and stabilized their body for a few weeks on the ground.

Tang San smiled, and he smiled extremely happy. Because he knows that this battle has no meaning to continue.

The dark demon evil tiger did not hit a single blow, and the body quickly rebounded on the ground, once again rushing toward Tang San. Indeed, its strength has also dropped to the level of the early childhood, even the ten-year soul beast level can not reach. But its talent is different, even if it can't be repaired for ten years, the real strength is above the soul of ten years. It is a breeze to deal with Tang San, a child in such a state, in the dark and evil spirits. The first attack, Tang San told it with action, although it was back to childhood, it is not so easy to kill him.

When the dark demon evil tiger turned to the shape, once again rushed to Tang San, but saw the thin Tang Sanhuai holding a black box about one foot long.

The black box is a bit heavy, but for Tang San, who has already cultivated Xuan Tiangong to the first peak at the age of six, it is nothing. His delicate little hands are moving fast on the black box, a loud metal collision. It keeps ringing.

Seeing the dark demon evil tigers rushing up for the second time, Tang San’s body shape turned, the footsteps disappeared, and the hurricane moved three feet. The whole person rolled on the ground again, and once again, the dark magic evil spirit tiger The fight.

The dark demon evil tiger is a little bit flustered. It doesn't understand why this human being is so flexible when he is so small, he can easily evade his attack. In the low roar, the dark demon spirit tiger began to anger with a gray air flow, and the gray air flow showed a swirling shape, slowly condensing in front of it.

In the early childhood, the dark demon evil tiger energy is also very small, which gradually formed in front of him, it is a dark magic evil. Compared with the previous full state and the Tang three, there was a great contrast. At that time, it was almost an instant big dark magic, but it was so difficult to condense such a thing at this time.

However, the dark evil spirits and tigers are convinced that this is a **** of thunder that condenses the power of evil. Even if it does not directly hit Tang San’s body, it is only exploding around him. The power is enough to make him subject to himself and end the battle.

At the same time as the dark magic evil thunder in front of the dark demon **** tiger, the machine's sound in the hands of Tang San also stopped. The black box slowly lifted up and aimed at the dark demon **** tiger.

嗖 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Sixteen black light, like a phantom, spit out from the black box of the stable small hand of Tang San.

Boom--the first thing that makes a roar is the dark magic evil thunder. Its explosive power is indeed amazing. At least six black lights are affected by it, but the remaining twelve black lights are also at this moment. I came to the body of the Dark Devil.

噗噗噗噗噗噗 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— Trembling, his scarlet eyes filled with an unbelievable look.

Tang San began to pull up the black box on the second time. His gaze has calmed down and he watched the dark evil spirits. "I am sorry, I have to say, you are all the soul beasts I have ever seen." Among them, the most insidious one, or the most intelligent one. You not only have strong strength, but also the calculation of the battle is extremely accurate. It is no wonder that as a member of the dark evil spirits, you can actually live to the present. At this time, I think, even in the few ethnic groups where the dark evil spirits and tigers are few, you should be the absolute king. In terms of calculation and control, I admit that I lost. I still have insufficient estimates of your strength. Strong confidence makes me ignore the crisis that may arise. Unfortunately, luck is not on your side. At the age of six, I may not lose to you in front of the confrontation, because I am a disciple of Tangmen. What's more, although your ability to limit this skill is super strong, it has not been able to limit my soul guide. After all, Zhuge Shen, once again became the magic weapon for me to win. When you and I have returned to their childhood, come here. When special battlefield, your failure have been doomed, but I have to admit that you are a worthy opponent, a strong opponent. "

Having said that, Tang San thought about the dark demon and the gods and tigers, and expressed his respect for him. The dark demon evil tiger also seems to understand the words of Tang San. He stared at Tang San’s eyes and snarled unwillingly. It seemed like a spurt of fire in his scarlet eyes.

Suddenly, Tang San was chilling all over the body. From the eyes of the dark evil spirits and tigers, he understood what was going on, and his face suddenly became pale. "It seems that my luck is really good. Goodbye."

Oh..., uh...

The gray blood fog of the sixteenth regiment broke out again from the dark demon **** tiger, no matter how strong its body is. This time, all its life breath is completely broken in front of the iron arrow. This difficult battle is finally over.

Everything around it became distorted, all the space was broken instantly, and the endless darkness swept again. Tang San relaxed his body and quietly retracted the gods of Zhuge into his own wishful treasure. His heart is beating vigorously.

When the light is big, the whole body is light, and once again down to earth, Tang San has returned to the Star Forest, and the lost sense of power has returned to the body. All the strengths are back, and the Poseidon trident is also lying quietly at his feet. Not far from him, there is a strange bead floating on the huge body of the dark and evil spirits. The beads looked dark and black, but they exude a brilliance of cyan and blue.

what is this? Didn't wait for Tang San to react, the black hole that released his body suddenly sucked, the strange bead suddenly slammed into the black hole, and Tang San's control crane was used in time, but it was just now At the same time as the beads were sucked, the black hole collapsed and the torn space returned to normal. The strange beads that appeared on the body of the dark evil spirits also disappeared.

Tang San stunned, his brow wrinkled, and he patted his face without disabling him. He knew that if it was normal, he would be able to get the beads with his own reaction speed. It can be confirmed that this was not successful because my mood was affected. This is obviously not a good sign.

Looking at the body of the dark evil spirit tiger, Tang San could not help but secretly sigh, this powerful soul beast brought him too much surprise. It turned out that this battle, which was thought to be very simple, made him die. Still relying on luck to get the final victory. This soul beast is too powerful. Fortunately, no one can have a martial spirit like the Dark Devil. I hope that its soul ring will bring more benefits to yourself.

Thinking of this, Tang San can not help but secretly fear. Before the dark demon **** tiger dying, he looked at his eyes and told him that the skills of the dark demon evil tigers were not so simple. The real effect of that skill should be that Tang San himself became a child, and the dark evil spirits were inhaled but not affected. It was because he finally applied the purple **** light and broke the defense of his body protection, which made him unable to exempt the effect of his skills. Like himself, he entered the state of childhood, and he died in his own gods. under. Imagine if you didn't emit the purple light, or the purple light did not work, then when you were six years old, you faced the dark magic evil tiger that was repaired for 60,000 years. The ending can be imagined. That is a disproportionate battle. This war is really a good risk. Strong confidence is not a bad thing, but if it is too strong, it will become proud.

Since leaving the sea **** island, I have experienced a few big battles, almost all get cheap, and got the soul ring and soul bone of Daming and Erming, which made my strength go up the stairs. Confidence has expanded to the point of pride. This battle today is a full alarm for myself! Fortunately, I still survived.

While introspecting, Tang San slowly sat on the ground with his knees, holding the Yuan to one, the blue and silver fields scattered, and the Poseidon trident was inserted around him, with a layer of overlapping defense and enchantment. At the same time, the ultimate skills in the blue and silver field are launched. He will not let himself be in danger because of his pride and carelessness. Before absorbing the soul ring of the Dark Devil, he will restore all the soul power he has previously consumed.

A little blue light appeared in the blue and silver field of Tang San. The Star Forest is so vast. Although Tang San absorbs the energy of blue silver grass in the field, he only absorbs each blue silver grass. A little bit, it will never hurt them, but the countless blue silver grass gives him enough energy. Help him recover his soul quickly.

Until the soul force returned to the peak state, Tang Sancai regained his gaze on the body of the dark evil spirit tiger. The blue silver emperor slowly recovered, and the hammer of the sky appeared in his grasp, and the blue and silver fields were instantly switched. In the field of killing the gods, the powerful murderousness came out, and Tang San’s mental power was also extremely expanded, after discovering that there were no threats within dozens of miles. This began the absorption of the fourth soul ring of the hammer.

The black 昊天锤 is in front of him, the red, black and three auras above it are so obvious, watching the huge corpse on the opposite side, Tang Sanqi’s hammer is a move, suddenly, a gray airflow from the dark demon The body of the tiger floated up and instantly condensed into a ring shape in the air, and quickly turned from gray to black, turning into a stream of light toward the hammer. The flash of light has already been placed directly on the hammer. At the same time, a small but extremely sharp cold air also pierced Tang San in an instant, madly impacting the heavy defense of his Xuan Tiangong internal force.

The icy airflow was full of embarrassing evil and strong unwillingness. As soon as it rushed into the body of Tang San, Tang San was spurted with a **** spurt.

Tang’s previous preparations were not in vain, and the facts in front of him fully proved how correct he was to restore his soul to the peak. After being shocked by the cold and evil spirits, Tang San’s Xuan Tiangong internal force has been adjusted. The Zhongzheng’s airflow and the sea god’s light are condensed together to form a large net, which envelopes the cold air. Soul ring absorption began.

As the soul ring went away, the huge corpse of the dark evil spirits and tigers began to turn into a gray gas, which slowly dissipated.

Xuan Tiangong and the light of Shanghai God, like a huge grinding disc, bit by bit encroaching the dark evil spirits tiger soul ring that is full of evil energy, the dark demon evil tiger is really special, the previous condensed beads is 趁Tang San did not pay attention, was controlled by his last soul power, rushed into the black hole and rushed directly into another space. As for where to go, the dark magic evil tiger can't control it, but it is not willing to fall in the hands of Tang San.

The absorption process lasted for two hours. When Tang Sanchang exported gas and came from the cultivation, he only felt refreshed. What surprised him was that he only absorbed such a soul ring, his soul power. It has been upgraded from the 93rd level to the 94th level. It can be seen from this that the quality of the dark magic evil tiger itself is amazing.

On the hammer of the sky, a dark soul ring is quietly arranged in the fourth position, and a little soul is injected into it. Immediately, it will feel the evil spirit of the sky, and the feeling of strength makes the sky A layer of strange gray appears on the hammer body. It is also strange to say that when this gray spread to the field of killing God inscribed on the hammer of the sky, it collided with the field of killing the gods, and it formed a kind of mutual integration. The breath of the field of killing the gods also became intense in an instant. We must know that the field of killing God has already reached the ultimate realm. After being affected by this fourth soul ring, how can it make Tang San not be surprised?

It is not only the soul power that is promoted, but Tang San also finds that due to the role of the dark magic evil spirit tiger soul ring, several attributes of his body have risen sharply. The two most obvious manifestations are strength and mental strength. Needless to say, the power, from the surface, the dark magic evil tiger itself is a soul beast of power attributes. And the improvement of the spiritual power seems to help Tang San that the soul of the head of the heart of the sea **** has once again produced an evolutionary effect, which makes Tang Sanben's powerful spiritual strength increase by about 5 percent.

Don't underestimate this five percent. It is quite horrible to reach the level of Tang San. It is extremely difficult to improve again. It will rise by 5 percent, and it is possible for Tang San to completely suppress the superior level of Bibidong with the purple pole konjac!

Hard work has not been in vain, and the dangerous battle with the dark evil spirits and tigers has also been exchanged for further improvement in strength. The effect of this dark magic evil spirit tiger soul ring is equivalent to the effect of two soul soul rings of more than 50,000 years. . In addition to one less soul than the 100,000-year-old soul ring, it is not inferior to the 100,000-year-old soul ring for other aspects of improvement.

However, what made Tang San a little unwilling is that after he absorbed the dark magic evil spirit tiger soul ring, he also saw the remains of the dark evil spirits tigers finally turned into gray smoke disappeared.

There is no soul bone. This is the reason why Tang San is unwilling, with the particularity of the dark demon and the evil tiger, plus his own more than 60,000 years of cultivation, Tang San is almost certain, it must be the production of a soul bone. But it is not produced. Reminiscent of the previous bead, Tang San understands that it may be the crystallization of the power of the dark demon. It also clearly contains three attributes. It’s a pity. This extremely intelligent soul beast was not willing to let himself get all the benefits from him.

Forget it, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and the fourth soul ring that you can get such a good quality is already good luck. Don't be greedy again. Since the bead has entered the black hole, no one knows whether it will be swallowed up by the black hole or involved in another space.

Thinking of this, Tang San’s mood has gradually calmed down, simply summed up the gains and losses of the previous war, feeling the overall rise of strength, and the mentality re-entered into peace. After a short break, re-expand the blue and silver field and search for his second goal of the trip.

After the first battle, Tang San realized many of his deficiencies. The most important shortcoming was that he had not been able to combine his many skills.

Two martial arts, the sea **** trident, six soul bones. Tang San’s current soul skills add up to dozens. And each one can be said to have its own characteristics, each is good at winning the field. However, because the respective sources of the soul skills are different, the control required when using them is different. Therefore, when Tang San switches the soul skills, there will inevitably be hysteresis, inability to connect, or the skills will be unnecessary when used continuously. Excessive consumption, and poor performance after the skill is connected.

In the final analysis, it is because he did not find a way to integrate all his skills. But it is easy to combine dozens of soul skills into one furnace. On the familiarity, Tang San is most familiar with the first five soul skills of his own blue silver emperor and the Tangmen school and his first soul and bones. In the back of the soul skills, Tang San is also familiar with the four soul skills that the small dance gave him, but they have all returned the little dance. In just five years, he gained a lot of skills and his strength has improved greatly. In terms of skill control and conversion, he is far less familiar with the first five soul skills. However, with his strength, the enemy is also stronger. Even if the first five soul skills have been upgraded to the level of 50,000 years, they can no longer meet the needs of Tang San. Therefore, he must use the soul skills behind.

When his enemies lacked overall strength, or were suppressed by Tang San for other reasons, his lack of connection was not obvious. This is true including Bibi East. Bibi East was because his own ability was suppressed by the Trident of Poseidon, and he did not know anything about Tang San’s various skills. This was a loss in several battles. If it is now more than Bidong to return to the best state and fight with Tang, then the situation is different.

Although Tang San is smart, it is obviously impossible to combine so many soul skills in a short time. He also knew that he had this problem, but Lien Chan's success has raised his confidence to the peak, so he did not care too much. After the battle with the dark evil spirits and tigers, the alarm bell in Tang San’s mind was completely awakened, and he also defined his own cultivation route. Even if it is a sea god, the cooperation of this skill is also essential. God does not represent everything. There is no absolute power in this world.

In the blue-silver field, Tang San searched while moving on to the inside of the Star Forest. This time his luck was not so good, but he found nothing but a lot of time. The scope of the blue-and-silver field is very large, but his previous battle with the dark demon gods and tigers can be said to be earth-shattering in the Star Forest. Feel the huge energy fluctuations, the soul beasts that have been cultivated for more than 50,000 years are either far-sighted or hide their breath as much as possible. When the blue and silver fields of Tang San were explored, the closer they were to themselves, the clearer they would be. When a certain distance is exceeded, if the repair of the soul beast is sufficient and the hidden skill is strong enough, he is also difficult to detect.

It’s been almost a day since I came to the Star Forest. I’ve had a trance before, and it’s going to be dark. Tang San decided to take a break for a while.

Looking for a particularly tall tree to sit on, Tang San put the sea **** trident on the ground around him, calmly let himself enter the state of cultivation. The mental power is in the range of 50 meters in diameter. With his current cultivation, there is no need to worry about being attacked, unless there is any knowledge that Warcraft is too long.

After the title of Douro's realm, the soul teacher will exude a trait, just like the 100,000-year-old soul beast will inadvertently reveal the strong breath, this trait is for the sensitive souls. It is extremely shocking, not to mention the three goddesses of the sea **** that is more powerful than him. I am afraid that only the super-soul superhero who is as confident as the evil spirits will dare to compete with him.

Closed binocular, Xuan Tiangong with the flow of breathing, a layer of faint white light emerged from the body, forming a layer of bodyguards around the body, with the repair of Tang San, his body is more than suffocating Before the evil spirits released by the dark demon gods and tigers, but also the same. Enough to protect him in cultivation.

I found my own shortcomings, even if Tang San knows that his time is precious, it is inevitable to concentrate on thinking while resting. Think about what you should do. The first thing he thinks of is the situation that is similar to his own.

In this world, among the soul masters known to Tang San, only Bibi Dong and him are both possessed twin martial arts. He has played against Bibidong more than once. Her soul skills should be less than her own, even if it is less, it is less than 100,000 years of soul ring. Carefully recalling the use of soul skills when Bibidong fought himself, and thinking about his own insufficiency, Tang San gradually entered the state of entry.

The cultivation lasted for two hours. Although Tang San was eager to improve his own strength and solve his current problems, he knew that it is more important to achieve Poseidon as soon as possible. Time is precious! Especially in the martial arts city that I felt when I first entered the Star Forest.

However, his two hours were not spent in vain. After careful consideration, he found that Bibidong also faced similar problems with himself, but she handled it better. In particular, her ability to easily switch between two martial arts in the real state of Wu Shou is a great complement to the skills and coordination. If it weren’t for her own Poseidon trident that did have a strong repressive effect on her, the Purple Pole konjac took advantage of her dedication to make a contribution, and she could not beat her. In terms of the application of other skills, Bibidong did not seem to be able to exert his full strength when facing himself, which led to the failure.

Among these two hours, Tang San really only realized two words, connected. He didn't know if he could switch between the two martial arts like Bibidong after he had more than seven rings. But one thing is certain, the real solution to his current problem is the soul technique. The connection between.

With his current cultivation, the consumption of soul power on the soul is not small, but it is enough to insist on the continuous use of soul skills for a period of time, how to achieve the perfect connection of various soul skills, without any interruption, but also give Enemy's enough blow or control is the direction he currently needs to cultivate. This is of course not a way of cohesiveness. When it is possible to connect all the souls with ease, it is a real success.

Continue to advance into the Star Forest, while thinking about the connection between the soul and the technology, while continuing to explore the blue and silver field. His battle with the Dark Devils and Tigers has ended for some time, and the forest has returned to calm. Those powerful soul beasts are very clever, and they naturally know that human soul teachers must be their own soul force to reach the bottleneck when they need the soul ring, and only need one at a time. I have been getting the dark magic evil spirits tiger soul ring for a while, and I think it should be no longer so scary.

The blue and silver field is as close as possible to the blue silver grass in the forest. It does not reveal any fluctuations in the soul force, and carefully probes it. Looking for the fifth soul ring of his own hammer.

Sure enough, as Tang Sanxiang thought, after a probe of less than half an hour, he finally found a soul beast that suits him, and this discovery once again surprised him. Because, it turned out to be one of the most familiar soul beasts, the human face spider. Only through the exploration of the blue and silver field, the cold, evil atmosphere tells him the category of the soul beast.

For the Tang three, the human face demon spider can be said to be both happiness and pain. The first human face demon spider he encountered made him possess the precious treasure of the external soul bone eight spider spear. With the eight spider spears, Tang San often experienced unexpected battles when he experienced various battles. Winning. However, the human face devil also brought him extreme anger and pain. At that time, in the center of the Star Forest, if it was not the sudden appearance of a human face demon spider, it blocked the road he fled with the little dance. Will it be chased by the masters of the Wu Hun Temple, so that the little dance sacrifices to save themselves?

It is undeniable that the human face demon spider is definitely an extremely powerful soul beast. Whether it is strength, poison or its own skills, it is the nightmare of most soul beasts. In terms of quality, it may not be as dark as evil spirits, but for other soul beasts, its danger is no less than that of dark evil spirits. Once again, I found this soul beast. How could Tang San let it go? Do not say anything else, but the high-level human face devil may have nourishment of the eight spider spears that he will never give up.

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