MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 631 Total attack

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The 631th chapter of the total attack

On the other side of the Wuhun Empire, in addition to the leader of the Shenglong Legion who was killed by Tang Sanqiang, the original eight-headed Douro, who followed Beby’s side, was beaten by a small dance in the previous battle. The impact was on the beat of Bibidong, and he was killed. The snake spear is defeated by Yang invincible, and the slogan that was given to Bibidong’s spiritual power is also severely damaged by mental power. There are only five seals left in combat.

Seeing that Bibidong was hit by Tang San’s blow, he slammed on the wall and blew on the wall. The ignorant title was almost simultaneously slammed down. Two of them caught the body of Bibidong, and the other three were blocked. In front, in order to prevent Tang three pursuit. Seeing Tang Sanyuan, they can't help but feel a big sigh of relief. In today's World War I, this young man who looks very young, but who has been battling on the battlefield to bring them huge losses has left a deep shadow on the hearts of the top powers in these soul divisions. In particular, Tang San took back the trident of Poseidon, and they really did not want to fight with Tang San.

After the army of the Tiandou Empire returned to Wuli as usual, it stopped under the command of the Master and Marshal Goron, rearranging into a neat formation, and making ready for the second charge. At the time of ordering the retreat, the Golden Dragon has been reclassified into three masters. When Tang Sanchong rushed to the fortress, the master had ordered that the other six of Shrek’s seven strangers quickly greeted him and prepared to meet Tang San. Just in time to meet him back.

Converging with the partners, Tang San immediately extended his left hand and held the little dance. He whispered: "Give me some strength and take me back." After saying this, he barely took a deep breath and the whole person shook slightly. For a moment, scared the little dance and quickly put his soul into his body and supported him. At this time, the feeling of giving a little dance to Tang San is like being able to fall down at any time.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Tang San shook his head gently, "Go back and talk."

Shrek's seven strangers have been together for so many years, and it has long been a tacit understanding. Oscar immediately stuffed a large sausage and let Tang San eat it. The six people surrounded him in the middle and quickly returned to his camp.

At this time, Tang Jiajun has already moved. However, this time they are not attacking, but they are quickly cleaning the battlefield.

Tangmen’s smashing arrows, each of which is worthless, has only one hundred and twenty of their own supplies, plus forty-eight of the original squadrons. Sixty-eight, only they have to recover the arrow from the battlefield for secondary use. This is also an important reason why the Master and Marshal Goron did not lead the army to withdraw directly to the party. There was a deterrent in front of them, and the Wuhun Imperial Army on the side of Jialingguan did not dare to act rashly.

On the side of the Tiandou Empire, it can be seen that the situation in Tang San is somewhat wrong, at least it must be the strength of Contra and the master of Tang San. In the eyes of ordinary soldiers and even the soul teachers of the Soul Legion, only the return of the victory, the blue dragon king of the opponent, in their eyes, Tang San at this time has become synonymous with invincibility.

"Blue Dragon King, Chitose, Chitose, Thousand Years Old." The 200,000 army gave the Tang three heroes a general welcome. Every soldier raised his weapon in his hand and cheered for it.

The battle between the soul divisions in general can only be seen in the place of the big fighting soul field, and it is impossible to see the confrontation at the level of the title. In today's war, most ordinary warriors are the first to see this level of soul division battle. Tang San’s Trident of the Sea God left them with a deep impression. At this time, their shouts of the tsunami were not organized by anyone, and they were entirely from the heart. In their eyes, this young Blue Dragon King defeated the Emperor of the Wushen Empire, Bibi Dong, and a strongman of the Wuhun Empire, and led them to win this victory.

Heroes are often the most deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The morale of the entire empire of the Empire has risen to the peak. Before this battle, who can think of the Soul Empire Imperial Soul Corps will be so easily defeated? The eight heavy armored regiments of the Wuhun Empire finally lost more than 60% of Jialingguan, and at least 30,000 elite losses were in the previous battle. More importantly, the Wulong Empire, the sacred dragon regiment composed entirely of soul teachers, has not been beaten.

This is a perfect victory, no one has thought of the perfect victory, the number of people who have an absolute advantage in the Tiandou Empire with this war, almost oppressed against the Wuhun Empire. Not only the morale is low, but the generals who have come together are also cast a shadow. Even the loss of the Shenglong Legion has a feeling of gloating. After all, the position of the Soul Legion has always been embarrassing, and the relationship between the martial arts empire and the generals and soldiers who are used to it is tense.

Tang San has been supporting his teeth. The original trident of the sea **** Trident is as light as nothing, but it seems to be in the hands of the moment, but the soul of the soul is better. After Oscar's restoration of the big sausage, it was alleviated. His body was extremely powerful after all, but the spiritual overdraft was extremely painful, as if the whole brain seemed to be hollowed out. And this spiritual power he can only slowly recover.

Marshal Goron asked the master: "National division, we have to charge again. Now is the time when our morale is the highest and the enemy's morality is the lowest. Perhaps we can have a chance to rush into the city, even if we can't, we will consume us. Also fight."

Master said: "The strategy is of course the Marshal, but I personally think that it is not a good opportunity to charge. Although the morale of Jialingguan is low, the soldiers of the Wuhun Empire also know that the pass is broken. What, and most importantly, there is an elite soul corps in the Wuhun Empire behind the gate. Marshal, you must not be satisfied because we defeated the other soul division. Today, the soul division is really strong. Just now we saw them when we attacked them. And our six thousand soul divisions are far from being able to compare with any of the soul divisions of the Wuhun Empire. They are on the basis of danger, so that the power of our Tang Jiajun’s gods can’t be played. If you forcibly charge, I am afraid it will be a heavy loss."

The original arrogance of Marshal Goron has disappeared after this war. No matter the strength exhibited by the master and Tang San, or the power exerted by Tang Jiajun and the Soul Legion under the master's deployment, they have brought him a lot. Shocked.

After listening to the master's words, he thought for a moment and said, "Okay. We have a great victory in the first battle. It is really not adventurous. Come, pass me orders, and send gold to the army."

The Tiandou Empire army slowly retreated, and returned to the camp 50 miles away in an orderly manner. The avalanche personally ushered in. Although he did not understand why the previous army had to retreat, at this time, there was not much on the battlefield. What it means. It is not wise to question the coach before the battle.

When I returned to the camp, Tang San’s consciousness was stupid. Even how to enter the camp and return to his own camp was not clear. When the little dance helped him to lie down, he immediately fell into a drowsiness. Since the spiritual strength was upgraded to the vast level, especially in the realm of the title, this is the first time that Tang San’s overdraft was so serious. Even more than the father's meridians, the cost of helping the mother resurrection is even more serious.

The Shura magic light exhausted Tang San’s spiritual, mental and spiritual power.

Tang San’s sleep was a full three days. In the three days, every day the empire’s army was routinely fought, but Jialingguan was not closed, and after quickly repairing the damaged wall, let the Tiandou Empire He was yelling at the front, but he was not willing to play again.

Tang San’s overdraft is of course powerful. Bibidong’s injury is much heavier than him. Not only was he created by the Trident of Poseidon, but the most important thing was the light of Shura at the end of Tang San’s, which almost caused Bibidong to lose consciousness. After being robbed by five captains, he was always in a coma. There is already some confusion in Jialingguan. Fortunately, there are still five captains and the existence of the Angel Legion, and they can barely survive. But for the battle on the frontal battlefield, they obviously refused to go out again.

The Tiandou Empire also transferred to the siege equipment to test the siege, but the results were minimal and the losses were quite small. As the master said, when Tang Jiajun's hidden weapon could not exert its power, the Guanshi Soulist Corps joined the defending city lineup. Even if the Tiandou Empire had a million male divisions, it would be difficult to step aside.

Waking up from the drowsiness, what Tang San first saw was the black hair like a waterfall. The little dance was white, quietly lying beside him, sleeping very fragrant, her silky black hair was like It is the quilt that covers the body and outlines the perfect curve. Looking at her, Tang San’s heart was filled with tender emotions. The consumption of mental power has been restored almost. After Xuan Tiangong's success, he did not use his deliberate cultivation, and the soul power has basically recovered.

Quietly close to the body of the little dance, put her into his arms, feeling the feeling of fullness that accelerated his heartbeat, Tang San could not help but bow his head and kissed the red lips of the little dance. He loves her too much, even if it is just such a simple hug, the softest place in Tang San’s heart is constantly being touched.

The four lips meet, the little dance's petite first trembles gently, and then wakes up. When she opens her eyes and sees that it is Tang San, the hands that have been lifted and ready to be rejected are wrapped like water snakes. Tang San’s neck responded enthusiastically. The two slender thighs are directly entangled in the body of Tang San, like an octopus, and the whole person is closely attached to Tang San. The feeling of temptation almost instantly caused Tang San’s blood to boil completely.

Just when Tang Sanke couldn't help but sway the little hips of the little dance, when both of them had some feelings of difficulty, they heard a shouting voice outside. "Little dance, Xiaosan woke up?"

Upon hearing this voice, Tang San and Xiao Wu suddenly separated by electric shock, and the tent curtains picked up. Liu Erlong had already walked in from outside. Seeing the face-stricken Tang San and the pretty cheeky little dance, Liu Erlong suddenly showed an envious look. "Sorry, disturb your young couple."

"Mom--" The little dance shyly flew to the side of Liu Erlong, holding her arm and shaking it to cover up her shyness.

Liu Erlong laughed and said: "Don't shake it, shake me again, this old bone will be broken."

Tang San’s emotions have now recovered and smiled: “Mother, you are still young!”

Liu Erlong’s strange saying: “Let’s come down, since you wake up, my teacher and I will be relieved. You will raise it. The outside world is not in control, and the Wuhun Empire has now made a tortoise.”

Tang Sandao: "Mother, I still go check it out, my body is gone." As he said, he nodded apologetically to the little dance. The little dance came back with a gentle smile and took over the arm of Tang San. ,"I will go with you."

As a national teacher, the master is also the leader of the Tiandou Empire Soulmasters Corps. He also has a big account, which is devoted to discussing strategies with top soul teachers. When Tang Sanhe and Xiaowu came here under the leadership of Liu Erlong, the big account was very lively, and Shrek’s seven strangers were all able to attend. At the same time, there were also poisonous Du Luobo, who represented Tangmen’s Litangtang Titan. The seven treasures of the glazed patriarch, the deputy head of the soul division, Ning Fengzhi, the seven treasures of the glazed elders, the sword, the dust heart, the bones of Luo Guzhen. Shrek College Dean Flanders. Both are the top powerhouses in the soul of the Emperor.

The appearance of Tang San suddenly made everyone's face show a happy color. Duo Luo did not hide his emotions. He stood up and gave Tang a big hug. "Little monster, I know your vitality is better than 蟑螂Still stubborn. How about, all recovered."

Tang Sanhe smiled and said: "You are all old monsters, what can I do?"

The master nodded to Tang three. "Since the third is coming, let's attend, we will continue."

Because Tang San was a latecomer, although he was in a state of arrogance in the Tiandou Empire, he did not insist on sitting in front, just pulling a chair behind him and sitting next to Shrek’s seven strangers.

Although the master and Ning Feng caused two people to sit in the first place in the big account, but seeing the seven treasures of the glazed lord of the indifferent, Tang San could not help but sigh. After all, the matter of the year still left behind the sequelae. Ning Feng’s judgment was not wrong. He himself assumed the responsibility of reducing the life of the Snowy Night Emperor. Otherwise, whether in terms of qualifications or strength, it should be that he is sitting in the position of the national division. I want to come here. This is why Ning Fengzhi decided to pass the position of the Seven Treasures of the Seven Treasures to Ning Rongrong after the war. With the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Qiwei, it will inevitably improve the gap between the Qibao glazed sect and the Tiandou empire, not to mention even if the avalanche remembers the Qibao glazed sect, it will never dare to really do what the Qibao glazed sect. After all, the Qibao glazed sect It has a close relationship with Shrek College and Tangmen, and these three systems have propped up the entire Tiandou Empire. Therefore, the avalanche can only restrict the Qibao glazed sect from the power.

"Although our army won a great victory in the first battle, and invaded the Wushen Imperial Army and the Soul Division, the current situation is still very unfavorable for us."

The master continued his speech, perhaps because of the fact that he was a superior in recent years, and his stiff face was a bit more majestic than before.

"Our army looks like a million soldiers, and the momentum is magnificent. The oppressed Jialingguan Wushen Empire army does not dare to attack again. In fact, Jialingguan is far more dangerous than us. We must always guard against them at any time. The raids launched, and they have no such concerns at all. At the same time, the most important thing is that because our army is huge, the consumption of supplies is also astronomical. We can’t afford it, even though we have been preparing for these years. This can be dragged down for a long time, the logistics supply can not keep up, our army will not collapse without fighting. The Wuhun Empire looks like the number of troops is much less than ours, but with the Jialingguan natural danger, plus their huge The number of soul teachers, we want to break the barrier is difficult. Even if you want to fight against each other, it is not a simple matter. The Wuhun Empire has tens of thousands of soul teachers, but we only have thousands, if not the soul Teacher, then when we attack the city, our soldiers will consume extremely terrible. If we send out a soul teacher, we can’t afford it. Therefore, our situation is not optimistic. Marshal Goron has discussed it, and he believes that it is necessary to change this situation as soon as possible. Either find a good way to tackle the problem, or you can attract the Wushen Empire to go out and fight. What we are going to discuss at today’s meeting is how to do it. In order to get these two possibilities."

After listening to the master's words, almost everyone frowned. Jialingguan was like a seamless fortress. The city was so strong that there were a lot of soul divisions behind it as a defensive center. In this case, Tiandou Tang Jiajun, who used the empire to restrain the soul of the Wushen Empire, could not play the biggest role, effectively killing the soul of the opponent. The trouble they understand, the Wuhun Empire naturally understands. Now, the purpose of this risk-based plan is to drag the sky.

The plan made by Marshal Goron was originally a consumption of the Wuhun Empire, and it relied on a strong national strength to defeat the opponent. But after trying to use the army to launch attacks in the past few days, the results are completely different from what they planned. Because there are a large number of Wushen Empire soul guards in Jialingguan, and the strong ones are like Lin, the number of losses of the Tiandou Empire army during the siege is quite amazing. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are a lot of In the case of loss, the damage caused to the Wuhun Empire is almost negligible. This will undoubtedly break the original plan of Marshal Goron.

The siege device is nothing in front of the soul teacher, and it is almost the same as the loss of the warrior. Marshal Goron has proposed two days before the master to lead the soul division to assist the army. But it was vetoed by the master.

The master's explanation of the avalanche is very simple. If the Tiandou Empire has the same number of soul divisions as the Wuhun Empire, the auxiliary siege is of course no problem, just a result of the consumption. However, the contrast between the Tiandou Empire and the actual soul division of the Wuhun Empire is too great. If the auxiliary soul teacher attacks the city, as long as all the heavy martial arts of Jialingguan are launched to the Tiandou Empire soul division, it will definitely cause the Tiandou Empire Soul Division to lose. It’s a heavy one, and once it’s hurt, the war will not continue.

The avalanche agreed with the master's statement. The key is that he also hopes to wait for Tang San's body to recover and listen to Tang San's suggestion. In the first battle of the day, Tang San left a deep impression on everyone, and also brought a huge surprise to the Tiandi Empire.

The avalanche did not understand until then, why the father valued Tang San so much, and sealed it as the Blue Dragon King. In addition to Tangmen’s great role in the Tiandou Empire, Tang’s own development potential is also the most important. However, even if the Snowy Emperor resurrected, I am afraid I can't think of the potential of Tang San to be able to play out so quickly.

The master looked at Ning Fengzhi, "Ning Zongzhu, do you have any suggestions?"

Ning Feng made a slight smile, saying: "Small three body recovered, or listen to his advice. Heroes are young, now is the world of these young people."

After listening to the words of Ning Feng, the master’s stiff face could not help but reveal a smile. For him, Tang San is undoubtedly the greatest pride in his life. He is more glorious than he is now sitting in the position of the national division. . When I heard Ning Feng’s praise for Tang San, the master did not hide his happiness. For him without his descendants, Tang San is his child.

The master's gaze turned to Tang San, smiling: "Small three, then you can talk about it. Is there any good way?"

Tang San thought for a moment and said: "At present, I have two ways."

"Oh?" The crowd looked at Tang San's gaze and couldn't help but be amazed. They have been pondering over the past few days. There is no good idea. Tang San has just recovered, and he has not even asked what happened on the battlefield these days. Just tell them directly that there are two ways to solve the current problem.

Tang San stood up and said: "Teacher, Ning Zongzhu, seniors. Just now the teacher said it is right. It is absolutely unwise for us to launch a war from the front. Jialing Guanyi is difficult to attack and will bring us too much damage. Forcibly attacking, it is likely that this pass will become the general existence of the meat grinder. On the day of the war, Bibidong was seriously injured. According to my estimation, she will not appear again for at least half a month. On the battlefield, but she can give orders, I think, no matter what method we use to attract opponents, the Wuhun Empire army will not play easily. Among the two methods, the first method has certain The risk is that everyone is their own, we Shrek seven strange all seniors are also very clear, among our seven strange, my second brother Oscar, originally had a sausage monopoly title in Shrek College. Now He is already a food fiction with more than 80 grades. Among the many sausage martial arts he can make, the third soul ring is called the fast flying mushroom intestine. With the strength of Oscar, he is Manufacturing The flying mushroom intestines can give anyone a flight of ten minutes, and the flight speed is at least equal to that of the phoenix cockscomb of the previous year. It is already quite a horrible speed. After the mushroom intestines are made, it is effective within ten days. In ten days, my second brother, if with the help of everyone, should be able to create at least 20,000 flying mushroom intestines. If it works on our Tang Jiajun, everyone can be equipped with two. When the army attacks from the front If my Tang Jiajun suddenly takes off, it will inevitably have a miraculous effect against the enemy souls on the head of Jialingguan City from the air. The two flying mushroom intestines are enough for each Tang Jiajun soldier to fly into the air and launch the Zhuge God. Three times, back to the time in my army."

After listening to Tang San's words, the focus of everyone suddenly fell on Oscar, but also had a feeling of bright eyes. Tang San’s idea is undoubtedly bold and unconstrained, but if you think about it, in theory, it is very likely to be realized.

The master nodded and said: "This proposal is very good. If it is done properly, we will be able to give a surprise to the soul of the Wuhun Empire."

Tang Sandao: "But this method is risky. First of all, our Zhuge gods are shot into the city, it is very difficult to recover, three rounds of volley, the loss is 480,000 弩 arrows, more than all of us 弩 arrows One-fourth. Secondly, after we are promoted into the air, our Tang family will undoubtedly become the target of each other. Although the effective distance of Zhuge Shen is very far, as long as it is more than 60, the soul is good at long-range attacks. It is still very easy to bring them to the killing. Together with the defending giants, Tang Jiajun’s losses may be very large. Therefore, if this method is to be used, the ground attack of our army must be very rapid, as far as possible. It is best to put the soul division into it and launch a full-scale attack. Only in this way can our attack have the greatest effect. It also reduces losses as much as possible."

After listening to Tang San’s words, everyone could not help but nod. From now on, this is the best way they have heard.

However, Tang San quickly surprised them. "My second method is relatively stable. It is the strength of me to destroy the opponent's defense as much as possible."

"On that day, I should have seen the situation with Bibi East. With the trident of Poseidon, the thick wall of Jialingguan is not a big deal. As long as I give me enough time, I can even completely destroy their walls. My second method is to protect me from all of you here and attack Jialingguan City Wall at close range. I believe that I will destroy faster than they can. This will not only attract the other soul division. Attacking will also pave the way for our future total attack."

Having said that, Tang San paused and his eyes shined. "Of course, for us at present, the best way is to use these two methods at the same time. For us, it is a serious injury to Bidong. This is not a problem in itself. A good opportunity."

Silence, the whole big account is in a silence, everyone is thinking deeply, the brain is running fast, calculating various possibilities.

Tang San re-sit back to his position. His two ideas are not available now. He has already made full thoughts on the road before Jialing Pass. He can't do the war, but with his flexible mind, as a controllist, he can think of the best way to maximize the power of the soul.

After a period of nearly half a column of incense, the master suddenly stood up from his position and attracted all eyes. He looked at Tang San, "Small three, go, follow me to see you." Without asking, everyone also saw that after careful calculation, the master was completely touched by Tang San's suggestion.

Only Oscar suffered a bitter face and looked at Tang San with pity. Tang San laughed and said: "Little Austria, it seems that you are about to start preparing now. Rong Rong, you and Xiaoao together. Secret manufacturing, the sooner the better. Two thousand roots, one can not be less. Your actions The sooner we get, the sooner we can launch an attack. Without the existence of Bibi, we have the greatest chance."

Seven days later. Before the Jialing Pass, the battlefield that had been quiet for many days was once again bustling. This time, the Tiandou Empire million troops were almost all mobilized. The fastest light cavalry, solid heavy cavalry, heavy infantry, and a large number of infantry, all arrayed, slowly pushed forward. Although the number of troops is large, it is slowly and steadily pressed in a neat and orderly manner.

Jialing Guanchengtou, in place of Bibidong standing in the main position, is exactly Hullina. Hullina was also taken to death. After World War I, Bibidong was awake for seven days to wake up. After waking up, he immediately ordered that Hu Lina, who was responsible for all the supplies of the Wushen Empire, take over his position and defend. Hullina, who is the sorcerer of the Wuhun Temple in the predecessor of the Wuhun Empire, has a very high position in the soul division of the Wu Hun Temple. It is also a disciple of Bibidong, who lacks the enemy and defends the city.

At this time, Hullina stood on the top of the city, leading the five seals, and his face was dignified and gazed at the million males who gradually approached Jialingguan.

That is a million army! Although the battle has not yet begun, the invisible pressure generated by the million-strong army has given people a feeling of being difficult to breathe.

Bibidong and the two hard-hitting seals are not there. After all, not many people can have the resilience of Tang San, and they suffer more injuries than Tang. Bibidong's resilience is also very strong, but unfortunately, this time she was created by her own soul. Tang San’s blow gave her an extremely heavy blow, and the damage of the soul can only slowly recover with time. Tang San’s need for her recovery for half a month is already a conservative estimate. In fact, Bibidong, who was awake after seven days of coma, was once again in a coma after issuing a series of orders. It was only in the last two days that she had a certain improvement.

"The saints, don't worry. The Tiandou Empire is nothing but guilty. If they dare to attack, we will give them a solid lesson. The Angel Corps is ready, and the Shenglong Legion has lost a lot, but the rest They are also elite, and our total number of soul teachers is more than 14,000, which is more than twice that of the other."

It is a seal from Hullina. Listening to his words, Hullina shook his head slowly. "No, the Tiandou Empire should not only be intimidated this time. Please see, the special army that you mentioned earlier is ranked later, but they are very abundant. The murderous. If it is only a symbolic intimidation, this will never happen. Moreover, the army at the forefront of the Tiandou Empire gives me this feeling. It is very possible to pass me orders and prepare for the whole army. The Tiandou Empire was to launch the general attack before the teacher’s injury. At the same time, I ordered that the four suspension bridges be cut off. Prevent the Tiandou Empire from dispatching experts to forcibly lower the suspension bridge. The Shenglong Army is all on the city, and the Angels are in the city. .Ready to fight."


Like Tang San, Hullina, who has a field of killing gods, is murderous at this moment, showing her strong side in front of many generals and top soul teachers.

Read The Duke's Passion