MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 628 Azure Silence Thunder

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Chapter 268—Azure Silence Thunder

In the early morning, the blue sky is cloudless, the breeze and the ripples, a deep breath, the fresh air is refreshing.

The empire of the Tiandou empire, which is nearly a hundred miles long, is like a giant beast in the same 50-year-old outside Jialingguan. In the early morning, after breakfast, accompanied by thunderous drums, the army assembled.

One after another, the phalanx appears outside the battalion. Each huge phalanx is made up of 10,000 people, accompanied by a series of orders from the Central Army. The 100,000-day battle empire army moved forward slowly. It was a full ten heavy cavalry regiments, and it was also the heavy cavalry brought by the Tiandou Empire. This is the real steel master. They are not moving fast, but the overwhelming pressure of the earth has made the earth tremble.

Immediately behind the ten heavy armored regiments, it was the 4,000 soul masters assembled by the Tiandou Empire. They entered the battlefield with the presence of more than 12,000 Tang Jiajun.

From a distance, Tang Jiajun is nothing more than a light cavalry to protect them. Generally, on the battlefield, the light cavalry and the soul division cooperate to give full play to the advantages of speed.

After that, there were ten light cavalry regiments that ran out from both wings. In the first battle against the Wuhun Empire, on the side of the Tiandou Empire, all sent out were cavalry. Even those soul teachers have horse riding. The heavy cavalry is the main force, and the attack can be attacked.

Jialing closed, Bibidong sneered, "The Heavenly Empire is afraid. All are cavalry, although it is easy to advance and retreat, but it is a regular battle. Is it right for my Soulmasters, they can also play the advantage of the cavalry? , heavy cavalry, heavy infantry eight regiments in front of the array, the Holy Dragon Army, played."

There are four gates on the front of Jialingguan, which are opened almost at the same time. Four huge suspension bridges have a moat with a width of 50 meters in the sound of the slings. In the sound of the armor, a large number of heavy-loaded soldiers quickly emerged from the Jialing Pass.

However, from the point of view of the lineup, it is also the reloading of the Legion. These reloaded soldiers from Jialingguan are not as strict as the Tiandou Empire reloading the Knights.

First of all, because they are from different Principalities and kingdoms, the standard of armor is different. Compared with the black armor of the Tiandou Empire, there are at least a dozen colors on the armored armor of the Wuhun Empire. The speed of arranging the formation is also much slower. Apparently the adjustment within the Wuhun Empire has not yet been completed.

A total of four heavy cavalry regiments, four heavy infantry regiments, this is already the majority of the heavy armies in the entire Wuhun Empire, and the other side against the Stars of the Empire's offensive level because of the defense, and did not deploy the reloading legion Go ahead.

The 200,000-strong army of the Tiandou Empire stopped at a distance of 20 miles from Jialingguan. Ten heavy cavalry regiments were lined up, and the central government gave up a passage. In the guardianship of Tang Jiajun, it was actually six thousand. The surnamed soul teacher appeared in front of the array, but the more than two thousand soul teachers belonging to Tangmen were exactly the same as Tang Jiajun's costumes. The light cavalry was lined up by swallow wings on both sides, and the long bow was taken from the back, which turned out to be bow cavalry.

On the other hand, the eight regiments of the Wuhun Empire were directly in front of the gate, and then a 10,000-strong army galloped out of the customs. They didn't have a ride, they were running forward, but the speed was so fast that they didn't run out of the horse. The 10,000 people were lined up in front of Jialing Pass, all in one. There is a gold silk road decoration on the strong clothes. Behind a big banner, the wind is on display, with two golden characters on it, Shenglong.

The master and Tang San stood side by side, with them, and the Marshal Goron.

Marshal Goron waved his hand. "The army marches forward and the archers prepare. After entering the ten-mile range, cross-fire."

At the same time, Tang San also issued an order to Tang Jiajun. "Check the machine and get on the plane."

In the snoring, Tang Jiajun soldiers quietly took off the Zhuge **** behind him, laid flat on the saddle, and quickly checked, especially the arrowhead and the state of the machine. After the inspection is completed, immediately go to the machine.

A pole flag fluttered in the wind, behind them, the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire avalanche, and the 20-million-strong army of the protagonist pressed for them.

The distance between the two armies is constantly approaching. When there is still ten miles left between them, the light armored army is moving on the side of the Tiandou Empire. Ten light cavalry regiments were launched at the same time, and the horses rushed to the direction of Jialingguan.

On the side of the Wuhun Empire, the two reloaded infantry regiments closest to the Shenglong Legion quickly closed, blocking the front of the Shenglong Legion and blocking the giant shield in front of them.

Jialing closed, watching the 100,000 light cavalry rushing toward Jialingguan in an orderly manner, Bibidong could not help but frown. "Do these guys want to commit suicide?" Although she does not count on the study of military law. A lot, but also know what the light cavalry will hit the heavy cavalry and heavy infantry formation, especially in the case of the same number of sides, it is no different from suicide. Even if these light cavalry are to be attacked by bows and arrows, but they face, but heavily armed heavy cavalry, heavy infantry, bow and arrow have little effect, they do not need to act with their own Shenglong army.

Just when Bibidong was puzzled, the Tiandou Imperial Light Cavalry Corps had already rushed over. They suddenly turned away when they were still a little farther from the Wuhun Empire. Zhang bowed his arrows and screamed, countless arrows Shooting on the side of the Wushen Empire.

The vast majority are throwing, so the distance is enough, and their goal is 90,000 enemy troops, there is no need to aim. In the intentional action of the light cavalry, more arrows are thrown away in the direction of the Dragon Legion. The heavy infantry blocked the front, but the arrows that fell from the sky were not what they could resist.

After a round of shooting, the light cavalry never stopped, and the curved roads brought up the dust of the sky. With the speed of the horse, they slid directly from the side wings and went back to the side.

A round of volley, it is 100,000 arrows! The ten light cavalry regiments of the Tiandou Empire fully demonstrated their high quality in front of the Wuhun Empire. The 100,000-strong army rushed to shoot, but the formation was not in chaos. When they circled for a week and returned to their side, the Tiandou Empire army had already pushed forward five miles. Under the cover of the sky, as if they were ghosts, they teleported to their current position.

Bibi sighed in the heart and asked indifferently: "Can China's light cavalry have such a level?"

The generals of the light cavalry regiments standing behind him were all stunned, and no one dared to say anything.

"Don't you tell me that the Tiandou Empire has a loose sand and the army is slacking. Most of them are mainly empty-eaters? This is the army that carries. What are you?"

Seeing that the ten light cavalry corps squadrons and squadrons gave themselves a good Mawei, although they could not hurt the soul of the Shenglong Legion or their own reloading corps. But it is undoubtedly a huge blow to the morale of the Wuhun Empire. Bibidong understands that these years, not only is he forbearing, but also the Tiandou Empire is also forbearing. According to previous estimates, the Tiandou Imperial Army, but 600,000, and most of them have no actual combat capability. Can you see it now? In front of her, she is well trained and replenishes ample million teachers. The military power of the Tiandou Empire is not much worse than that of the Xingluo Empire.

"The order, the Holy Dragon Legion, the release of the soul ring, the offense." This is the first confrontation between the two sides, morale must be found back. Bibidong knows that the armies of those kingdoms and the Principality are not expected. What you really can rely on is your own soul teacher. As long as they can defeat the Tiandou Empire Soulmasters, the troops that are compiled are cheap.

The splendid brilliance instantly illuminates from the martial arts empire side, and the 10,000 soul teachers release the martial arts at the same time. It is absolutely a magnificent scene. The countless soul rings are flashing with four colors of white, yellow, purple and black, although Their army was just as uneven, but the sudden horror of the temperament made the breathing of the 200,000-strong army on the side of the Tiandou Empire.

The soldiers of course know what they mean to face the soul teacher. A high-level soul master can make hundreds of thousands of deaths. To deal with the soul teacher, only the soul teacher can do it.

Marshal Goron looked at the masters and Tang San, who were close to each other. "The next step is to see the two princes."

The master nodded and raised his right hand, "release the martial arts."

The 4,000 soul teachers surrounded by Tang Jiajun also released their own martial arts at the same time. Although the number is much less than their opponents, their movements are uniform and the color of the soul ring is not disorderly. Standing in the front row, all of them are the soul teachers of the Seventh Ring and the Eight Rings. Although they are not many in number, the soul ring on the body makes up for the lack of quantity. Behind them is the camp consisting of six rings, five rings, four rings, and three rings. Most soul teachers are between the three rings and the fifth ring.

The most striking thing is that the one hundred seven-treasure glazed towers that are lit at the same time, the dazzling treasures rush to the sky, they are located in the core position of the entire Soul Division, the treasures shine, the Qibao glazed sects are swaying In the distance, beside him, Jian Dou Luo, Bian Dou Luo, the two major seals are guarded on the side.

The one-hundred seven-year-old glazed glazed sons were all survivors of the year. Behind them, there were another hundred children of the Qibao glazed ancestors who had not released the martial arts. Looking at the opposing army of the Wuhun Empire, they only have the light of hatred.

At Jialing's Pass, Bibi Dong's fierce wave, the Holy Dragon Legion's 10,000 soul masters, and at the same time set off, and only Wu Hun Temple can train the soul division level. Therefore, although the army of the Wuhun Empire does not work, the Soul Legion is absolutely elite.

Min attack system soul teacher instantly circumvented from both sides, the strong attack system soul teacher, the defense system soul master top in front, the auxiliary system soul teacher applied various auxiliary effects to them in the rear, the control system soul teacher followed the strong attack system soul teacher, One soul skill is already in preparation. These soul divisions are divided into several groups according to the direction of cultivation. In front of the Shenglong Legion, hundreds of soul divisions are the holy dragons in the new seven major sects.

Each of the disciples of Shenglongzong is covered with a layer of white scales. The body is strong and thick. This is their martial arts white dragon. The white dragon is not a real dragon. It can only be said to be a close relative of the dragon. However, compared with the original Blue Power Tyrannosaurus family, there is still a big gap. But they are also dragons after all, and this Shenglongzong has a large number of masters under the careful cultivation of the Wuhun Temple. It is directly separated from the Wuhun Hall to form the Zongmen. It is one of the top three of the New Seven, and this Holy Dragon Army also It is in their name.

A group of soul teachers next to Shenglongzong, Shrek seven strangers are very familiar, in the elite competition of the Royal Society of Souls in the whole continent, they have fought with the soul of this department. That is the elephant armor known as defense and strength. Like the giant sects of the Jiazong, one martial arts was released. Under the leadership of the patriarch, Hu Yanzhen, he took a huge step and charged with the side of Shenglong. Undoubtedly, they are the mainstay of the Shenglong Legion. Although the two masters add up to less than 700 people, their fighting power is undoubtedly the strongest. Whether it is the white armor or the mammoth giant martial arts, it is most suitable for appearing on the battlefield. No heavy cavalry can stop their progress.

"The squad. The elders of Titan, the elders of the ox, you each have a thousand troops supporting the two wings. The rest of the soldiers, a long snake array." Tang San ordered.

Titan and Burdock each took a thousand Tang Jiajun soldiers to go quickly. The remaining 8,000 Tang Jiajun soldiers flew in a row, blocking the front of the Chinese army soul division, half of the horses, half of them immediately, and the hands of the increase The big version of Zhuge Shen.

Tang San’s cold road: “I can’t launch without my order. When I’m not there, the National Teacher’s Order will prevail.”

The two thousand disciples of Tangmen were guarded by Tang San, the master and the Marshal Goron. The front line was composed of a group of two members: the Royal Court and the Pharmacy Disciple. The remaining 2,000 soul teachers and more than 4,000 soul masters under the masters are waiting quietly.

"Old monsters, can you dare to kill me for a while?" Tang San shouted.

Haha smirked, the voice of Du Gubo came out from the group of soul teachers. "Why don't you dare. I can't do it alone in the title of Douro. If you want to say this group of wars, who would dare to say that it is better than me? Go."

Tang San turned to the master and said: "Teacher, this is handed over to you and Marshal Goron. The defense of these souls in front of the other side is too strong, it will affect the play of Zhuge, and let us break their frontal Defense. Let's go."

"Blue Dragon King, you..." Marshal Goron is trying to block, but Tang San has already taken the sea **** Trident to fly up. Behind him, Shrek’s seven strangers don’t need Tang’s greetings at the same time. Zhu Zhuqing took Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai took Oscar, and seven people joined a drug court, Yang invincible, and directly rushed out of his own camp.

At Jialing's Pass, Bibidong saw that there was only eight people on the side of the Tiandou Empire. She first stunned. Then, at a glance, she saw Tang San, who was at the forefront and holding the trident of Poseidon, suddenly yelling. "Not good. Elders, come with me." As she said, she also refused to regard herself as the emperor's esteem, suddenly vacated from the Jialing Pass, and the purple wings behind it suddenly unfolded and went straight to the bottom to glide away.

Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone growth ability has been raised to the limit, how fast Tang San started, and they are obviously close to the Shenglong Legion that rushed up, people are still in the air, Tang San's whole body stretches out, The right arm has the capacity to throw the Poseidon trident in the hand like a javelin. The target is directly pointing to the front, which has been transformed into a giant mammoth.

At the same time, a circle of scarlet white light was scattered from the foot of Tang San, and the eight people who rushed out of the party and the poisonous Du Luobo who came together from the side were completely covered. It is the field of killing God that opens.

Hu Yanzhen faced the huge sea **** Trident with no soul fluctuations in Tang San, haha ​​smiled, not only did not mean to evade, but suddenly greeted, the whole body exudes a strong khaki light, directly hit the upside . On the defensive power, like the mammoth's mammoth martial arts, I am afraid that it is second only to the pure defense of the Imperial Court plate. Although he has not yet reached the title of Douro, but when it comes to defense, most of the titles are not comparable to him. It seems that even a long sway that has no fluctuation in soul power has not caused the attention of Hu Yanzhen.

"Don't harden it." Bibidong's voice came from behind. However, her voice still came a little late.

At the heart of Tang Sanmei, a golden light suddenly caught up with the trident of the sea **** in the air and directly penetrated into the heart of the sea god. Just for a moment, the Poseidon trident suddenly turned into a golden body, and the dazzling golden light became the focus of the audience in an instant.


The main blade of the Poseidon trident directly penetrated into the mammoth's head. The strong golden light that erupted at that moment caused the Xiangzong disciples around Hu Yanzhen to be delayed at the same time.

The mammoth defense is really amazing. Even a powerful artifact such as the Poseidon Trident does not penetrate the body of the celestial hustle, but even if it is, it is full of nearly half body immersed in the body of its martial arts. in. The weight of the terror of tens of thousands of kilograms, the instantaneous pressure of the exhalation of the four limbs at the same time separated, slammed down to the ground, seeing is not alive.

The soul power is as high as eighty-nine, and it is about to hit the title of the Douro level. One of the new seven masters of the Soul Division, with the defensively known Tianxiang Hu Yanzhen, is so beaten by Tang San.

Not only is the breath of the Shenglong Legion stagnation, but even the Tiandou Empire, Marshal Goron can not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, he is known to him, and he himself is also a defensive martial artist. Seeing that Hu Yanzhen was attacked by Tang San without using Wu Hun, he realized at this moment that why in the big army account, Tang San’s position can be ranked in front of himself and even more For the emperor. It seems that only young people in their early twenties are so strong.

With the arrival of the Trident of the Sea God at the same time, there is also the killing of the sky. After the soul is raised to the 90th level, Tang San’s field of killing God is undoubtedly elevated to the highest level. The horrible murder, almost all of a sudden swept the face of all the souls like Azong and Shenglongzong.

"Into the line, in order to prevent the collective group of spirits." Tang San screamed, between the body flashing, has rushed to the body of the image of Hu Yanzhen, the right hand waved, pulled out the sea **** Trident, at this time He also released his own martial arts.

Without any cover, Tang San, under the golden light of the Trident of Poseidon, suddenly presented his five black and red, horrible nine soul rings in front of all the soul teachers. The visual impact of that moment brought to the Shenglong Legion was an invincible image, and the one brought to the Tiandou Empire was extremely shocked and ecstatic. Even if it is a calm master, at this moment, I can't help but exclaim.

Boom--Tang San’s hands in the hands of the sea **** Trident, a direct release of the martial arts disciple who also released the soul of the martial arts, the huge body crashed into the back of the soul division, suddenly brought a panic, At the same time, after borrowing the force, the left foot was red and bloomed, turning into a giant axe, and instantly unveiled the body of two like a disciple.

Bibidong’s spiritual pressure has come. Tang San knows that his time is running out. He must release his attack power as much as possible before the arrival of Bibidong to kill the enemy.

At this time, not only the sorcerer of the sorcerer in the wrath, but also some of the masters of Shenglongzong also rushed toward Tang San, the first soul of the white giant dragon, which spurted directly toward Tang San. A white breath, the soul ring of this soul teacher, is nine.

Tang San did not use his own group attack skills. In the face of so many defensive powers, even if he is the title of the Douro level, even if he has a soul ring of 100,000 years, he can only use a wide range of attacks. These soul teachers were injured and not seriously injured. It is better to break a piece of it, and it is closer than the smell of Bidong. Tang San knows that he has the opportunity to make this last blow.

With a bang, a huge Qinglong virtual shadow emerged from the back of Tang San. His right arm turned into a cyan in an instant, and even the trident of the sea **** with the golden hand in his hand was turned into cyan. Since he got the Trident of Poseidon, this artifact has only two colors, black and gold, but at this moment, it shows another color, why not be surprised?

At this time, the three colors of light fell from the back to Tang San, which is the increase of soul power, the increase of attack and the increase of attributes. It is the support of Ning Rongrong.

Along with the sound of the dragons and screams, the thunder and thunder roared, and a dragon-shaped blue thunder came out from the central blade of the sea **** Trident.

Boom, the breath of the white armor dragon spit is also the eighth soul skill, but in this cyan dragon-shaped thunder, but even a little blocking role has not played. When the dragon screamed, the scales of all the sacred disciples of the sacred dragons were picked up at almost the same time, which was the result of the pressure of the superiors. Even the strongman who is the title of Douro is also suppressed.

A slamming sound, the blue dragon-shaped lightning disappeared silently, and disappeared into the body of the white dragon. Only for a moment, the body of the white armor dragon was completely rendered into cyan, and the next moment, under the gust of the wind, turned into a piece of gray and quietly dispersed. There is no point left in the bones.

Seeing the power of this attack has reached such a degree, Tang San can not help but be shocked, looked back at Ning Rongrong behind him, he knows that his own strike is strong, but if there is no Ning Rongrong that is up to 100% The effect of the increase of 90, it is absolutely impossible to kill this title. After all, the soul of 100,000 years is not enough to kill the same level of souls.

The blue dragon line that was used by Tang San was the second skill of his right-handed soul bone on the day of the Qing dynasty. Single attacking soul skills. The attack was made by the Trident of the Poseidon, which not only doubled the power of the Thunder, but also saved 30% of the soul of Tang San.

The real artifacts are simple. Tang San has been digesting the information that Poseidon Trident branded in his mind every day, and he is trying his best to cultivate his trident every day. Although the Poseidon trident is powerful, as long as the opponent is familiar with its characteristics, the power that it can exert in the actual battle will inevitably be greatly reduced. Only by letting it fully integrate with its own soul skills, this artifact can play all utility.

From the time of the battle to the present, Tang’s total time is only ten times of breathing, but he has already killed the Xiangzong’s patriarch, Hu Yanzhen, and the only one who died just under the thunder and the thunder. A titled Douro, the sacred lord of the Holy Dragon, Shenglong Tuoqi. At the same time, these two men are also the heads of the deputy army of the Shenglong Army. Even Tang San did not think that he had completed the decapitation action under his full efforts.

This is also why Bibidong had not shouted when he saw Tang San’s shot, but he was forced to join the battlefield immediately. The role that a real powerhouse can play on the battlefield is unimaginable.

However, at this time, the crisis of Tang San came at the same time. Suddenly at the foot, Tang San felt that the body was instantly restrained by an invisible energy. Then, numerous purple-black spikes suddenly emerged from his feet. Want to penetrate his body. The Queen of the Wuhun Empire, Bibidong, finally arrived.

At the same time as Tang III entered the battle, Shrek’s seven strangers were not idle. Dai Mubai rushed into the formation of the other side with a strong posture. His auxiliary skills were simultaneously applied, and the white tiger was solved. Two elephants have been solved. Master of the 60th level or above. Ma Hongjun first released a phoenix meteor shower and landed behind the Shenglong Legion. Then, a phoenix wears a cloud to burn and destroy a martial art. At the same time entered the battle state.

Oscar ate a copy of the image of the intestines made with Dai Mubai blood, and at the same time turned out the avatar. The little dance lightly twisted the neck of a white dragon.

The strength of their individual may not reach this level, but don't forget that behind them, there is the existence of the world's first assistant soul teacher Ning Rongrong. Under her 90% increase, there is no doubt that each of Shrek's seven monsters now has the title of Douro's strength.

Yang's invincible soul-breaking gun is also tyrannical. Whether it is mammoth or white armor, their defense can't stop Yang's invincible soul gun. On the number of killings, he is the most. The strongest attack plus the strongest help, the horror of destructive power, is amazing.

The solitary yin and yin appeared behind them, and the body of the phoenix serpent was present. The poisonous spread in the spit, and even the earth was covered with emerald color at this moment.

Boom -, the sea **** Trident's handle slammed the ground, so that all the raised ground thorns turned into powder, Tang San also used this to vacate, the blue silver emperor instantly disappeared, accompanied by red, black, black three The soul of the soul ring suddenly appeared in his left hand. Without any pauses, Haotian Hammer has already risen, a huge shock wave mixed with yellow and black rays, and went straight to the air and turned into the death of the spider king Bibidong.

Bibidong had already moved his true anger at this time, and the crust of the chest was condensed, and the hands with the claws were cut out at the same time. Numerous purple-black front blades formed a strange shield in front of him, which blocked Tang in a hard way. Three attacks. However, Bibi Dong himself felt that his body sank and went straight to the ground.

Tang San snorted, the body swayed in the air, turned over, the Poseidon trident smashed a mammoth spine, and then retreated more than ten steps to stand.

Although he is already at the 93rd level, although he is using the Titanic 猿 释放 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可Just as he had completely suppressed the soul divisions of the Dragon Legion before, Bibidong’s soul power also produced a total suppression effect on him.

The Soulmasters of Wuhun Temple are not savvy. After a brief battle, they see Bibidong leading a type of Douro, quickly split into two batches, and wander from both sides, while also giving the title of the party There is room for battle.

Bibi East brought a total of eight titles, and on the other side of Tang San, although he is also eight people, but Ning Rongrong is the assistant soul teacher. With her help, the partners can play the strength of the title. Undoubtedly, from the perspective of strength comparison, the strongest of Wuhun Temple completely suppressed the Tiandou Empire. This is still not considered in the case of Shrek's seven blame, except for Tang San, the other people's title is not sustainable.

The seven names of the Wuhun Empire were found in Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiaowu, Zhu Zhuqing, Yang Wudi and Du Gubo. One more person, taking Ning Rongrong directly. They naturally can see that Ning Rongrong played a key role in this battle. As long as she kills her, the Tiandou Empire will instantly collapse.

"Don't care for me." Ning Rongrong shouted. The auxiliary light is not reduced at all. The soul power is as high as eighty-three. At the same time, she is assisted by eight people. Apart from the small dance, the other seven people have withstood their opponents.

Even a small dance, there is no problem in a short time, although she can not beat the opponent of the title of the Douro level, but with the help of Ning Rongrong, coupled with her instant transfer and invincible golden body, turned into a Only a light rabbit, self-protection in a short time.

Yang Invincible and Du Gubo are all old rivals. Yang’s invincible ushered in is the snake spear, and the solitary singer is the one that restrains his poisonous fangs.

The so-called enemies meet each other and the eyes are red. After the last time the porpoises were hit hard, they will be raised for a year to restore their original strength. At this time, they will see Duobo, and if they don’t say anything, they will launch the attack directly. Quickly swallowed the poison of the release of Du Gubo.

In the face of such an opponent, Du Gubo is also very helpless. His poison has just spread to a dozen of the likes of Jia Zong and Sheng Longzong disciples, and has not yet had full power. Then I met this guy who restrained her own martial arts. The Phosphorus Snake Emperor shines and hits the other side directly.

The one who attacked Ning Rongrong was a Min attacking number, and he was known for his speed and attack. The Wuhun was a black-skinned leopard. After the avatar martial arts real body speed growth, just left a faint black afterimage in the air, it is necessary to reach Ning Rongrong.

But at this time, the eighth soul ring on Ning Rongrong Jiubao Glass Tower quietly shines, and the black brilliance flashes without it. In an instant, the dazzling Jiubao glass tower instantly shines, and countless colorful lights condense. The Jiubao glass tower suddenly expands, but the light flashes. The ghost leopard blows it and hits the wall. The body turned over and back.

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