MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 625 Tiandou army

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Chapter 626

The appearance of the avalanche of the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire suddenly attracted the attention of everyone. When a soul teacher prayed to him at the same time, he took off the gold helmet on his head and went to Tang Sanyi. Respectfully called a teacher.

You know, this is a million avalanches. As an emperor's avalanche, when so many people bowed to Tang San, the shock caused by it was shocked by everyone. Whether they know or know Tang San's soul teachers, they can't help but laugh. The young people who came suddenly came to the fore.

At the same time as the avalanche ceremony, Tang San also went on. He certainly did not salute the avalanche, but worshipped the master who followed the avalanche. Also called a teacher.

The scene looks a bit strange, only those who know the situation of Tang San understand what is going on.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to pay more." After Tang San’s salute to the master, he turned sideways and was treated as an avalanche. He also greeted him and helped him.

From the avalanche's eyes, Tang San clearly saw the excited look.

"One day is a teacher, life is a father, teacher, this is what I should do." Avalanche clasped the hands of Tang San, respectfully said.

Tang San smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty is now the king of a country, and it is the commander of this million-strong army. It must not be like this anymore."

The avalanche haha ​​smiled and said: "Teacher, I really didn't expect you to come in time. It seems that God is helping me."

Tang Sandao: "I don't understand when I bring troops to fight, but Tang San will come here and I will go all out to help my subordinates."

The avalanche nodded to Tang three times, his eyes turned to everyone around him, and suddenly shouted loudly: "The order of the Tiandou Empire."

"Long live your majesty." Suddenly, the sound of the waves and waves echoed, whether it was a soul teacher, a soldier, or a general, all stumbled on one knee. The only one who has not left behind is the Tang and the masters.

In the eyes of the avalanche, the temperament of the graceful king is full. "Today, my teacher, the Tang dynasty, the lord of the Tang Dynasty, returned to the Tang Dynasty. The future of the teacher, that is, my order, the teacher's arrival, if you come."

"Yes. Long live the majesty, the blue dragon king is a thousand years old."

Listening to the shouts of the millions of male teachers, even those who are so calm and steady, such as Tang San, can not help but be excited, the sound of the sound is heard through the sky, "Heaven - fighting - must - win -."

This shouting is full of incomparable tyranny, and Tang Sangao lifts up the trident of the sea **** in the hands. With the injection of the light of the sea god, a golden light rises into the sky, even in the day, it also makes each The soldiers can clearly see the sacred golden light column.

"Heaven - fighting - must - win -." The roar sounded through every corner of the army, and the sounds were still inexhaustible for dozens of times. The momentum of the army suddenly rose to an unprecedented height.

The avalanche looked at the golden trident in the hands of Tang San’s hand, which made him unable to produce surrender. He could not help but admire him. He respected Tang San, besides being grateful, more because Tangmen was for the whole day. The importance of fighting the empire. He also knows that Tang San is a genius, but after all, he is a genius of the younger generation. In his impression, he is not really strong. But Tang San’s voice shouted, but it could drive the response of the million-strong army, and the breath that was exposed in his moment, but he was shocked by the avalanche that had seen many powerful people. In the vagueness, he already felt Tang’s Powerful is not inferior to those of the older generation.

"Teacher, thank you." The avalanche said sincerely.

Tang San smiled and said: "When I help my majesty sweep the martial arts empire, it is not too late to thank you." Now, he is not the former Tang San, with strong strength as a backing, so that Tang San brings a strong sense in the discourse. confidence.

The avalanche smiled: "Teacher, how do you be my deputy?"

Tang San shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, the army is fighting, I really don't understand. I think, I will help you defend against the strong soul of the other side. I will help you to command Tang Jiajun. Meet the soul of the Wuhun Empire. When I was in the division, I was confronted by the teacher and the teacher. As much as possible, they were not allowed to interfere with the main battlefield."

"Little three..." The master brows slightly and looks at Tang San. The Soulmasters of the Wuhun Empire are so powerful. Although Tang San is an emperor, his promises make the master feel uncomfortable. After all, if you can't do it after the promise, it will be a major loss for the entire army. That is what no one can afford.

Avalanche looked at the master, and then looked at Tang San, Shen Sheng: "Teacher, this time I came to the army to come, is to hold the Ning for the jade and not the full mentality, facing the soul of the Wuhun Temple When the legion, the enemy can be enemies, not enemies, and we still have the army as the backing."

Tang Sandao: "Your Majesty, on the way, I have been calculating the strength of the Wuhun Empire. According to various indications in the past, the total number of soul teachers in the Wuhun Empire should be between 60,000 and 70,000. It can be said that We are ten times. However, they can invest in the battlefield, and the maximum is 50,000. After all, the combat power of the soul division below the 30th level is basically useless on the battlefield. Wuhun Temple can take out 50,000 30 The above-mentioned soul divisions have become quite difficult to fight. They must leave at least five thousand soul divisions as reserve forces, and the five thousand soul divisions guard the major cities that are dominated by Wuhuncheng. Really invested in us and Xingluo. The soul teacher in the battle of the Imperial Army should be about 40,000. This time, the power of the whole country should come down with the power of the whole country. It should be discussed with the Xingluo Empire. The overall strength of the Xingluo Empire is not under us, it will definitely The South has a tendency to attack the Wuhun Temple. In this way, the Soulmasters of the Wuhun Empire will undoubtedly be halved again. We must face about 20,000 enemies. Of course, even so, in the Soul Division. Contrast, Our hand is still three to four times, is still overwhelming. "

Listening to the analysis of Tang San, the avalanche nodded and agreed.

Tang San continued: "At present, among our 6,000 soul teachers, the teacher should be led by about 4,000, and there are 2,300 soul teachers of my Tangmen. Together with Tang Jiajun equipped with Tangmen hidden weapon. I am sure that at least facing the 20,000 souls of the Wu Hun Temple, at least against their attacks."

Master said: "Small three, I also calculated the strength of the two sides. You are right, if the other 20,000 soul teachers are ordinary soul teachers, we can really resist. But don't forget, Wuhun Dianqiang There are many people, and Bibi is unfathomable. There is also a peerless Douro who has strength in the ninety-ninth class and is likely to appear on the battlefield. You should understand that this kind of anti-sky power can be produced in the war. The horror and lethality. Moreover, the total number of the number of Douros owned by the Wuhun Empire is likely to be close to 20, but we currently only have poisonous Luo, Jiandou, and Dou Luo, even if I add Flanders and II. The martial arts fusion technique used by the dragon is equivalent to four titles. It faces at least ten titles, and may face the existence of the peerless Doro. Once the other top players are 闯Into our soul division, then the situation will change immediately. At the same time, the Wuhun Temple is prepared for many years, and its Contra and Soul-level masters are more than ten times ours. Have you ever calculated?"

This is a war that is a matter of life and death. Although the master did not see Tang San in five years, he was extremely missed in his heart. At this time, goodbye is even more ecstatic. I can hear that Tang San seems to have some rash promises, or bluntly express his own thoughts.

Tang San was indulged for a moment, and a very light blue light shrouded him, the master and the avalanche, and isolated the voice of the outside world. Then he only said a word, so that the color of doubt on the master's face disappeared, and the avalanche also revealed the color of the realization.

The avalanche returned to the Chinese army in the midst of a group of guards, but the master stayed. He does not always follow the avalanche, and more often he is here to command the army of the soul division.

No one came to bother them, the master whispered: "Small three, are you really sure?"

Tang Sandao: "As long as it is not on the battlefield than Bidong and the peerless Taoist stream, I am sure to resist the 20,000 Wuhun Empire Soulmasters. One more thing, I have not had time to tell you, I came from Yu Tianzong, and Tian Tianzong has decided to return to the mainland. Naturally, I want to join the Tiandou Empire. To tell the truth, this empire is coming out of the nest, and there is some emptiness in the back. I am going to ask the disciples of Mintang to send it. Tianzong. Tell Dabo, leaving five seals to lead most of the sects to guard Tiandou City. Then send two titles to fight and lead the 100 sects to come to the support. My father may be one of these two. The addition of this power will undoubtedly ease the gap between our soul sorcerer and the Wuhun empire. I didn’t say this to the avalanche just now, even if I left a card, otherwise I would not say so sure. ""

The master relieved: "This is fine. However, the sentence you just said has already increased the confidence of the avalanche. In this battle, in fact, he was forced to send troops. The situation is forced."

Tang nodded three times and said: "So, I must strengthen his confidence. As the king of a country, the commander of the army, if he does not have the belief that he must win, then how can we win this war? I didn't exaggerate. We Shrek's seven strangers are indeed enough to be equivalent to seven titles."

This is what the previous Tang San said to the master and the avalanche. Shrek's seven strange, on the battlefield, is equivalent to seven titles.

In this way, the Tiandou Empire side is equivalent to having more than ten titles of the Douro class.

The master sighed and said: "Small three, you have to remember that compared with destroying the Wuhun Empire, I don't want you to be in any danger. Yes, Rongrong's soul power reaches 80, and it is the most beautiful of the Seven Treasures. Strong assistant system soul teacher, can also be said to be the world's first auxiliary system soul teacher. With her, you can really enter the title of Douro's realm, but with her alone to support you six people, after all, can not last long. Compared with the real seven titles, there is still a gap. You must bear in mind that the battlefield is not the game field, one is not good, there is a danger of life. Your life is the most important."

"Teacher, I..." is preparing to tell the master in Tang San that he has really become the title of Douro, but he was interrupted.

"Little monster, you guys are back. Hahahaha." In the hearty laughter, the poisonous Luo Luo Duobo did not know where to drill out. Come to the master, Tang San. It just happened to stop Tang San’s words.

Du Gubo still looks so insane. In five years, he has not left any traces on him. Regardless of the master still around, I gave Tang a big hug when I came up.

"Old monsters, you are still the same! You can lightly, lightly..." Feel the emotions of the solitary Bo Hao, and Tang San could not help but feel a warmth. Forced back to hug him twice.

As soon as I saw Duobo, the Tangmen Four Church Masters and Shrek Six Monsters and others all gathered together. I asked about the past five years of Tang San. For the trip to Poseidon Island, Dai Mubai, who came back first, did not say much, only said that after five years of hard work, they increased their strength. This is what Tang Sanzheng has. After all, the mysterious place of Poseidon Island, it is best not to spread too much.

Under the crowd of people, Tang San simply tells the story of this trip to the sea **** island, but more about the understanding of the sea soul teacher, and the sea of ​​fear. As for the process of the resurrection of the little dance, there is nothing to say. This is related to the secret of him and the little dance, although these people can be trusted in front of them, but Tang San did not say anything in order not to touch the sadness of the little dance. However, he did not conceal the matter of Tian Tianzong and said it. At the same time, he also comforted the four elders and said his words to Tylenol again.

Titan sighed and said: "It has been more than 20 years. Although we had a lot of memories for the Tianzong, we also got a lot of benefits from the Tian Tianzong. Let the past pass. As long as the lord does not let It is not a big deal for us to merge with Yu Tianzong and fight side by side."

Tang San looked at the invincible Yang with the deepest hatred of Yu Tianzong, but I know that Yang’s invincible eyes always look above the trident of the sea **** in Tang San, and it seems that he does not care about the things of Tianzong.

Bai Hehe smiled and said: "Sovereign, you don't have to worry about the old goat. In the past five years, we all can live together. He doesn't know how happy. The past things have passed, but he still has the heart but still. The old orangutan is right. As long as we don’t let us go back to Tianzong, the past will be forgotten. It’s important to deal with the Wuhun Temple. The priorities of the old guys are clear.”

Tang Sanhe smiled and said: "Thank you for the four elders. I haven't come back in five years. The elders of Titan, how are we in Tangmen? What's the situation with Tang Jiajun? Please tell me about it."

The Titan didn't speak yet, but Yang was invincible but suddenly spoke. "The lord, where did you come from?" When I saw it, there was a feeling of horror. Even the soul became unstable. The gun even has a feeling that I don't want to be released by me."

"This is normal. My seven-killing sword is also breathless by the trident." Jiandou Luo Chenxin just disappeared after he came to the army in Tang San. At this time, he has returned and joined him. Back, there are also the bones of Luo Guzhen and the seven treasures of the glazed patriarch, Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi seems to be a bit old and the two are already white. Obviously, he has not been easy in the past five years.

"Uncle Ning." Tang San quickly rushed to see the ceremony, although he is now the master of one, but when Ning Feng gave him help, he never forgot.

Ning Feng gave a slight smile and immediately returned to the ceremony, saying: "Tang Zongzhu, this is not the case. Speaking of it, the speed at which you young people grow up really surprised me. However, you have grown up, and we are all old. Luo Mainland is the world of young people like you."

Tang San smiled: "Uncle Ning is in his prime, how can he be old?"

Ning Feng made a laugh and said: "Well, don't say this. Just listened to the uncle of the dust, saying, you have a weapon that can't match even his seven-killing sword. I am also very interested. You don't introduce it to everyone. What?"

Looking around everyone for a week, can stand here, no partner or elder who can be trusted, Tang San does not conceal the meaning, put the trident of the sea **** in his hand on the ground, said: "Poseidon trident, weighing 100,000 jin."

In a simple sentence, it makes everyone feel like a rock-shattering, ten thousand and eight kilograms. What kind of concept is that?

In the eyes of Jian Dou Luo, there is a thoughtful look. "No wonder, no wonder. Congratulations, Tang Zongzhu. With this fetish, it is our absolute weapon against the Wuhun Temple."

Ning Fengzhi also nodded to Tang three, saying: "Tang Zongzhu, after the end of this war, I have to ask you for someone. Xiaoao you can take it away, but our family Rongrong you have to return it to me. I want her to take over my position."

"Dad." Ning Rongrong exclaimed and rushed to his father. "You still have a good spring and autumn, why should you pass it to me?"

Ning Feng touched her daughter's head, and her eyes showed a bit of pride. Hehe smiled and said: "Because, only you took over the position of Dad, we can officially change its name to Jiubao glazed ancestors! If you are able to live, you have already surpassed your father. Dad believes that under your leadership, our Qibao Liuli will definitely rebuild the glory."

Tang Sanyi first said: "Uncle Ning, this is of course. Rongrong is always the person of the Seven Treasures."

Ning Feng said: "The army will continue to open, I have to go back. Xiaosan, the key point of this war is to look at your Tangmen. Uncle believes that you will definitely bring a big martial arts empire. Surprise."

Ning Fengzhi left with two titles, and everyone else returned to their posts. When the army reopened, Tang San led Shrek’s seven strangers to follow Tang’s four church owners and came to Tang Jiajun’s position among the million teachers. .

On the left side of the Avalanche Central Army, Tang Jiajun became a soldier and his equipment was different from other legions. When Tang San saw the costumes of ordinary soldiers of Tang Jiajun, he could not help but sigh at the cost of the special army of the Tiandou Empire.

The soldiers of Tang Jiajun are not wearing metal armor, but leather armor. This leather armor is not the kind of scorn that only protects important parts of the body. It is to protect the whole body of rhino skin. Its value is still above the metal armor. Not only is the defense strong, but the weight is very light and does not affect the action.

All Tang Jiajun soldiers are young warriors between the ages of 20 and 30. Each of them carries a large Zhuge God machine that is two feet long and one foot wide. Tang Sanyi saw that the material of this machine was only steel, but it was not made of iron. The doubts in his heart were suddenly explained. He couldn't figure out why, in just five years, Tangmen could create 10,000 sets of Zhuge gods. Now, the answer has been revealed. At the expense of increased volume and weight, the material requirements of the machine are reduced.

In addition to this amnesty, each Tang Jiajun soldier is also equipped with a four-foot-long steel sword. The leather armor of the body carries at least one hundred and twenty long six inches in the skin of the body.弩 arrow. Although these arrows are not all made of iron, the arrows are all iron. Tang San slightly calculated and found that the power of this large Zhuge god, should not be weakened. Equipped in the army, it is more appropriate.

Every Tang Jiajun soldier is equipped with a high-headed horse. The value of their equipment is definitely above the heavy cavalry. This is still the case without counting the gods of Zhuge. It can be seen that the Emperor of the Heavenly Empire is full of expectations for this special army.

The four church owners came to Tang San, Titan said: "This Tang Jiajun was established after the avalanche of the avalanche three years ago. It was composed of young elites from various military forces. After three years of Training, practical ability is already very strong. It is enough to be applied on the battlefield. Their training is carried out in secret locations, and it is absolutely confidential. Everyone carries Zhuge Shen, and one hundred and sixty arrows, except for the plane. In addition to the forty, the remaining one hundred and twenty carry. The Zhuge gods they are now equipped with are designed and improved by me. The master should also see it, sacrificing volume and weight, reducing casting difficulty and material requirements. Power is not diminished. It is used exclusively in the military, no problem."

Tang nodded three times and said: "In addition to this 10,000 people, who else is equipped with our Tangmen hidden weapon?"

Titan said: "At the beginning of our casting, the first supply was the Qibao glazed sect. Of course, the Qibao glazed sect, we supply the best hidden weapon, and it is a full set of configuration. Only the Qibao glazed sect is only equipped with disciples. Then It is our Tangmen itself. This time, we have a total of 2,300 soul teachers in Tangmen. Among them, Mintang, Yaotang and Yutang are two hundred people, and the rest is the young soul teacher who joined Zongmen. Litang disciple stayed in the Zongmen and continued to cast the hidden weapon supply. There were also about 500 young and old people staying in the Zongmen. Now the total number of Zongmen has reached 3,000. The disciple of this time we played They are all equipped with a full set of hidden weapons, just like the Qibao glazed sect. There are also 300 pieces of Zhuge oracles with special 弩 arrows. Among them, they are mainly broken armor and thunder rockets. The attack power is at least 100% higher than the ordinary Zhuge oracle. More than 50 points."

Tang Sandao: "What is the average level of the soul teacher on our side?"

Titan said: "The average is about 40. After all, they are mostly young. But they are also trained by the masters, and they have strong practical ability. As for our three disciples, we must be stronger. Among them, Mintang disciples The hidden weapon is equipped with the most."

After listening to the brief introduction of Titan, Tang San has a general understanding of the current situation of Tang Jiajun. At this time, the army re-opened, Tang Jiajun soldiers have launched, the movements are neat and neat, although there is no compelling murderous, but the sharp gas is overflowing with words.

In the past five years, Tangmen's rapid development has not only been reflected in the number of people. Under the direct support of the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, a large number of blacksmiths have been mobilized to assist Tangmen in making hidden weapons. Of course, the key part is still made by the disciples of Tangmen. Some accessories are assigned to these foreign blacksmiths, which greatly increases the number of whole hidden devices. Otherwise, it is impossible to equip such a legion.

All the resources were all uniformly allocated by the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire. There was no cost for Tangmen, and there was no set of coins, and there was additional funding. After these five years, the wealth accumulated by Tangmen is quite scary, even compared with the Qibao glazed glazed. It was only before the return of Shrek's seven strangers that the overall soul of Tangmen was not enough, especially the lack of the strong. Otherwise, the overall strength of Tangmen was not inferior to the previous three.

Although Tang San also knows that the Tiandou Empire has spared no effort to support the Wuhun Temple, but still secretly admired the avalanche and the lost Snow Night Emperor.

When the army is open, every time it takes an hour to stop, it will stop for a while. One day, a million males will travel more than two hundred miles. According to this marching speed, there will be another five or six days of work, and they will arrive at Tiandou. The junction of the Empire and the Wuhun Empire.

As night fell, the army camped in the same place. When camping, the army was arranged in an orderly manner, unlike when marching. This battalion was laid out, with infantry on the outskirts, cavalry, and the garrison in the center. Heavy weight and grain are also surrounded by the army. The grain and grass trucks that are constantly being transported from the outside are constantly coming in and out, and the whole camp is full of lively scenes.

After marching for one day, I was finally able to rest, and the soldiers were cooking and cooking, and the ordinary soldiers quickly took a camp to rest.

Tang Jiajun does not need to camp on his own, and there are a lot of heavy soldiers coming up to make a good camp for them. Their location is also the center of the million-strong army, next to the squadron guarded by the Guards.

At the time when the battalion was just completed, the commander came from the Chinese army's big account. "Your Majesty invited the Blue Dragon King to the Central Military."

"Well, I will go now."

This is the first time that Tang San participated in the military conference. He did not bring anyone, and he followed the commander to the nearest Chinese army.

The Chinese army's big account is not luxurious. The tent made of cooked cowhide looks thick and solid. It is surrounded by steel forests with swords and knives. After Tang San followed the transfer of the soldiers, it was discovered that there were as many as hundreds of people in the entire account.

The avalanche was the highest in the first place, empty on his left side, and the master on the right. Then start, there are more than ten full-featured generals with seats. The other generals are standing below.

Upon seeing the arrival of Tang San, the avalanche quickly stood up and personally greeted. The generals looked at the young emperor of Tang San with a curious look. Especially when I saw Tang San holding a trident, the avalanche was not bleak, and I couldn’t help but secretly praise it.

"Teacher, you are here. Please come to the seat." Avalanche led Tang San to the inside, let him sit down in his left position, know that Tang San is now in this position, can be said to be one person, million People are above.

Tang San whispered: "Your Majesty, I don't understand the march, you don't care about me, it matters."

The avalanche nodded, and the Malaysian Golden Knife sat back on the coach's position. His eyes swept over the crowd from the bottom, and the big account was quiet, and more than a hundred generals stood respectfully.

"Our army is a corps of tens of thousands of people. Everyone is the head of the army. At present, our army has traveled five days away from the Wuhun Empire. The war is on the verge. Today, the generals are called to discuss the matter for specific tactical arrangements. I will not repeat the importance of the empire. I hope that the generals will be able to work together. This war will win, and after returning, it will be decided to pay for it.

"Your Majesty, Long Live, Long Live, Long Live."

"There is a good start to our army. At present, our army is going all the way. According to the scouts, the Wuhun Empire has already reacted and is gathering troops before the Jialing Pass." A 50-year-old general standing in the hands of Tang San Get up and say. When he spoke, his eyes swept away with Tang Sanyi, and his eyes were somewhat indifferent. Obviously, this young man who can sit on his first place is not too concerned.

Avalanche to Tang Sandao: "This is the Imperial Pillar, Marshal Goron, known as the Nine Dragons. It is also the first man of the Empire, the commander of the Three Armies. Marshal Goron, please briefly analyze the current military configuration of the Wuhun Empire. ”

After listening to the introduction of the avalanche, Tang San’s heart was awkward. It’s no wonder that the coach was not very cold with himself. It turned out to be the first person in the Tiandou Imperial Army. Although in terms of the title, both himself and the teacher are above him, in actual power, he is probably the only person in the Tiandou Empire who is second only to the avalanche. Looking at his eyes from the avalanche, he can find that the new emperor is extremely dependent on the Marshal Goron. Let this marshal sit in his first place, and it is no wonder that he is not in the heart. From the breath, he should be the strength of the Contra level.

Ge Long is a bright and silver-clad, with a three-for-a-side helmet. He is in his fifties for the soul teacher. He can reach the Contra level at this age. He is obviously quite extraordinary. After all, How many days can they be like Tang Three?

"Your Majesty, according to our analysis, and for those treason calculations, the Wuhun Empire has gathered more than ten kingdoms and principalities. The actual number of soldiers who can be sent to the battlefield is no more than 600,000. This should be enough for them. Applying the limit figures in the war. At present, our army and the Xingluo Empire, the north-south attack, they can meet us, there are only about 300,000 troops, not one third of our army. Jialinguanqian The terrain is flat, although the Wuhun Empire has already seized this plain in the recent past. But in the face of my army's attack, they will never fight with our army in the plains, and will definitely retreat to Jialingguan, and will be enslaved by the heavens. Just mobilize their souls. The division of the division entered the war. Although we are sitting in a million soldiers, it is difficult to break through the enemy’s defensive front."

"Jia Ling Guan is located in the center of the Tianling Mountain Range. It is a battleground for the military. If there is a big man, it will be a threat. If we want to make a difference in this war, we must break this. Can you?"

The avalanche thought for a moment and said, "If we want to bypass the Tianling Mountains, attack from other directions?"

Marshal Goron frowned and said: "I have also considered this issue, but the feasibility is very low. I don't want to say that the army needs to travel for many days before it can bypass the Tianling Mountains. Once you want to circumvent this film. In the mountains, we must enter the hinterland of the Wuhun Empire. Most of the terrain is dominated by hills, valleys, and basins. It is not conducive to my army's operations. It will be even more dangerous. Moreover, there is the possibility of being blocked by the enemy. After Jialing Pass, it is a narrow strip of plains in Pingmao, which can directly penetrate into the territory of the original Barak Kingdom. It can also directly smash the Huanglong. Therefore, Chen believes that it is imperative to break the Jialing Gate. Only by attacking from here, we can Get the most benefit. You can attack and retreat. It is the best policy."

Read The Duke's Passion