MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 600 The sixth test, the attack of the sea **** Douro

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Sixth chapter of the sixth test, the attack of the sea **** Douro

When Tang San heard the words of the sea **** Douro Posayi, he only felt that his mind was turned upside down. It seems that there are countless energies in his mind, and there is a blank space in front of him. There, I can’t speak at all.

The examiner of the sixth test, actually changed from the guardian of the seven gods of Poseidon to the sea **** Douro Posay? The news is too big for him. Although the partners are ugly, they don’t know as much as Tang San’s.

Who is Poseidon? Once one of the three most powerful people in the world, and on this sea **** island, even if his own great ancestors or the Wu Hun Temple is dedicated to the thousand streams, it is impossible to win her. It can be said that Poseidon on Poseidon Island is the first person in the world of soul teachers. The real Supreme.

If Shrek's seven blame all reached the title of Douro at this time, maybe Tang San still has some points to challenge her confidence. But now he has only one of the eighth soul rings. How do you fight this battle?

Obviously, although there is only one person in Poseidon, she is much more terrifying than the Poseidon Seven Guards. It is not difficult to imagine what it would be like when the strength of Poseidon was fully revealed. Don't say that it's six of you, even if the Seven Holy Pillars are fighting together, you can't resist it! The ninety-nine-level title, Doro, is not much different from God for them. Not to mention the time of a fragrant inc., whether they can resist an attack on Posey is a big problem. I am afraid that she only needs to strike with one hand and can destroy all her own people.

At the moment, Hailong Douro has become extremely eccentric, and he also knows the strength of the sea **** Douro Posay. In the attack of the sea **** Doroo, insist on a fragrant incense, how can this assessment pass? They may have a chance to change their Seven Holy Pillars. The premise is that the sea **** Douro Posay does not rely on the power of the Temple of the Sea. On the island of Poseidon, the name of the first strongest in the world of Poseidon is not a name for the waves.

"Predecessors, is this true? Why is it giving us a task that is impossible to accomplish?" Tang San’s eyes flashed in anger, and he would not retreat, but can such assessment be completed?

Poseidic smiled and said: "Slightly safe, I haven't finished talking about it. During the assessment, I can't use the power of the sea and the temple to attack you, not use the power of the field. Only the first six can be used. At the same time, as long as one of the six of you, when one incense is burning, as long as one person can stand, then even if you pass the assessment. However, you only have one chance, given the difficulty of the fifth assessment. You have only three days to repair. After three days, I will accept my assessment."

After listening to the interpretation of Posayi, Tang San’s face recovered a few points. Indeed, if faced with the full-fledged Poseidon, they certainly have no chance, but with these restrictions, they may not There is no power to fight. Can not use the seven, eight, nine soul skills, which means that Poseidon can not use the three strongest soul skills including the soul of the real soul. The strength naturally declines a lot, and the use of the sea and the power of the sea temple is undoubtedly a good constraint. Most importantly, Poseidon does not use her field.

Tang Sanxin read the electricity and quickly thought about it. At this time, Dai Mubai behind him went to Posay West Road: "Predecessors, after three days of assessment, can Zhuqing participate in the war with us?"

Poseidon smiled lightly. "Yes. However, all previous restrictions on me have been cancelled. You can choose it yourself."

"Oh... that's still it." Don't count, you know, there is more Zhu Zhuqing, even if it is counted as a ghost white tiger, it is absolutely impossible to compare with the ability of the sea **** Douro to be weakened.

Tang San Shen said: "Predecessors, I have one last request. Can we let us choose the location of the challenge?"

Poseidon smiled and said: "You can choose at the sea **** island."

Tang San did not hesitate: "Then we will choose at the foot of the sea god. After three days, please advise the seniors."

Poseidic smiled and beheaded. "Three days later, I am waiting for you at Poseidon Hill." The red figure floated up, and she did not see how she made a move. The man had already floated like a red cloud and disappeared in an instant.

Poseidon is gone, and Shrek’s six strangers have no feeling of spiritual relaxation. They have just passed the fifth test, but they have to face such a difficult sixth test after three days. Of course they will not think that they only used before. The six soul skills of Poseidon would be good. You know, her soul power is still ninety-nine. Whether it is combat experience or the use of skills, control, and the powerful soul that far exceeds their sum, they are not easily dealt with.

Standing on the side of Hailong Dou Luo, some helpless smiles, "I really don't know if you congratulate you, or you should worry about it. You can get the guidance of the adults of Posayi. The benefits for your future cultivation are unquestionable. You should I also found out that among the seven gods of the Poseidon, we are not only good in my martial arts, but others can only be regarded as the upper middle. The reason why we can cultivate to the title is actually because we got it. It is said that without the adults of Poseidon, there is no today for us. But in our eyes, the adults of Posayi are unfathomable, she is the real ocean. She is her In Poseidon Island, whether it is a powerful ocean hundred thousand years of soul beasts, or those land sorcerers, do not dare to violate the dignity of Poseidon adults, in order to protect our paradise. You still have to be mentally prepared. Possey Adults only need to use 50% of the soul, any soul skills, I can't catch a single blow."

Originally, Shrek’s seven strange hearts have already been a bit stunned. At this time, listening to Hailong Douro’s saying that they are facing each other, except for Tang San, there are some six gods.

“Thank you for reminding my predecessors. There are still three days, we will plan well. Leave.”

Leaving the sea dragon holy pillar, everyone returned to the forest outside the sea witch Sanzhutai while resting, while waiting for Zhu Zhuqing to absorb the soul of God. After Tang San chose the place of rest, he immediately meditated on the knees and did not say a word. Everyone who is familiar with him understands that this is the habit of Tang San’s deep thoughts. No one bothered him, just sat down and practiced quietly. The battle in three days, for Oscar, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, is the end of the assessment. Can pass the assessment, here is one move. Once it fails, as the Haima Douro said, the result will be...

Therefore, it can be said that the seal of the sea **** Douro Posay is the key to life and death for all six of them. Posisi said that they only have one chance and can't be sloppy. Since such an assessment has been given, then at least if they prove that they are playing perfectly, there is an opportunity to complete the assessment.

What Tang San is thinking at this time is every word that Posey has said before, and it is repeatedly scrutinized, and then combined with Shrek's own strength to carry out precise calculations. The strength of Poseidon is unknown to them. Therefore, Tang San’s calculation can only be calculated how to fully exert his own strength and play to the best. Achieve the best results. There is also the use of rules, six to one, this is not a trick, but wisdom.

After two days, Zhu Zhuqing completed the absorption of God's soul ring, becoming the second person in Shrek's seven blame to reach the realm of Contra. She also acquired a fairly powerful single-attack skill that greatly increased her own strength. Unfortunately, her skills can't be used in the sixth test after a day.

While Zhu Zhuqing completed the absorption of the soul of the gods, Tang San also stopped thinking. The last day was the time for him to arrange tactics and drill tactics.

The time of a musk is not short, if it is normal burning, it is enough to burn for half an hour. For a peak powerhouse like Poseidon, half an hour is enough for her to do a lot of things.

How to use the six blame's own ability to find various ways to resist Posey in this fragrant time, this is what Tang San has been considering for two days. On this last day, he will discuss with his partners and brainstorm. A single plan is definitely not enough. Only with multiple preparations, the opportunity will be bigger.

Although the sixth test has not yet begun, but the pressure has come, in the face of life and death, everyone's brain has become extraordinarily flexible, and its potential is also subtly excited.

"If it doesn't work, let Xiaobai take me out to the sea once, and find a million-year-old soul beast to upgrade the strength to the Contra level. With one more ring, our overall strength will always increase." Dai Mubai said.

"No." Tang San immediately vetoed his proposal. "The sixth test is dangerous, but we can't make a bet on your future. You should understand that for the soul teacher, the eighth and ninth soul skills. How important it is. That is the most direct strength comparison in the same level of competition." If you can pass the sixth test, Dai Mubai's current situation can get an extra God-given soul ring reward, then he will have the best Eight soul ring. How can it be the same as looking for a Wannian sea spirit beast?

Dai Mubai frowned: "But if we can't pass the sixth test, we die here. What is the use of these? What are the seven of them? I am the oldest one. If you improve these strengths, you can make everyone smooth. It’s definitely worthwhile to get through the storm. Moreover, isn’t your eighth soul ring also a sea soul beast? The effect is just as good! It’s not that the sea soul beast is not suitable for us, just to see what kind of sea soul Beast. I have already thought very clearly these two days. As long as it is not the absorption of the soul ring that needs to impact the limits of the body, this last day is enough for me. Xiaosan, don’t stop me, for everyone to survive, Let me go. Everything is for survival."

As he said, Dai Mubai has stood up and turned to go. Tang San Meng picked up and grabbed his shoulder. "No, boss. You..."

Others also stood up. In addition to Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun were in front of Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai patted Tang San’s hand on his shoulder. “Little three, Xiao Ao, Rong Rong, Fatty, you should not stop me. As the leader of the team, it is the only person who has hit the bottleneck, so choose It’s all for us to survive. No matter how good the soul is, people are dead, what use is it? At the same time, I am doing this for Zhuqing. I don’t want her to be a widow before she marries me. And death. In comparison, the soul skill may be a little bit worse? What's more, Xiaobai is the soul of the hundred thousand years, the hegemon in the sea, are you still afraid that she will not find a suitable soul ring for me? In the case of the body, we can leave Haishen Island arbitrarily. Anyway, there are restrictions on assessment. If you don’t participate in the assessment, you will die directly. I ask you, if you change your soul to reach the bottleneck, you will not Will you make the same choice? If the answer is yes, then don't stop me now. We are a whole, I am your big brother, no one can die, we have been so hard to practice in Poseidon Island today, for What is? In order to be able to return to the mainland after eradicate Wuhun. "

Speaking of this, Dai Mubai's eyes are arrogant, unparalleled domineering and the power of his big brother has stopped Tang Sansi from blocking him.

Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly, but there was no worry in the beauty, but he was full of pride. I am proud of my man. "I am going with you." She said, she took Dai Mubai's hand and the two floated up and disappeared into the woods.

"Nothing, go to the boss to go. Anyway, after passing the assessment, we have enough grades, give a **** to the soul ring, I will leave it to him, let him use it in the ninth soul ring." Ma Hongjun slammed himself hard Fist.

Oscar widened his eyes. "Dead fat, how do you say what I want to say. You are the fourth, I am your second brother. This kind of thing, the wheel is not in your turn. Tell me, don't talk to me. Fight, wait until later is your turn."

Tang San sighed. "Nothing. This is a matter for everyone. It cannot be borne by any one person. When we meet the right soul bone next time, we will give priority to the boss. If it is not suitable for him, we will Just think of a way to give him a suitable one. As for other methods of making up, we must wait for us to pass all the assessments. Well, we will continue to arrange tomorrow's war, Mubai made such a big sacrifice for us, we must I have to go all out."

After a while, Zhu Zhuqing came back. She told the crowd with some helplessness that she had been unable to leave Poseidon Island because she had passed all the assessments. Xiaobai told her that although everyone had a good relationship, she could not violate the will of Poseidon. If Zhu Zhuqing insists on leaving the sea **** island, he will immediately be attacked by all the great white sharks, and will also lead to the pursuit of the goddess of the seven gods of the sea god. In desperation, she can only come back.

In the early morning, when the first sun shines on Poseidon Island, it falls on the temple of the sea that stands on the top of Poseidon Hill. The sacred gold renders the entire Poseidon Mountain, making all the plants here glow. Brilliant life.

The circular sea is still so clear, but it is not calm at this time. The seven water lines run straight from the shore to the sea **** mountain. It was the seven people standing, and they did not see how they played, and their bodies crossed the ring sea at an alarming rate.

Look carefully to find out that at the foot of these seven people, each stepped on a huge white shark. It is one of the overlords in the ocean, the great white shark.

Xiaobai learned that today Shrek’s seven strangers would challenge the sea **** Douro Posayi and personally bring six people to see him off. Of course, in her words, this is probably the last time. But although she did not encourage everyone, but from her eyes, Shrek seven strangers still got a lot of encouragement.

"I went back. If you can't die this time, remember to get a call from the beach." Xiaobai looked at the crowd deeply and didn't stay, leaving his six people to turn around.

Looking at the figure that Xiaobai gradually drifted away, Shrek's seven strange eyes became extraordinarily firm, and the white agarwood fell from the sky and fell on them.

Dai Mubai smiled slightly and said to Zhu Zhu: "Wife, can you give me some stimulation?"

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face was red, but he did not refute him. He stepped forward and took the initiative to slap his thick neck. His lips were connected. Her cold enthusiasm was surprisingly enthusiasm. It seemed to be changed from ice to water. Dai Mubai is completely melted.

Oscar immediately turned around and looked at Ning Rongrong with deep affection. "Wife, I want too."

Ning Rongrong gave him a slap in the air. "I want you to look at it. I will pass the assessment. If the person standing last is you, I will consider giving you some reward."

Oscar reluctantly said: "This is not fair, you look at people Zhu Qing and Mu Bai."

Ning Rongrong snorted, "Zhu Qing does not need to participate in the assessment, I have to participate. If you disturb my mind and kill everyone, can you afford the responsibility?"

"Oh... that's it. I have to endure."

When Zhu Muqing kissed Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun’s small eyes fell on the white agarwood. “Sweet, you see... this...”

White Shen Xiang Qiao showed a shyness on his face, and walked slowly to the fat man's side. When the fat man was excited, he thought that what happened when he was fragrant, Bai Shenxiang stopped his footsteps and whispered: "Through the assessment, I let you kiss. A little. Okay?"

"Okay, of course good..." After listening to the words of Bai Shenxiang, the voice of the fat man was a little trembling, not because of excitement, but because of excitement. In an instant, the fat man only felt that the phoenix flame was already burning, and the whole body was up and down, that is, the blood of the beast was boiling.

The little dance came to Tang San lightly and did not say much, but only took his hand. For this sixth test, when the other side was on the other side, the soul of the little dance had already returned to the ontology. The time of her soul possession is enough to support the assessment.

Tang San touched the head of the little dance, then touched her neat nephew, kissed her forehead and whispered: "No impulse, everything works according to plan. You must remember, if you come out again What problem, what do you endure, I will double it."

The little dance looked surprisingly well-behaved and nodded. "I know." She said, she suddenly picked up her toes and kissed on the lips of Tang San. She chuckled in the waist of Tang San and leaned her head on her back. His warm chest. Enjoy the last peace before this war.

"Are you ready?" The sound of the wind and the clear air came, and Shrek's seven strange faces all became dignified. Seven people lined up, Bai Shenxiang also stood next to Ma Hongjun, looking in the direction of Haishen Mountain.

The red figure descended from the sky. As in the past, no one knows how she appeared. The sea **** Douro Posey has already fallen in front of them. Compared with the past, at this time, her face was a little less smile, but a little more serious, solemnly watching Shrek seven strange, eyes from the face of Tang San to the last white aloes face.

"You only have one chance. I won't let the water go. If it doesn't pass my assessment. Then, what is the punishment that Poseidon brings to you, I think you are very clear."

In the same way, from the mouth of the sea **** Dourobosai, everyone suddenly felt that the air seemed to be dignified, and the heavy pressure, the tremendous pressure, made them feel breathless.

At this moment, Tang San suddenly stepped forward and stood tall, screaming: "We are ready. We must be able to pass the assessment of our predecessors." His voice is filled with shocks from the soul, as if Cone in general, it is enough to break through the great pressure that Possey brought to them, and the eyes of the partners have become firm again.

Poseidon said in a light way: "That's good, no one waits to watch the battle. The assessment begins immediately." As she said, she swung her sleeves, Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Shenxiang only felt that an enormous amount of energy that could not be resisted came from all around. The body was tight, and the next moment, it had already flown in the clouds, directly on the ladder leading to the Temple of the Sea. The height is more than 50 levels.

Poseidon's wrist turned over, just like the previous removal of other items, the magical addition of a scent, even the eyesight of Tang Sanzi konjac did not see how she did it. It seems to be coming out of her hands.

"Predecessors, I will help you to ignite it." Ma Hongjun suddenly said, at the same time, open mouth vomiting, seemingly inconspicuous glimmer of fire line flew toward the fragrant incense head of Possey's hand.

Poseidon smiled lightly, letting the phoenix flame fall on the incense head. "I will be welcome."

The scented head ignited smoothly, and the doubts were smouldering, but Ma Hongjun’s face changed. The strange voice: “Predecessors, you are not right! It will not burn longer than ordinary incense. In that case, for us It’s not fair.”

Poseidon gave him a look, Ma Hongjun only felt that his soul seemed to be seen through the general, the spirit of the spirit of a chill, a subconscious step back.

"Don't you say that it is a qualified fragrance to use it to turn it into ashes with a phoenix flame?" Posayi smiled lightly, and did not put the fragrance on one side, so he pinched it with his left hand and blew it on the incense head. Blow, "You have to be careful."

Unable to count, Shrek's six strange spirits were suddenly tense, although they did not expect this first measure to be successful, but it would be beneficial for them to delay a little time and let the incense burn more.

"Go." Tang San sipped, and in a flash, the six strange bodies moved at the same time. Under the horrible gaze of Poseidon, the six people turned their bodies at the same time, and a pair of faint white wings appeared on their backs, and their bodies were like smoke. Everyone flies in a different direction, and the shackles have crossed the ring sea and are hundreds of meters away. And the speed continues to increase.

The sixth test said that under the attack of the sea **** Doropo Saisi, half an hour, but did not say that must be hard to fight, this is what Tang San read from the exam questions. Therefore, when Ma Hongjun interfered with Poseidon, they had already eaten a copy of the image intestines. It is certainly impossible for Poseidon to know what the effect of copying the image of the intestines they eat. But she couldn't think of it. This effect is actually the sharp-tailed rain Yan Wu of the white agarwood.

There are only five soul rings in white agarwood. Any one of Shrek's seven monsters is more than seven rings. The copy mirror intestine made of white agarwood blood is equivalent to the use of its own seven or eighty levels of soul power but only five rings. ability. There are no real souls.

However, these are not important for Shrek's seven strangers. What is important is how to stick to a scent, not the way, under the attack of Poseidon.

Tang San accurately calculated that since Bai Shenxiang broke through the five rings, her speed has increased again. Even Zhu Zhuqing, who has reached the eighth ring, is no faster than purely sensitive. What is important is Zhu Zhuqing. Can not fly, just the speed on the ground, and the speed of white agarwood, but can fly high in the sky.

Neptune Douro Posay said that she will not use the power of the sea and the power of the field. In this way, she can not use the sea water in the ring sea to restrict everyone. The white scented martial arts flies up and flies in different directions. Even if Poseidon wants to attack, it can only be carried out one by one. The attack will delay time, even if it is a strong person like her. She wants to clean up the crowd one by one, and in the rapid escape of the sharp-winged Yanyan Wuhun, the time will naturally be very fast.

The five soul skills of white agarwood, the skills are very simple. The first skill is acceleration, the second skill is acceleration, the third skill is still accelerated, until the fourth skill is evasive, and the fifth soul ring obtained from the demon killer whale brings her interference. Explore the skills of ripples.

This fifth soul skill can conduct range exploration, feedback the results of the exploration to itself, and at the same time interfere with the exploration of all other spiritual powers. The ability to interfere depends on the size of the user's mental strength. If it is the white agarwood used this fifth soul skill, she can't interfere with one of Shrek's seven strangers. Not to mention the sea **** Douro Posay. However, when this skill is used simultaneously from Tang San and other five monsters, the ability to interfere has reached an extremely terrifying level.

In the face of Poseidon, who dares to have any reservations, while flying, the enthusiasm of the pink intestines has already been eaten. The six blame almost simultaneously launched the five soul techniques of white agarwood, fully accelerated, and diseased in an irregular way. Flying out, while releasing a strong probe interference ripple.

I saw a circle of gray ripples in the air that shrouded the entire space in collision with each other, especially the interference ripples released by Tang San, and even with a blue glow, like a long eye, directly toward Poseidon was covered.

In the face of such a situation, Poseidon can not help but glimpse, she did not expect, Shrek seven strange will actually come up with such a way to target themselves. According to her original speculation, I thought that Tang San would choose the assessment site at the foot of Haishen Mountain in order to use his many plants on the mountain to display his blue and silver fields to achieve the best results.

It has been almost four years since Tang Sanba arrived in Poseidon Island. Poseidon has been observing them, especially Tang San who has experienced the Nine Seas test. She also basically has the various abilities that Tang San possesses. I figured it out. However, three days ago, Tang San and Hailong Douro had a battle, but she was surprised again. Especially the hidden weapon that Tang San used last time is very wonderful. Under the same level of strength against the battle, there is absolutely the ability to turn the tide. But overall, Tang San’s strongest is to use two major fields and his own skills to fight. And with the partners, accurate computing power. I just didn't expect that he arranged such a distraction tactic when he came up today. Although it looks awkward, but the effect is really good, even Posey West can not help but admire.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Poseidon, well, I will accompany you to play. The faint blue light illuminates from Poseidon, and the interference light waves approached her body and were immediately blocked. The figure flashed and she had already flew up. I did not pursue any one person, but went straight to the sky, just like pulling out the sky. The speed is fast, still on the escape of Shrek six monsters. The blink of an eye has already reached the height of hundreds of meters.

Then, Poseidon made a move. The body spins in the air for a week, and in a flash, a layer of blue air has swept out of her, expanding around her body. Poseidon's shoulders shook and his arms vibrated at the same time. Suddenly, the diffusion of the blue light was enhanced by geometric multiples. It looks like a huge whirlpool that appears in the air.

On the surface, the shape is somewhat like a tornado, but that is by no means the power of the wind, because it contains the energy fluctuations of the water property.

With Tang San as the head, the interference ripples launched by the people did interfere with the spiritual strength of Poseidon, which prevented her from locking the people with mental strength. But is this really useful?

Yes, Poseyi said, she will not borrow the power of the sea, but after all, the sea **** island is an island, where the water property energy molecules are more abundant than the land.

Tang San, who was flying fast, suddenly felt a strong pulling force behind him. The body that had been rushing forward suddenly stagnate. The speed of the flight plummeted. As if I had a rope tied to my body, I was pulling my body backwards.

Surprised, Tang San looked down and saw the Possey and his friends in the air. The heart suddenly sinks.

Tang San is undoubtedly the strongest of all the strengths of the people. Even he feels that the suction force brings strong restraint to himself, not to mention other people.

The strongest reaction was Oscar and Ning Rongrong. The two used a copy of the image of the intestines made of white agarwood, and their bodies were still assisted by the soul teacher. Although the soul is strong, but in the face of the horrible sucking force, the struggle is so pale and powerless. Seeing that they could no longer fly forward, they were sucked back at a very fast speed.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai can at least stabilize their bodies. Although it is already very difficult to fly forward, at least it can be guaranteed not to be pulled back. The situation of the little dance is not as good as them. Although it is not pulled back like Ning Rongrong and Oscar, it is also slowly retreating.

The way Pissi responded to Shrek’s seven blame is simple. Have you not blocked my mental exploration? Well, I will use all-round attack to deal with you. Although the six blame has been extremely scattered, but for the soul of the sea like the sea of ​​the sea **** Douro, this distance is not enough to escape her control.

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