MTL - Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting-Chapter 1768 More terrible disaster

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The Nine Colors of Light became more and more intense, and the strength of the aura on Lan Xuanyu's body was not at all distinguishable by the powerhouses of the two federations present.

At this moment, most people have only ecstasy in their hearts. This battle of survival and destruction is finally over! How can they not be happy and excited?

The energy exploded by the Crimson God King gradually disappeared, completely disappearing in the Dragon God Spear. This arduous and painstakingly arduous, finally achieved the existence of the **** king, finally completely disappeared in the universe.

Only the **** king can completely kill the **** king. It is extremely rare for a situation like the Scarlet God King to be wiped out so thoroughly. That is the repulsion of the laws of the universe, which has always been working invisibly.

Lan Xuanyu, who was suspended in the air, seemed to be standing there, with the dark red light faintly extinguished. These were the energy he had absorbed from the Crimson Mother.

The Crimson Mother has cultivated and accumulated for many years, including the power that swallowed the sky and the stars and sublimated when breaking through the **** king. At this time, they have gradually become a part of his body.

When the nine-color light on his body became stronger again, his aura had become stronger and stronger, and it was absorbed in this way, and the energy of such a huge **** king level was absorbed in this way.

Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena didn't know why he was able to rush back in the first time, was it affected by Gu Yuena's call, or was it to swallow and absorb the energy of the Crimson King? Or, both are possible.

At the moment before the death of the Crimson God King, her eyes were filled with unwillingness and despair. It was not aimed at Lan Xuanyu, but aimed at the most fear in her heart and has been trying hard to think about it. The laws of the universe to struggle. The irreversibility of the laws of the universe is once again shown in front of everyone. If you go against the sky, you will suffer backlash.

The Crimson God King fell into Lan Xuanyu's hands so easily, and the aura on Lan Xuanyu's body was always increasing. However, in a vague way, whether it was Tang Wulin or Gu Yuena, he could feel a little bit. Lan Xuanyu's aura seemed to be repelled, and he felt incompatible with this world. It was not brought to him by the Scarlet God King, but when he first arrived, he felt this way in his body.

That's why Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena were so worried at this time. The crimson **** king who had been destroyed went against the sky to become a **** king by swallowing, and was strongly rejected by the laws of the universe, and she was not allowed to establish a **** realm. So, why is his son rejected? Although not as strong as the Crimson King was rejected. But with the improvement of his cultivation level, this feeling of rejection also invisibly strengthened.

Strengthening? Thinking of this, Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin, who had the same mind, looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Especially Gu Yuena felt the deepest. She could say that she inherited part of the Dragon God’s power, and she was still the part of kind thoughts. Relatively speaking, she still has some memories of how much the Dragon God has left behind, although it is very Vague, but she felt vaguely.

"The destruction of the Dragon God at the beginning was probably due to his being too strong. Xuan Yu is passing on the true Dragon God power. Is it because he is too strong and rejected? I can feel that the entire Dragon Realm seems to have been He has melted into one, and everything left by the Dragon God is being received by him." Gu Yuena murmured.

Tang Wulin squeezed his wife's hand, and the light in his eyes gradually became firmer. At this moment, the crazy aura in him was suppressed. In other words, when Lan Xuanyu appeared, the truly powerful Dragon God breath had already suppressed that crazy negative.

Although the Golden Dragon King inherited all the negative aspects of the Dragon God, after all these years, he was consumed a lot in the God Realm at the beginning. In fact, only a part of Tang Wulin's body was integrated into Tang Wulin's body. Otherwise, even the fragility of his baby was With the eighteen seals Tang San dropped on his body, he couldn't survive. Coupled with thousands of years of grinding, this evil thought was the most violent when it just broke out. At this time, it was suppressed by the Dragon God's breath, and coupled with Tang Wulin's own determination, it was no longer as strong as it was at the beginning.

"Gu Yue." Tang Wulin called out softly, and then pulled his wife into his arms.

Gu Yuena's beautiful body trembled slightly, opened her arms, and put her arms around his waist.

Bai Xiuxiu who was beside them suddenly had a strong ominous premonition, "Teacher Nana, Uncle Tang, you..."

Gu Yuena slowly raised her head and looked at her tenderly, "Xiuxiu, you are a good boy, for us and for Xuanyu. No matter what happens next, you must be strong. Never let Xuanyu be allowed. The power that swallows the Dragon and Horse Double Stars, understand? He swallows the Crimson God King, which can be said to wipe out evil for the universe, but if he swallows the Dragon and Horse Double Stars, then it will be no different from the Crimson God King. The law is completely rejected. We will find ways to help him complete the breakthrough as much as possible. After that, please take good care of him. If he becomes the Dragon God, his heart must not be chaotic. The powerful strength must be controlled in the hands of stable emotions. Once out of control, it will have the most terrible ending. The dragons once were so powerful, and the final annihilation is directly related to the emotional problems of the previous generation of Dragon God.

"Teacher Nana, you guys..." Bai Xiuxiu already understood something, tears flowed out uncontrollably, "No, no, Xuanyu can control it."

Just as they were talking, Lan Xuanyu, who was hovering in space, slowly turned around. Turning in their direction is also considered turning to the direction of Dragon Star.

In his eyes, red light flickered indefinitely, and a frightening aura when he faced this side. The cheers of the strongmen of the Longma Federation almost stopped abruptly for the first time.

All the dragons invariably lowered their heads and faced him respectfully. The powerful deterrence from the bloodline even made them freeze the thoughts of consciousness in their minds at this time.

The nine-color light of the Dragon God Spear in Lan Xuanyu's hand flickered indefinitely. The strong breath also continuously rises along with its own breath. The surrounding space began to become viscous, and invisibly, a picture began to appear silently.

These pictures are very complicated, and what they present is exactly the catastrophe that happened when the Dragon Race controlled the God Realm.

That was the realm of the Dragon God, and it seemed to be a scene projected from the Dragon God Spear in his hand.

The inexplicable sense of oppression caused all the strong present to hold their breath unconsciously.

At this moment, a force of pushing was released from Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena, pushing Bai Xiuxiu to the side of the Longma Federation strong. But they were already holding hands and flying out in the direction of Lan Xuanyu.

They already felt it, felt the longing in Lan Xuanyu's bloodline, that was the longing for strength. As Long Tianyang said before, in order to become a dragon god, the energy that needs to be swallowed is extremely huge. After all, this is the God King, and even the Supreme God King. However, at that time Long Tianyang didn't know that what Lan Xuanyu was going to achieve was the Supreme God King.

Swallowing the power of the Crimson God King, swallowing the entire dragon world, but still did not fully satisfy him, his body is still eager to swallow a stronger power. Therefore, the direction he turned was Tianlongxing and Bai Xiuxiu. It is also the strong dragon clan who is in the same blood line with him. These are the powers he desires to devour.