MTL - Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting-Chapter 1719 Destroy the first seat of the dragon

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  While talking, he raised his right hand, and the dragon sword in Jiang Weiqiang's hand had already flew out. The moment it flew out, this super artifact still struggled hard.

   But accompanied by Lan Xuanyu's another angry grunt, the Dragon God's wrath broke out again, and the Dragon Clan Sword suddenly trembling and stagnated in the air.

  Dragon Clan Sword is a combination of various dragon powers obtained by the new dragon clan in the dragon world after the Dragon Transformation, combined with many heavenly materials and earth treasures. Imitate the former dragon law enforcement blade.

  The real dragon clan sword was made by the dragon **** with his own horns at the beginning. The reason why it can shock Wanlong is because it contains a trace of the power of the dragon god’s wrath.

  At this moment, Lan Xuanyu himself is the real dragon god, and the wrath of the dragon **** he exudes is the wrath of the dragon **** in the true sense. How could this fake dragon clan sword be able to contend.

  The Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd drew a brilliant blue arc, and instantly slashed on the Dragon Sword, accompanied by a violent roar. The dragon clan sword suddenly burst, turning into countless bright rays of light bursting in the air.

  This is a super artifact after all! Lan Xuanyu actually used the Heavenly Sacred Cracking Abyss Halberd to directly destroy this super divine weapon and turn it into the source of energy.

  These huge energies merged into the dragon world under his guidance, and immediately made the whole dragon world more stable.

  This pseudo-dragon magic knife contains extremely huge energy, not only from the dragon world, but also from the energy that the dragon has worked so hard to absorb through various means, and finally can achieve the super god-level power. It was detonated by Lan Xuanyu at this time, and they all became the tonic of the dragon world.

  Jiang Weiqiang looked at Lan Xuanyu in amazement. Under the ban of the uncertain storm, he couldn't even speak.

   "Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth. Since your power is obtained from the dragon world, then return it to the dragon world now." Lan Xuanyu stared at him coldly. At this moment, Jiang Weiqiang felt the endless majesty from him.

  He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but it was too late. The invincible Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd easily broke through the defense of his divine dragon armor and pierced into his chest.

  Jiang Weiqiang opened his mouth wide. As the head of the Tianlong, the ruler of the entire Longma Federation, did he die like this? He is really unwilling! He didn't even understand where he was wrong, why he didn't even have a chance to fight against each other. Lan Xuanyu is clearly only Super God level! Not even the half-step **** king.

The sky blue light on the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd instantly became rich. The first thing that disintegrated was the dragon armor on Jiang Weiqiang. The dragon armor gradually cracked, and the cracks spread quickly, and finally turned into countless rays of light and was cracked by the sky. Yuan halberd swallowed it.

  Jiang Weiqiang's own body also began to become transparent, and his dragon power core and the sea of ​​divine consciousness disintegrated under the incredibly sharp aura at this moment.

  "I will lead the dragon clan and rebuild its glory." This was the last voice Jiang Weiqiang heard. In the next instant, his body had burst into tears.

  Lan Xuanyu waved his right hand, the golden dragon spear shot violently, the energy just absorbed in the Heavenly Sacred Abyss Halberd, and the torrent of dragon power caused by Jiang Weiqiang's instant self-detonation were all absorbed by the golden dragon spear.

  The golden dragon spear went straight into the air, as if nailed into the entire dragon world, disappearing without a trace. The dragon aura in the dragon world has obviously become more and more intense.

  Jiang Weiqiang, who is already very close to the half-step of the **** king level, all the dragon power after his fall, as well as his super-sacred weapon dragon clan magic knife and his own dragon armor, were all integrated into the dragon world by Lan Xuanyu. As he said, the dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, and what is obtained from the dragon world must be returned to the dragon world.

  His body slowly fell on the ground, looking at the Heavenly Sage Cracking Abyss Halberd in his hand, on the glorious water-like halberd blade, there seemed to be a beautiful shadow looming. The coldness on Lan Xuanyu's face gradually turned into endless sadness.

  He would rather not have the inheritance of the Dragon God than the powerful strength and control the entire dragon world. I want her to come back too!

   "Xiu Xiu..." He murmured, his body trembling slightly.

  At this moment, three figures suddenly appeared in the dragon world at the same time. When these three figures appeared, the dragon world trembled in an instant, as if he felt something, even Lan Xuanyu felt the longing from the depths of his bloodline.

  He turned around and looked, and the first thing he saw was his parents!

  Gu Yuena wearing a silver dragon dance xuan xiulin battle armor and Tang Wulin wearing a gold dragon Yuexuan Huanyu battle armor respectively.

  "Mom" saw his parents, Lan Xuanyu's voice instantly choked up. And the next moment, Gu Yuena had already come to him and hugged him.

  Lan Xuanyu could no longer control his emotions, crying bitterly.

   Along with his cry, the whole dragon world seemed to be sobbing.

Tang Wulin slowly stepped forward, sighed, and said, "This is all the arrangement of fate. The Sage of the Abyss is not dead, this is what we never expected. The problems we left, but let you I've endured this sadness. I'm sorry, son."

   Lan Xuanyu just cried bitterly, Xiuxiu’s death, can you blame her parents? The parents of the past, in that era, are by no means less than they are now.

  Gu Yuena gently patted Lan Xuanyu on the back, calming her son's emotions.

  And the person who came with Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin wanted to say something, but Tang Wulin stopped him with his eyes. At this time, it is best for him to let his son's emotions vent.

  Lan Xuanyu didn't know how long he had been crying, until the tears were a little drained, his emotions gradually subsided. His eyes became a little hollow, and the warmth of his mother's arms slightly made his heart warm.

Gu Yuena pityingly wiped the tear marks on his face, and whispered: "Xuanyu, you have to learn to be strong. No matter what the situation is, you must learn to be strong for those who love you and for those who need you. Understand?"

   "Hmm." Lan Xuanyu nodded gently.

  Gu Yuena's beautiful face suddenly showed a faint smile: "Actually, there is a chance."

   "Huh?" Lan Xuanyu was stunned. At this time, his thinking ability was washed away by grief, and he couldn't understand the meaning of his mother's words for a while.

  Gu Yuena said: "I mean, there is a chance. Xiuxiu sacrificed for you. And back then, your grandmother also sacrificed for your grandfather, do you remember?"

   Lan Xuanyu stunned subconsciously, but immediately afterwards, his body trembled involuntarily.

  Grandma sacrifices for grandfather? His grandfather is Tang San, and his grandmother is Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu is also a 100,000-year soul beast cultivator. During a huge crisis, she offered sacrifices to Tang San and became Tang San’s spirit ring. Later, Tang San went through all the hardships and broke his arm to bring Xiao Wu back to life. Only then did the two of them become gods. legend,

  At this time, when his mother mentioned his grandfather and grandmother, Lan Xuanyu instantly realized what his mother meant.

"You, you mean..." His voice trembled, "Is Xiuxiu still resurrected? However, Xiuxiu is a super god. When she sacrificed, she burned all of her own, all The breath of life has been wiped out!"

"The aura of life disappeared, doesn't mean it disappeared. Didn't she still have a spirit ring? What is contained in this god-level spirit ring is precisely her life origin and divine sense, but she has lost her consciousness. Now. , It's too late." The voice came from behind Tang Wulin.

  Only at this time Lan Xuanyu noticed that there was another person behind Tang Wulin.

  When he saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback.

  This one who has come to him at this time has been curled up in front of him, isn't it the same as the plane lord Long Tianyang of Tianlongxing and Pegasus?