MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 784 0 Mu Da's Epic Overture

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The number of nearly 50,000 is absolutely beyond imagination.

If it is not after the invasion of the Burning Legion, the Super God platform has accelerated the catalysis, and now the master who can reach this level is afraid that he has not even half. However, this is the case. This master, who is close to 50,000, still brings together more than 70% of the high-end combat power in the real world.

Nearly four hundred twilight masters and nearly thirty eternal night powerhouses are the most powerful powerhouses who have covered most of the real world!

The work required for such a huge transfer, assembly and reorganization is beyond imagination.

Even if the alliance and other organizations have already discussed a framework in advance, when they really do it, they are still entangled with endless problems. Without the pressure of the giants who burned the Legion to burn the army, the giants of the major organizations would almost abandon their former suspicions and forcibly promote cooperation. Such a transfer and reorganization would be almost impossible.

However, under the orders of the interim command group headed by the Super God Alliance, the battle destined to be loaded into the epic gradually played the final prelude.

When countless super-masters gathered, the Burning Burnt Legion was not idle.

A large number of monsters that burned and burned legionaries appeared along the sea ice that stretched for dozens of kilometers along with the space passages. In the past, there may be only one space channel for a random invasion. Even if it is the largest invasion, only three space channel openings will be opened at the same time. However, this time, with the endless energy support of the Well of Eternity, the Burning Legion was opening the first One space passage, after sending hundreds of mages, quickly opened up eight more space passages.

Since space passages are rare at sea, the nearest American counterparts have responded slowly. When they sent their vanguard to prepare for the sniper attack, the Burning Legion was already operating at the Nineth Transport Array at full power!

This transmission efficiency makes the number of monsters burning the Legion Burning Legion continue to increase by an exaggerated number.

Moreover, the masters who did not wait for the real world rushed to the battlefield first, and Kilgadan, another super elite who had burned the Legion, appeared again. This time, he came to the real world from the space channel early, apparently to personally preside over the invasion of the real world and to be responsible for guarding and welcoming the final advent of Sargeras!

This guy's appearance so quickly is obviously beyond the expectations of the experts present.

However, the real-world masters are not stupid, and they quickly understand why Kil'jaeden came: without solving this guy first, it would not be possible to destroy the Summoning Ceremony of the Bermuda Vortex Center, and it was impossible to stop Sargeras himself Advent.

After seeing Kil'jaeden's awesomeness before, European colleagues have some vague feelings about this guy. But facing it again this time, it is the supernatural force of the entire real world to respond together. The number of masters in the twilight stage and the eternal night stage exceeds four hundred, and they are enough to solve Kil'jaeden easily.

Just their biggest problem is time!

确定 After determining that Bermuda's waters are the place where Sargeras finally landed, the major organizations in the real world quickly launched the previous emergency plan, and immediately began assembly. But no one knows how long it will take Sargeras to fully arrive. Although it will take some time to look at it now, the nine continually transporting arrays of the Burnable Burnt Legion have become the biggest obstacle to their attack.

Whether or not to kill Kil'jaeden and blast the "well of eternity" before Sargeras completes his advent becomes the key to determining the real world and their fate.

联盟 The interim command headed by the alliance also knows this, ranging from nearly 50,000 dusk masters to complete the reorganization and fully participate in the battle, more than two hundred twilight masters and the league's own major teams have already attacked. Under the transport of warships in the real world, these masters arrived at the sea ice that was about to spread out for hundreds of kilometers.

Next, it's the job of SuperGod users!

定 Zhao Dingguo, as one of the executive directors of the alliance, has also taken off with his team of more than 30 dusk masters and four teammates of the Lan Ling Wizard team. Among them, Lao Li they need not say, other powerful masters like Lao Hu, Zhao Meng, Long Xiaotian all followed suit. None of the other new Twilight masters in the team participated in this extraordinary battle.

It is up to today to see if the invasion of the Burning Legion can be ended.

Encouraged by the great slogan of defending the real world and human beings, the first batch of nearly 10,000 masters, one by one, seemed to beat the chicken blood, stepping on the sea ice of hòuhòu at full speed towards the nine large teleportation arrays that burned the Legion. Zhao Dingguo in the crowd was relatively calm. Compared with the blood around him who was focused on saving the world, although he was also concerned about the next war, he also had a lot of thoughts on this rare spectacle in the real world.

数百 Hundreds of kilometers of sea ice!

When the puppet was put into normal use, it was only in the polar regions that it was hoped to see it. It is almost impossible to put it in the waters of the south of Florida in the United States. What's more, the hòu degree and hardness of this sea ice are far beyond ordinary ice cubes. Only by absorbing the energy of the "well of eternity" and letting the gods SS like Sargeras come down in person, will such a scene appear!

Moreover, since the calling ceremony of the central part of the vortex has begun, at the edge of the sea ice, you can see the silver pillars across the sky. As they rushed into the range of ten kilometers, the magnificent beam of light and power was even more shocking. Just a glance can make people easily think of how powerful Sargeras will be after advent.

Even if it is the highest ever night master of human beings, it is far from matching it!

This recognition strengthened Zhao Dingguo's idea that he must prevent Sargeras from coming in person. However, before he led the team, he continued to move forward, and the massive monsters sent by the Burning Legion had swarmed out and began to intercept these masters who were at least the dusk stage.

Almost instantly, nearly 10,000 dusk-level super **** users, plus more than two hundred twilight powerhouses, have already started a full-scale war with these advanced monsters.

As the ultimate battle for deliberate invasion, the scale of this offensive of the Burning Legion was unprecedented. Among the monsters responsible for interception, almost no low-level monsters can be seen. The first to rush up is the top monster day punishment hounds that ordinary dusk masters can't single out. Behind them are wicked ramblers with mana burning skills, as well as Doomguard, Abyss, and Hellfire. In the sky, there are already patches of eye-monitors pouring energy rays.

立体 This kind of three-dimensional brutal attack instantly hit dozens of rushing masters who were too far ahead, and two others were immediately killed.

However, compared to the total of 50,000 masters, this figure is only nine cattle and one hair!

The other masters did not have any hesitation. Various auras and BUFF skills were added, and then they began to kill. Zhao Dingguo also drove the blue dragon Scasa to the sky after a set of hurricanes, vortexes, meteorites and shock waves were output. Attack the eyesight side by side with those masters who have battle mounts.

If you do not solve these aerial turrets first, the losses of Super God users will increase exponentially.

As he had dealt with such monsters before, Zhao Dingguo knew their weaknesses. For long-range combat, they have a range of E energy rays, which is definitely a headache. But once close, monsters with few skills and average mobility are very good at killing.

Under the cover of several other masters, Zhao Dingguo relied on the flying speed of the Blue Dragon 720 to intersperse in his eyes, and soon waited for more than ten eyes.

The number of empty mounts that burned the Legion was not large. They were attacked in turn by hundreds of masters with combat mounts, and remote support from mages from the ground. In less than five minutes, this batch of eyesight was caught by them. Siege. After clearing the air threat, Zhao Dingguo wanted to try to see if he could fly directly to the center of the vortex, and then landed through the outer defense line. However, after seeing Kil'jaeden, who was sitting in the town in the middle, he finally gave up the idea.

Without Kil'jaeden, and combining the strengths of hundreds of top masters, you might consider trying to fly over to forcefully destroy the Well of Eternity. However, with his presence, Zhao Dingguo would not dare to pretend.

After flying back at full speed, Zhao Dingguo played a dive, playing a wide range of ice freezing skills against monsters on the ground, then a mule turned over and jumped to the ground, returned to his team's master queue, and began to continue to output.

Because there are many masters who have secret shoes around, as well as the glorious aura of the ice girl, Li Feng's, and the aura of vitality, the magic is not to be worried. Zhao Dingguo decisively opened the second-order field in this melee situation. UU Reading Book www. uukanshu. With the addition of three hundred points of main attributes, com directly spread the radius of his second-order field by forty meters. Powerful ice thorns, lightning strikes, and fire burning damage instantly affected nearly a hundred monsters in this semicircle range!

Think about it, when two seconds elapse, nearly a hundred monsters will be hit by ice spikes at the same time. Every three seconds, lightning strikes will also fall on the head at the same time. Nearly a hundred azure blue thunder and lightning fell together, how shocking the scene?

Even if it is the twilight stage Zeus's big move, the most powerful Zhao Dingguo has ever seen is only the bombardment of more than 20 enemies at the same time!

If it is normal, this situation is absolutely impossible. However, with the power of the field, Zhao Dingguo successfully became the most terrifying person in the audience. With the combination of electric field shock and moonlight combined damage, Zhao Dingguo ’s gorgeous and explosive output, combined with refreshing a set, one person is enough to justify the outbreak of 20 nearby masters at dusk!

In such a large-scale chaos, the power of the field is so horrible!

Of course, if you dare to drive in such a field, you must be prepared to be swarmed by countless monsters. The ordinary elemental mage, even if he opened it to do this, would definitely not stop the constant attack of the nearly a hundred monsters. However, because Zhao Dingguo has the strongest output in the field, it is also the strongest meat shield.

多少 How many monsters there are, even if they are free! (To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 偶 氏 尊 尊] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. ) Bring @ 轩 潇 弄影

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