MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 723 Pitfall plan

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PS: It's a bit unexpected today. Chapter 3 seems to be out of code. Sorry, owe a chapter, I will make up tomorrow.

Kilgatan, Archimonde!

Zhao Dingguo heard the names of these two super elites from his mentor and the night of the major league gods. From the strength of the former Voidwalker Elder and the Dread Demon King, we can see that the two elites above them must be stronger. But how strong can it be?

No one knows before you actually get in touch!

"Kilgardan and Archimonde are very strong, already the pinnacle of the highest realm, only worse than the gods." Ice Frog seemed to guess what he was thinking, saying: "If you take the supremacy of your world For the masters of the realm, at least three to four people must work together to deal with their old fear dreadlords. If they compete with Kil'jaeden or Archimonde, then they need at least a dozen talents! "

Do more than a dozen masters of the Eternal Night Realm be able to deal with such an elite monster?

Zhao Dingguo suddenly had a headache.

According to the current domestic situation, the masters who can enter the realm of eternal night are basically in the major leagues. However, if you put them all together, you may not have ten. Taking a step back, waiting for more twilight to break through to the highest realm and making up a dozen or so Yong Ye will not work. OSS like Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, which one must not bring countless army plus some young night brothers?

Once one of the two elites comes on stage, and bring along a few Dreadlords, Voidwalker, Eredar Abyss Priest, etc., it will definitely exceed the upper limit that can be dealt with by the Night Master. and. No one knows when and where they will appear. If it comes to the country, the masters of the Yeongye Masters will not all come together. That must be worse!

"You don't have to worry too much."

Ice Frog smiled and took out a small miniature magic array model. The magic array looks very delicate. Although Zhao Dingguo did not understand the theory at all, after seeing more magic arrays, it can be seen that it has extraordinary eyesight.

"What is this?" He asked curiously.

The Ice Frog choked in his hand, and threw it to him: "Archmond and Kil'jaeden are already close to the gods and cannot come easily. They have to wait for the weakening of the space barriers of this world and yours. To the extreme, it is possible to appear. Before moving the teleportation array. It also meant to make the space more fragile and speed up the process. According to my estimation, it is about three months from the minimum they can come. Time is not easy to change , But the place can be controlled by you! "


Zhao Dingguo looked at the magic array in his hand and asked, "Rely on this?"

Ice Frog nodded and said, "This miniature magic array model is about space deception. Once you are ready. You have gathered enough strong people, then you can put it in a specific place. Once the Magic Array is running, it will temporarily disturb the surrounding space, making it easier for Archimonde and Kil'jaeden to come. Then, when they find out that they are really preparing to forcibly enter the plane, the Magic Array will It will suddenly stop running in the process. Not only can their energy be wasted, but the backlash of space power will seriously weaken his strength! "

Dare to love!

Zhao Dingguo immediately understood the usefulness and value of this thing. Dare to be a poisonous bait to trick the enemy into actively entering the pocket array. Once fooled, the enemy will not only be surrounded by supernatural users with local strength advantages. It also suffers from poisonous bait.

Slow down ...

Holding this thing, Zhao Dingguo suddenly thought of an excellent pitman plan.

He caught the flash of aura in his head. Quickly perfect the plan: Since this magic array can trick the enemy into fooling, and it's all placed there, shouldn't it be placed secretly next to the Ethereal or Bingyan organization?

Once the army of the Burning Legion invades, the recent super-god organization will definitely suffer.

As long as the major leagues are prepared in advance and take over as soon as they suffer, they can achieve the effect of killing two birds with one stone. Not only can it destroy the left and right arms of the Burning Legion, it can also suppress two disobedient organizations incidentally, and let the deterrence and power of the major leagues reach the hearts of the people.

Moreover, Xu Zhiguo retaliated against him only once, and is now proud of himself. Zhao Dingguo has always wanted to give him another record, this time it is an excellent opportunity to publish personal revenge ... The only problem is that ordinary humans in nearby cities cannot be affected, and it is best to grasp a degree. It is necessary to let the two organizations suffer, but not to lose their power too much. After all, Bingyan and Ethereal are now members of the Major League.

Internal struggles, of course, can destroy them, but they are actually weakening their strength.

How can we master ordinary humans without alarming the virtual masters?

Zhao Dingguo groaned a little and soon got an idea. However, this matter has to be discussed with the Illuminati and the major league giants. He alone feels good, it's useless.

But anyway, with this miniature magic array model, with the strength of the major leagues, it is very easy to copy it according to the gourd painting scoop.

"Finally remind you that Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are extraordinary in strength and without complete preparation, it is better not to actively introduce them. Sargeras is also the power of the gods and has destroyed many planes. Fortunately, He wants to come, the magic is extremely huge, and he must have a constant source of energy like the Well of Eternity. As long as you can prevent the establishment of that 'gate', Sargeras can never come down. .Even if the projection is forced to come, the strength will be greatly weakened, and it will become easier to deal with some! "

Zhao Dingguo froze, realizing that he heard the key things, so he asked, "Where is that door?"

Ice Frog apparently knew it and said confidently, "The eternal well of this world is monitored by me, Sargeras cannot come. If you are in that world, I don't know. But you can rest assured that one can let the gods pass The 'gate' at the time of its establishment was so powerful that you could quickly discover its existence. "

"That's good."

Zhao Dingguo nodded, suddenly curious: "So, who is better than Sargeras compared to yours?"

Ice Frog touched his chin and said, "I wasn't as good as he was before he devoured the original crystal nucleus. But now ... you guess?"


Well, Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt that the ice frog was freeing up the super-god platform. I am afraid that it is not that Sargeras could not be beaten, but more to save trouble. After all, there are countless monsters who burn the Legion, and they don't know how long it will take to line up with magic, but it will be different if they come with dozens of millions of helpers. But having said that, it seems that it is very troublesome to create a super **** platform.

"So, bye ~"

Then, Ice Frog waved at him. An overwhelming divine power immediately twisted the space in front of him, and instantly formed a space channel. Zhao Dingguo can even see the other side of the passage from here, which is clearly the Northrend Natural Ferry at the time of departure. He reached over and a strong gravitational pull immediately pulled him towards the other end of the passage.

"Hey, is this over?"

"Yes, how much do you think you have to explain? I'm very busy, please don't disturb an ice frog hibernating at will."

"Isn't it summer?"

"Is it too cold in the Arctic summer?"

Zhao Dingguo wanted to vomit something, but his vision was like a flower. When he returned to God again, he was already on the guard side of the Stanas River.

In just a few seconds, he straddled the entire Scourge, and directly transferred the range of 10,000 miles.

There appeared to be a group of sneak-in Scourge Super God users in the fight with the guard team squatting here. There is an evening-level pedigree master on each side, and the rest are rising sun. Seeing Zhao Dingguo stepping out of the space channel that suddenly appeared, they were taken aback. They all suspected that the person who appeared was the other's reinforcements, and immediately raised their vigilance. However, Zhao Dingguo's appearance and the gorgeous and dazzling cloak of inheritance made both sides dare not act lightly, and the fighting stopped for a while.

"Cut ~"

Although the space channel has been closed, Zhao Dingguo turned back and despised a naughty beast. Then he snorted at the curious and awe-inspiring eyes around him, drawing the blue dragon casasa into the air, looking very expert. As for why not do it, with his current strength, to bully a few rising sun rookies who infiltrated the guard to do the task seems a bit too cheap, let them fight it by themselves.

After all, with a cursory glance at the past, Zhao Dingguo felt that the guards still had the upper hand.

The advanced combat flying mounts with wingspans of more than ten meters, and the strong cold radiating from Scasa ~ ~ all make the surrounding rookies look at each other, all kinds of envy and envy. For them, flying mounts have not been seen before. But this level of high-end goods, there can be much less.

This is a dragon!

Just talking out can be a week of talks!

A gorgeous royal heritage cloak, coupled with the blue dragon dragon knight cool to the dross, Zhao Dingguo only needs to take this trip around the base camp, absolutely can attract countless girls to take the initiative to post. As for taking the initiative? That is even more impossible!

However, it may be too nervous, or it may be that Zhao Dingguo circled a bit in the air and was mistaken for an attack when he adjusted his direction. One of the four-man squad of natural disasters shook his hand and hit him from heaven Angry Master's LV1 Arcane Arrow.


The master of the Oracle lineage with three teammates saw the arcane ammunition slowly flew towards Zhao Dingguo, his face paled. At that moment, he had all the thoughts to kill his teammates.

You want to die, don't drag us down!

Read The Duke's Passion