MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 712 Snowstorm and Great Rift Valley

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After Zhao Dingguo's order, Scasa slaps his wings vigorously. шШщm | No * pop * window * small * speak * net |

At the beginning, Scasa was a bit slow. After pulling away a little from the ground, Scasa began to fly at full strength as if he had a rocket booster. In just two seconds, he quickly increased the speed to 700+. The force of acceleration was so great that he almost didn't press Zhao Dingguo on the dragon's back.

But I have to say that recovering from the pressure of acceleration, the kind of speed feeling like chasing the wind makes it feel a sense of blood boiling.

At this moment, Zhao Dingguo was very proud.

If there is a royal cloak, it should be equipped with a high-level mount such as the blue dragon casa. Compared with the dragon knight's pulling wind, the scout griffon riding before is like the difference between Xiali and Ferrari sports cars. With this Sakasa Blue Dragon mount, Zhao Dingguo no longer has to worry about flying causing other troubles.

So he rode the dragon boldly and flew in the direction that Super User just came over.

The blue dragon with a wingspan of more than twelve meters is still eye-catching. The two entering on the ice field easily noticed Zhao Dingguo in the air. In the eyes of the two high-end super-gods at dusk, half alert and fearful, Zhao Dingguo dived at a low altitude on a dragon, demonstrating a icy freeze and then leaving.

I want you to come here to buy cheap!

Seeing the two embarrassed shouts on the ground, Zhao Dingguo was in a good mood. Under his control, Skassala rose in height and flew northward.

Compared to the fragile reconnaissance gryphon, Skasa is much more adaptable to the extreme Arctic environment. Bi Jing was originally its home here, as long as it wasn't rushing directly into the ice storm, otherwise under all circumstances, the Sasa Blue Dragon could keep flying in the air.

This made Zhao Dingguo even more satisfied with Scarsa.

However, there are too many threats and variables in the Arctic Icefield, and it is not possible for a blue dragon to run unhindered. As Zhao Dingguo continued to fly north, the dark clouds grew thicker. The strong frost magic from the polar region completely disrupted the weather here, blocked the polar daylight, and brewed an unprecedented snowstorm.

The cold wind that was getting faster and faster forced Zhao Dingguo to successively lower the altitude.

"It's not good!"

Zhao Dingguo looked up at the frightened lead gray cloud on his chest, and frowned deeply.

In the real world, he used to go to Gulin's relatives to play with his family. However, when the heavy snow fell in the three eastern provinces at that time, the mighty power compared with the haze in front of them was hardly worth mentioning. The cloud that is getting lower and lower, and the temperature falling sharply, give a feeling of doom that the whole world will become an ice cave.

Without the direction guidance of the polar sun in the sky, Zhao Dingguo had to temporarily slow down his flight speed.

In the vast ice fields, it is very dangerous to fly without reference. Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo was quite clever. With a glance at his eyes, he noticed the big rift at the edge of the line of sight. This ice-covered rift that traverses the Arctic ice sheet stretches for thousands of miles, and roughly rubs over the core of the ice field. Occasionally it will not be too much. Without the guidance of the sun, temporarily flying in the direction of the Great Rift is a good choice.

Once the snowstorm comes, Zhao Dingguo can also consider temporarily falling below the Great Rift to avoid the snowstorm.

This is undoubtedly a clever decision.

After spending a few minutes flying above the Great Rift Valley, Zhao Dingguo raised his speed again and continued his journey. However, the further north, the more messy the magic of the ice element that gathered. After continuing to fly for five minutes, heavy snow finally disturbed the sky. Moreover, with the wind gradually surpassing the eighth level, the snowflakes are also getting larger. In the beginning, it could be described by heavy snowfall. In the end, it was like a group of **** going down.

This is a real snowstorm!

Even though the four element **** surround the surrounding, helping Zhao Dingguo block the cold wind and snowflakes coming from the face, but the element ball can only protect himself, but cannot disperse the snowflakes farther away. This snowstorm severely weakened Zhao Dingguo's vision, but also brought great trouble to the flight of the Blue Dragon Sassa. After only ten minutes, Zhao Dingguo realized that he had to fly into the Great Rift Valley to temporarily avoid the snowstorm.

The power of nature is not so resistant, not to mention that the snowstorm here is obviously supported by the polar magic of ice, which is far more powerful than ordinary blizzards.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo would like to thank his wise decision.

The Great Rift Valley has a depth of at least two hundred meters and a width of seven or eight hundred meters. In some places, the terrain is wide enough and even one or two kilometers wide. Such a super big rift valley, while effectively shielding the snow cover of the ice cap, also makes the ecological environment in the rift valley unique, and it becomes a cricket ground. At the very least, Zhao Dingguo here saw many moss plants that were no longer visible on the glacier.

Of course, more are the unique Warcraft that live here.

I did n’t know how these Warcraft survived in such an environment. However, Zhao Dingguo knew very well that if he wanted to pass through the Great Rift, he had to break through these obstacles of Warcraft. Although in most cases, he can rely on the Blue Dragon Sasa to place the height at about 100 meters, passing in the sky. However, even the blue dragon will encounter some special situations and have to land on the ground, and the maximum flight time of the blue dragon is only six hours!

Compared to investigating griffins, the six-hour flight time is long enough, but it still has a time limit of one day.

Seeing that the sky above the Great Rift was dark, and the snowstorm had not weakened at all, Zhao Dingguo had to find a place to make a forced landing and temporarily put away Scasa. Generally speaking, according to the rule that the response time is the same as the flight time, it takes at least six hours for Zhao Dingguo to wait for the blue dragon with the maximum flight time to recover. If it is interrupted in the middle, it can be temporarily used, but it will make the recovery process much longer.

Right now I can only go forward on foot.

As a result, Zhao Dingguo's northward journey slowed down again.

There are many monsters in the Great Rift. The most common are many bear monster warriors, ice crystal crickets, ice ghosts, and even many Zhao Dingguo who cannot be named. However, these monsters have one unified feature, which is their power. Only two minutes after he walked out, he encountered the Arctic Usa bear warrior, which is often seen by wild monsters in Ta.

However, they are also Usa bear fighters, and they have different strengths.

Compared to the common cottage products that can only hit a thunder, the authentic Arctic Ursa Bear Warrior in the Arctic Great Rift Valley has at least a high level of dusk. In addition to Thunder Strike's general skill, it also has a very high chance of adding bleeding effects in the attack. It should be noted that this bleeding effect is ignorant of magic, and even the damage absorption of the eulogy of the earth is useless. Only the highest priority true damage reduction can have an effect.

Zhao Dingguo made a decision immediately after accidentally taking two hits, and he must not let the bear monster get close.

As a monster accustomed to the Arctic Icefield, other Warcrafts will have a few hands of ice magic. Of course, this Arctic Ursa Bear Warrior cannot fall into prestige. After being repeatedly kite-flyed by Zhao Dingguo with rapid cooling, super sonic and other skills, the goods stomped, and he recruited a skill similar to the giant seal of the frozen seaman. The ice hockey it evacuates can continue to slow down surrounding enemies and increase its own armor.

Zhao Dingguo recruited lava elves and let them attack six or seven times in a row, which broke the ice hockey.

Without the disgusting ice hockey, the Ursa Bear Warrior couldn't help Zhao Dingguo. As long as he is careful not to be slowed by the Thunder's blow, Zhao Dingguo can take it in circles, and then kill. Although its blood volume is a bit thick, it is almost as good as some crispy elite blame, but in the face of Zhao Dingguo with full firepower, it can only be delayed a bit.

The next rush, Zhao Dingguo was not entangled by these monsters.

Although Zhao Dingdong consciously avoided some monsters with a ghost walk, not any monster can be deceived by stealth. For example, the monsters of the ice crystal cricket series have very high magic resistance, and they have anti-hidden ability. Unless you remain deeply invisible throughout, you can't hide them. Incidentally, the alert range of this monster is still very large.

After trying twice and found that it didn't work, Zhao Dingguo could only choose to kill.

Compared to the blue dragon casca that can fly, the ice crystal salamander is more meaty, but the threat is actually smaller. Zhao Dingguo killed without using any props this time. Unfortunately, nothing was lost in the end, but Zhao Dingguo wasted a lot of time.

One delay was not much. When Zhao Dingguo delayed several times in the Great Rift Valley, and the snowstorm on the surface ice sheet did not fade at all, Zhao Dingguo knew that trouble was coming.

In such a blizzard, as long as UU reads, it is hardly a fool to choose to venture forward. It can be expected that most of the super-god users, like him, will choose to enter the Great Rift to temporarily evade, unless they have a tendon or have deviated far away. In this way, there are few forks, and the Great Rift, which almost traverses the Arctic Iceberg, will become a concentration place for Super God users.

Don't forget, it's not just Zhao Dingguo who is advancing on the Arctic Icefield.

As a matter of fact, the sun from the day before the three days of Stupidity stabilized, and the ice fields north of Northrend entered the midsummer period. Because Zhao Dingguo is fast enough, he has gradually caught up with the masters who entered the ice field in the same period.

Originally, those masters were also distributed across the ice sheet, so Zhao Dingguo had not met them before.

But now, the blizzard not only affected Zhao Dingguo, but also forced the masters who entered it to enter the Great Rift. As a result, Chao Dingguo began to appear in the shadow of Chaos users. Behind him, due to the delay in killing monsters, some masters began to catch up.

In and out, it means trouble is not far!

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Read The Duke's Passion