MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 709 It ’s all caused by flying

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Obviously a Tuskal hunter can't stop Zhao Dingguo from moving forward.

But what if this Tuskal hunter is just a member of a Tuskal tribe at the foot of the glacier? When more monsters such as Tuskal Warrior, Tuskal Fighter, Tuskal Healer were encountered one after another, Zhao Dingguo knew that he had stolen a horse honeycomb.

These are obviously a group of monsters, one or two alone, which is not a problem for Zhao Dingguo at all. But when several Tuskal warriors formed a team with the help of Tuskal healers, even Zhao Dingguo could only stay away from it.

His purpose is to go deep into the ice field to find the original crystal nuclei fragments, but not to die with these monsters.

Based on this idea, after killing seven or eight monsters one after another, Zhao Dingguo finally chose to avoid. However, Zhao Dingguo looked down on the monster here. After discovering that their members were killed, under the leadership of Chief Tuskal, these monsters actually chased after Zhao Dingguo's trail. Surprisingly, Zhao Dingguo ran north for a long time with a crazy mask and a push stick, and then he completely shaken off the monsters.

This experience made Zhao Dingguo a lot more careful.

If it weren't for his speed, maybe he would be entangled by those Tuskal monsters.

Zhao Dingguo believes that the super-masters behind him will definitely have some movement speed, and rely on their own forces to run into it. Finally, they will either have an endless battle with these monsters, or they will immediately TP out. But no matter which one is chosen, it doesn't look very good.

Next, after killing several sporadic ice walruses, Zhao Dingguo turned over the first peak of the Snow Mountain, and continued to advance firmly north.

Alas, here he soon had a trouble.

The front of the was supposed to be a flat plateau covered by the ice of hòuhòu, but for some reason, there was a crack that was several kilometers wide and bottomless. It seems that the crack extends far into the distance, and seems to be connected to the great rift valley that runs across the extreme north ice sheet.

If you want to move on, you have to cross this heaven.

For a master without a flying mount, the safest way is undoubtedly a detour. Although no one knows how much more to run, it is more reliable than jumping straight. However, if you have flying mounts, it will be much easier. You can recruit the mounts to fly directly into the sky.

Since it has been used before, the maximum flight time of the mount has not been fully recovered. But if it is only used to fly this distance, it is enough. Zhao Dingguo patted the griffin with a sense of superiority, and the maggot flew up against the blizzard of the six or seven class. However, what he didn't expect was that his flight caused annoyance!

The polar Arctic Icefield is not just the hometown of the icy wild beasts.

As the coldest place on the whole plane, this is also the favorite place of the Frost Dragons and those who have the talent of ice elements. They are themselves the most powerful top-level elite monsters. In this extremely cold environment, they can play 120 combat power. Therefore, the entire ice field in the Arctic is under their control.

I can imagine that a griffin that emerged suddenly would be immediately regarded as an intruder and encountered a counterattack from the dragons!

Zhao Dingguo is grateful that he did not attract the real Frost Dragon, but only a Sacasa blue dragon. This rare World of Warcraft is undoubtedly inferior to the strongest Frost Dragon. But even so, when Zhao Dingguo flew two kilometers from the griffin, he felt frightened when he felt the powerful breath approaching at a high speed behind him and looked back.

That is a scary flying dragon with a wingspan of nearly twenty meters, covered with ice crystals.

Under the extreme daylight, the sacsar blue dragon's surface reflected the faint blue light. A thick ice element surrounds it, exuding a deadly cold. At this moment, it is approaching at a super high speed, which is at least half faster than Zhao Dingguo, and Tiger Eyed is ready to breathe cold.


Zhao Dingguo immediately became wet.

He is just riding a griffin trying to fly through this big crack. How did he provoke such a cruel monster?

As we all know, the most difficult monster to deal with is never the ground, but the overlord of the air. Because people can fly and have super high mobility. Defeated them, they fluttered their wings, lifted their heights and flew away. Not to mention it, let alone escape if you want to escape!

So, in general, the elite monsters in the air are half-level higher than the normal elite monsters by default.

赵 In Zhao Dingguo's view, the strength of this Sakasa Blue Dragon definitely has a twilight initial template. If you add half the order according to the accepted rules, you can say that it is the top twilight elite monster!

It is definitely not a good thing to be entangled by such a terrible monster.

However, the speed of Sacasa Blue Dragon was too fast. The maximum speed of reconnaissance griffins is only 480 points, and even after 10 seconds of acceleration, it will not exceed the maximum speed. However, the flight speed of the Scazar Blue Dragon cannot be measured by the maximum moving speed on land. It gives Zhao Dingguo the feeling that it is like a full-scale shadow sprint of a white bull with a speed of more than 700 points!

"How to do?"

定 Zhao Dingguo was a little anxious. His reconnaissance griffon is not a combat mount and has no combat skills. Once caught up, the result can only be tragedy. Now, escape is definitely impossible to escape. Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment and controlled the reconnaissance griffon to dive quickly, preparing to make a forced landing on the ice field opposite the crack, and then went into deep stealth to eliminate hatred.

He didn't want to fight with such an air overlord, and he won't get any benefit from winning.

Maybe Zhao Dingguo had good luck, or it might be that the Sacsar Blue Dragon chased a little late. When it caught up with Zhao Dingguo at a high speed, the scout griffin also happened to take a leap in this period of time. Seeing that the large breath of the Sakasa Blue Dragon had spewed out, Zhao Dingguo quickly cancelled the call to detect the griffins and jumped down in the air dozens of meters above the ground. The snow of hòuhòu provided a good buffer, let him roll forward, and then immediately launched a ghost walk.

The ghost walk itself is to control the elements of ice and thunder, and to block the escape of breath with cold. On this ice field, the effect of ghost walking is unexpectedly good.

The first three-second deep invisibility was successfully deceived by Scazar Blue Dragon.

It seemed surprised at the disappearance of the enemy. After a few breaths, Scazar Blue Dragon circled above Zhao Dingguo's disappearance, and did not mean to leave immediately. However, after three seconds of invisibility disappeared, Scazar Blue Dragon suddenly changed.

The template of the Twilight Level allows it to vaguely sense his general orientation although it failed to directly detect Zhao Dingguo's invisibility.

Suddenly, the Sakasa blue dragon began to make a U-turn and swooped towards Zhao Dingguo, and then a large mouthful of ice spit out. This range of splash damage and deceleration immediately made Zhao Dingguo suffer. The twilight-level elite monster's attack is not so well tolerated. Although Zhao Dingguo's armor is very good after getting the veil of conflict, but after suffering a bit, his health still dropped nearly 300 points!

This is a general attack!

As he stepped into the dusk, Zhao Dingguo has rarely suffered such a high single injury. Without crit, it can cause nearly three hundred points of actual damage, which means that this Sakasa blue dragon has an attack power of at least six hundred to seven hundred. Considering its range splash and deceleration of at least 20 or more, this ice breath equivalent to a basic attack is simply scary!

After taking a second shot, Zhao Dingguo realized that unless he immediately TPed and gave up this opportunity, he could only bet on a fight with this guy.

Then fight!

Zhao Dingguo was decisive enough to cancel the stealth immediately after making a decision and was ready to start a counterattack. Procrastination has never been his style!

I still started with Lava Elves, but because of the failure to trigger the enhancement of inheritance, only two ordinary Lava Elves appeared. Zhao Dingguo wasn't disappointed, after all, there was an effect of armour breaking.

Out of jealousy of the Sacsar Blue Dragon, Zhao Dingguo immediately controlled the lava elves to stand apart and let them throw at the Blue Dragon. Unfortunately, one of the throws was immune to the Blue Dragon, and the other, although successfully stunned, had a duration of at most half, and had 100 base damage. Zhao Dingguo knew in his heart that this guy must also have the common skills of top elite monsters-resistant skin!

At the critical moment, it is really that the rapid cooling with authoritative judgment is reliable.

定 Zhao Dingguo cut out this skill decisively, and blasted against Scazar Blue Dragon. In the blue dragon's convulsions, Zhao Dingguo waited for three seconds, and quickly cut out the agility.

Lightning element of LV5, and fire element of LV4 ~ ~ Let swift and swift can increase Zhao Dingguo's attack speed by 70 and attack power up to 60 points. At the same time, the element logo of the thunder element is lit, which also means that the element of Zhao Dingguo is fully activated, and enters a state where all four lights are on!

As his intellectual main attribute climbed to 230, Zhao Dingguo's attack power jumped to nearly 400. Attack speed is also improved by agility and swiftness, an additional 70, which is almost the same as opening the mask of madness. This output has made Scazar Blue Dragon unable to ignore it.


After recovering from the convulsions, the Blue Dragon was greatly annoyed. It lowered the height of the circle again, then inhaled fiercely, and for a second, vigorously sprayed a strong cold towards Zhao Dingguo.

Cold ice freezes!

This is one of the large range E skills of the Sakasa Blue Dragon. After launching, all enemies in the cone in front will be frozen into ice cubes for three seconds and will take 500 points / second of high damage.

看到 When seeing the blue dragon charge of Scasa, Zhao Dingguo already guessed that he might have to enlarge his skills. However, due to the specific effects and data of this skill, Zhao Dingguo stepped back cautiously, but did not completely withdraw from the skill range. When the cold air it spit out quickly spread towards this side, it was too late for Zhao Dingguo to retreat.

But it didn't matter, Zhao Dingguo sealed himself with a star restraint in time when the cold spread to him. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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