MTL - Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group-Chapter 349

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For Doraemon, all things are dominated by Nobita, and Nobita also feels this recognition and help from Doraemon.

"Okay, let's stop here today. If you have any questions that you want to ask me or need my help, feel free to mention them. I can come back and find a way for you."

In Doraemon, it seems, Naruto Shizuka and Nobita, they are the same.

He actually brought Naruto into their circle, and he hoped that Naruto, Shizuka and Nobita would be treated equally.

For him, Naruto is always willing to help Naruto if the other party encounters any kind of problem, and now he does have some troubles.

He hopes that his ability will become stronger, but he also understands this matter. He must go through Doraemon's guidance before he can change.

There is also a problem with Shizuka next to him. The two of them rushed to ask Doraemon Nobita for advice. Seeing this situation, he felt some warmth in his heart.

Their relationship made him feel that there was indeed a certain friendship between them.

"How is it? Naruto and Shizuka asked both of them today. What do they want to do when you asked? I was happy at the time, and I didn't seem to listen carefully."

On the way back with Doraemon, Nobita asked Doraemon what he heard on the way.

Because when Naruto and Shizuka asked Doraemon questions, Nobita was listening all the time, and he didn't know what he should ask.

But for him, he and Doraemon are together every day, if there is any problem, he can ask Doraemon more.

Doraemon knew that Nobita didn't take these things to heart, and it turned out to be the case, then he could also discuss with Nobita.

"Naruto wanted to make a breakthrough in the process of cultivation, but he didn't. He is now practicing swordsmanship."

Doraemon, thinking about Naruto's current ability, he has a very proud feeling, Naruto's ability is getting stronger and stronger now.

For Doraemon, he felt that they should be very happy to have such capable people as Naruto in this small place.

Because Naruto can indeed protect them, and at the same time, he is also more interested in the swordsmanship that Naruto is currently practicing.

Naruto is now practicing the sword technique for him, he wants to see what is going on.

"Ah, is he practicing swordsmanship recently? If that's the case, I can also ask him for advice. He wanted to train with me, but I didn't agree at the time."

When Doraemon mentioned that Naruto was practicing swordsmanship, Nobita's eyes were shining, he didn't know what to say, he didn't expect it to be like this.

Chapter 1007 Nobita has grown up, and the robot cat is honored

"Yes, he is practicing the sword technique recently. Don't look at him as if he is playing every day, but he didn't delay anything. Don't you know who he is?"

When Doraemon heard what Nobita said, he knew that Nobita didn't really understand Naruto seriously.

If that's the case, then he doesn't mind having a good talk with Nobita.

Naruto is very good for them because of Naruto's powerful ability.

But none of them would care about these abilities. Now if they say that someone wants to practice Nobita with Naruto, it is the most appropriate.

In Doraemon's view, he felt that Nobita was practicing with Naruto, which would be beneficial to them.

Because Naruto's ability is very powerful, if Nobita also has these abilities, it will be good for the family or Nobita himself.

"There is no harm in being powerful. If you are willing to cultivate with him, then we can also let him take you with him. He does have this heart, doesn't he?"? "

For Doraemon, he hoped that Nobita's ability could also become stronger. Doraemon's statement made Nobita moved.

Because he didn't take Naruto's previous invitation to heart, and now he was very excited when he heard that Naruto was practicing swordsmanship.

If it is said that Naruto's swordsmanship can help him, then for him, he really wants to practice with the other party.

For him, he now understands these things. If he is also involved, maybe it will bring him any benefits.

Nobita was really excited when he heard this. During the excitement, he didn't pay attention to his feet and almost tripped himself.

Looking at the stone Nobita on the side of the road once, he hesitated for a moment, and then quickly moved the stone to the side of the road.

Because for him, he knows that there are many old people here. If they are touched by the old people on the opposite side, maybe it will bring them some kind of trouble.

Nobita's move, Nobita himself did not care, but Doraemon looked very warm in his heart.

"It is indeed a lot of progress. Shizuka and the others didn't pay attention when they said it, but now it seems that Nobita is stronger than before."

Doraemon is a Nobita with some excitement, if it is said that it has always been like this when doing these things.

For him, he thinks it will bring them more benefits, but he also understands that Nobita is really making progress now, and he is indeed working harder, which he must affirm.

"¨ˇ Nobita, your move is a kind move. If you were kicked to the stone by those old people, it might cause them any harm."

Doraemon walked forward while talking. Nobita followed behind Doraemon. He looked at Doraemon and proudly raised his chest. He knew (did Zhao) what he had brought. these glory.

Doraemon can also feel it. If this is the case, then he also understands what Shizuka and Naruto are talking about.

When it comes to Shizuka, Nobita has not asked what kind of idea Doraemon Shizuka has come up with.

Because Shizuka doesn't often ask Doraemon to help him with anything, the reason why Shizuka can ask these questions today is because of Doraemon's encouragement.

Chapter 1008 Nobita thinks Doraemon can help Shizuka and Naruto solve problems

"What kind of request did Shizuka make? How do you plan to solve Naruto's swordsmanship?"

Nobita and Doraemon didn't walk very fast, they both walked slowly towards the house.

This Doraemon is to give Nobita the opportunity to ask Nobita these questions, and at the same time he also wants to win Nobita's opinion.

How he can help these two people is the most important.

Naruto encountered a bottleneck in his swordsmanship practice, and Doraemon didn't know if he could be of any help, but he had a treasure bag.

247 If it is said that there is some martial arts in the treasure bag, he can give it to Naruto, but he is not sure whether he can find the martial arts mind. As for the issue of Shizuka, he also I want to talk to Nobita.

"Shizuka wants me to help him and make his singing more beautiful."

Doraemon did not hide the request of Shizuka and Naruto. Nobita knew after listening to this that some of Doraemon could do it.

But some of them may be in danger for Doraemon, just like Naruto's martial arts, this Doraemon may just be reluctant

But Shizuka's singing changed this matter, and Big Bear felt that Doraemon could help.

"This is a very simple thing for you. With so many things in your hand, you can change his singing, right?"

When he arrived at his house, Nobita said anything without any scruples. He felt that the ability of this Doraemon was much stronger than he imagined.

At that time, when they separated from Shizuka and Naruto, they were both quite satisfied.

This shows that Doraemon has agreed, and Nobita is very clear about helping them.

If Doraemon didn't agree to help them, they couldn't have left this place so quickly, so when he (cgai) left the space, they had already discussed it.

Doraemon has already agreed, they will help them, but for Nobita, Nobita knows that Doraemon has some questions and wants to ask himself.

Since he has a question he wants to ask himself, he should also understand how he should do this for him, so that everyone can rest assured.

"I also know that I have a lot of things in my hands, so I promised them, but after I promised, I don't know if this is right or wrong, so I'll ask you."

The reason why Doraemon said this is because he knew that for this Nobita, he must have some understanding.

Since Nobita has some understanding, what they should know, what should they do now for them.

What Dora Ameng also knew in his heart, for them, it is not so difficult for them to solve these problems now.

"There's no right or wrong, even if they try and don't succeed, it doesn't matter."

For them, success and failure should be clear in their hearts, and it is not so difficult for them.

All things are clear to them now, for them what they should do now and what they can do, this is something that everyone knows very well in their hearts.

Chapter 1009 Nobita proposes to go back to ancient times to find martial arts

"You're right, whether they succeed or not, as long as they try it, they may feel more comfortable."

Doraemon also understood in his heart that this matter was indeed true for them, and they walked into the house when they said this.

The mother has already prepared dinner at home, and these two children are always out every day. For the mother, the mother can also feel this, and for them, how they want to do it.

"Just feel comfortable, they may not want to succeed. For example, Naruto may need your help to break through and succeed. I am also aware of this, but you can look for those secrets in your hands. If If it is not, we can also go to ancient times to find it~”

Nobita's solution, if it is something they want to solve, then they can think about what to do - that's fine.

For this Nobita, Nobita also understands that this matter is a necessary reminder for him, how can Doraemon and the others solve this problem.

After listening to Doraemon, I also understand that Nobita is really saying this. If they want to find some secrets for Naruto, it may be more convenient to go back to ancient times. As for Shizuka's singing Doraemon, I also have it in my heart. some ideas.

"Going back to ancient times, you can find a lot of dense things. If that's the case, then we can make this preparation. As for how to prepare, we can just think about it. As for the last thing, we have to follow up. Naruto discussed and discussed."

Naruto wants to improve his ability, and Doraemon also understands that improving this ability is also a must for them to take care of each other.

Since it is not so difficult for them to help the sales improve their abilities, they now understand that it is not as simple as they thought, nor as difficult as they thought.

There is no need for them to waste anything for this matter. Doraemon, Nobita and Naruto, they were discussing everything before they figured it out. For them, what they want to solve now is very easy. of.

"Yeah, it's not difficult, you can first look for it in your treasure bag. If there is a suitable one, that's fine. If there is no suitable one, we will consider it."

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

Nobita knew that Doraemon asked him to respect him, but he also knew that Doraemon had a certain plan in mind.

How they want to solve this kind of thing is not 10 points of difficulty. For him, they want to solve these things now, and it will not make them very embarrassed.


But for them, they want to solve this thing now, then they have to figure out what is the most convenient for them to do.

"Okay, we just think about it, and things are not too difficult for us."

Doraemon also understands that what Nobita said is normal. Going back to ancient times, you can find a lot of cheats. This method can also be considered and solved slowly for them.

As for how to solve this matter, they all have some plans in mind.

"Yeah, it's really not difficult." Eight.

Chapter 1010 Mother's Dinner Attracts Nobita and Doraemon

Nobita discussed with Doraemon and walked into their home, and the mother is now preparing dinner in the kitchen.

They sat in the living room smelling the smell of supper, and the mother did not know that the two children had returned.

So he was very busy in the kitchen, and he didn't stop the child from running wild outside every day.

Because Nobita has done everything he should do, his mother "two four seven" did not stop Nobita.

This is also clear to the mother in the mother's heart. For them, there is no need for them to think about what to do now.

"Mother has already started preparing dinner. Let me say again that I have a plan for Shizuka. I may have something that can help him."

What Doraemon said, he can answer the questions he has about Nobita now.

Because Nobita knows that Doraemon has a lot of good things in his hands, and he is very clear about this.

So he didn't plan to hide from Nobita that he had something in his hand that could help Shizuka solve the problem, so he would try his best to help Shizuka solve the problem.

But this thing is only temporary to help Shizuka solve the problem.

Because he knows that this kind of thing is not something that is often done, and it is only maintained for a period of time.

If it is said that after this thing loses its effect, Shizuka may return to normal, and Nobita does not ask what this Doraemon is.

Although he is also very gossipy, what he is more gossip about now is what dinner his mother prepared, which is the most important thing to him.

"Mother has prepared so many dinners. I want to go and see what it is. I want to go in and eat some."

Although he lay in the space for an afternoon, Nobita still felt rather tired.

If he felt tired, he still wanted to ask his mother what he should do.

But he also knew that the dinner prepared by his mother was a powerful temptation for him.

At the same time, he also wants to eat more, because when he is hungry, he thinks everything is very sweet.

"Go and eat, so many things are not very difficult for me, I will try my best to do what I can do, so you don't have to worry about Shizuka, the two of us will help my mother. ........"

Read The Duke's Passion