MTL - Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group-Chapter 341

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Basically, all the people have caused trouble to Nobita, and also caused trouble to Doraemon.

After all, Doraemon has a certain power and a certain ability. If these people want to change themselves, they must find Nobita.

Especially for these children, who want to have a world of their own, the "two-one-three" Doraemon is the best choice.

"I'm so embarrassed to trouble you, I don't know what to say to trouble you, so I can't trouble you any more."

"There is no need for us to tangle here. Let's leave quickly. How is Shizuka? Is he okay?"

The reason why Doraemon and Nobita came to this place is to help Shizuka.

It seems that Shizuka has been very abnormal recently. They came to help Shizuka and let Shizuka return to normal as much as possible. This is their choice.

So for Doraemon, he feels that there are actually many places where he can help.

But he also knows that this Shizuka can return to normal. On the one hand, Shizuka's own willpower is strong, and on the other hand, Shizuka does not have much problem.

And Shizuka's own recovery ability is quite powerful, there is still a certain difference between Shizuka and Nobita.

It hopes that Nobita can also become like Shizuka, and like Shizuka, he can take on everything as soon as possible.

"You may not know that this Shizuka has basically returned to normal. After he sleeps and wakes up, all the problems will be solved. You should learn Shizuka's way of solving problems, because Shizuka is stronger than you. many."

When Shizuka encounters problems, most of them solve it by herself, and Doraemon really appreciates Shizuka's attitude to solve problems.

He also knew that this Shizuka was much stronger than he thought. This is what Doraemon told Nobita. The two of them were sitting on Shizuka's roof.

Originally, this Doraemon didn't want to talk about so many issues with this Shizuka, but today he talked about a lot of issues with Shizuka.

He found that Shizuka is much stronger than he thought, and when Shizuka encounters problems, the way of handling things is more courageous than Nobita......

"I know he's better than me seeing you. In the eyes of all of you, do you think that everyone is stronger than me, that I'm the most useless person, but so what? I'm not slowly study?"

Seeing Doraemon sitting next to him, Nobita knew that they couldn't go back now. If Doraemon wants to talk to him, they can talk.

After all, they should have gone through so many things to talk about, especially recently, it was their own fault.

If he is right, this Nobita will not take the initiative to take on everything.

But today, he wanted to figure out what Doraemon wanted to say. Nobita and Doraemon have lived together for 0.8 for so long. In fact, Nobita is also very curious about what Doraemon has to say.

He wanted to know what this Doraemon wanted to do. This was the most important thing. He also knew that there was indeed a certain gap between himself and Shizuka.

When he saw Shizuka's self-improvement, he actually felt that Shizuka was indeed much stronger than he imagined.

Chapter 971 Robot cats are also vulnerable

"What do you mean, I just want to remind you that Shizuka can be so strong, but you can't do it with your vagina. You can be as strong as Shizuka."

"You can also try to solve the problem yourself first, isn't it just that the panda is solving it yourself? And this matter is solved very well, I helped it clean up the later things without any effort."

After listening to Doraemon's statement, Nobita knew that Doraemon wanted him to change, and he was also working hard to change.

All people want 26 to have some changes. It's normal, especially his father and mother are quite satisfied with his recent changes.

He also knows that he has changed a lot recently, but the statement Doraemon made him clearly realize that there is indeed a certain gap between him and Shizuka, and Shizuka is much stronger than him.

"I also feel what you said. Let's go back and talk about something. If Shizuka wakes up and hears that I am inferior to him, how should I face him in front of him?"

After Nobita said this, Doraemon suddenly realized why Nobita urged him not to continue talking just now.

Because Nobita is afraid, this Shizuka knows that Nobita is afraid of the dark. Fear of the dark is something Nobita doesn't want others to know about.

At the same time, in front of Shizuka, this powerful Shizuka still puts a certain amount of pressure on Nobita.

"I'm not sure, then let's go back quickly. There's no need to continue wasting time here. Let's go back and solve this matter slowly. Shizuka is no longer a problem. Close his window and we can leave."

"Besides, he slept so soundly that he won't wake up for a while. When he wakes up, everything will be resolved."

"And Shizuka is very strong. It's not that I'm saying that you feel it too, right?"

The strength of Shizuka is not only felt by Doraemon, but also by Nobita.

He was very surprised that Shizuka was much stronger than he thought as a girl.

When facing all the problems, the strong Shizuka was imagined by all of them to be much stronger.

This strong and powerful feeling made Doraemon realize that he and the two of them had already seen something unexpected.

Shizuka's strong and infectious Nobita is also infected with Doraemon. Doraemon is also vulnerable sometimes. After all, not everything is under his control, is it?

Although he has the company of Daxiong and his family in this world, he still feels lonely, and he is still a little different from Daxiong and the others.

There is still a certain gap between Nobita and him. Sometimes Nobita says he needs him when he encounters something, but most of the time, Nobita is still willing to be with Shizuka and the others.

At the same time, Shizuka and the others worship Nobita even more because of Doraemon now.

This made Doraemon more or less disappointed in his heart, but fortunately he adjusted himself in time.

He is not very clear about Doraemon's psychological ambition, and he can't feel Doraemon's psychological changes, but he also hopes that Doraemon can live a happy life.

Chapter 972 Nobita, who is chasing the robot cat in the dark

Doraemon has no other relatives in this world, and Doraemon treats their family as relatives.

They also hope that Doraemon can accompany them to live happily. At the same time, this Shizuka incident also made Nobita realize that there is still a certain gap between him and this Shizuka.

If he can solve problems like Shizuka, maybe his problems have already been solved. With the help of a powerful Doraemon, he can't solve any problems.

Doraemon's power and seriousness made Shizuka like it very much, so what Doraemon did today actually didn't know that Shizuka was very grateful to him.

Even in her sleep, Shizuka was grateful for what Doraemon had done to him today.

Because Shizuka was the only one who could help him Doraemon was able to help him. The things that Doraemon helped him solve was something that no one else could help, and this Doraemon was irreplaceable.

In his mind at least this is the case, in Shizuka's mind, he feels that Doraemon is no one can replace.

So Shizuka has always been paying more attention to Dora's affairs. When Doraemon is sad, Shizuka actually has some sadness in her heart.

But when Doraemon became happy immediately, Shizuka could also feel it. After all, he was still helped by Doraemon today.

"Nobita, when will we be able to leave here and go home? The cold wind blowing on someone's roof is not very pleasant. If you are willing to enjoy this kind of treatment, then you can enjoy it yourself, I may want to go back Well, this feeling here is very uncomfortable'". "

Nobita felt that it was too uncomfortable to sit upstairs in Shizuka's house, because he didn't dare to make any move, and he was afraid that he would slip down with a slight movement.

If it still falls, then he will be embarrassed, especially outside of Shizuka's house. If it falls, then he may really make Shizuka laugh at him.

So he reminds you of this Doraemon if they can go back.

Doraemon understood what Nobita meant. They really should go back. They have stayed outside this Shizuka and their house for so long. If they don't go home, they may make their family think about it.

If father and mother didn't find them, that's fine. If father and mother found out, they would miss them very much when they were not at home.

"¨ˇWe should go home. We can't stay outside for so long. Don't worry, there is indeed a certain risk outside. As for our aircraft, we can go back with this aircraft."

Doraemon reminded Nobita that they can bring the aircraft back to their home. If they want to go back, the aircraft can help them a lot.

Doraemon and Nobita used the aircraft to return home (very good). Nobita closely followed Doraemon on the way home, because he felt like he was on an island in the dark.

So he was very scared, he followed Doraemon's back and dared not do anything.

When Doraemon and Nobita returned home, their father and mother had already entered into dreamland.

They slept very sweetly this night, especially recently Nobita saved them a lot of worries.

Chapter 973 Nobita wants to go crazy before school starts

If Nobita had kept them from worrying, they wouldn't have been able to sleep so well this night, they would sigh, and Doraemon had heard it many times.

"Have a good rest. We'll go to see Shizuka tomorrow. If there's nothing wrong with Shizuka, then we can rest assured. Besides, you will start school in the past two days."

Speaking of the beginning of school, Nobita is in a very bad mood, because he knows that what Doraemon said is the truth. If the school starts, he will not be so comfortable.

For this Nobita, the start of school is tantamount to putting him in the shackles of 230, and the life of the shackles, what's the point?

But fortunately there is Doraemon. If there is no Doraemon, it is Nobita's life, and it will be a backwater like in the past.

After having Doraemon, Nobita feels that his life has changed a lot, and it is because of the appearance of Doraemon that his life has become much better.

"Yeah, school is about to start, and I'll be crazy for a few days at the end. I'm really grateful to you. If you don't let me finish my homework as soon as possible, I'll have to do my homework every day now."


Nobita returned home, and after the aircraft entered their room quickly, Nobita planned to go to bed directly.

When Doraemon stood beside him with a serious look, let him know that he had to go to the bathroom to wash up.

If he doesn't wash up, the situation in the bathroom is not necessarily something he can handle.

He originally thought that Doraemon would let him go by patting Doraemon's ass, but he didn't expect Doraemon to be so persistent.

For Doraemon's insistence, Nobita also knew that without Doraemon, Nobita would not be as lively as he is now.

But for this Doraemon, since he came to this world to serve Nobita, he must do what he should do.

Nobita reluctantly went to the bathroom to wash and then went back to the bed to lie there. He felt very comfortable. Even in Shizuka's room outside, he didn't feel comfortable in his own room.

"Doraemon, you said how good it would be if I could take my room with me at any time. When I was at Shizuka's house, although I thought that Shizuka's house was very good and smelled very good, I just felt that I didn't have myself. comfortable at home.”

This idea of ​​Nobita gave Doraemon a flash of inspiration. If possible, he would copy an identical home and take it with them at any time.

When they want to rest, they can rest in their own home, although this home is not the same as the real home.

But this one is really more comfortable and more comfortable, not only Nobita has this idea, but even Doraemon has this idea.

This feeling of home made Doraemon understand that it would be better if they could take home with them at any time.

"The home is indeed more comfortable. Without this home, it may not make us much more comfortable, but with this home, we are indeed a lot more comfortable."

Think of a home where you can rest at any time, no matter where it is, how beautiful it will be. A dream not only thinks this way, but also Daxiong. Daxiong has this idea, but he can't do it. from.

Chapter 974 The promise of the robot cat to its mother

Doraemon dares to operate if he has an idea, so Nobita will remind Doraemon no matter what he thinks. After Doraemon listens, he will also do what Nobita thinks.

But most of the time, Doraemon will try his best to think about what he wants. As for Nobita's thoughts, he will also try his best to satisfy each other.

But he will not unconditionally satisfy the other party. Sometimes he will let himself think about whether he can help this Nobita.

"The idea is good, but you have to rest as soon as possible. If you don't rest well, I can't help you."

I can remind Nobita that he took a rest, because it was already very late. If Nobita didn't rest well, Doraemon would have nothing to do.

Because Doraemon understands that Nobita is a little excited now, and because they stayed with Shizuka for a while.

For Nobita, Nobita thinks that there may be more places that Nobita likes more. Playing Doraemon understands that Nobita is happy because Nobita thinks that place is where Shizuka lives for Nobita.

Few other people can go to Shizuka's room, and only Doraemon and Nobita have been there, so Nobita is so excited.

"I'm resting, don't you say it? If we have time, we can go to help Shizuka. Tomorrow we will see if Shizuka has changed. If he changes, it will prove that we have succeeded. We can do it, but it is a concern. There~."

Nobita was a little impatient with Doraemon's urging, but he also understood that Doraemon was for - his own good.

If it wasn't for his own good, Doraemon wouldn't say so much. Doraemon is not surprised that he can become a part of Nobita now.

Because he paid a lot to get Nobita to trust him, but sometimes Nobita's conditions really made him very dissatisfied, and he didn't want Nobita to put forward too many conditions.

After a good night's sleep, Doraemon and Nobita didn't get up until the sun was already high on the second day.

Because they slept later, they got up later, and their mother didn't pursue this matter.

Because my mother knew that Nobita was about to start school, and Nobita after school would not be the same as it is now.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

"You finally got up. I thought you would be a little later. There is food in the kitchen. Be careful when you play outside after eating."

The mother is very tolerant of Doraemon and Nobita now, and he hopes that the two will try to discuss with him when they meet again.


But having Doraemon in the mother will be a lot more at ease, because he knows that Doraemon can help Nobita.

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