MTL - Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group-Chapter 329

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He wanted to appease his mother and make her try not to be angry about this matter. When they sat at the dinner table to eat, the atmosphere of their family gradually eased a lot.

Nobita finally realized that he really did something wrong today. If they really had an accident, then he just couldn't eat these delicious things...

"Fortunately, it was Doraemon. You rescued me. If you came back to me or not, then I might not be able to eat these things at all. I really appreciate you."

Nobita quietly chased Doraemon, saying that so many meals, such delicious meals, if it is said that there is no rescue from Doraemon, then they really can't eat.

This is clear in their hearts, and everything is now resolved because of the problems that have arisen between them.

For them, the atmosphere has become a lot more harmonious now, and Doraemon doesn't care about this.

He knew that this matter was finally resolved. If there were any problems with 0.8, then he was also to blame. After all, he also had a certain relationship with this matter.

"The next time you encounter such a thing, I said you can do whatever you want, otherwise there really is a problem, and sometimes I won't be able to save you in time."

There is really a problem, they can't save themselves.

Chapter 916 Nobita wants to go crazy before school starts

Doraemon and Nobita are completely reconciled this time because of this matter. Many of them seemed to have some estrangement between them because of Shizuka's affairs.

But because of this incident, they seem to have changed back to the way they were. After all, they have always gotten along better.

Because when there was a problem with Shizuka's replica, the two of them really didn't seem to be able to return to the way they were before, especially Nobita, who blamed himself very much.

He felt that although Doraemon made up his own mind about this matter, but for him, everyone just felt that he had some psychological discomfort.

"Jingle Bell."

Nobita and Doraemon have been getting along better these two days, because Nobita is about to start school, and Doraemon also knows that after Nobita starts school, they will not be so dashing.

Doraemon had certain expectations for this matter. After all, if Nobita said that after school started, he wouldn't be able to go out and play by himself, so he wouldn't have to stare at Nobita every day.

While Doraemon was lying there reading the newspaper, the phone rang suddenly, and when he was about to get up to answer the phone, the big bear ran downstairs.

He is more sensitive to the ringtone of this sentence. After all, they are about to start school in the past two days. He has already finished his homework. He intends to go crazy for the last two days, but these people have no one to ask him.

"Nobita? If it's you, then let's go to the square today to play. There are many performances in the square. We can go to see and play there."

It was Shizuka who spoke, and Shizuka has also recovered in the past two days, because his body did not seem to be very comfortable the first two days.

After some recovery, he now feels that he is alive and well and can finally come out to play with everyone. The first thing he can think of is Nobita.

Others he thinks are too much, like fat tigers, I can still be okay when they are together occasionally.

But most of the time, Fat Tiger will bully them. Although he is not bullied a lot, he can also feel that Fat Tiger's domineering.

"Okay, okay, I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't come, I'll find you too."

Someone finally asked him out, so he was very excited. After hearing Shizuka's voice, he immediately agreed.

Shizuka is also very happy, after all, he has been holding back 10 points of discomfort at home for the past two days.

Finally being able to be released, he was the first to think of Nobita. After the two of them made an appointment, they planned to go to the square.

In fact, there are not many people in the square during this time. The reason why the two of them want to go to the square is because they like this square.

"Doraemon is gone, Shizuka invited us to play in the square, we must go crazy before school starts."

Nobita knew that this was his last madness before the start of school. For him, he now felt that for him, he was already ready.

For Doraemon and Nobita, it is common for them to go to the square. Even if there is no one else, the two of them can go for a walk in the square, not to mention that Shizuka invited them today.

Chapter 917 Doraemon's promise to Naruto should be fulfilled

"There must be a lot of people in the square during the time period. I don't know if they will go to the square. If there are many people, then we have no place to play."

Doraemon always felt that the square was too small and there were not many places to play, and all the places were actually occupied by those adults.

Some places are piled up, and some places are actually occupied by those adults.

In fact, some old men and old ladies are also walking around in the square. When these young big men are running in the square, they are afraid that they will encounter those older people.

"There are not many people in the square. Let's go and have a look. There shouldn't be many people at this time. Shizuka invited us, and I agreed to him."

Doraemon's statement made Nobita hesitant, but he turned and said decisively that they must go.

Because Shizuka actually invited them, their speed must be faster. For Doraemon, it is impossible for Doraemon to waste time in this place.

Doraemon even said that, and Nobita could not have other ideas.

Regarding Doraemon's statement that the space in the square is relatively small, he actually admits the consumption, but there is no way. Since they have already made an appointment, he wants to go now.

"There are not many people in the square. If we don't go now, there will be more people in a while. Shizuka is already heading there, and we have to go'". "

Nobita dragged Doraemon to the square and ran Doraemon towards the square. When he followed Nobita to the square, he thought of a question.

He seemed to have promised Naruto to build a space for amusement. If he took this opportunity to call Naruto out, could they build a space that belongs to them in that place?

"Call me Naruto when I passed by Naruto's house. Let's go to Naruto together. At that time, I said that I needed a space for exercise, but I never had the opportunity to do it for you. Now I have to fulfill you."

Nobita is also very happy about Doraemon's statement. There is indeed such a thing. Doraemon once promised that they will definitely help them build a space.

But because of the many problems in the middle, it is impossible for them to do that thing again.

Now for them, they now know this, in fact, for him, what should they do to prepare now.

"¨ˇ If we want to build a space, we still have to make some preparations. You all have requirements, right? I remember that Shizuka needs a place for singing and entertainment. What kind of space do you need, you didn't tell me Said that Naruto is a place that needs a workout."

Doraemon's memory is very clear about their respective requirements now, only Nobita did not ask for a physical body.

It turned out to be like this, so he asked Nobita what he thought. The space they have seen now allows the four of them to play very comfortably in it.

But he feels that this place is not very safe for them now, and he will mention this matter after seeing Shizuka.

"I want a lot of things, I want a place to play, a place to play, eat and sleep.".

Chapter 918 Lonely Naruto Doesn't Play Home Games

Nobita's requirements are actually many, but he also knows that Doraemon can satisfy him not very much.

After he listened to Doraemon's statement now, he just had to let Doraemon know what they could do now.

After listening to Doraemon, he also understood that Nobita actually has no specific requirements. He just wants it everywhere, which is also a test for Doraemon.

"Naruto, we are going to play in the square now, and the space I promised to build for you will also fulfill you this time."


Have a space for their children, where they can play as much as they want without being influenced by anyone.

This is Doraemon's idea. Since he wants to create a space for these people, he must fulfill these people, and he can't leave Naruto.

Naruto has done a lot for them, and now that he thinks of what Naruto has done for himself, it is impossible for him to give up on it.

Naruto was boring in the yard. A man was shooting in their yard. He built a basket for himself.

At the same time, because Doraemon and Nobita didn't come out at this stage, he was very bored at home.

Because his boring time is too long, there is no way, Naruto can only use this part of the time to pass the time.

"We're going to the square. What can the kid go to Shizuka with Shizuka? I don't want to play with him."

As soon as he heard that he was going to play with Shizuka in the square, this Naruto thought of the games that girls play.

For him, there is no one he is good at. He likes basketball, football, and all sports, but he doesn't like playing house.

At such an old age, it is really not good for him to play that house with that big man.

After he said this, Doraemon knew (cgai) that Naruto didn't understand what he said at all.

"It's impossible for anyone to play with you. Even Shizuka doesn't play those games, okay? I want to build a space for you. What kind of space do you want?"

Doraemon's approach made Naruto wake up all of a sudden.

It seems that Doraemon really thought about this matter, and now he thinks Doraemon has forgotten.

After all, this matter has been proposed to him for a long time, but it has not been fulfilled at all.

Doraemon has been busy dealing with various things and has no time to think about other issues, and now he finally has a chance.

So why don't they cherish this opportunity?

Naruto threw the basketball aside and ran out. After all, no one in this family took care of him, and everyone was very busy.

"You said it earlier, I've been waiting for this space for a long time. After you promised, you haven't come out to take care of Nobita Nobita. It's okay these days. I went to see you twice, and you seem to be very busy. ."

After all, Naruto has gone through so many things with Doraemon and Nobita. Previously, Doraemon would always erase their memories.

But later Doraemon also relaxed this matter. In Naruto's mind, only by following Doraemon can he experience a lot of exciting life.

Chapter 919 The same childhood

"Thank you, I also know that you have visited me before, but at that stage I was so busy, I was so busy doing a lot of things that I didn't have time to come out at all. At the beginning, I wrote less homework during the vacation, and then I was worried about the start of school. After that, the teacher punished me, so I wrote more homework, so I didn’t have time.”

Nobita didn't hide Naruto. In this stage of his life, the fact that he does his homework every day is basically a household name here.

Everyone knew that he would do his homework seriously every day, and all the parents admired Nobita's mother at that stage, and they were very proud at that stage.

This put Doraemon and Nobita under pressure, and now they finally have time, they can come out to play~.

But Naruto also knew their school was about to start - the day was not far away.

"I used to be like this when I was young. I didn't write a lot of homework when I was on vacation at first. I had to wait until the start of school, and I was in a hurry when the school started."

Thinking about his life, Naruto thought it was a bit ridiculous.

But now for him, he is now with Doraemon and Nobita, which makes him feel a lot of life that he has not experienced, at least he is very exciting.

So now actually for Naruto, he now knows that he must have a good chat with Doraemon and Nobita about this matter.

Doraemon knew that Nobita was very satisfied with the situation in front of him. After all, all the things that should be done have been done, just waiting for the start of school.

But the madness before the start of school made Doraemon still have some concerns. The reason why he wanted to build a space was so that they would not go out while playing in this space, which would be safer.

"It's nothing, wait until the start of school to give me a rush, I really don't want it, I finally finished everything in the past two days, and I can play with peace of mind. I was like this before, but this It would be much better to have Doraemon's supervision."

Thinking about the previous self, Daxiong couldn't believe what he did, but this time, although he was recognized by everyone, everyone looked at him with admiration.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

But for Nobita, the most important thing for him is to change himself. If he doesn't work hard, his life will not be better.

Doraemon didn't care about the questions raised by Nobita and Naruto. He was thinking about how to help the children in front of him.


Now the space for these children to play is too small. If they are not given some space, they will not know where to play.

"This space is much smaller than we thought. If you don't see it, Shizuka is listless there. Let's go quietly and scare him."

Nobita began to look for Shizuka when he arrived at the square. In the crowd, he finally saw Shizuka sitting on the seesaw alone, with no one on the other end.

Sitting there by himself seemed helpless with 10 points, Nobita, Naruto and Doraemon circled behind Shizuka.

Because they know that Shizuka may be a little lonely now, and Shizuka won't be like this after they come.

Chapter 920 Everyone Needs Space

"Shizuka why are you alone? We're here to accompany you."

Behind Shizuka, Nobita is reluctant to do that, because Shizuka is actually very delicate as a girl.

If they said they scared people, they would cry him, and that would be meaningless.

"Didn't we make an appointment? We came together, I didn't expect you to be so slow!"

She came to the square and walked around "One Eight Three" and didn't see Nobita and the others. Shizuka was actually a little frustrated.

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